Follow the wind

Chapter 9 This is the price of love

Chapter 9 This is the price of love

Xiaoyun ran to the office early in the morning to tell Lan Xin that she had already made an appointment at a teahouse next to the school at eight o'clock tonight.Lan Xin asked Xiaoyun to reserve a box, and then sent the number of the box to Sun.

Xiaoyun asked worriedly: "Teacher Lan, can you go alone? How about we go together?"

"You can't go." Lan Xin immediately refused.At this time, Xiaoyun is not suitable to show up again. "If you go, if two sentences are wrong, it will easily intensify the conflict, and things will become more and more difficult to handle."

Xiaoyun had no choice but to give up.

Lan Xin told Xiaoyun that she had invited a friend to go with her, and nothing would happen.And repeatedly emphasized that this friend is very reliable and will not spread it everywhere, please rest assured Xiaoyun.Xiaoyun said that's fine, Teacher Lan is the person she trusts the most, so she has nothing to worry about.

While talking, Xiaoyun took out a mobile phone and a red velvet jewelry box from her bag.At first glance, the mobile phone is still very new, and it should not be used for long.Xiaoyun opened the jewelry box, and inside was a diamond necklace.

"Mr. Lan, he has given me some small gifts one after another. This mobile phone and this diamond necklace should be the most expensive. Please return them to him, okay?"

Lan Xin nodded in agreement.

Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment, then took out another note: "I also wrote a few words, please pass them on to him." He handed it to Lan Xin as he spoke.

Lan Xin browsed through it quickly, and it read:

If you love me, please let me go.While the memory is still so beautiful, let us hide it deeply in our hearts.Not all stories will have endings, and not all endings will be so happy.treasure!goodbye!Everything will eventually be bright and clear.

What a twist of fate, this girl who was trapped in love fell in love with someone she shouldn't love!Lan Xin patted Xiaoyun lightly, and comforted: "Don't worry, everything will be fine." Lan Xin folded up the note, took out an envelope from the drawer and put it in, "Except for love, we There's still a lot to do, come on!"

Xiaoyun nodded firmly.

The one surnamed Sun arrived as promised.He rushed in excitedly and found a man and a woman sitting in the box, the girl was not Xiaoyun, he was a little surprised, wondering if he had gone to the wrong room.

Lan Xin and Chen Zheyu stood up at the same time, and Lan Xin smiled and said hello: "You are Mr. Sun, right? I am Xiaoyun's teacher, nice to meet you!" It is indeed a lucky meeting, and I hope there will be fewer such lucky meetings in the future Some, Lan Xin thought.

Hearing someone call himself "Mr. Sun", the person surnamed Sun was sure that he had gone the right way.Hearing that the other party was Xiaoyun's teacher, the surnamed Sun was even more surprised. He didn't expect Xiaoyun to tell the teacher about them.

"Didn't you say you were going to make trouble at school? We came to the door first." Lan Xin smiled in her heart as she thought about it.

Lan Xin looked up and down at this man surnamed Sun. He was of medium height, slightly fatter, with a fair face and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, but he looked refined.

All three sat down.The person surnamed Sun sat across from the two of them at a table, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.A pot of Longjing had already been brewed on the table, and Lan Xin poured a cup for Sun.

The person surnamed Sun said "thank you", picked up the cup and drank tea, without making a sound.Because he didn't know what the visitor meant, he wanted to wait and see what happened.

It was Lan Xin who spoke first, and she said bluntly: "Mr. Sun, the purpose of inviting you this time must be very clear to you. She told me everything about you and Xiaoyun. I hope you can calm down and deal with it peacefully." Good things between you two."

In fact, just as Lan Xin guessed, he just didn't want to break up with Xiaoyun and intended to scare her. Who knew that Xiaoyun was determined this time and even brought in reinforcements.In this way, the surname Sun was a little caught off guard.

"I don't agree to break up, we have feelings! I want to be responsible for her." He said angrily, with a look of responsibility.

Fortunately, I didn't say something like "make things big" as soon as I opened my mouth.

"But, how are you responsible? What can you give him?" Lan Xin asked back, her tone became serious, "Thinking about your wife and your lovely child, do you still have the confidence to say this?"

"The relationship between us has nothing to do with anyone else, I just love her." The person surnamed Sun was still irrational.

"If you are single, you can say this with confidence. But you have a family, you are responsible for the family, aren't you? You are not willing to give up this family, right? Tell me, can you give Is she a family?" Lan Xin persuaded patiently.

Scenes from 20 years ago resurfaced in Lan Xin's mind.At that time, my father resolutely left my mother and her young, and went to Shanghai with another woman.This is an indelible shadow in her childhood memory.So much so that when she grew up, Lan Xin secretly swore that she would either not get married, and once she got married and had a child, she would never divorce!

"If you really love her, you have the heart to let her be a 'little three' and be looked down upon? If you really love her, you have the heart to watch her suffer and suffer?" Lan Xin was a little emotional.

The one surnamed Sun had nothing to say for a moment and fell silent.

"Let go, it's good for both of you! Do you think you have a better way? It's rare that Xiaoyun has figured it out, and you should just let it go." Lan Xin persuaded.

The other party was still silent.

Can there be a better way?He and Xiaoyun have discussed this question countless times, but they can't find the answer every time. He is reluctant to part with his children and his family, and at the same time, he is also reluctant to part with Xiaoyun.But today, the surname Sun had a premonition that they might really have to make a break. Although he was extremely reluctant, Xiaoyun was determined and everything was irreversible.

"But in the past few months, she has spent so much money on me, what should I do? She still wants to break up with me!" The person surnamed Sun suddenly changed the subject and said angrily.He went straight to the money.

Lan Xin immediately took out the mobile phone and jewelry box that Xiaoyun gave her, put them on the table, and said to Sun, "Xiaoyun asked me to return it to you."

"Just this broken phone and necklace and that's it? I spent more money for her than that." The surnamed Sun was still entangled in money, and Lan Xin didn't know whether he was reluctant to part with Xiaoyun at this moment, or felt sorry for the money spent. .

"Then tell me, what should you pay for the money you spent? What if someone else, a girl, followed you?" Chen Zheyu, who had been silent at the side, finally couldn't help it, and said a few words coldly.He looked down on this kind of man, willing to spend money for a woman, but he wanted to settle the score later.

The one surnamed Sun looked at him in astonishment, and asked Lan Xin blankly, "Who is he?"

Before, he didn't pay much attention to Chen Zheyu.One is that Lan Xin didn't make an introduction, which seemed insignificant; besides, he also sat quietly the whole time without making a sound.Now, Chen Zheyu suddenly said these two unfriendly words, which caught his attention.

Lan Xin ignored him and didn't speak any more.She obviously felt the invisible tense atmosphere, and she wanted this tense atmosphere to put pressure on the other party.

Sure enough, after a short while, the person surnamed Sun suddenly realized something, and yelled at Chen Zheyu angrily: "Oh, I see, is that bitch's new boyfriend? No wonder you are so anxious to break up with me. It turns out that I found another big tree." The person who said he loved her just now has turned into a bitch, and what's even more inexplicable is that he actually thinks that Chen Zheyu is Xiaoyun's new boyfriend, who helped Xiaoyun come out!
He took it for granted that Xiaoyun must have found a new love, otherwise why would she propose to break up?What's wrong with eating his and using his?Isn't it exchange, possession and demand between two people?
The one surnamed Sun became very excited all of a sudden, stood up suddenly, pointed at Chen Zheyu, and said sarcastically: "How dare you want this kind of woman who is always in a hurry? I thought I picked up a treasure, but it was actually a broken shoe!" At this moment, the person surnamed Sun Gone are the gentle and gentle appearances, replaced by the ugly face of a philistine.Lan Xin looked at him and felt disgusted, she really wanted to go up and slap him twice!

"Look at your virtue!" Chen Zheyu was angry, he also stood up abruptly, patted the table with his hands, and reprimanded loudly, "I look down on you!" He looked at the person in front of him with contempt, "Don't you want to Are you going to make a big fuss? Go ahead and make a fuss, and it’s best to make a fuss so that your family members know that you’re shameless, and they still want it.”

The one surnamed Sun couldn't answer for a while, and was stunned.Originally, he was a man with a family and a family, so he didn't have the upper hand psychologically, but now he felt even more guilty.In addition, standing in front of the tall and big Chen Zheyu, he was obviously shorter. If he tried to use his hands, he would definitely suffer.Not knowing how to fight back with his mouth, and knowing that he would suffer a loss when he took action, the surname Sun felt frustrated, at a loss for what to do, and froze there.

Chen Zheyu didn't reveal his relationship with Xiaoyun. Firstly, he was too lazy to get to know this kind of person. Secondly, he thought about it, would it be helpful to solve the problem?At least stop his thoughts first.It is absolutely impossible for Xiaoyun to turn back. If she has a boyfriend, the surname Sun will not dare to act rashly towards her again.

Lan Xin might have thought of this, and she didn't give any explanation, she just stood up to mediate, saying that today is to solve the problem, don't magnify the conflict.

Chen Zheyu took out his mobile phone, praised Sun, and said, "I recorded everything I said today. Didn't you say that she seduced you? What about the evidence? I have evidence. Don't make things big, Otherwise, you will look good at that time!" Chen Zheyu completely overwhelmed him in terms of momentum, "You still dare to threaten her, this trick is only suitable for use in front of little girls. Remember, if you dare to harass her again in the future, I will treat you badly You're welcome!" Chen Zheyu said sternly, and Lan Xin secretly admired him.

Yes, beyond Lan Xin's expectation, and the surname Sun didn't expect that he could record!Everyone was silent, each thinking about how to go next.

The atmosphere in the room was a little frozen.After a stalemate for a while, the person surnamed Sun suddenly yelled: "It's my luck!", grabbed the mobile phone and necklace on the table, and slammed the door straight away.

Looking at the distraught figure surnamed Sun, Lan Xin and Chen Zheyu looked at each other suspiciously, and left like that?When they came back to their senses, the two of them laughed at the same time, what if they didn't leave?

The two breathed a sigh of relief and sat down again.

Lan Xin looked at Chen Zheyu, and asked with a smile: "This guy won't trouble Xiaoyun again, will he?"

"Probably not." Chen Zheyu replied, "However, for the sake of safety, you have asked her to go out of school as little as possible recently."

Lan Xin sighed: "It's really worthless for Xiaoyun, who do you think she loves!" Remembering that the note written by Xiaoyun is still in her bag, Lan Xin is glad that she didn't give it to him just now, he doesn't deserve it !That's not a note, it's clearly a girl's heart, how could he understand!

Chen Zheyu didn't speak. He didn't have a good impression of Xiaoyun, and he helped her because of Lan Xin.

"But fortunately, the matter is finally resolved." Lan Xin felt much relieved.She looked at Chen Zheyu with approval in her eyes, and she smiled and said to him, "Your performance just now was really good, you were courageous and resourceful. If I was the only one, I really don't know how he would play tricks."

"Collect evidence, be prepared, seize the opportunity, and give the other party a hard blow. Don't you know these negotiation skills better than me?" Chen Zheyu said mischievously, and he was really different from the righteous man just now.

"It's a pity that I can only talk on paper, but you can connect theory with practice. You are worthy of being an entrepreneur and a master negotiator. Admire! Admire!" Lan Xin also complimented him mischievously, and thanked him repeatedly.

"Don't just say nice things, okay? Besides, you can't just say thank you verbally. It has to be a little practical." Chen Zheyu was reluctant like a child.

"I thank you for Xiaoyun, what do you think?" Lan Xin said deliberately.

"Hey! I just helped you, won't you just admit it? I don't care about Xiaoyun, Baiyun, and floating clouds. Anyway, I only recognize you. You have to thank me." Chen Zheyu was even more resolute.

"Then why do you say thank you?" Lan Xin asked tentatively.

"Seeing that you're nervous, I won't make things too difficult for you, don't worry." Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin slyly, with his mouth crooked, and smiled like a child, "Let me think about it, and then I'll talk about it, it's rare to have such a good Opportunity."

"Okay! Your reasonable request must be met." Lan Xin also smiled, and her words were very particular.Reasonable requirements, what requirements do not belong to the category of reasonable?Everyone is probably different, and it is tantamount to talking about it.

Chen Zheyu picked up the teapot, refilled some tea in Lanxin's cup, and also refilled some for himself. The room was filled with a faint tea fragrance.

"Just now, why didn't you tell him that I'm not Xiaoyun's boyfriend?" Chen Zheyu asked Lan Xin deliberately.

"You think I'm stupid!" Lan Xin glanced at him, "You don't even tell me? You think I don't know what you think."

"You're smart, we really have a good understanding." Chen Zheyu looked at her and said something meaningful.

"Tell me, how could there be such a man?" Lan Xin was still tangled up there, with an aggrieved look on her face, deliberately ignoring his words.She heard Chen Zheyu's profound meaning, and she didn't want to expand on the phrase "heart has a heart".

"Then what kind of man should you say?" Chen Zheyu asked back, "Affectionate, dedicated, rich? Talented, secure, and responsible? Have you watched too many Korean dramas? Is there such a thing in real life? "

Have it?Lan Xin was speechless, she had never met her before.What about Lin Feng?Lin Feng...forget it, don't think too much about it.

"Come back to real life!" Chen Zheyu warned like an elder, "Tell her, in the future, be careful, reality is cruel."

"Well," Lan Xin nodded obediently, and suddenly thought of a song, which really fits her current mood, "I have also shed tears and heartbreak, this is the price of love." Lan Xin sighed, She has paid a terrible price, and is still paying.

Lan Xin also imitated his elders and warned: "So, if you fall in love with a girl, please cherish her."

"So, I'm afraid I don't cherish her enough, and I haven't really fallen in love with a girl so far." He returned to his "playboy" nature.

Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin, thought for a while, and then said seriously: "Maybe, what you said yesterday was right, because I am always wary, and it is difficult to devote myself to a relationship, so it is difficult to fall in love with someone."

After a pause, he continued solemnly: "However, once I really fall in love with someone, I think, I will cherish her more than my own life." When Chen Zheyu said these words, his eyes kept looking at her. With Lanxin.From his eyes, Lan Xin saw seriousness. It was a bit shocking for a free and unrestrained man to be serious.

"Then you have really changed from a 'playboy' to an 'infatuated saint', you should look at him with admiration!" Lan Xin avoided his gaze and made a joke, she can always hide herself very well.

"You don't believe it?" Chen Zheyu looked at her seriously, wanting to be serious with her.

Seeing this posture, Lan Xin replied repeatedly: "I believe, I believe."

The two picked up their cups at the same time, took a sip of tea, and immediately, their lips and teeth were fragrant.Lan Xin casually looked at the time.

"To celebrate the victory, shall we go for supper?" Chen Zheyu excitedly suggested.

Lan Xin did not agree, what she wanted to do most now was to rush back to school immediately and tell Xiaoyun the result, she must be waiting impatiently.In addition, she still had to talk to Xiaoyun and comfort her. After all, what she let go was a relationship, and it was her first love!She must be in pain now, and she needs to talk and be listened to.

Lan Xin told Chen Zheyu this idea, Chen Zheyu was somewhat disappointed, but after thinking about it, she still sent Lan Xin back to school.

(End of this chapter)

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