Chapter 980
As everyone knows, the mistress of the Wang family only thinks that she is a little over the top!

If Xiao Bei is really dead!

She was kept in the dark to believe their nonsense, fearing that even Xiaobei's coffin would not be able to cover it!

Where are these two people!
Simply the devil!
The more the mistress of the Wang family thought about it, the more angry she became.

Lin Zhuang: "Mother, please rest assured, I will treat the child in Bao'er's womb as my own in the future! As long as I am here, our Wang family will definitely protect Xiaobei's child!"

Both Lin Zhuang and Bao'er are dreaming sweet dreams, because soon this huge Wang family will be theirs!
But Wang Xiaobei outside the banquet hall couldn't stand it anymore!

Because Nian Yiyi's face changed!
Looking at Wang Xiaobei with a murderous expression!
He just coaxed Yiyi for a long time before he agreed to get engaged to him.

This immediately gave him the whole child out of thin air!

What is this called!

For so many years, he was too kind-hearted and trusted Lin Zhuang and Bao'er too much, that's why he was so easily fooled!

"You fucking shut up! I've never touched Bao'er! Where did the child come from! I've been back for more than half a month, I'm afraid it's hard to say who this child belongs to!"

Wang Xiaobei came out from the side of the banquet hall with a murderous expression on his face!
Bao'er's face turned pale in fright!

Lin Zhuang looked at Lin Xiaobei who was walking towards him in disbelief.

This... this is a man or a ghost!


There is a shadow!
Bao'er: "You!"

Bao'er suddenly rolled her eyes and fainted from fright!

Lin Zhuang reacted quickly, and came forward to test Wang Xiaobei. In the end, Wang Xiaobei retreated directly and refused Lin Zhuang's approach. If you haven't seen the famous scene of Lin Zhuang and Bao'er in the mine, then Wang Xiaobei Bei has nothing but hatred for Lin Zhuang.

But now, Wang Xiaobei only thinks that there are such disgusting people in this world!

It was Lin Zhuang who made the arrangements at the beginning, and Wang Xiaobei knew Bao'er!

But it turned out that it had been planned early in the morning!

If not for this trip to the lonely city, he would be blinded by these two people for the rest of his life.

Lin Zhuang: "Xiaobei, listen to me, I was lost for a while!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Heh! Look at this knife wound? It's extremely accurate, without any hesitation!"

Wang Xiaobei pulled back the collar of his clothes, revealing a terrifying scar.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and Li Huan had no time to worry about whether it would look good or not, so the scars after healed were especially obvious.

Wang Xiaobei: "Lin Zhuang, you tricked me into going to Desolate City, took the opportunity to kill me in a pit, and made love with Bao'er, and I saw it with my own eyes! What else can you say!"

Lin Zhuang exclaimed: "It's you! It's you in that pothole!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Heh! I deliberately spared the lives of both of you! I want to tear your hypocrisy in front of everyone! Why, I didn't die, you are very disappointed!"

Only then did Lin Zhuang realize why those people looked at him in the wrong way before, and he said such amazing news today, these people from the Wang family didn't look sad at all!

He originally thought it was because Wang Xiaobei's status in the Wang family was not very good, because Wang Xiaobei was usually a playboy, and he helped to deal with everything!
Therefore, people from the Wang family have long disliked Wang Xiaobei!

He, Lin Zhuang, is the rightful and qualified heir!

Now look at those people again, look at his eyes!
despise, despise...

He was really deceived by these people!

If it's not your own, it's not your own!

So, in the end, it was because his surname was not Wang, no matter how much he paid, he couldn't compare to this ignorant Wang Xiaobei!

Lin Zhuang: "Win the king and lose the bandit! Kill or scrape, it's up to you! But, I only have one request, the child is innocent!"

After Lin Zhuang finished speaking, he drew his sword and prepared to commit suicide.

He couldn't be more clear about the power of the Wang family!
Can't escape!
Without hesitation, Lin Zhuang committed suicide in front of everyone!
He is advancing by retreating!

Before he died, he asked the Wang family to keep the child alive, and then died without waiting for an answer.

If the Wang family doesn't keep this child alive, they will be accused of being unkind!
The big family values ​​reputation the most!

Li Huan looked at the fallen Lin Zhuang and sneered!
Nian Yiyi is already married!
Before you get married, you have to help someone take care of the child, and you are still the enemy's child. You will take advantage of everything.

Do good people deserve to suffer!
When Bao'er woke up, she saw Lin Zhuang who had fallen beside her, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.

Bao'er thought it was the Wang family who killed Lin Zhuang, and if Lin Zhuang died, then he would be the next one!

Bao'er suddenly got up from the ground, trying to run outside as fast as she could.

Bao'er's awareness is much lower than Lin Zhuang's!

That's right, Bao'er only knows that the Wang family is powerful, but doesn't know the details of the Wang family!
When Lin Zhuang arranged for her to get in touch with Wang Xiaobei, he also told Bao'er that she could make her great success!
Bao'er's family is just a small force in the imperial city, the kind that can't be ranked!
Since she clings to Wang Xiaobei, her status in the family has also risen!

This directly led to her inner swell.

How could the guard let her out!
Bao'er: "Get out of the way! I have the flesh and blood of your royal family in my belly!"

Bao'er couldn't help but fight with the guards directly!
As a result, before he had done a few tricks, he suddenly felt pain alone!

Bao'er suddenly stopped, clutching her belly: "I..."

Beads of sweat rolled down from Bao'er's forehead.

Bao'er was anxious, and suddenly felt a warm liquid flowing out of her lower abdomen between her legs!

See red!

Li Huan only felt that this person who wanted to die was always so similar!

When Li Huan took his pulse, he checked it, and the fetal image was unstable. If he didn't take good care of it, there was almost no possibility of giving birth.

Li Huan knew about the situation, but he didn't remind him at all.

But Bao'er lived up to expectations and successfully killed the child!

Bao'er: "No! This is a child of the Wang family! You murderers! I won't let you go!"

Mistress Wang: "Take it down!"

The attendants finally heard the order. The head of the house didn't speak before, and they couldn't make up their minds whether to arrest him or not!
After all, this is Lin Zhuang's child!

Now that the owner's mother has spoken up, the attendant naturally pushes Bao'er down!
Lin Zhuang's body was also taken down!

Madam Wang looked at everyone present: "Let's leave! If anyone dares to talk too much about today's matter, don't blame me for being rude!"

Everyone was silent and took their leave one after another.

Today this melon is really terrible!

However, it is not their fate!
Now the melons are gone!

It's better to go first.

Simply, the people who came today are all members of the Wang family.

For the sake of the Wang family's reputation, they will not spread it outside.

Plus the mistress of the Wang family, the aura here is too strong, no one dares to go against her will!
Therefore, this matter ended within the Wang family, and the news has not yet spread!
(End of this chapter)

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