Chapter 978
Madam Wang prepared the banquet after receiving Madam Nian's reply.

Presumably it was Mistress Nian who explained the matter clearly.

For so many years, the Nian family has been guarding the mission of suppressing the witch royal family.

Now that Nian Yiyi has been unsealed, Mistress Nian will not obstruct her own choice.

After all, the head of the Tianyin Clan will also be Nian Yiyi, and it's not a bad thing to recover his memory!

The mistress of the Wang family knows her son best.

Looking at it this way, what else is there that I don’t understand!
According to Li Huan's description, the two owe a fire.

When the mistress of the Wang family invited her, she said that she saw Wang Xiaobei as her fiancée, and the whole imperial city was stunned!

Wang Xiaobei actually has a fiancée who is married to his fingertips!
In the past, Wang Xiaobei would not marry unless Bao'er!
The mistress of the Wang family didn't say anything on the face, but she was very unhappy in her heart. Therefore, although Bao'er has always regarded herself as Wang Xiaobei's fiancée, she has never been officially recognized by the mistress of the Wang family!

Such a formal banquet has never been held before!
"It seems that the one who is married with his fingertips is the right one!"

"Before that, I saw the young master of the Wang family, he and Bao'er seemed inseparable?"

"By the way, for such a big matter, where did Bao'er go?"

"Tell me, who is this fiancée?"

"Who else could it be, the little overlord of Uncrowned City! Miss Nian Jia! I heard that it was made with Nian Huaxian back then!"

"It's such a big background, I've never heard of it!"

"The marriage between the Imperial City and Wuchuang City, isn't it to dominate the Wuji Desert?"

"What's with the anticipation?"

When Wang Xiaobei found out, his heart took off inexplicably!

But after Nian Yiyi next door received a letter from her mother, she felt bad!

She even has a baby girl!
Or the sissy who followed her every day when she was a child?

What the hell is going on!

Also, didn't Huan'er say she was going to die?

Is it really good for the Wang family to marry a dying person as a wife?

Numerous thoughts flashed through his mind for a moment.

But on the day of the banquet, Nian Yiyi still dressed up to attend.

Wang Xiaobei's eyes lit up when he saw Nian Yiyi who had been carefully dressed.

The mistress of the Wang family: "Your mother said that she is already on the way. Today is to introduce you to our Wang family. When your mother comes, she will officially announce the engagement."

Nian Yiyi: "No, I... Auntie, I haven't thought about getting married yet."

Before the mistress of the Wang family could speak, Wang Xiaobei suddenly stepped forward: "Yiyi, do you want to have no one to rely on when you are dying of illness? I want to accompany you to finish the rest of the journey."

Nian Yiyi didn't know why, when she saw Wang Xiaobei who was speaking so seriously, she couldn't say anything if she refused!

Also, why is he looking at him so seriously?

The feeling of accelerated heartbeat came again!
So, is my time really running out?

Nian Yiyi looked at the serious and sincere Wang Xiaobei, and suddenly nodded in a strange way.

Wang Xiaobei: "Let's go! Let me introduce you to our family."

Wang Xiaobei held Nian Yiyi's hand, and Nian Yiyi suddenly felt her heart beating so fast!

Plop, plop, it's as if it's about to jump out!
The two were like a newlywed couple toasting, Wang Xiaobei introduced Nian Yiyi to his family members one by one like offering a treasure.

Nian Yiyi nodded one by one, not knowing what to say.

However, this feeling does not seem to be bad.

In the second half of the banquet, Nian Yiyi's face was blushing, and Nian Yiyi went to find Li Huan and asked Li Huan if he had fallen ill again.

Li Huan: "Well! Sister, let Xiaobei take you to rest quickly! Rest well, and you won't have to come back here!"

Wang Xiaobei was called over by Li Huan and left with Nian Yiyi!
Just as Nian Yiyi and Wang Xiaobei left, the banquet hall was shocked by two people who broke in suddenly!
Because this is a family banquet of the Wang family, people outside the Wang family know very little about it.

In addition, the two of them wanted to come back to cleanse themselves, so, as soon as they entered the city, they couldn't wait to arrive at Wang's house!
The mistress of the Wang family was entertaining the guests, but she was stunned by a sudden cry.

Lin Zhuang: "Mother! My son is unfilial! He didn't take good care of Xiao Bei!"

Bao'er stood beside Lin Zhuang, and before Madam Wang could speak, she began to cry!

That expression is so sad that I can't help myself!
The entire banquet hall suddenly became quiet!
Needle drop can be heard!

Madam Wang: "What's going on?"

Lin Zhuang: "Xiao Bei...Xiao Bei died in the lonely city!"

Bo'er: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

As soon as Lin Zhuang's voice fell, the banquet hall that was originally quiet became even quieter!
The sound of vellus hair falling can be heard!
The mistress of the Wang family looked at Lin Zhuang: "Zhuang'er, what did I say when I adopted you!"

Lin Zhuang looked sad, looking at the mistress of the Wang family, with as sincere a look as he wanted.

Lin Zhuang: "Mother said, Xiaobei is my life! Xiaobei is here, I am here, Xiaobei is dead, I am dead!"

Mistress Wang: "You just need to remember!"

Lin Zhuang: "It's my son who deserves to die! My son knows that his crime is unforgivable, but he will come back and tell you the truth at the cost of his life!"

Mistress Wang: "Oh? And the truth?"

Lin Zhuang: "Xiaobei's death was not an accident! Someone framed it on purpose!"

Mistress Wang: "Who?"

Li Huan stood watching from the sidelines, and had to say that the mistress of the Wang family is also capable, such acting skills!

There are not enough Oscar statuettes to be awarded!

The Wang family who came to the banquet have changed from going to the banquet to eating melons in an instant!

And, this melon, it seems, is the weirdest one!
Because Wang Xiaobei just went in!
Drank with them for no more than a quarter of an hour!

As soon as Lin Zhuang came back, he cried and said that Wang Xiaobei died in the deserted city!

The one who drank with them just now was...a ghost?

The people who eat melons collectively slapped one, the coldest shiver in history!
In broad daylight!

Hearing this kind of thing, I was a little flustered, what's going on?

If Wang Xiaobei is not a ghost, then what Lin Zhuang said is...

Your taste, your fine taste!

Thinking hard!
Eat melon crowd:

"I feel that today's melon might be fatal!"

"Me too! Do you want to withdraw?"

"But I really want to see what's going on!"

"Me too! Then... just take another look?"

Lin Zhuang hesitated for a while, and suddenly he seemed to muster up great courage and said, "It's from Wuchuang City!"

Madam Wang asked in surprise, "Why?"

Lin Zhuang: "Wu Mian City was originally an imperial city, and they hated us for stealing their position. It's not been a day or two! So, seeing Xiao Bei go out this time, he had this idea! My son suspects that it is Wu Mian Cheng Nianjia! Because only Nianjia has this strength!"

Mistress Wang: "How do you know that Uncrowned City is the former imperial city?"

The mistress of the Wang family has sharp eyes. Only those who participated in the war will know this kind of secret!

Lin Zhuang was adopted by her!
She never mentioned it to Lin Zhuang!
(End of this chapter)

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