Chapter 997 Ye Mingsha

As soon as the time passed, the team's points successfully appeared!
All are excited.

In addition to the changes in team points, you can also see individual points.

No. [-] and No. [-] followed Li Huan to find Chao Xi Hua, and they got a point!
Number one is that the captain even got a point!
The rest of the personal points are zero!

No one dared to look at Li Huan's points!

Before, I looked down on all kinds of things, and my words were dead buns.

Now, seeing Li Huan practicing in the distance, no one dared to ask.

Especially number one, I was so jealous.

The first night was passed smoothly in this way.

Li Huan practiced until dawn, and then took a rest.

At dawn, there will be new tasks to pick up.

This time I'm looking for Luminous Sand!

Li Huan searched on the map for a while, and finally saw a cave in a valley.

After Li Huan woke up, she walked towards the cave.

No. [-] and No. [-] had previous experience, and walked towards Li Huan in a very doggy manner.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Is there a new discovery? Brother Baozi?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Should I find a cave first?"

The rest of the people saw No. [-] and No. [-] and naturally followed them!

Alchemist No. [-]: "I am the captain! Listen to me!"

Li Huan simply ignored him.

Li Huan: "If you want to be a demon, just stay here and do it yourself! Don't waste my time!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You! What do you mean, do you want my captain position? I knew you were worried and kind!"

Li Huan: "So what! Let's compare, whoever finds Ye Mingsha first wins! Whoever wins will be the captain!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I'm the captain, why should I compete with you! No matter if I win or lose, I will always suffer!"

Li Huan: "Then you can be your captain! I won't listen to you!"

Alchemist No. [-] saw Li Huan suffering from a headache, this damn bun, openly opposed him, if he did this several times, who would listen to his orders!
Alchemist No. [-]: "That's it! If I win, I will do what I say in the future! You are not allowed to act alone! If you drag us down, you will be expelled from the team!"

Li Huan: "Whatever!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he left directly.

Number two and number three, and a few people who didn't deal with number one, just followed Li Huan away!

Li Huan's route did not hesitate at all, and he arrived at the cave found on the map in a short while.

Li Huan: "Go in, don't disturb the bats inside, take the things and leave! Did you hear that!"


The rest of the people spoke in unison.

The strange thing is that they don't obey No. [-], so they can't object to Li Huan!

Obviously this steamed stuffed bun has the lowest level!
How strange!
However, to be able to find the target so quickly, I have to say, this bun really has some strength in his hands!

Li Huan brought a few people in, quietly took Ye Mingsha without disturbing a bat, and came out straight away!
Alchemist No. [-]: "Isn't this too easy?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I feel that the luck of this bun is too heaven-defying?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You are not alone!"

The rest of the people followed Li Huan for the first time today, so there was no comparison with yesterday, but they were a little surprised by Li Huan's perception of the route!

They completed the task within a few quarters of an hour!

After they went back, No. [-] happened to study the route and was about to set off.

Alchemist No. [-]: "We have found the route! You are not allowed to follow us! If you follow, you will lose!"

Leaving Team: ...

Alchemist No. [-] wants to remind No. [-] that they have found Ye Mingsha, and the mission is completed!

But those people who didn't deal with No. [-] before stopped No. [-] and didn't allow him to speak.

No. [-] had no choice but to watch No. [-] take the people away!
"He's not very good, let him find him!"

"I think they won't be able to come back before dark!"

"That's right! You obviously don't have much talent, but you still look down on others!"

Just like that, people from Li Huan's side have been waiting and waiting!

When I was free in the middle, I caught a few fish from the river and cooked them for grilled fish!

Li Huan has been practicing from beginning to end.

Alchemist No. [-]: "That steamed stuffed bun, it's hard work!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "The stupid bird will naturally fly first!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "However, after watching it twice, I think he is not just a stupid bird! I have a hunch that this bun is not simple!"

It was rare for Alchemist No. [-] not to refute.

It wasn't until late at night that Alchemist No. [-] brought people back!
I saw that the people from Li Huan's side were actually eating barbecue!

And they were all in a panic, and there were more or less scars on their bodies!

When I got the Luminous Sand, I was attacked by the bats in the cave!
Alchemist No. [-]: "Aren't you guys waiting here all this time?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "How do you know!"

Number one was a little angry at first, but when he heard what number two said, he suddenly felt relieved!
He won!
Alchemist No. [-]: "I know it! You can follow us to complete the task without doing anything, and win! I'm really envious!"

Although No. [-] was complaining, his eyes were full of pride!
He knew it, or he was even more powerful!

This time, I'll let you take advantage of it!

After this time, you can only listen to me obediently!

Alchemist No. [-]: "Lie down and win? It seems to be the same! We seem to have done nothing!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Well, speaking of it, it's true."

They followed Li Huan all morning, walked into the cave, picked out Ye Mingsha, and came back!

He didn't do anything during the whole process, the only action was to pick up luminous sand!

Speaking of which, he really won by lying with that bun!

The rest of the people agreed with No. [-] and No. [-], and it was rare that they did not refute No. [-].

Instantly proud of number one!

Walking to Li Huan's side, he said arrogantly, "Damn Baozi! You lost! From now on, listen to me obediently!"

Li Huan is practicing, so he has no time to pay attention to him!

There is plenty of spiritual energy here, which is just right for cultivation, and it is much faster than the cultivation speed outside!
A pharmacist doesn't care about cultivation, but Li Huan has to step up his cultivation!
Seeing that Li Huan ignored him, No. [-] pushed Li Huan angrily, but was automatically bounced off by Li Huan's protective cover!

Number one actually vomited blood!
No. [-] fell to the ground, looking at Li Huan, it's okay!
Relying on him to lie down and win, to treat him like this!
But Li Huan obviously didn't do anything!

Alchemist No. [-]: "You! You bastard! You also proposed the competition! You lost, and you refused to admit it! I will expel you from the team!"

Hearing this from the people who followed Li Huan before, something is wrong!
What does Baozi lose!

They won already!

Alchemists No. [-] and No. [-] also felt something was wrong when they heard it, so they hurried over.

Alchemist No. [-]: "We didn't lose! You lost!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yes! You guys lost!"

(small theater)

Cutie: Xiaoyueer, what is Ye Mingsha?

A certain month: that's... that's... that's...

Little cutie: what is it!

Alchemist No. [-]: It's the bat's papa!

Alchemist No. [-]: Common sense, this is common sense!
Cutie: Death Moon, you are so disgusting!
A certain month: Why, you are not convinced!Let me tell you, there are Wulingzhi, Renzhonghuang, Jiyabai, Mochiyuesha...don't check them, they will die in place!
Cutie: Oops, I want to know even more after saying that!
A certain month: go!warrior!

Alchemist No. [-]: On a certain month, I have a hunch that you will be beaten!

A certain month: Get out!You thought I was you!gossip!
Alchemist No. [-] is in a hurry!I was pissed off by a certain month!
(End of this chapter)

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