Chapter 981 The Power of Resentment
Yin Liancheng was waiting for news from Lin Zhuang in the imperial city, but no one came for a long time.

Yin Liancheng lost his patience and planned to go to the Wang family to inquire in person.

In the end, I saw Nian Yiyi coming out of Wang's house!
There is a man with him!
Yin Liancheng's eyes instantly turned cold!

Nian Yiyi is his man!
I have to say that Yin Liancheng is shameless!

I have cheated Nian Yiyi for so many years without saying anything, attempted murder, and still pretended to be Nian Yiyi's lover!

Who gave his face!
Nian Yiyi originally wanted to comfort Wang Xiaobei, but Wang Xiaobei didn't care at all.

Wang Xiaobei: "If they weren't too scumbags, I wouldn't even know how good you are!"

Nian Yiyi: What happened to being teased suddenly?

Wang Xiaobei invited Nian Yiyi to visit the imperial city, so the two went out.

The whole Wang family has already dealt with the matter of Lin Zhuang and Bao'er cleanly. The power of the Wang family and this kind of matter have not been revealed at all in the morning!

Therefore, Lin Zhuang's death didn't even cause a splash in the imperial city.

Because the royal family forbids it!

To the outside world, it will only be called a deserted city!
The brilliant excuse that Lin Zhuang came up with carefully, was finally successfully used on himself!

Do not commit suicide!

Wang Xiaobei and Nian Yiyi went out and toured the imperial city together, but they didn't realize that they were already being followed behind them!
Yin Liancheng, wearing a mask, always followed behind Nian Yiyi and Wang Xiaobei.

Yin Liancheng didn't know Wang Xiaobei, so he thought it was someone from the Wang family.

Just thinking about Yiyi, how could she be in the imperial city and still in the Wang family!
Yin Liancheng followed behind the two of them, and found that Wang Xiaobei was very attentive to Nian Yiyi!

Yin Liancheng: "Very good! While I'm not here, cheat on me behind my back! Bitch!"

It's not scary to meet scum, but what's scary is that scum is still a person with a twisted mind!

Yin Liancheng belongs to this category!
This kind of person will not only make you fall out of love, but may even kill you!
After following Yin Liancheng for a whole day, he finally found an opportunity and made a move!

Nian Yiyi was standing by the side of the street, waiting for Wang Xiaobei to buy something for her, but suddenly she was knocked out!
Simply, the shadow guards of the Wang family noticed something was wrong immediately!

Just when Yin Liancheng thought he had succeeded, he was stopped!
When Wang Xiaobei came back, he saw Yiyi being hugged by someone who was wearing a mask and was fighting with the Shadow Guard.

Wang Xiaobei instantly threw the thing in his hand into the sky.

Wang Xiaobei: "Who are you!"

Yin Liancheng: "Who are you!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Let go of Yiyi!"

Yin Liancheng: "What's your relationship!"

Wang Xiaobei: "She's my fiancée! Marriage with fingertips! Put her down!"

Yin Liancheng's breath suddenly changed: "She can only be mine! Hmph! Anyone who dares to covet my things will die!"

Love rivals meet, extremely jealous!
Wang Xiaobei suddenly sensed the overwhelming jealousy in the opposite person's heart!
However, this person is dangerous!
Facing rivals in love, sometimes, a man's intuition is also very accurate!

Wang Xiaobei: "Marriage with fingertips! What qualifications do you have to say such a thing!"

Yin Liancheng: "Kill you, it's fine!"

What Yin Liancheng said was calm, but Wang Xiaobei sensed a monstrous killing intent!
What is the origin of this person in front of him!
Wang Xiaobei had never felt this dangerous feeling before!
Without hesitation, Wang Xiaobei released a signal flare.

Yin Liancheng: "Oh! Useless!"

If you can't beat it, you will only ask for help!

Yin Liancheng started directly.

Wang Xiaobei led a group of shadow guards, and directly fought Yin Liancheng in the sky above the imperial city!

Yin Liancheng's strength is higher than Wang Xiaobei's, but he can't hold back the Wang family!

This is the main battlefield of the Wang family again!

Therefore, soon Yin Liancheng began to struggle.

Wang Xiaobei: "Put this person down!"

Yin Liancheng: "Impossible!"

Neither of them would admit that they would lose to the other.

The battle was extremely fierce, and in the end, it was the Wang family who had the most power.

Just when Wang Xiaobei thought he could take down the terrifying masked man, suddenly the man's figure became blurred!
Wang Xiaobei was shocked: If Yiyi was taken away by such a person, the consequences would be disastrous!
Just before they disappeared, suddenly a talisman came galloping from the side.

As soon as the talisman came out, the entire space in the sky was instantly locked!

The originally blurred figure became solid again!

Yin Liancheng: "Damn it!"

"He Fang smiled, dare to act wild in my imperial city!"

A rare old man came out of the sky.

Wang Xiaobei looked at the person in surprise: "Fourth Elder! Quick! Help me get Yiyi back!"

The old man didn't look at Wang Xiaobei, but at Yin Liancheng who was wearing a mask.

Fourth Elder: "My little friend seems unusual!"

The Fourth Elder is not a cat or a dog!
Just the breath, and you can feel Yin Liancheng's weirdness!
Yin Liancheng looked at the person, his eyes suddenly turned green!

"It turned out to be resentment! I haven't seen it for many years! It seems that some fish slipped through the net back then!"

After the fourth elder finished speaking, he attacked Yin Liancheng!

The pressure on Yin Liancheng increased, and he suddenly let Nian Yiyi go.

Wang Xiaobei looked at the falling person and hurried forward to catch him.

Wang Xiaobei: "Yiyi! Wake up!"

Li Huan finally heard the news and came here, originally he thought that Wang Xiaobei and Nian Yiyi met some scoundrels when they went out.

But when he saw Yin Liancheng in mid-air, his scalp tingled instantly!
He came after him!
Li Huan: "Take care of Yiyi."

Seeing Li Huan's expression, Wang Xiaobei suddenly asked, "Do you know that person?"

Li Huan: "The Witch Clan! I almost killed Yiyi, so I must take care of Yiyi! They need to lift the seal, and they will definitely catch Yiyi!"

Wang Xiaobei: "Why!"

Li Huan: "The blood of the Tianyin clan is the key to breaking the seal!"

When Wang Xiaobei heard this, he suddenly became nervous!

He confronted Yin Liancheng just now!

His cultivation is far above his own!
Wang Xiaobei hates it so much, why did he have to be lazy before: "Don't worry, I will definitely be optimistic about Yiyi!"

Li Huan nodded: "Evacuate the crowd!"

Wang Xiaobei didn't know what Li Huan meant, but he did it anyway!
But in the middle of the battle in the sky, a mysterious force suddenly swept down!
The crowd who hadn't had time to disperse suddenly became strange, and then, an astonishing scene appeared!

Everyone started to kill each other!

The eyes are fierce!

It seems to be controlled by something!
Li Huan quickly fed a pill to Wang Xiaobei who was beside him and swallowed it.

Then I swallowed one myself!
Wang Xiaobei was a little angry at first, but suddenly he came to his senses.

Wang Xiaobei: "What is that!"

He didn't even control it!
Li Huan: "The power of resentment!"

Wang Xiaobei: "It's the legendary resentment!"

Li Huan nodded, it seemed that what he was most worried about happened!

Yin Liancheng got the power of resentment!

Not only can you rely on the power of resentment to quickly improve your cultivation, but you can also use the power of resentment to influence the opponent in battle!

If the fourth elder's consciousness is eroded by the power of Yin Liancheng's resentment, it will be dangerous!
(End of this chapter)

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