Follow the wind

Chapter 8 The Warmth Delivered to My Heart

Chapter 8 The Warmth Delivered to My Heart

Because of Xiaoyun's matter, Lan Xin didn't sleep well all night, and she always had strange dreams.For a while, I dreamed that Xiaoyun was washed away by the flood, and for a while, I dreamed that Xiaoyun was struggling on the edge of the cliff, and I reached out to save her, but both of them fell off the cliff... Lan Xin woke up several times, In a cold sweat.For some reason, Lan Xin had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, just after lunch the next day, Xiaoyun hurried to the office to find her.Compared with yesterday's worry, today's Xiaoyun is more haggard, with obvious dark circles, and both eyes are red and swollen, she must have cried last night.

As soon as they met, Xiaoyun hurriedly said: "Ms. Lan, we met last night." Lan Xin understood who she was referring to by "we" as soon as she heard it.

"I brought up the breakup with him. At first he disagreed desperately and kept begging me not to break up. I told him that I had made up my mind and I must break up this time. I can't make mistakes again and again. He saw I was so firm this time, so I threatened me that if we broke up, we would make a big fuss and bring it up to the school, let everyone in our school know, and even said that I seduced him." The more Xiaoyun said, the more excited she said, As he spoke, he lowered his head and began to cry, "Teacher Lan, what do you think I should do? What should I do?"

A middle-aged man, a married man, possesses such a young and beautiful body, and he is said to be seduced; possession is nothing more than that, and he wants to destroy the reputation of the possessed at the end, and even wants to blackmail him occupier in order to achieve the purpose of continuing possession.Is this what this man keeps calling "love"?

"Didn't he say he loves you? Is this the expression of his 'love'?" Lan Xin said angrily.

However, Lan Xin was not surprised that things would develop like this.With a woman's sixth sense, this brazen man is by no means a kind person.If he really loved Xiaoyun, this married man would not possess her so easily, let alone make her suffer unceasingly. At least he should respect the other party's decision.

Xiaoyun lowered her head, kept silent, sobbing softly.Those once beautiful things, and my unreserved dedication, turned into a tool to hurt her in an instant, attacking her unscrupulously, and all the cherished good memories were changed beyond recognition because of this man's "love".

Neither of them made a sound, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit heavy.

After a while, Xiaoyun asked sadly: "Teacher Lan, why did he treat me like this?" Yes, why did he treat her like this?How could this ignorant girl know the dangers of the human heart!

Lan Xin patted Xiaoyun's shoulder affectionately, and comforted her: "Okay, okay, this is the way it is, don't be too sad, it's not worth it. For you, this may be a good thing. Get to know one People, get rid of it earlier, okay?"

Xiao Yun raised her head, looked at Lan Xin, and asked worriedly: "But what should I do? If he really finds the school, he will be in trouble."

This is exactly what Lan Xin is most worried about!She really didn't know what to say for a moment.However, thinking about it, he shouldn't really want to make a big deal out of it, right?What good would it do him if things got serious?He is a married man.Lan Xin felt that he was just trying to scare Xiao Yun so as not to break up.

"He did this because he didn't want to break up with you, and wanted to scare you first, so he probably won't take any action yet." Lan Xin tried her best to comfort Xiao Yun, "It's okay, let's think of a way."

Now, Lan Xin became Xiaoyun's only support.There must be a way!Lan Xin thought.

Xiaoyun's emotions gradually calmed down, Lan Xin asked her to go back to class in the afternoon, and then figure out a solution by herself.

After sending Xiaoyun away, Lan Xin began to think about it.How can we solve the matter smoothly without hurting Xiaoyun?After thinking about it, I felt that it was necessary to find someone to talk to Sun.However, besides the person involved, I am the only person who knows about this matter, so it seems that I have to go by myself.Talk to the surnamed Sun and you will know what he wants to do. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win all battles.Lan Xin sorted out some clues, she decided to talk to Sun first.

Just thinking about this, the phone rang, and it was Chen Zheyu.

"Lan Xin, are you busy?" The voice was still so pleasant, but it felt a little urgent.

"It's okay." Lan Xin replied.

When the other party heard "It's okay", he seemed to be relieved, and immediately went on to say: "Let's have dinner together tonight, okay?" The voice on the phone became more and more gentle, which was really different from the high-cold feeling when we first met.

Lan Xin hesitated for a moment, and asked hesitantly: "Is there something wrong?" She didn't like the group of people who were eating and clubbing at the same time last time.

"Can't we have a meal together if we have nothing to do?" the other party asked back.

Really speechless.

"Don't worry, it's just the two of us." As if understanding Lan Xin's thoughts, the other party emphasized.

Even more speechless.

"I'll pick you up after get off work, see you soon."

After Chen Zheyu finished speaking, he hung up the phone, not giving Lan Xin a chance to refuse at all, just like the domineering way when he held hands last time.

Lan Xin smiled slightly, there was really nothing she could do about him!For some reason, Lan Xin suddenly thought of Lin Feng.In his memory, Lin Feng never seemed to treat her so "dominantly", except for the decisiveness when breaking up.He always takes good care of her, doing what she likes, listening to her favorite songs, watching her favorite movies; when she is happy, he is happy, when she is unhappy, he makes her happy...

Alas, it's Lin Feng again!This lingering fellow!Lan Xin reminded herself not to think about it anymore, and at the same time she was a little surprised, why did she unconsciously put the two of them together?
Lan Xin found Xiao Yun before she got off work, told her what she thought, and asked her to make an appointment with Sun tomorrow night.Of course, it was in the name of Xiaoyun, otherwise, the person surnamed Sun might not be willing to come.She also told Xiaoyun: You must have a good sleep tonight, don't think about it, the matter will always be resolved.

Walking to the school gate, Lan Xin really saw that familiar car parked in the parking lot, and it was really on time.

Lan Xin walked over, and Chen Zheyu opened the car door for her.Sitting in the car, Chen Zheyu looked at her and smiled like a child, the corners of his mouth were a little crooked, like a naughty child.

"I was still worried just now, will I really have to wait all night for 'see you or leave'? Because I said 'see you or leave', I will definitely 'see you or leave', even if it is just one night." See Lan Xin was already sitting beside her, Chen Zheyu finally let go of his hanging heart, and recovered his unrestrained nature.

"Then I should really give you a chance to 'see or leave' and see if you can 'see you or not'." Lan Xin also mentioned the tongue twister, and both of them laughed.

Chen Zheyu then took out a beautiful box and handed it to Lan Xin: "This is for you, our economic consultant. I will trouble you, and you are not allowed to refuse." Lan Xin saw that it was a bottle of perfume, and it was a brand she liked to use !Since the other party said so firmly, I am really embarrassed to refuse, so let's accept it.

"Thank you, I like it so much!" Lan Xin thanked politely.

"But, how do you know that I like this brand?" Lan Xin asked suspiciously.Yes, out of thousands of perfume brands, he chose this one alone.

"Don't you always use this brand? You also use it now." Chen Zheyu glanced proudly at Lan Xin beside him, and said, "The top note combines the mellowness of pear and ambrette to create an unparalleled Pastoral and fresh feeling; the middle note is the luxurious Bulgarian rose fragrance, supplemented by the soft floral fragrance of ylang-ylang, elegant and delicate; the tail note adds a touch of musk to set off the elegance of rose."

"How about it, my nose is not only good-looking but also useful, right?" Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin with great pride, with a smile all over his face and eyes, "At any rate, I'm also in the fashion industry."

So it is!After touching it a few times, he was able to remember the smell of perfume on his body and find it out accurately. Lan Xin was a little moved by such carefulness.

In order to hide her little touch, Lan Xin deliberately joked with her: "No wonder the nose is so good, it turns out that it is not human..." Lan Xin dragged out her voice, squinted at the other party, hesitated to speak, with a bad look on her face laugh.

Being cornered and called a dog, Chen Zheyu knew he had been duped, and didn't know how to fight back.

"Let's go, let's change the taste today and take you to eat hot pot." Chen Zheyu hurriedly changed the subject, regardless of whether Lan Xin liked it or not, he drove away in a hurry.

"I said, why do you please girls so much? It turns out that you are really careful and attentive to girls." Lan Xin teased deliberately.That's right, he didn't know how many girls' hearts he had captured with this trick, even someone as determined as himself was touched a little.Lan Xin thought to herself.

"You're wrong. There are very few girls who can make me pay so much attention. Do you believe me?" Chen Zheyu said very seriously. At the same time, he quickly glanced at Lan Xin with fiery eyes, "You are the first." Speaking more seriously, speaking slowly and emphatically, Lan Xin felt that the string in her heart was plucked suddenly.

Both of them stopped talking, and the car suddenly became very quiet.In order to break the silence, Lan Xin turned on the car CD, and Michael Jackson's singing echoed in the car.

In Hangzhou in December, the weather is already very cold.After getting out of the car, Lan Xin suddenly felt chills, but as soon as she entered the hot pot restaurant, she felt no chill at all.There is a steaming scene everywhere in the hot pot restaurant.There were a lot of people eating, everyone took off their thick coats, waved their chopsticks, and put on a big fight.It is really a good choice to eat hot pot in winter.

The waiter took them to a small private room. It turned out that he had already reserved it.

The fresh seafood is boiled in a clear soup pot, and then dipped in the special sauce made by the store. It is really delicious and refreshing. Lanxin eats abalone, shrimp, and beef so happily that most of the anxiety and restlessness during the day have been forgotten.Chen Zheyu was very happy to see her eating happily, and fished food into her bowl from time to time.

"Why don't you eat it yourself?" Lan Xin asked while eating.

"Watch you eat."

"Is it so good to eat?"

"It's beautiful and delicious."

"Gag your mouth with an abalone." Lan Xin said while putting an abalone into his bowl.

The two of them ate happily, and when they left the shop, it was already lit up with thousands of lights.

"How about going for a walk by the West Lake?" Chen Zheyu suggested.

He was always so thoughtful, what he said was exactly what Lan Xin thought, and Lan Xin even suspected that he chose this store because it was very close to the West Lake.

Night West Lake is always the most beautiful, even in winter.I just ate hot pot, and then blowing the cold wind is really pleasant.

The two walked to the West Lake.On a winter night, there are not many tourists, and the West Lake in the night has an indescribable tranquility.Both of them were silent, for fear of breaking the tranquility.Being alone with others, both of them are silent but not embarrassed, this feeling makes Lan Xin feel very comfortable.Although they have only met each other a few times, it is clear that they regard each other as friends.Some people meet every day but never become friends.

The surface of the lake is sparkling, and the neon lights on the shore are reflected in the water. It is hard to tell where are the neon lights and where are the little lights on the cruise ship.A round of bright moon hangs in the sky, and another round of bright moon is rippling in the water. It really has the charm of "the heart is turbulent, and the cold moon is silent".

Lan Xin stopped, admiring the beautiful West Lake at night, feeling relaxed and happy.How many footprints of her and Lin Feng have been left in West Lake!As soon as this thought flashed, Lan Xin ordered herself to switch immediately.

She naturally thought of Xiaoyun again, tonight, she is doomed to have no sleep, all thanks to the man who "loves" her!Thinking of this, Lan Xin became very melancholy again.I don't know if Xiaoyun has made an appointment with Sun?What should I say when I meet tomorrow?A barrage of questions hit her.

The two stood shoulder to shoulder.Chen Zheyu, who was standing beside her, noticed Lan Xin's subtle changes.He turned his head, looked at Lan Xin, and asked tentatively: "What, do you have something on your mind?"

Lan Xin didn't know what to say for a moment.

In fact, when she was eating just now, she was still thinking about whether she should tell him about it and listen to his opinion, so as to know her opinion on it from a man's point of view.At this time, she really hoped that someone could give her some advice, so that she would not have to fight alone and could solve the matter as soon as possible.

However, she has already promised Xiaoyun...

Lan Xin said in embarrassment: "There is something, but I have already promised not to tell anyone."

"I'm not anyone," Chen Zheyu said to her, "tell me and see if I can help you." Chen Zheyu was eager to know what it was.

Lan Xin was a little hesitant, not knowing whether to say something, but Chen Zheyu kept asking.So, Lan Xin briefly explained the matter.Of course, she didn't mention Xiaoyun's name, but only said that she was a student of the school.

After listening to Lan Xin's narration, Chen Zheyu was also very angry, saying that this kind of man is simply despicable and shameless.

"Speaking of which, you are a student too. You clearly know that he has a family and a family..." Chen Zheyu said halfway, but the meaning of the blame was already obvious.

"Yes, she was wrong, and she paid the price for it. But she is still an inexperienced child, so she should be given a chance to correct herself." Lan Xin spoke for Xiao Yun.Yes, she is indeed still a child, and there is still a long way to go in the future, so she cannot make the same mistakes again and again.

"I think she just loves vanity and believes that this man still has some money..." Chen Zheyu added another sentence.

"You men always think that women are only for money. Don't tell me your girlfriends are all for your money?" Lan Xin was a little bit aggrieved.

"Correct me, it's my ex-girlfriend." Chen Zheyu corrected with a playful smile, "Also, I clearly know that although I am handsome, most of them prefer my money." It was a little more serious.

Most of them... from this, how many girlfriends he has had!The Playboy!

"You rich people, you are always on guard, for fear that others will count your money. I finally understand why you are still single. You have never treated others sincerely, how can others treat you sincerely? "The more Lan Xin spoke, the more excited she became, her voice increased in decibels, and her words became sharper.

Chen Zheyu looked at her in surprise, seeing her so excited for the first time.He didn't speak for a long time, but just looked at her straight, but something really touched his heart.

Lan Xin realized that she had lost her composure, she was no longer angry, but just in a daze, and did not speak, the two fell into silence.

"Oh, why are you talking about me?" After a while, Chen Zheyu cried out aggrievedly, probably to break the silence.

Yes, why involve him?Lan Xin felt that she was a little excited just now.However, how could he understand his own thoughts?

"Whether it's for love or money, anyway, she knows she's wrong now and wants to correct her mistakes, so I should help her, and I must help her." Lan Xin said firmly.

"Actually, the most innocent thing is a child. I don't want another child like me in the world." Lan Xin sighed, "Back then, if my father hadn't left me and my mother with others, I wouldn't have I grew up with grandma." Lan Xin couldn't help but say it.

Although grandma loves her so much, how can a child live without parents?Children without parents, how much grievances they will suffer from childhood to adulthood!

Chen Zheyu was shocked, and finally understood Lan Xin's good intentions. What happened in her childhood made her stubborn today.

"Then what are you going to do?" Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin and asked with concern.

So, Lan Xin told him her thoughts.

"No, you can't go alone." Chen Zheyu suddenly turned around and stood opposite Lan Xin.Standing face to face at such a close distance, the tall and tall Chen Zheyu gave Lan Xin a sense of oppression.His attitude was clear and resolute: "You are a girl, and you are so beautiful. I don't feel relieved to meet a man of this kind of virtue alone."

Did he mean "I'm worried"?Why "I'm worried"?This sentence made Lan Xin startled, with a strange feeling.But she didn't have time to think about it, so she focused on Xiaoyun's matter.

"But, the only person who can help her now is me. The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better." Lan Xin insisted.

"I already know, so I can go with you." Chen Zheyu tried to persuade Lan Xin, "Don't worry, I will never tell anyone, and I will never gossip."

To be honest, Lan Xin was really worried about going to the appointment alone.If something happens, it will be too late to regret.Besides, Chen Zheyu and Xiaoyun have never met each other, and he is not from the school. With his personality, he should not gossip everywhere, right?

"I'll go with you tomorrow, that's the deal." Chen Zheyu made a decisive decision.

Lan Xin didn't raise any objection and remained silent.

She weighed it over and over again in her heart, and thought it would be better for the two of them to go.

Lan Xin relaxed a lot from the bottom of her heart.Subconsciously, did I already have such an idea?Lan Xin thought so.

Chen Zheyu took her as acquiescence.He gently put his right hand on Lan Xin's shoulder, stared at Lan Xin, and said sincerely and sincerely: "Lan Xin, no matter what happens in the future, don't hide it from me, okay? I am willing to share the burden for you. Everything." In the hazy night, Lan Xin could feel his burning gaze, and her heart beat violently for no reason.For several years, Lan Xin has never heard such words, "I am willing to share everything for you", "I am willing to share everything for you"...

Afraid that he would continue to say something, Lan Xin suddenly covered her nose and mouth with her hands, sneezed, and then yelled softly: "It's so cold, I can't bear it! Let's go, go back, or I'll catch a cold. "

Since this is the case, what else can I do?Chen Zheyu had no choice but to obey.He stretched out his left hand and grabbed Lan Xin, dragging her back quickly.Lan Xin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that she was really responsive just now.

However, Lan Xin clearly felt that Chen Zheyu was holding her hand so warmly, that kind of warmth not only stayed in his hand, but also seemed to be transmitted to his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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