Chapter 999
But Baozi can't be blamed, after all, what No. [-] did before was really too much.

Those who gain the way help more, those who lose the way help few.

In despair, No. [-] was severely taught a lesson!
Li Huan didn't make a move until the last moment when No. [-] couldn't hold on.

Just when No. [-] was in despair, Li Huan flew over with a divine sword in his hand and colorful auspicious clouds on his feet!

Once the Divine Phoenix came out, the strength of the Holy Spirit Realm was invincible.

In No. [-]'s eyes, it was as if a god descended from the sky to save him from the fire and water!

As long as Li Huan says to marry at this moment, he will immediately ask for marriage, and he can just cut in the door backwards!

However, Li Huan didn't even look at him.

When Li Huan came, he immediately attracted the flames of war.

The rest of the people rushed to help No. [-] up.

No. [-] has been beaten to pieces.

Alchemist No. [-]: "This time I know I was wrong!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "I think you, the captain, should be handed over to Baozi! If it weren't for him the first two times, we wouldn't have been so relaxed!"

Alchemist No. [-] took the elixir, they are all alchemists with low cultivation, otherwise, No. [-] would be a dead person now!

But the rest of the people's cultivation is not high, it doesn't mean that Li Huan's cultivation is not high!
Li Huan's one-to-ten match seems to be quite easy.

Li Huan didn't stop until she saw that the person she had just arranged went to the cliff, picked the spiritual fruit and returned smoothly.

Li Huan: "Our team member is wrong, I asked him to apologize to you, how about letting go of this matter?"

"No! You are the ones who said to fight, and you are the ones who said not to fight. Let you say everything. We don't want to lose face!"

Li Huan: "Then what do you want?"

"Use your points to exchange!"

Li Huan: "You guys can't beat me!"


Li Huan: "Whoever offended you just now, how about using that person's points to compensate? It's just one person's fault, there is no reason for us to be unlucky too, isn't it? If you disagree, I don't mind letting them join the battle!"

What a joke, one person is enough to deal with ten of them, and if you add more people, what else do you want to fight!
Just admit defeat!

Even if you have points!
After the other party agreed, Li Huan walked over and directly took the No. [-] token from his waist.

Alchemist No. [-]: "No! These are my points! You can't do this!"

Li Huan: "How did you get your points? Don't you know? Or are you willing to be beaten to death by them? You can figure it out yourself!"

Alchemist No. [-] was so wronged that he tightly held his token to prevent Li Huan from taking it away.

Li Huan let go of his hand, and said to the opposite side, "I'll leave it to you! We're leaving!"

Li Huan immediately took people with him and prepared to leave.

The rest of the people couldn't bear it, watching No. [-] being beaten to death!

But seeing Li Huan's expression didn't look like a fake, they didn't dare to say anything more.

After all, Li Huan's approach can't be wrong!
Originally, No. [-] was the one who picked things up by himself, but now if it wasn't for Li Huan, he would be dead!

The competition has only just started for a few days, so if there is no enmity at this time, then there will be no enmity.

Otherwise, in the later stage, it will suffer a big loss!
The rest of the people have been led by Li Huan invisibly.

When Li Huan said to go, they naturally followed obediently.

When No. [-] saw that everyone really left him and left, he started to panic, and hurried to catch up: "Here! I'll give it!"

Li Huan stood there without moving. It was only after No. [-] asked for instructions that he took the token of No. [-] and handed it to the other party. The other team got the token and transferred all the points of No. [-] to their own team. That's it.

Li Huan faced them, although they were tied, but they couldn't take them all down.

If it is really urgent, it will only hurt both sides.

At this time, it is the most unwise decision.

Therefore, the best way is to give some compensation, and then both parties make a concession.

As for the compensation, Li Huan will naturally not let innocent people lose for nothing!
Whoever caused it will be responsible!

Number one looked at the few points he had finally accumulated in his token, and they were immediately cleared!
Heart is bleeding.

However, if you don't pay the points, you will be beaten to death!

Number one followed Li Huan and the others unwillingly.

Li Huan left quickly with the people, No. [-] was injured, and it was extremely difficult.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Can you take care of the wounded? They are all in the same team, so you can't just leave them alone?"

Li Huan: "If it weren't for us, you would already be dead! Don't leave, stay here by yourself!"

The best way to deal with Zuo Jing is to simply and rudely refuse!

Li Huan didn't intend to stop at all.

Or number two and number three suddenly showed kindness and helped number one.

Alchemist No. [-]: "Didn't you notice how many people are missing from our team?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "What about them? They shouldn't be left behind by you, right?"

Alchemist No. [-]: "You think Baozi is you! You have no conscience!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "Why are you all helping him! I'm obviously not bad!"

Number one, successfully despised by everyone!
Alchemist No. [-]: "Don't you have any self-knowledge?"

Alchemist No. [-]: ... who was laughing at the dead steamed stuffed bun with me before!You all have a change of heart!How dare you say me!
The rest of the people can't stand it anymore!

"There are two more teams going to the cliff!"

"We were originally arranged by Baozi to hold back that group of people, and we just saved you by the way!"

"So, do you understand? Mysterious Confidence Brother?"

Alchemist No. [-]'s face was blushing, this feeling was worse than being slapped a few times!
It only took two days for the person who had been despised before, and everyone began to follow him!
What kind of fairy operation is this!
Li Huan turned around and saw No. [-]'s dull face.

Li Huan: "It's based on strength!"

Alchemist No. [-]: "How do you know what I'm thinking!"

Li Huan: "Spiritualism!"

"Spiritualism! You know how to do spirituality! You are a psychic!"

"Oh my god! You are really a teacher!"

"So, the last emperor-level elixir, you used your mind power!"

From behind the cliff, the returning team happened to hear their conversation, and their jaws dropped in surprise!
There is actually a teacher in their team!
And the level is not low!

And the kind that can psychic!

This... this hang is a bit big!
Li Huan: "What about things?"

The cliff team took out the things: "There are ten of them in total, and they are all here!"

Li Huan: "That's right, one for each, hurry up, they're coming after you!"

Li Huan was already on the map, and saw the previous team chasing after him!
The rest of the people immediately divided the spirit fruit, and then ran away with Li Huan.

Alchemist No. [-] is powerless to oppose it anymore!
If he dared to be a monster again, this bun would definitely throw him down without hesitation!

Li Huan looked at No. [-]'s reaction with satisfaction, obedience is the best!
Otherwise, she doesn't mind beating him up!

(small theater)

A certain month: Chapter 999!Xiaoyueyue will definitely be with you for a long time!

Alchemist No. [-]: Heh!Do you have self-knowledge!Confident brother!

A certain month: Believe it or not, I won't let you survive two episodes!

Alchemist No. [-]: Why!You do not have this power!
A certain month: I still have it, what's the matter!The best way to deal with Zuo Jing is simple and rude, just hit it!

Mou Huan: You are absolutely right!

(End of this chapter)

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