Chapter 998 Unfamiliar

Alchemist No. [-] was beaten by No. [-] and No. [-], and he was about to vomit blood!
It's only been a few days, and he was bought by this dead bun!


Alchemist No. [-] took out his weapon and was about to do it, but was stopped by No. [-] and No. [-].

The few people who didn't deal with No. [-] before took out their Ye Mingsha: "Look! Did you lose!"

No. [-], who was originally angry and victorious, widened his eyes and looked at the Ye Mingsha in their hands in disbelief!

Alchemists No. [-] and No. [-] also took out the Ye Mingsha from their hands: "We won!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "How is that possible! You clearly said that you have been waiting here!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yes! Waiting for you to come back!"

Alchemist No. [-] suddenly had a bad feeling.

Alchemist No. [-]: "When we came back in the morning, we already got the luminous sand!"


Alchemist No. [-] only felt that his ears were deaf!

He was deafened by the words of No. [-]!


how come!
How long have they been out!
If he remembered correctly, they had just researched the route, and they came back!
and so……

how come!
How can it be so fast!

I can't believe it!
Alchemist No. [-]: "How is it possible, you were bought by him! I don't believe it! This is fake!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "What's the real thing! This Ye Mingsha is here, it's still fake!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yeah, why are you like this! We obviously won!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Anyway, I won't admit it!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Whatever you want!"

Alchemist No. [-] refused to admit it, but the rest of the team began to waver!

Zhaoxihua was like this before, and Yemingsha is still like this now!
It was obvious that Xiao Baozi was even more powerful, and they also heard from those who followed Baozi that they basically won by lying down!

All those who follow Xiao Baozi will win by lying down!

How can they be like them, who have worked so hard for a whole day, tossed and hurt all over, and still lost!
The captain refused to admit it out of face, but it's none of their business!

Alchemist No. [-] was sore all day long, making all kinds of accusations and cursing, Li Huan was too busy practicing to pay attention to him.

As soon as the midnight arrived, everyone who followed Li Huan got points.

And the person who followed Alchemist No. [-] was not only covered in injuries, but also!
The system only counts the person who gets the luminous sand first!

Therefore, all five people who followed Li Huan got points!
And pharmacist No. [-] got a point because he was the captain!
This time, the whole team exploded!
"Why! It's obviously your lack of strength that caused us to lose points!"

"That's right! You are the captain yourself, and your points will not be affected. Don't we deserve it!"

"If you don't give an explanation today, this matter will never end!"

Alchemist No. [-] quarreled with these people.

This time it's about points, and no one is willing to give in.

Including Chaoxihua, they have already lost two days of points!

How far behind is this!

A group of people blocked No. [-] in a corner to attack.

The rare thing is that No. [-] and No. [-] were disgusted by No. [-]'s actions during the day, and this time they didn't want to intervene at all.

This led to No. [-] facing the condemnation of the other four alone.

These people quarreled all night, but there was no result.

Early the next morning, as soon as the new mission was released, Li Huan set off!
This time, except for No. [-], everyone else followed Li Huan!

Alchemist No. [-]: "I'm the captain! You people are all rebellious, it's unreasonable!"

But everyone followed Li Huan away, No. [-] was filled with indescribable anger.

What I'm looking for this time is a kind of spiritual fruit that grows on cliffs.

Li Huan finally found this kind of fruit on a cliff, but there are people here!

Number one thought about it, and felt that if he wanted to regain the initiative, he should go forward and let these low-minded people see their own strength!

Therefore, No. [-] followed far from the end of the team.

Li Huan took people to hide in another part of the cliff, waiting for the opportunity.

The people in the front team don't know what their strength is, and if they rush forward, they may suffer a loss.

The rest of the people didn't have any opinions, but the number one at the end felt that his chance had come!
Alchemist No. [-]: "Coward! If you follow him, you will die sooner or later!"

No. [-] went directly to the cliff!

Alchemist No. [-]: "Why did he leave!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "He went to the cliff!"

"Didn't you say you want to observe for a while?"

"You still think of yourself as the captain!"

"Ten to ten, is he going to die, or is he going to die!"

But at this time, No. [-] has been forced to show everyone who is more powerful!

Therefore, I urgently need an opportunity to perform, and I will go faster than anyone else despite the dissuasion of others!

Li Huan: "Don't worry about it, the rest of you listen, we're like this..."

Li Huan divided the remaining eight people into four teams, in groups of two.

Two of the teams went around the cliff and went up the other side.

The rest of the people followed Li Huan, and waited until No. [-] tested the opponent's strength before they started. The purpose was to delay the opponent so that the people who went up the mountain could smoothly pick the spiritual fruit.

Everyone felt that Li Huan's solution was feasible, so they split up and acted.

At this time, number one has already entered the opponent's camp.

Li Huan waited in a hidden corner with someone.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Can he do it? Will he be beaten to death?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "It shouldn't be that miserable! At most, it's disabled?"

"Didn't you two get on well with him before?"

"Yeah! Why don't you help me at this moment?"

"Being a human being can't be ungrateful for profit!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Actually, I'm not too familiar..."

Alchemist No. [-]: "Yeah, just like you, we met during the competition!"

"Cut! Seeing how long you've been venting out of one nostril, I thought you two had such a strong relationship!"

"Exactly! When I saw you before, I was only short of wearing a pair of pants!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Nonsense! I'm wearing a skirt!"

Everyone: ...

Li Huan: "Shut up! Get ready!"

Alchemist No. [-] has been successfully done by himself, provoking the opponent's entire team, and is being besieged.

The wails of Alchemist No. [-] kept coming from inside!

Li Huan stood here watching, without blinking his eyes.

This guy should learn a lesson!

Otherwise, there will be troubles along the way!

After all, before the finals, if there are fewer people in the team, they may be eliminated when they advance to the finals!

Li Huan's team is the worst team in this competition area, and this competition area alone has no advantage, let alone a bigger place for everyone to compete.

Therefore, before the finals, not only must you accumulate points, but you must also lead this group of people, not one of them is missing!
The rest of the people couldn't bear to see the bruised nose and swollen face of Alchemist No. [-], but Li Huan didn't speak, and none of them dared to move.

Li Huan did it on purpose!
Everyone knows it!
(End of this chapter)

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