Follow the wind

Chapter 10 Meeting You Is a Kind of Luck

Chapter 10 Meeting You Was a Kind of Luck

Finally solved Xiao Yun's problem, Lan Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and even slept soundly.Sleep until you wake up naturally, and then stay in bed for a few 10 minutes. This is a treat that can only be enjoyed on weekends.

She lay comfortably in the quilt, the warm winter sun shone intimately on her big bed through the glass window and a layer of tulle, giving her an indescribably lazy and cozy feeling.

It's Saturday morning, I watched American dramas online last night too late, so I slept in casually today.How wonderful it is to live alone, free and unencumbered!From now on, Xiaoyun is the same, and can walk in the sunshine without worry, learn, live and grow.One day, she will fall in love with someone again and start a beautiful relationship again, for sure!Thinking of this, Lan Xin felt inexplicably excited.

Should I start a new relationship too?Lan Xin asked herself this way.Why didn't she remind herself thousands of times that everything in the past has truly passed, and even if it can't pass away with the wind, it can only be buried deep in her heart as a memory.However, there are too many things in her memory that she does not want to let go of. The laughter, the emotion, the happiness, and even the tears are now shining like strings of pearls in her heart.

Either way, it's time to start a new relationship!Like Xiaoyun and Zhou Lin, everyone has a story about the past, either bitter or beautiful, but everyone still has to move on in real life.this is life!

Lan Xin lay on the bed, letting her thoughts run wild.Suddenly, a rapid ringtone interrupted her thoughts, and she picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table: "Hello." The voice was a little sleepy.

"Lan Xin? You haven't woken up yet? Get up quickly, the early bird catches the worm." It was the magnetic male voice that Lan Xin liked to hear, and there was a childlike heartiness and joy in this voice.

"But I'm a bug, early bugs will be eaten." Lan Xin replied lazily.In his presence, she was relaxed, and sometimes a little mischievous.

The other party smiled heartily, and he could hear that he was in a good mood: "Don't you want to thank me? After thinking about it for two nights, you should invite me to dinner." So it was because of this.However, he really didn't embarrass her, he just invited her to dinner. Fortunately, he still thought about it for two nights and had no idea.

Just as Lan Xin was about to happily agree, she added on the other end of the phone: "However, you have to cook it for me yourself." Lan Xin seemed to have seen the sly smile on the other end of the phone.

It's not that simple!Nowadays, it is easy to invite people out for a meal, but it is difficult to cook a meal for others.However, this should also belong to the category of reasonable requirements!Lan Xin sighed, so she could only agree.Fortunately, I often cook, otherwise, I would be really stumped by him.

"Today is Saturday, I just have time, just tonight?" Chen Zheyu pushed the boat along.

"Okay, don't blame me if it doesn't taste good." He is usually used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas, so he must have a tricky mouth.

"If it doesn't taste good, you can only invite me out for another meal." The other party has quite a few requests.He on the other end of the phone then asked, "Your house or my place?"

Lan Xin thought for a while and said, "Since I'm treating you to dinner, you should come to my place."

She was thinking: What can you have in that kitchen?In addition to all kinds of modern equipment, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar rice and so on must be what is needed and what is missing, and it will be really difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

"Okay! I'm also going to your house." The other party happily agreed, "I'll come over early in the afternoon, and we'll go shopping together. I want to buy the vegetables I like." He insisted like a child.

"Of course, host as guest pleases."

After hanging up the phone, Lan Xin dawdled on the bed for a while before getting up.It's getting late, she wants to simply cook something for herself, and then tidy up the room.After all, besides Zhou Lin's boyfriend Xu Wenbin, he is the first male guest to welcome in this warm little nest.

That's right, why don't you call Zhou Lin and the others?It's lively when four people eat together.When two people eat, the dishes are not easy to cook. If there are too many dishes, you can't finish them. If there are too few dishes, it seems that the host is too stingy.Besides, I haven't seen Zhou Lin for some days.

Lan Xin called Zhou Lin.

"I can't do it today. I'm at Wen Bin's house. I'm going to have dinner at his uncle's house tonight. His aunt's birthday is today." Zhou Lin said awkwardly.Xu Wenbin is a local, and he always has some relatives and friends.

"It's okay. I just want to invite a friend to dinner, and I'll ask you to join me by the way. Just let it be if you have something to do." Lan Xin quickly explained.

"A friend, a man?" Zhou Lin asked tentatively.

Lan Xin kept silent and acquiesced.

"I said why I haven't called you lately. It turns out that there is something wrong." Zhou Lin became excited as if she had discovered a new world all at once.

"Don't talk nonsense, you just did me a favor, thank you. If there is a situation, I will ask you to be a light bulb?" Lan Xin tried her best to clarify.

"Don't explain. It must be unusual for you to invite guests to your home. This should be the first one?" Zhou Lin was obviously very happy, "I really want to meet him. How about you give a brief introduction first?"

"It's really not what you think." Lan Xin didn't explain anymore, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, let's introduce you to each other next time."

Lan Xin hung up the phone quickly, regretting calling Zhou Lin.

In the afternoon, Chen Zheyu arrived very early.He made a phone call to Lan Xin from downstairs in the community: "I'll wait for you downstairs, let's go shopping first."

Lan Xin thought it was funny, did a man like him never go grocery shopping?

When they arrived at the supermarket, Lan Xin somewhat understood why Chen Zheyu insisted on shopping together.Because he is really picky eater, he doesn't eat this, he doesn't eat that, like a wayward child, he finally reached a consensus on meat.Lan Xin picked out a piece of fresh pork ribs and a piece of fresh beef tenderloin, looking very skillful like a young and beautiful housewife.Chen Zheyu looked at her, a little distracted.

Lan Xin chose another half hen and a piece of pork leg, and Chen Zheyu immediately yelled like a child: "I don't eat chicken."

Lan Xin ignored him and put it directly into the shopping cart pushed by Chen Zheyu.

"It's not for you, it's for me. Do you think I only cook one meal for you? I usually cook it myself. Let's go and buy some side dishes over there."

Chen Zheyu pushed the shopping cart and followed Lan Xin obediently, attracting envious eyes from some housewives nearby.They must be thinking in their hearts: This couple must be newlyweds, and the husband also comes out to accompany his wife to buy groceries, so sweet.

On the shelves of the supermarket, all kinds of vegetables are fresh and green, which looks very pleasing to the eye.Chen Zheyu pointed to naked oats and asked Lan Xin, "What kind of dish is this?" Lan Xin sighed, no wonder, when did this playboy ever buy vegetables?It's normal not to know each other, but it's weird to know each other.

Lan Xin chose two handfuls of fresh choy sum and a stalk of broccoli, some peppers, shallots and garlic, and went to buy some fruits and condiments.Look, it should be almost there.

Chen Zheyu whispered to the side: "It turns out that cooking a meal is so troublesome."

Lan Xin smiled: "What do you think?"

This guy lives alone, usually eats out when he has a lot of entertainment, and goes to his parents' house to eat and drink when he has nothing to do. How would he know the trivialities of daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, and the hardships of cooking and cooking?
The two drove the car and came back soon.Chen Zheyu parked the car, opened the trunk, took out a bottle of wine and handed it to Lan Xin: "We'll drink this tonight." Lan Xin took it and saw that it was a bottle of red wine - Lafite.Such rich people are really extravagant!
Chen Zheyu carried the dishes and followed Lan Xin into the elevator.Lan Xin pressed the 9th floor, and Chen Zheyu smiled like a child and said to Lan Xin: "I know where you live, and I will lead the way."

Lan Xin looked at him suspiciously, this was his first time here.

Chen Zheyu saw Lan Xin's doubts, and quickly explained: "Every time I take you home, I wait downstairs until a certain window lights up, and I guess it's you who have arrived. Every time it is about the same It's the same window every time, so I'm sure where you live."

So it is!In an instant, Lan Xin was a little moved.But she immediately reminded herself that this guy just wanted to move you when he said it, so don't be fooled.

Sure enough, Chen Zheyu found the right room.Lan Xin opened the door, the room was very warm, clean and tidy, with the romance and warmth of a little girl everywhere.Lan Xin took out the only pair of men's slippers and handed them to Chen Zheyu, and said with a smile, "Please come in!"

Chen Zheyu looked around intently, he wanted to take pictures of everything he saw and keep them in his memory album.This is Lanxin's home!He had been curiously imagining what her home would be like many times on the way to send her back and then go back alone.Finally saw you today.

Lan Xin took the things in his hand and went straight to the kitchen.When he came out again, Chen Zheyu was already looking at the photo wall in the living room.Lan Xin took off her coat, made a cup of tea, handed it to him, and watched it with him.Here are some photos of Lan Xin from childhood to adulthood.

There is a photo of her and her parents when she was a child. The family of three smiled sweetly. This photo is very precious because they haven't had a photo together since then.There are also a few photos of her and her grandmother, who has a kind face.

Lan Xin showed him one by one, and introduced the people in the photos while looking at them.

"Your mother is so beautiful!"

"You look a lot like her."

"So you were so beautiful when you were young!"

"Your grandma looks so kind!"

Chen Zheyu commented while watching, such a mother-in-law is not like him.

"This is Zhou Lin, my best friend. We are college classmates." Lan Xin introduced a photo of her and Zhou Lin.Chen Zheyu looked carefully, a pair of beautiful sisters.

"Is your grandma okay now? Still in Yangzhou?" Chen Zheyu asked Lan Xin.Chen Zheyu clearly remembered that she said she was from Yangzhou.

"I was gone last year. It happened that I had a job and was able to be filial to her, but she left." Lan Xin said sadly, "Grandpa passed away early, and it was not easy for grandma to bring me up." Speaking of grandma , Lan Xin choked up a little.

Life is like this, there are always more or less irreparable regrets. "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the child wants to be raised but the relatives don't wait." The ancients talked about this pain to the bone.

"Yes, life is full of regrets." Chen Zheyu said with infinite emotion, "What relatives do you have in Yangzhou?" Chen Zheyu tried to understand some of the situation in her family.

"My uncle's family, they treat me very dearly. By the way, I must go to my grandma's grave next year during the Qingming Festival, so I can also visit my uncle and the others." Speaking of uncle, Lan Xin's face brightened for a short time.After a pause, he continued, "There is another uncle, but I haven't contacted him for many years."

It is conceivable that a large family lives in the same city, and everyone can take care of each other. If there is no accident of the father, it should be happy and harmonious.However, there are not so many ifs in life, there are only cruel reality.

"Then where are your parents now?" Chen Zheyu asked curiously.

"Father left Yangzhou very early for Shanghai, and my mother later married a Chinese-American and is now in San Francisco." A pair of former lovers are now separated from each other.Sometimes, you have to lament the impermanence of fate.

"Do you hate them?" Chen Zheyu asked cautiously.He finally asked this question, which he had never dared to ask before.

"I hated them when I was young. When I grow up, I can gradually understand them. Especially after my grandma passed away, I feel more relieved. Human life is too short, and everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness. Besides, grandma He has always been nice to me, and my uncle loves me, so I am still very happy." Lan Xin said very indifferently.Now she can always tolerate others with her kind heart.

The topic seemed a bit heavy. In order to ease the atmosphere, Chen Zheyu said that he was hungry, should he cook?
Lan Xin got up and walked to the kitchen.Chen Zheyu followed behind, and asked as he walked, "What do you want me to do? Just take orders from the commander, and follow the instructions in everything."

Lan Xin stopped him outside the kitchen door with a smile, and said politely: "'Gentlemen stay away from the kitchen', it's none of your business here, please do as you please." Actually, Lan Xin was afraid that he would help more and more.

"Then I'll go sober up first." Chen Zheyu smiled and walked away.

Chen Zheyu watched Lan Xin busy in the kitchen, wearing an apron, with skillful movements, focused expression, full of femininity.Soon he will be able to eat the meals she made, and Chen Zheyu feels a burst of happiness.From time to time, he went to the kitchen to have a look. Every time Lan Xin prepared a dish, he would try it immediately.

He had to admire Lan Xin's cooking skills from the bottom of his heart: "I didn't expect your dishes to be so delicious!"

"I know how to cook since I was very young. Sometimes, when my grandma is sick, I cook for her." Lan Xin answered while busy.

"You must have suffered a lot when you were young." Chen Zheyu said lovingly.While talking, he put a piece of pork ribs into his mouth, um, it's really crispy and delicious.

"No. Grandma is very good to me. I can say that grandma and I depend on each other for life. Now that I think about it, I don't feel bitter, but rather happy." Lan Xin was thoughtful.

She always said that she was very happy, it seems that she is really a person who is easily satisfied, Chen Zheyu couldn't help thinking.

After a while, the food was on the table.Lan Xin made a braised pork ribs, a pepper beef tenderloin, a stir-fried broccoli, a garlic cabbage, and a pear lily lean meat soup. The meatballs look delicious.

The dishes on this big table are rich in dishes, but not too many of them are cooked, they are very delicate, and they are really delicious in color, fragrance and taste.Looking at these dishes, Chen Zheyu felt his appetite greatly increased.

Lan Xin took out two crystal goblets, and Chen Zheyu poured the red wine into the glasses. The clear and lustrous red appeared in front of his eyes. The atmosphere and style changed suddenly, adding a bit of romance.

The two raised their wine glasses, touched each other lightly, and their eyes met for a split second.Lan Xin saw the enthusiasm and infinite affection in Chen Zheyu's eyes, her heart throbbed, and she quickly avoided his fiery gaze.She held the wine glass, shook it gently, and smelled it, and a burst of rich wine aroma refreshed her heart.A shallow taste, sour, mellow, followed by endless sweetness.

Tasting good red wine, surrounded by so many delicious dishes, the two had a great time eating.Chen Zheyu ate it even more. Looking at the almost bare disk on the table, he leaned on the chair and sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that the fighting power of the two of us is really strong."

Lan Xin also laughed, she also ate a lot today, and even drank two glasses of red wine as an exception, her face was flushed, she looked even more charming under the soft light.Chen Zheyu looked at her and felt his heart beating violently.

In order to hide himself, he hurriedly stood up and volunteered to say: "I've eaten too much, move a little bit, I'll wash the dishes."

"You know how to wash dishes?" Lan Xin asked in disbelief.

"Did you underestimate me? When I was a child, I often washed dishes at home." After saying that, he went to clean up the table, and actually went to the kitchen to wash dishes.Lan Xin didn't stop him and helped him clean up.

After the two of them packed up, they came to the living room.Lan Xin leaned on the sofa, her head was slightly dizzy.She really rarely drinks alcohol.Chen Zheyu, who was sitting on another sofa, yelled at her: "Let's drink more, don't waste such a good wine." Lan Xin kept pushing that she couldn't drink any more, so Chen Zheyu poured a glass of wine and started to taste it alone.

He looked around. Under the warm light, everything in the room seemed so warm.The living room and dining room are separated by a bookcase. It cannot be regarded as a study, but it has the function of a study and is very practical.The bookcase is full of books, I am really a book lover.

"You have a lot of books at home." He looked at Lan Xin, and seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and seemed to have premeditated, and suddenly suggested, "Let's play a game, shall we? Books with smaller numbers and page numbers will suffer." For punishment, you must answer a question from the other party, and you must tell the truth."

Lan Xin didn't understand what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd, so she didn't answer.Chen Zheyu took out a book from the bookcase, sat beside her, and said to her, "Ladies first, you read first."

"Men and women are equal, you turn over first." Lan Xin was not to be outdone.

"Turn it over." Chen Zheyu smiled and flipped through it casually. Page 178 ended in 8!Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin with a smug smile on his face, "It's your turn."

He thought to himself: You are bound to lose.

Lan Xin flipped through it solemnly, 140 pages, ending with 0.

"You lost." Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin and smiled even more proudly.

"No way! 0 represents 10, and 10 is of course greater than 8, so you lost." Lan Xin argued with a smile.

Chen Zheyu smiled helplessly. If a good man doesn't fight with a woman, she wins: "Let's not take this as an example. It's agreed that 0 is the smallest. Well, you can ask questions."

Lan Xin thought for a while, and at the moment she really didn't know what to ask him, so she asked him a random question: "What kind of girl do you like?"

Chen Zheyu smiled and replied without thinking: "Of course she is a beautiful girl. You are too unskilled."

He said the word "beautiful" very emphatically, and looked at Lan Xin with disgust.

Lan Xin also felt that her question was too abstract, allowing him to take advantage of the loophole and wasting an opportunity.Also, man, who doesn't like pretty girls?As the saying goes, "Heroes are saddened by beauty".

The second time was when Chen Zheyu won, and he couldn't wait to say: "Okay, it's my turn to ask." Without even thinking about it, the question blurted out, "Tell me about your first love."

It turned out that he came prepared, and Lan Xin said in her heart that she had been fooled.Lan Xin has never mentioned such a private issue to friends of the opposite sex. Even friends of the same sex can only share it among girlfriends.Lan Xin hesitated, not knowing how to respond.

Chen Zheyu refused to agree, and he urged Lan Xin with a slight hint of alcohol: "I'm willing to admit defeat, tell me quickly! Don't make up nonsense! It's done, tell the truth."

"I'll make up a random paragraph, don't you know if it's true or not?" Lan Xin joked.

"Of course I know. I will always look into your eyes, your eyes can't deceive anyone." Chen Zheyu replied seriously.Under Chen Zheyu's repeated urging, Lan Xin said a little bit.

"In his sophomore year, he was a graduate student of our school." Lan Xin answered truthfully.

"How many years have you been talking about?"

"More than two years."

Chen Zheyu stared at Lan Xin, and then asked: "What happened next?"

"He went out of town after graduation, so we broke up." Lan Xin said lightly, but her heart was surging.

Chen Zheyu stared at Lan Xin and followed closely: "Why did you break up?"

Lan Xin didn't answer and kept silent.Why?Why?It's a question she's been asking herself for years.She didn't believe that Lin Feng would be that kind of person to fall in love with someone so quickly.However, he really disappeared from her life without a trace, so thoroughly, so simply, so relentlessly, the cruel reality made her have to believe in his betrayal and his determination.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Chen Zheyu changed the question, he still stared at Lan Xin, and asked carefully: "Do you love him very much?"

"No, we agreed on one question, how many are you?" Lan Xin protested.

"How many times is there? It's all the same question - 'Tell me about your first love'." Chen Zheyu said clearly, "It's because you didn't answer clearly and comprehensively enough, so you need to add it. You can do it later. Ask me to add, I will answer every question.”

"You love him very much?" Chen Zheyu asked again.

Lan Xin nodded silently.why not loveWhat an unforgettable love!So much so that I still can't let go!

"Why did you break up?" Chen Zheyu repeated eagerly, he was really curious.

"I said it's because of graduation that we live in two places." Lan Xin was very sincere.

"Even if the two places live apart, there must be a reason, right?" Chen Zheyu still did not give up.

...Silence...a long silence.

"It's not nice to meet people." Lan Xin finally opened her mouth and replied calmly.What kind of helplessness and sadness it is to meet someone who is not good!Let go of all the pain and vicissitudes!
Lan Xin raised her head, blinked her eyes vigorously, the tears finally stopped flowing.

Chen Zheyu had been staring at her, and she had to desperately hide her emotions.In order to avoid him, she pretended to be relaxed and said, "Okay, it's your turn to flip."

Chen Zheyu didn't ask any more questions, he couldn't bear to see her in such pain.He also knew that he couldn't ask the answer.This time Lan Xin won, and when it was time for her to "revenge", she also asked him the same question: "Tell me about your first love."

Chen Zheyu took a sip of the wine and said with a smile: "You are really a man who must take revenge."

Then, he pretended to think for a while, and replied with a playful smile: "My first love should be when I was in kindergarten. I remember, at that time, I especially liked a little girl in the class. Her eyes were big, and she had two pierced eyes. Little braid, very cute."

Now it's Lan Xin's turn to quit, she said repeatedly: "This doesn't count, this doesn't count! A playboy like you must have suffered a serious emotional injury, tell me quickly."

He laughed, and felt that it was really not good to perfunctory Lan Xin like this, so he said seriously: "I was also in college, in my junior year, I met at a class reunion, and it was from the school next door, so it should be considered that she took the initiative to chase me You also know that men chasing women are separated by a mountain; We broke up." He spoke very flatly, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"You were very hurt, so you swore that you would make more money and do a great job. So you turned your grief into strength and worked hard, so you succeeded. Isn't it?" Lan Xin was afraid that he would be sad, Deliberately jokingly speculated step by step, "So, you should really thank her."

"It's not too deep, I don't have the feeling of being in love. However, I really have to thank her. She made me realize that men should make themselves stronger. As you said, more positive Live, let the other party look up to you."

Lan Xin smiled, he still remembered this sentence.

"What kind of person is she? Is she beautiful?" Lan Xin was also curious.

"Pretty. She is very enthusiastic, lively and cheerful, and she is very good at expressing herself, very smart." Chen Zheyu said very to the point.

Lan Xin is a little sad, every breakup story makes her feel sad.

Both of them were silent, each thinking about something.

"You've only been in love this time?" Chen Zheyu suddenly turned around and asked unexpectedly.

"How do you know?" Lan Xin was surprised, before she could react, she blurted out.

"Guess." Chen Zheyu slightly concealed his panic, "Because you love him very much, and because you are still alone, you must not have come out yet, so it is difficult for you to start a new relationship."

Lan Xin was silent again, she guessed so accurately.

"Have you been in love many times?" Lan Xin asked him back.

"I don't know if it's a relationship or not." Chen Zheyu smiled wickedly, "Let's get what we need. You know, our products mainly focus on women's shoes. Sometimes, it's just a need in the business field. Didn't you say that, Have I never treated others with sincerity?"

Each takes what he wants, this may be the way of life and love of many young people nowadays, right?In any case, is it a kind of luck and sweetness to be able to find the person in need?And being able to be needed by others is also a kind of capital and happiness?

But how can a person be without sincerity?He is not a wooden man!It's just that some people hide their sincerity very deeply, or they have never met the person worthy of their sincerity.

Chen Zheyu poured himself another glass of wine and drank it.

Isn't he trying to drink away his worries?That would be a waste of money.Lan Xin persuaded with concern: "You have drunk a lot, stop drinking, you will get drunk."

Chen Zheyu was a little drunk, looked at Lan Xin, and said with a smile, "I'm already drunk and can't drive anymore. It seems that you have to take me in tonight."

"No!" Lan Xin quickly and firmly refused.

"Why?" Chen Zheyu asked knowingly, "But, I'm really drunk. You won't let me go back in such a cold day."

Lan Xin looked at the time, it was not yet nine o'clock, so it was not too late.She thought for a while, and said to Chen Zheyu: "Don't drink after drinking this cup. Either hire a driver, or drive back later. For you night owls, it's okay to be late, right?"

Chen Zheyu nodded helplessly: "Okay, okay, go back later." But he was still yelling, "What can I do if I take him in for a night? It's not that there is no place, I just sleep on the sofa."

"No! If you keep talking, you can find a replacement driver to go back now." Lan Xin pretended to threaten him.

Chen Zheyu stopped bargaining, he looked at Lan Xin, and changed the subject: "I'm going on a business trip, the plane tomorrow afternoon." There was a faint reluctance in his words.

"Where to go?"


It's Shenzhen again, wasn't it also Shenzhen last time?Why is it Shenzhen again?

Chen Zheyu seemed to see Lan Xin's doubts, and hurriedly explained: "Our company acquired a leather goods factory in Shenzhen a few years ago, so we often go there to have a look."

It turned out to be like this.Chen Zheyu paused, and added meaningfully: "I will be back before Christmas, when the time comes, will we spend Christmas together?"

Lan Xin was a little distracted and ignored her, the word "Shenzhen" seemed to touch her mind again.

Chen Zheyu also saw that she was a little distracted, and wanted to talk to her: "Hey, didn't you say that you have a lot of classic old movie discs at home? Let's choose two to see?"

This trick really worked.So, they picked two films "North African Spy" and "Paradise Cinema".The first thing I watched was "North African Spy".When seeing Rick see off Bergman's Ilsa and her revolutionary husband Victor at the airport, Lan Xin had a slight smile on her face, but there were tears in her eyes.Chen Zheyu beside him turned his head, stared at Lan Xin, and asked gently: "If you were Ilsa, what would you do? Would you stay?"

"I don't know." A trace of confusion flashed in Lan Xin's eyes.really do not know!After watching "The Spy of North Africa" ​​so many times, she still can't decide whether the hostess should go or stay, and every time she reads it, she only feels a touch of sadness and melancholy.

"Then if you were Rick, what would you do?" Lan Xin also looked at Chen Zheyu beside her, and asked suddenly.

Chen Zheyu sighed deeply: "I don't know either." He tried his best to think, as if trying to find out the answer, "Maybe I will keep her...maybe...not at all." At this moment Chen Zheyu looked extraordinarily deep.

The two were immersed in the plot of the movie for a long time.Lan Xin looked at Chen Zheyu beside her, and felt a warm feeling in her heart.On such a weekend winter night, in the warm den, finally, someone can quietly accompany her to watch classic old movies.How many nights, she watched alone!

Maybe he really drank too much. After watching "The Spy of North Africa", "Paradise Cinema" was only halfway through, and Chen Zheyu fell asleep on the sofa unknowingly.

There was really no way, Lan Xin moved him to the sofa with great difficulty, and then found him a quilt to cover him.It seems that they can only take him in.

Lan Xin turned off the light, walked into her bedroom softly, and closed the door softly.Perhaps the conspiracy succeeded, Chen Zheyu smiled triumphantly in his sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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