Follow the wind

Chapter 16 The Heart Flower That Blooms Quietly

Chapter 16 The Heart Flower That Blooms Quietly

A gust of wind, a gust of rain, spring quietly came to the world.The willows germinate a little yellow and new green on the branches, the winter jasmine blooms on the branches with bright smiles, the peach trees that have been silent for a winter are quietly lit with red flower buds, and the air is full of vitality.

Lan Xin stood on the balcony, bathed in the fresh and warm willow wind.After taking off the heavy padded jacket, my mood seemed to become more relaxed.Think about it, in fact, this change of mood may have nothing to do with the seasons.In the past, I always guarded that familiar number, as if waiting for some kind of hope.Suddenly one day, the number changed, and the person changed too. My hopes were dashed, but my heart was calm.

After more than three months of dormancy, countless times of left and right thinking, and countless times of self-persuasion, Lan Xin felt that she seemed to have broken out of her cocoon and turned into a butterfly, but it happened that in this spring when the grass grew and the warblers flew, suddenly grew a butterfly. Wings of hope.

In the morning, Lan Xin was pleasantly surprised to find that the green clouds had blossomed!Among the flower buds in twos and threes, two small light green flowers bloom quietly side by side. The petals are crystal clear, as if carved out of emeralds, exuding a rich fragrance.

"When the flowers bloom in spring, I will come to enjoy the flowers." The words Chen Zheyu said, at this moment, involuntarily jumped out of Lan Xin's mind, and kept echoing in her ears.

Yes, the flowers have already bloomed, but what about the people who appreciate them?Do the math, after the Spring Festival, I haven't seen Chen Zheyu for a while, only received a text message from him.

What is this guy up to?Should I make a phone call or send a text message to tell him that the green cloud has been opened?Lan Xin murmured in her heart, but immediately denied herself, no, wouldn't it appear that I was looking for a reason to see him?
Lan Xin was surprised to find that she still missed him a little bit!You big fool, did he forget the deception and hurt he did to you so quickly?Forgive him so easily?Lan Xin hated herself a little.But this kind of self-blame is useless, because she can't help thinking about it all the time, should she call him?
Throughout the day, Lan Xin was a little restless, and she didn't bother to cook after get off work, so she planned to go out and settle the meal.She walked aimlessly on the street alone, the breath of spring couldn't lift her spirits at all, and she felt empty in her heart.Before I knew it, I came to the restaurant where she and Chen Zheyu ate for the first time, a kind of cordial feeling emerged spontaneously, and then a faint sense of melancholy took advantage of it.Nothing has changed, just people, but not as before.

Now that you are here, let's go in and have a meal with peace of mind, and see if you will feel anything new after eating.Thinking of this, Lan Xin walked in pretending to be calm.

In the resplendent hall, some diners were sitting in twos and threes, talking to each other in a low voice, looking relaxed and happy.Lan Xin walked past them, and her gaze swept over them quietly.

Suddenly, her eyes fixed on the table in front of her, and she was stunned.

That man is clearly Chen Zheyu!Could it be that he had hallucinations?Lan Xin looked again carefully, yes, it was really him!I don't want to meet here.

Before a trace of surprise bloomed, a bit of disappointment came up, he was not alone!There is a woman next to me!Lan Xin's eyes quickly shifted to that woman, feeling suffocated instantly.Her long, wavy hair cascaded down like clouds and flowing water, and her bright eyes and teeth were as bright as a star, with all kinds of amorous feelings overflowing between her brows.She was wearing a red sweater with sparkling rhinestones on it.Lan Xin felt that the red color looked so good on her body, adding mature charm and sexiness to the enthusiasm, which was really amazing!This pair of handsome men and beautiful women sitting together is really eye-catching.The two were talking happily, with elegant or gentlemanly smiles rippling on their lips.

Lan Xin felt that her head was in a daze, and her strongest consciousness was to run away as soon as possible, the faster the better, the farther the better.She turned around immediately, and hurried out without looking back.

At the same time, Chen Zheyu also spotted her, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, he just wanted to say hello to her, when she turned around and left, he suddenly realized something, hurriedly explained a few words to the girl at the same table, got up and chased after her .

The faster you go, the more confused your mind becomes.Humiliation and resentment, contempt and disdain all rushed into Lan Xin's heart, her mouth was full of sour taste, she ran forward desperately.No wonder I haven't been seen recently, it turns out that I have a new goal!However, I have to admit that his vision is really good.

Chen Zheyu chased all the way to the street outside the restaurant and caught Lan Xin.Both stopped.Seeing Lan Xin's angry look, Chen Zheyu smiled happily.Lan Xin became more resentful, and at the same time, also had some doubts and bewilderment.

A few minutes later, Lan Xin was dragged by Chen Zheyu to another nearby restaurant.Along the way, it naturally attracted countless curious eyes.However, Chen Zheyu completely ignored it.The only thing he was worried about was that Lan Xin would slip away from his hands.He grabbed it so tightly that Lan Xin's wrist hurt.However, Lan Xin felt that somewhere in her heart seemed to hurt more.

The two sat facing each other without speaking.Lan Xin's eyes were fixed on the tableware on the table. It seemed that these tableware were antiques with many intriguing stories.Lanxin's ice sculpture-like face is beautifully set against the soft lighting of the restaurant.There was a smile on Chen Zheyu's face, like a spring breeze.This guy has long been used to dealing with this kind of situation, he is calm and unhurried.

Lan Xin is waiting for the answer from the other side, to see how he justifies himself.Think about it instead: Did you make a mistake?He is free, and who are you?Did he need to explain anything to you?

"You saw me, why did you turn around and leave?" Chen Zheyu stared at Lan Xin with sly eyes, with a smirk on his face.

"No reason, I just suddenly wanted to change to another restaurant for dinner." Lan Xin replied coldly, without looking at him, still staring at the tableware on the table.

"Lan Xin, you have changed." Chen Zheyu said with surprise, "It really feels like you have changed."

Has it changed?The change was so great that even he could feel it?Lan Xin ignored him, still waiting for his answer, she hoped that he would reveal it sooner.

"I like you being with me like this." Chen Zheyu continued earnestly, still avoiding the point, "You can be jealous for me, um, it feels really good." The words were filled with infinite sweetness.

"Who is jealous?" Lan Xin retorted without confidence.Looking at Chen Zheyu, he felt guilty, but pretended to be strong.

Chen Zheyu ignored him, and looked at her with penetrating eyes, keeping on being sweet.After a long time, he blinked at her and teased her: "You don't even ask who she is, are you jealous?"

"I don't care who she is?" Lan Xin said angrily like a child, but she wanted to know urgently.

"Since this is the case, let's not talk about it." Chen Zheyu teased her.

"If I don't say it, I won't say it, anyway, I don't want to know." Lan Xin insisted.

"Hey, in order to let you eat and sleep well, I'd better tell you." Chen Zheyu gave in.He looked at Lan Xin, paused maliciously, paused again, and finally said, "She is my sister, my own sister."

It's his sister!Yeah?Lan Xin flashed that amazing face, although it was only a few seconds, Lan Xin remembered that face.Women are truly gifted in this regard.Not to mention, after what he said, after thinking about it, their brows really look alike.

The smile on Chen Zheyu's face deepened: "How is it, isn't it pretty?"

Lan Xin's heart skipped a beat, thinking: It's bad, this time I was impulsive.Lan Xin really regretted it a bit, fantasizing about going back in time, she gracefully walked over to say hello.In this way, it can not only ensure not to lose face, but also prove that it is his sister in person.

Lan Xin felt embarrassment burning on her face under Chen Zheyu's gaze.In desperation, she didn't know what to say, but she felt relaxed and cheerful in her heart.

"You don't believe it?" A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Zheyu's eyes, "Otherwise, let's go over and say hello? The three of them may be toasting to celebrate at the moment." Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin with a questioning look, "Today is my sister's Birthday," he added.

Lan Xin deliberately smiled, trying to hide her embarrassment.She expressed her belief with a smile and silence, so as to avoid more embarrassing things like saying hello in the past.

"I've been really busy recently. After the year, I've been busy with recruitment and production in the factory, so I didn't go to see you. I'm sorry." Chen Zheyu's face was sincere and sincere, and there was also some unconcealable joy.In fact, besides being busy, he also wanted to give her some time and space to tidy herself up.It seems that she "tied up" well.

At this moment, Lan Xin could no longer question him, she was ashamed of her thoughts when she rushed out of the door.

"Okay, now you can enjoy a delicious dinner." Chen Zheyu joked lightly.Just at this moment, Lan Xin's stomach grumbled twice, she was really hungry.The two looked at each other knowingly and smiled, and the previous unhappiness disappeared.

"Would your sister be unhappy if you left without saying goodbye?" Lan Xin began to care about Chen Zheyu.

"It's okay, I told her when I left. At that time, my brother-in-law was about to pick up the child from the kindergarten. Without my 'light bulb', she might be happier." Chen Zheyu can always be like this An Lanxin's heart.

While talking, Chen Zheyu remembered a very important thing, "Hey, it's time for 'Green Cloud' to bloom, how about it?"

He finally took the initiative to ask.

"Coincidentally, two flowers bloomed early this morning, and they are so beautiful." Lan Xin suddenly became excited.

"Really?" Chen Zheyu looked even more excited, "I have to go and see as soon as possible." He thought for a while, "It's not going to be tonight, and I have to go back later. The day after tomorrow, how about the day after tomorrow? It happens to be Saturday." He took He looked at Lan Xin with inquiring eyes.

"Yeah." Lan Xin nodded with a smile.

Taking advantage of the time before the food was served, Lan Xin had time to browse the restaurant carefully.Well, the environment is nice, and there are quite a few people dining.

However, after a minute or two, Lan Xin regretted her curiosity about this restaurant, because the appetite that had just been aroused suddenly disappeared, and the scene she saw was really disgusting.

At the table not far away, there was actually that "Mr. Sun" sitting there!I've only seen it once, but I'm impressed.It is him, it is impossible to admit his mistake, Lan Xin confirmed this again.What was even more unappetizing was that he actually put his arms around a young girl, and kept whispering to her side, and the two laughed happily.The girl looked to be in her early twenties, with straight hair and a clean and delicate face, like a college student walking around the campus on weekdays.

Lan Xin immediately thought of Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun who was struggling because of this "Mr. Sun".Unexpectedly, only a few months later, he hugged the beautiful woman back again, he was really proud of his love.Lan Xin looked at him in surprise, a mocking smile flashed across her face, she even hoped that Sun could see the smile on her face.

Following Lan Xin's gaze, Chen Zheyu also found those two people.However, he just frowned inadvertently, and quickly looked away, his reaction was far less intense than Lan Xin's.

Their gazes were quickly responded by the person "Mr. Sun", because at the same time, he also discovered them.He smiled at Lan Xin, seeming a little embarrassed.

The world is really small!Lan Xin withdrew her eyes in disgust, her face was sullen, she was still staring at the tableware in a daze.

Chen Zheyu smiled at her brightly, wanting her to stay away from this unpleasant episode as soon as possible.

"Hey, be happy, don't affect your appetite."

"It has already been affected." Lan Xin replied helplessly.

Chen Zheyu smiled again: "It's not worth it."

Lan Xin stopped talking.After being silent for a while, he suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said to Chen Zheyu: "Do I need to remind that girl? Don't be fooled again. She looks quite innocent, and I don't want her to be the second A Xiaoyun."

Chen Zheyu looked at her in surprise: "You wouldn't be so impulsive, would you? I think they enjoy it as much as you like. Don't make fun of yourself."

Lan Xin ignored him, and the spontaneous sense of responsibility and mission tormented her, so that the delicious food on the table could not whet her appetite in a state of hunger, and she was ready to wait for the opportunity.

opportunity finally arises!The girl got up and walked past them, heading for the bathroom.Lan Xin also got up quickly, said to Chen Zheyu, "I'm going to the bathroom", and followed as if nothing had happened, leaving Chen Zheyu shaking his head and smiling wryly.

The two women washed their hands under the tap at the same time, and Lan Xin smiled politely at the girl in the mirror.The other party obviously found out, and smiled politely at the mirror, pure and pleasant.Lan Xin felt more compassion.

"I know Mr. Sun." Lan Xin made the opening remarks.

"Really?" the girl replied politely.

"Do you know that he has a wife and a daughter?" Lan Xin went straight to the point, there was no time to beat around the bush.Lan Xin felt that she was taking off the veil of a liar and calling back this innocent and lovely lost girl, and she felt a sense of relief in her heart.But at the same time, she looked at the girl worriedly, fearing that she would not be able to bear it.

"I know." The girl parted her red lips lightly, and said these four words easily and normally.Afterwards, she turned her head to look at Lan Xin who was beside her, and added four more words lightly, "So what?"

When Lan Xin heard these two answers, it was like a bolt from the blue.She looked at the pure face in the mirror in puzzlement, the purity was gradually blurring, more and more blurred.Lan Xin was speechless for a moment.

"I just like being with him, and I won't marry him." The girl smiled disdainfully, and walked out with light steps, leaving behind Lan Xin who stood there in a daze.

Lan Xin didn't come back to her senses for a while, it was so unexpected!It takes her time to figure it out.She used to think that love shouldn't be like this!This hit her hard and made her feel depressed.Oh, when did love become like this?
Although Lan Xin had heard about it for a long time, there was a long queue of luxury cars in certain colleges and universities on weekends, and rich people came to pick up their little lovers one after another.Some female students on the university campus are willing to sell their youth and become canaries for others in pursuit of higher material enjoyment.However, for these many rumors, Lan Xin didn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it.However, today, she was actually taught a lesson, vivid and cruel.

Lan Xin returned to the dining table sullenly, sat down and ate without saying a word, although it tasted like nothing.

At this time, she actually deeply sympathized with that Mrs. Sun who has never met but has always existed.Did she not notice what her husband was doing?It may not be that the person surnamed Sun really has the ability to deceive the world.According to a woman's intuition, such an arrogant man should show his feet.Otherwise, Mrs. Sun pretended not to know, and endured the humiliation for the sake of the family and her daughter.Perhaps, people often have to compromise with reality.

"How about it, a brave hero?" Chen Zheyu saw that she didn't look like a triumphant warrior, so he was silent for a while, but couldn't help but tease her.

Why does the phrase "a hero who does what is right" sound so similar to "a meddling old woman"?This kind of ridicule hurt Lan Xin, but it was not his fault.

"You're right." Lan Xin was depressed, "I feel like I have traveled back from the 18th century."

"Really?" Chen Zheyu laughed, his eyes glowed, and then he looked thoughtful, "I said why I haven't been able to find a girlfriend, it turns out that the type I like all lived in the 18th century. Alas, it's a good thing you've crossed over, otherwise, what would I do?" He stared at Lan Xin with a wicked expression.

Lan Xin knew that he wanted to make her happy, so she forced a smile.Chen Zheyu saw that she was depressed, so he put away his unruly appearance and said solemnly: "However, I am on your side and fully support you."

"Tch, a playboy like you is not sure how to laugh at me, don't comfort me." Lan Xin looked disapproving.

"That's because you don't understand me, and all you see are appearances." Chen Zheyu quickly defended himself, "Actually, I'm not as miserable as you think. When it comes to falling in love, I'm not just a casual person." Having said that, For the first time, Chen Zheyu's face showed a trace of shyness, he and Lan Xin knew him like two different people!
Lan Xin was taken aback, feeling her heart beating for a moment, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Fortunately, Chen Zheyu did not continue to analyze herself, but continued to enlighten her: "You can't force others to be like you. Everyone has their own values ​​and lifestyles. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, that's all."

He paused, seeing that Lan Xin was listening carefully, and continued, "At least, if you feel that you live clearly and earnestly, that's enough. Can you interfere with other people's lives? Besides, you have also become yourself You can have a clear conscience for what you think you should do." These few words made Lan Xin feel very comfortable, and I felt sympathy for them.

Yes, everyone has their own way of life, and each way of life will have different life trajectories and results, so cherish each other!I hope that when we grow old, when we suddenly look back, we will have less regret and guilt, and more peace and openness.

Lan Xin looked at Chen Zheyu gratefully, he was understanding.Lan Xin felt a lot more relaxed, so she continued to eat.After tossing and tossing for so long, she was really hungry, so she ate big mouthfuls.

Chen Zheyu looked at her lovingly, this woman, this woman worthy of my own treasure, since God let us meet, we must not miss it!Chen Zheyu's heart was suddenly filled with a sense of mission.For the sake of this woman beside him, he felt that he had to be strong enough, and he would definitely fight for it.

Lan Xin obviously received his unblinking gaze, a little bit of joy overflowed from the panic, hesitating, thinking... Finally, she boldly met his fiery gaze.The two stared at each other for a long time, staring at each other without speaking, everything was melted in the endless waves of eyes.

A gust of spring breeze blows gently across the heart, blossoming heart flowers quietly...

(End of this chapter)

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