Follow the wind

Chapter 17 Please, Cherish Me

Chapter 17 Please, Cherish Me
Lanxin and Yingzi strolled in the campus, the spring was bright and the afternoon sun shone warmly on them, making them feel comfortable and comfortable.Yingzi is the literary and artistic backbone of the school, and Lan Xin became friends with her when she organized the school Christmas party.At the Christmas party, she and Gao Xiang's street dance performance was impressive, and Yingzi was the only girl among them.

When they were eating in the cafeteria at noon, they ran into each other, and Yingzi asked Lanxin to take a walk after dinner.Of course Lan Xin is willing to walk in the spring sunshine, and Lan Xin has a faint feeling that she "touched" her deliberately.

Sure enough, not long after they left, Yingzi, who was always cheerful, asked Lan Xin abruptly, "Mr. Lan, do you have a boyfriend?"

This straightforwardness startled Lan Xin, she looked at Yingzi fixedly, not knowing how to answer, nor what her intentions were. "Why do you ask that?" Lan Xin asked back.

"Last night, Gao Xiang and the others went to the Internet cafe in your community to surf the Internet, and saw a man driving you home. He told me." Yingzi replied.Lan Xin's apartment was very close to the school, and some shops in their community naturally became places for students to do activities.

Lan Xin recalled the scene last night. After she and Chen Zheyu finished their meal, Chen Zheyu just sent her to the gate of the community because he was in a hurry to go back. At that time, he said mischievously: "I hope there is still time to say happy birthday! "

Maybe it was at that time that Gao Xiang happened to pass by, and Chen Zheyu's car was so eye-catching that it was hard not to notice it.Then he must have noticed that Chen Zheyu opened the car door graciously for her, took her by the hand to get out of the car, and then gave her a ride affectionately.

Lan Xin frowned and explained: "Actually, they are just ordinary friends."

"But Gao Xiang said it was your boyfriend...and, it seems...he is very sad." Yingzi said sadly.

"Is he very sad?" Lan Xin looked at Yingzi even more surprised.

"Yes, he is very sad." Yingzi said seriously.She looked at Lan Xin, hesitated for a moment, and reluctantly said the reason, "Mr. Lan, don't you think Gao Xiang likes you very much? It's the kind of liking a man has for a woman." Yingzi emphasized the latter There is a saying, "When we were rehearsing the program, wherever you went, his eyes followed, didn't you notice?"

This little girl is really thoughtful!However, I was so busy at the time that I really didn't pay attention.Lan Xin was thinking like this, and then she had a clear thought, if it wasn't for your eyes following him, how would you know that his eyes were following me?Looking at the melancholy on Yingzi's face again, Lan Xin suddenly realized that the little girl has something on her mind!

This scene appeared in front of Lan Xin's eyes: Gao Xiang was tirelessly searching for his figure in front, and Yingzi was behind him, silently watching his back with aggrieved face.

After understanding this relationship, Lan Xin immediately became confident.

"How is it possible?" She yelled exaggeratedly, which was really exaggerated for Lan Xin.She stared at Yingzi with wide eyes, "Don't you think the teacher is a bit old for him?"

"But, he really likes you! Even the way he looks at you is different, and he admires you so much!" Yingzi argued anxiously.

"Oh, admiration, yes, yes, yes! Maybe a little... admiration." Lan Xin finally found an entry point from Yingzi's words.

"But that's not love!" Lan Xin emphasized, "I secretly liked our physical education teacher in high school. You should have had this experience too, right? A certain young and outstanding male teacher, some kind of special affection or Worship and yearn for it?" Lan Xin tried to persuade Yingzi, and in order to increase her credibility, she even contributed a little secret of her own.

"Hey, it's true!" Yingzi agreed excitedly. "In high school, our math teacher was young and handsome. I had a crush on him. Originally, my math grades were not good. Because of him, I chased hard. During the college entrance examination , My math score is actually the third in the class!"

Gao Xiang, Yingzi and herself, countless him, she and them, it turns out that the footprints of youth are so strikingly similar!

"Then he must have someone he loves, maybe you will be sad because of it?" Lan Xin reminded her.

"That's not true, I just envied his girlfriend at the time, but I still hope they are happy." Yingzi looked innocent.

"What about now? Are you still in love with him?" Lan Xin asked.

"Now? It's just an occasional memory." Yingzi said it easily, with a smile on her face.

"That's right. Gao Xiang is the same as you and me in high school. This should be a subtle emotion that slightly surpasses the relationship between teachers and students. However, boys may show it relatively obviously." That is to say, Lan Xin I really hope that's all.However, the truth may be more complicated than that.

"However, I can see that he is in pain." Melancholy once again enveloped Yingzi's young and innocent face, "Last night, he stayed up all night in the Internet cafe, and this morning he was also in a daze without saying a word. Mentally masochistic." Yingzi was very worried about his behavior.

"It's not that strong, is it? Maybe there will be a little disappointment." Lan Xin comforted her, "The reason why you feel serious is because you care about him." After thinking about it, Lan Xin explained the truth Xuanji, let's see how she reacts.

Yingzi smiled embarrassingly, but did not retort: ​​"But he never looked at me directly, and always regarded me as a buddy!" Her words were full of helplessness.

"How is it possible! You are so young, beautiful, cheerful and generous." Lan Xin tried her best to comfort her, "Boys are rough. Give him some time, he will pay attention to you sooner or later, don't worry."

"Well, maybe." Yingzi seemed to regain his confidence, and nodded vigorously.Even if she didn't regain her confidence, she was secretly encouraging herself.

"If he's in a bad mood for the past two days, you should care about him more, spend more time with him, and let him feel the difference you treat him." Lan Xin explained to Yingzi.She felt that Yingzi would be happy to do this, and she even thought they were a good match.

"Yeah." Yingzi really readily agreed.

"Also, don't tell him that person is not my boyfriend. If you really want to suffer, let him suffer this time." Yes, let him suffer this time. If he really has a soft spot for himself, then The pain this time was inevitable sooner or later.

"If you need anything, just call me, be sure to call me." Lan Xin reminded her a few more times.

For some reason, Lan Xin felt faintly uneasy.

Lan Xin thought about this matter silently in her heart, Yingzi's footsteps were much lighter.From time to time, there are students coming and going in twos and threes, and occasionally there will be one or two couples who look like lovers, either holding hands happily, or hugging each other and whispering, sprinkling sweetness all the way in the spring.

Looking at those smiling faces full of youth, Lan Xin seemed to see herself back then.The past is like yesterday, and it is vivid in my mind, but I have already faded away from the youthfulness of 20 years old, and slowly matured.Except that the emotional world still stays where it is, everything changes silently.

"Ms. Lan, why don't you find a boyfriend or get married?" Yingzi asked abruptly, maybe what she saw touched her.

Lan Xin froze for a moment, smiled, but didn't answer.

"You are so good, you deserve happiness." Yingzi concluded subjectively.

Lan Xin felt that the smile on her face was slowly turning into a wry smile, little girl, there is nothing that should be done in this world, let alone happiness!

Lan Xin knows very well that happiness has always been something that needs to be striven for by oneself, not to mention, from ancient times to the present, how many people have spent their entire lives pursuing it, but in the end it is just a mirage.Besides, everyone has a different definition of happiness, and there are 1000 million desired happiness among 1000 million people.Lan Xin knew what happiness Yingzi was referring to, but in the past few years, Lan Xin gave up the pursuit of this kind of happiness and closed the heart door leading to this kind of happiness.

It has been six years, do we have to wait for the next six years?
Maybe it's time to open the door.

In the living room, two people sat side by side on the ground, admiring the green clouds.

"It's really elegant and dignified, fresh and refined, worthy of being the 'Queen of Chunlan'." Chen Zheyu looked at the blooming green clouds and admired deeply.He turned his head to look at Lan Xin, and added three words meaningfully, "Just like you."

Chen Zheyu's unreserved praise and affectionate gaze made Lan Xin's heart skip a beat, a girlish shyness gradually appeared on her face, and she lowered her head gently.After dating Chen Zheyu for so long, Lan Xin felt awkward and at a loss for the first time.However, Lan Xin clearly felt a warm current called Little Happiness flowing all over her body.

"Am I that good? I don't even know." Lan Xin joked coquettishly.

"Of course." The other party did not hesitate.

"Although I also like the indifferent and elegant orchids, I can't be indifferent and elegant. I am an ordinary person, I like to enjoy life, I like money, fame and fortune, and I like to be recognized by others."

"You are not a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world. Of course you will pursue the necessities of life." Chen Zheyu said, "However, you are different. You have no greed, no unscrupulous means, and live a real and calm life. In today's society, This is indifferent elegance."

Lan Xin burst into joy from the bottom of her heart, she liked Chen Zheyu's evaluation of her.

"What's your favorite flower?" Chen Zheyu asked.

"Orchids of course." Lan Xin replied.

"I know you like orchids."

"What about you?"

"Me too." Chen Zheyu replied, "It seems that we have common hobbies."

"Then what fruit do you like best?" Chen Zheyu continued to ask with great interest.

"Pomegranate." Lan Xin blurted out without thinking, as if it was the right one.

"Well, it's very special." Chen Zheyu thought about it, he doesn't like eating pomegranates.

"I like eating pomegranates since I was a child." Lan Xin said, "I remember when I was a child, my grandma often worked overtime at night. Oh, my grandma is a middle school teacher." Lan Xin added, "When the pomegranates are ripe, my grandma always buys them for me. I ate it. She hid the pomegranates, and every night when she was working overtime, she would conjure one up for me, and then cut a hole with a knife. I ate the pomegranates one by one while I was doing my homework. It's done, but the pomegranate is not finished yet. When the pomegranate is finished, grandma will come back."

Lan Xin was immersed in memories, those distant memories, how beautiful!
"When I was a child, while eating pomegranates, I thought, if there were no hard seeds in the ruby-like pomegranates, it would be such a pleasure to bite down, and it would be sweet juice! There is no need to eat the pomegranates slowly. Suck up the juice and spit out the seeds." Lan Xin smiled at Chen Zheyu, because of her innocence when she was a child, "When I grew up, I ate so many pomegranates every year, and then I slowly realized: it turns out that pomegranates are the most intriguing. It is because of those hard seeds that you will taste carefully and carefully. Without them, wouldn’t it take a lot of effort to get the full and sweet juice? If you eat too much, will you get tired instead? Like It is life, those seeds are like the pits and hollows in life, they always exist and must exist, life is rich."

Chen Zheyu listened to her quietly.He was fascinated by Lan Xin in front of him, her smile seemed to be a bright light, he didn't even want her to stop, he hoped she would keep talking like this.

"You are really special." Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin and said this for a long time.

"People tell you what's in your heart, but you laugh at me. Is it a bit far-fetched, pretending to be deep?" Lan Xin looked at Chen Zheyu and said shyly.

"Where is it? It's very profound and special." Chen Zheyu looked sincere.

"What about you? What's your favorite fruit?" Lan Xin couldn't help asking him.

"It's similar to yours, but the fruit is bigger." Chen Zheyu said playfully.

"What?" Lan Xin was puzzled.

"Grape." Chen Zheyu laughed, "Is it similar?"

Lan Xin thought about it and smiled: "What are you doing, isn't it too far away?"

The two were immersed in this happy atmosphere, and the sweetness permeating the air attracted them to approach unconsciously, and everything became so beautiful and suddenly.

"Lan Xin, am I waiting for you at the corner?" Chen Zheyu looked at Lan Xin with infinite affection and anticipation in his eyes.

Lan Xin didn't answer, she lowered her head.At this moment, how much she wants to take this step bravely, open her heart to him, and tell him that she has him in her heart.However, for the unknown future, she has so many uncertainties. Fear and worry always accompany her when she looks forward to a bright future, haunting her, hitting her, making her stagnate and shrink back.

Lan Xin was silent...

After a while, she finally raised her head and met Chen Zheyu's gaze bravely: "Why me?"

Yes, why her?There are always flowers around him, competing for beauty, why does he only love this one?
"There's no reason, it's you." Chen Zheyu answered simply and simply.But these simple words seem to contain thousands of words, as if they have searched thousands of mountains and rivers and gone through vicissitudes.In the helplessness of Yu Qianfan's past, and in the unwillingness of Yu suddenly looking back and waiting for nothing, he was delighted to find that he had met him.Love, in fact, there are really not so many reasons, it is just a feeling, if the feeling is right, it is love.

It's you!Is this a recognition?A promise?A promise?
"I know, you think that people like me who play games and live a dissolute life will not have true love, and will not be moved by true feelings." Chen Zheyu seemed a little helpless, "But, my heart tells me truthfully, I am true love I'm falling for you." Chen Zheyu confessed with full sincerity, "Thank God, we have arranged our adventure in the dark. Since God can give me a chance to meet you, you won't even give me a chance?" Chen Zheyu is full Looking at Lan Xin expectantly.

Lan Xin heard a voice that was moved in her heart: give him a chance!Give him a chance!
"But... you know... my past..." Lan Xin hesitated to speak.Talking about this topic at this time is a bit of a shame.However, Lan Xin wanted to know how much he cared about her past.Because he should be very clear that she has been unable to let go of the past.

"My past is full of bad things." Chen Zheyu quickly blocked Lan Xin's words, "Whether it's my past or yours, since it's over, let's not mention it anymore, okay?" Chen Zheyu was indifferent Smile, "We can only live in the present. In the future, we can still work hard to create, but the past can no longer be changed. Therefore, the past is the least important, and the present and the future are what we need to fight for. "

"I can't exist in your past, but I want to exist in your present and future." Chen Zheyu said firmly, his eyes full of persistence.

Lan Xin felt that Chen Zheyu at this moment was a mountain, solid and reliable.

"Maybe, you have been deeply hurt, but please don't give up the pursuit of happiness. I thought that after pain, you will know how to cherish it. I will always regard you as a treasure, and please cherish me." This is Chen Zheyu's most sincere request.

"After the pain, you will know how to cherish it." This sentence deeply touched Lan Xin.Yes, only when you have experienced the pain deeply, and when happiness and joy come, will you know how precious they are, and you will be willing to cherish them and regard them as treasures.Thank you, Zheyu, I am not a greedy person, I should cherish it.

Chen Zheyu took Lan Xin's hand, wanting to embrace her emotionally, but Lan Xin avoided shyly.Afraid of shocking her, Chen Zheyu smiled at her knowingly, and Lan Xin returned Chen Zheyu's shy smile.The two smiled and looked at each other like this, and the fragrance of flowers was refreshing, blending into this warm joy.Lan Xin felt that she was happy at this moment, the long-lost happiness!

So happy, time slipped away from the gap of happiness.

Suddenly, Chen Zheyu seemed to remember something, and said to Lan Xin with a serious face: "Xinxin, there is something I want to confess to you. Don't worry, it's not a big deal, it's just a small thing." Chen Zheyu comforted her "However, if you hide it and don't report it, once you find out, no, you will definitely find out in the future, and I will die." Chen Zheyu said seriously, "I don't want you to ignore me for a few months."

This was the first time Chen Zheyu called her "Xinxin", and he didn't call her "Xin'er".He may have been brewing this title in his heart for a long time, it sounds so natural.Maybe it's because he thinks that he can't call her the same as everyone else, and there should be a nickname that belongs to him alone.

Lan Xin likes him calling her that, especially from his beautiful voice.

"What's the matter? Be honest and be lenient." Lan Xin really felt a little uneasy, how many secrets does he still have?
"It's not a big deal." Chen Zheyu smiled embarrassedly, "Didn't I give you a bottle of perfume?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? It's my favorite." Lan Xin was puzzled, and then came to her senses, "I've always wondered how you found it. What's the mystery? .”

"God help me too, my sister also uses this brand of perfume, the same fragrance, you will know it as soon as you smell it." Chen Zheyu smiled slyly, "At that time, were you touched by me? However, I still put my heart into it. , isn't it?"

"Okay." Lan Xin angrily stretched out her hand to hit him.So it is!I was a little touched at the time, thinking that he had found this product like a needle in a haystack, and with such care, it turned out that it took no effort at all.It can be seen that everything should not be too romantic and beautiful, most of the time it is just a kind of plainness.

However, he still used his heart, and that was enough.Who asked God to help him?So, the hand that wanted to hit him lightly brushed his arm, turning into a coquettish act.

Chen Zheyu took advantage of the situation and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly, not willing to let go.Slowly, he leaned down and approached her hot and seductive lips emotionally.

This time, God did not help him, because at this moment, Lan Xin's mobile phone on the coffee table suddenly rang, and the music ringtone broke the silence in the room.At this moment, Liang Jingru's gentle singing voice was so piercing.

The two were startled, Lan Xin hurriedly pulled out of Chen Zheyu's arms, both were a little embarrassed, Lan Xin even blushed.

It's so late, who could it be?

The cell phone was calling persistently.Lan Xin quickly got up and ran towards the phone.

"Hello?" Before Lan Xin could ask "Who is that", she heard the anxious and urgent voice of the other party.

"Teacher Lan, I'm Yingzi. It's not good, something happened to Gao Xiang, come quickly."

Lan Xin's heart sank, and a sense of uneasiness instantly enveloped her whole body.

"Where are you?" Lan Xin asked eagerly.

"In the Internet cafe in your neighborhood."

Lan Xin hurried to the door, changed her shoes, grabbed the key from the entrance, and ran out without looking back.Chen Zheyu went in without knowing it, and hurriedly chased him out.

"Yingzi, don't worry, I'm already here." Lan Xin talked with Yingzi on the phone while walking, "What happened? Tell me slowly."

"Gao Xiang was surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe. He said something wrong and started arguing with others. There was a group of people surrounding Gao Xiang, forcing him to kneel down and admit his mistakes." Yingzi's voice was urgent, with a weeping tone, looking helpless and desperate .

Chen Zheyu followed Lan Xin, and the two hurried towards the Internet cafe.Not far away, a group of people had gathered around the entrance of the Internet cafe. It turned out that the battlefield had already moved out.The voices were noisy and chaotic, and some people were waving flags and shouting.

Lan Xin struggled to squeeze into the crowd, followed by Chen Zheyu.Sure enough, Lan Xin saw Gao Xiang and Ying Zi who were trapped inside.Seeing Lan Xin, Ying Zi yelled "Teacher Lan" like looking forward to a savior, and everyone's eyes shot towards Lan Xin.

"Ha, so it's a 'beast', or a beautiful woman 'beast', rare and rare." Someone spoke strangely, it was a young man standing next to Gao Xiang, with blond messy hair and a wretched expression.Bitten the word "calling the beast" very hard.

"How do you talk?" Chen Zheyu preempted Lan Xin to speak, he took a step forward to protect Lan Xin, stared at the "golden lion king" with angry eyes, and asked sharply.

Lan Xin gently tugged at the corner of Chen Zheyu's clothes, signaling him not to get angry.

The tall Chen Zheyu made the other party feel a little afraid, he froze for a moment, his arrogance was not so arrogant anymore.However, he immediately said confidently: "You first ask how he talks?" "Golden Retriever" pointed at Gao Xiang, "He called me a dog first."

"How can I?" Gao Xiang argued angrily.

"No? I had a good time with my brothers in there. You stepped on me. Instead of apologizing, you even said that I was in your way. Isn't that calling me a dog?" "Golden Retriever" tried to argue .

"If he stepped on you, we apologize to you, and he apologizes to you, do you think it's okay?" Lan Xin tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, and said kindly.She wanted to make big things into small things, but the other party had a group of people, all of whom were young men with vigor and vigor, and heroes would not suffer immediate losses.

"It's late." The other party smiled coldly, with a gloating and complacent look on his face, imitating the accent on the TV and raising his voice, "If an apology is useful, why do we need the police?"

Someone yelled from the side: "Stop talking nonsense with him. Hurry up and kneel down to me, otherwise, we will do it!"

A "red hair" next to him started pushing and shoving Gao Xiang, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.Others are also eager to move, gearing up, ready to fight.

How could Gao Xiang bear this kind of anger?Seeing that there are so many of them, they have endured for a long time.Now, someone dared to push him, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and swept his elbow, causing the "red hair" beside him to stagger. "Red Hair" became angry from embarrassment, and waved at Gao Xiang and punched him.Soon, several more people joined the ranks of punching and kicking.Yingzi was so anxious that he was at a loss and kept yelling "stop" and "stop", and the scene became even more chaotic.

"Don't do anything, wait until the police come." Lan Xin yelled loudly, while trying to pull away the gangsters who were punching Gao Xiang, she shouted at Yingzi: "Call 110!" Chen Zheyu tried his best He tried his best to tear apart the huddled people, and never forgot to protect Lan Xin beside him.

In the confusion, Lan Xin suddenly saw someone grab a stool from the Internet cafe and head straight for Gao Xiang!She shouted at Gao Xiang: "Gao Xiang, be careful!" Then she rushed forward to protect Gao Xiang.

At the same time, Lan Xin heard Chen Zheyu's eager cry: "Lan Xin..."

Before the words fell, Chen Zheyu had already thrown himself into his arms to protect her.Then, there was a loud "bang", and Lan Xin heard the sound of a chair hitting her head.Lan Xin felt Chen Zheyu's body shake heavily.

She turned her head in fear, only to see that blood was slowly dripping from Chen Zheyu's forehead, more and more, faster and faster, flowing down her cheeks.Lan Xin was petrified, she called Chen Zheyu's name loudly, and reached out to help him.The people on the other side saw that someone was injured and bleeding, and knew that something was wrong, they scattered like birds and beasts, and ran away.

Lan Xin and Gao Xiang supported Chen Zheyu with anxious faces, fearing that he would fall down.

Chen Zheyu's face was covered with blood.He looked at Lan Xin, smiled lightly, and comforted her in a low voice: "It's okay, it's okay." Lan Xin looked at him, and her anxious heart hurt like a knife at this moment. She shouted in her heart over and over again: "Chen Zheyu, you Nothing can happen, nothing can happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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