Chapter 26
"I'm leaving, the plane the day after tomorrow." Lan Xin pretended to be indifferent.

Chen Zheyu, who was sitting across from him, was startled, but he pretended to be nonchalant and replied, "Oh, the visa came out so soon."

It was still this western restaurant, the western restaurant they came to for their first meal.The whole restaurant looks unchanged.

"Well, there is an invitation letter from the university over there, so it will be very soon." Lan Xin still described it lightly.

Chen Zheyu felt a pain in his heart, one year, a whole year to go.Before they separated, Chen Zheyu clearly felt the reluctance and longing in his heart. Yes, he said that he couldn't live without her.But now, he didn't keep her, he didn't dare to keep her, he didn't want to keep her.

He could only be silent.

At the beginning, when he called Aunt Qin, he didn't expect that she would take her away.He didn't expect that she was willing to leave.But what if you don't leave?Can they go back to the intimacy and laughter they used to have?Think about it, this may be the best arrangement and the only arrangement at present, let time and distance wear away the invisible obstacles between them.He hoped that one day, his Xinxin would be able to laugh, scold and bicker with him as before. He hoped that she would appear lively in front of him, and then they would walk into the sunshine together.

The two bowed their heads and ate in silence.

"Auntie is really not easy. You can get everything done so quickly. Your home in the United States must be either rich or expensive. Tell me, are you hiding your background? Are you the daughter of a rich family?" Chen Zheyu opened a Just kidding, I want to liven up the atmosphere.

Lan Xin didn't answer, she was thinking about her own thoughts.She found that at this moment, she still had so much reluctance to leave the person in front of her.However, she couldn't let go of so many things, she couldn't forget Lin Feng, and she felt guilty.Therefore, she is always depressed and depressed.However, at this moment, the person opposite did not keep her!
"Xinxin, your current state makes me very worried and sad. However, I can't help you, so I am very sad. Maybe you need to change the environment and adjust yourself properly." Chen Zheyu said seriously .

He wanted Lan Xin to understand that the reason why he didn't keep him was actually because of her.Everything he did was for her!No matter how reluctant he is, how unwilling he is.

"You know my feelings for you, how can I be willing to let you go? But, I can't watch you so self-pity and depressed. I used to think that one day, I can prove to you that I love you more than anyone else But, now, I realize, how can I compare with him? I will never be able to compare with him." Chen Zheyu, who has always been confident and unrestrained, finally poured out the inferiority complex in his heart.These are the words that he has been suppressing in his heart these days.Yes, he didn't dare to keep her, even though he felt so much reluctance in his heart, even though he couldn't leave her!
At this moment, Lan Xin understood his painstaking efforts. It turned out that she was not the only one who was not easy.

Chen Zheyu still drives her Aston Martin to take her home, and still says goodbye to her downstairs, he hugs her tightly, he really wants to kiss her, kiss her lips, kiss her eyes, but In the end, he finally did not.

Everything seems to be back to how it was before.On the way back, Chen Zheyu felt very aggrieved and his chest was tight. He never thought that he, who was always full of confidence, would be so helpless today.But, I have to do something, Chen Zheyu thought, stepping on the gas pedal.Besides, the United States is not so far away, I will definitely open a branch there.Chen Zheyu thought hard again.

The night before her departure, Zhou Lin and Xu Wenbin came to see her off.Zhou Lin pulled her, and the two sisters said goodbye reluctantly.

"We have obtained the certificate." Zhou Lin told her mysteriously and sweetly.

Lan Xin looked at them happily, this was the best news in so many days.

"Congratulations." Lan Xin wished them sincerely. After all the ups and downs, they finally came together. "Maybe I won't be able to attend your wedding, why don't you go to America for your honeymoon?" Lan Xin sent out an invitation.

"Okay, okay, I'll see you then." Zhou Lin cheered happily. "Xin'er, I will miss you." Zhou Lin looked at Lan Xin reluctantly. "Can you not leave? You left, what should Chen Zheyu do?" She clearly knew that what she said was nonsense.

Yes, Chen Zheyu, what about Chen Zheyu?He loves her so much.But now, they get along very unnaturally, there is Lin Feng's shadow everywhere, the more they avoid deliberately, the more ubiquitous they are.Both she and him are embarrassed, yes, "embarrassed" can only be used to describe this delicate emotion.

"I will be back soon, one year is not a long time." Lan Xin comforted herself in this way.

"Okay, you must come back." Zhou Lin insisted like a child.

Lan Xin nodded.

Xu Wenbin told her: "I resigned and went to work in another company."

Lan Xin looked at him in surprise.

"Also, we are optimistic about an existing house, and we are going to buy it back with a mortgage to build a new house." Xu Wenbin then announced, "From now on, we will be the housing donors." He looked at Lan Xin, then at Zhou Lin, Lan Xin saw them looking at each other and smiling.

Lan Xin saw happiness from their smiles.

"That's great, that's great." Lan Xin said happily, "I hope you will love each other forever and grow old forever."

Xu Wenbin smiled, and sincerely said to Lan Xin: "Thank you! After going through so many things, Linlin and I know how to cherish, cherish each other, and cherish this relationship. Being able to be with the person we love is a blessing. What a lucky and happy thing."

What Lan Xin saw in Wen Bin's eyes was full of sincerity, and what she returned to him was a friendly smile.

Yes, it is easy for us to focus on one thing and lose another for pursuit and hard work. Many times, we think that we have a lot of time and enough capital to make up for it.As everyone knows, the relatives and friends who are still by our side may disappear suddenly at some point.Therefore, all we can do is: cherish the present and leave few regrets.

And her current goal is to find a place, tidy herself up, and then start again.

Chen Zheyu came here very late.At this moment, he looked haggard and dejected.As soon as he entered the door, he hugged her tightly, his eyes full of reluctance. "Can you not go?" He begged her, but he knew it was useless.There are some things that she must do now.And there are some things that he has to bear.

Lan Xin silently let him hold her in her arms.How warm and secure this familiar embrace is.But now, she had to choose to leave.Hug tight, hug long and long.This hug was so long, finally, he let her go.

"I helped you choose a pair of watches. The men's watch is set to Beijing time, and the women's watch has been adjusted to the local time in the United States. Come, I'll bring it for you." Chen Zheyu said quietly.

Lan Xin stretched out her left hand obediently, and the watch was worn on Lan Xin's wrist, very delicate and beautiful.Lan Xin knew that they were expensive, but she did not refuse.

"Let's put the men's one in the box first. You take it there, as if I'm by your side." Chen Zheyu's eyes are full of hope at the moment, "I hope, one day, you can bring it for me by yourself. "

Chen Zheyu hugged her tightly again.

"I'll take care of Luyun for you first. Don't worry, I will take good care of it, and I will wait for you to come back." He said it so willingly, without complaint or regret.

After a minute of silence, he continued: "Also, I will always keep that number for you, always." This time, he spoke very firmly.

He didn't keep her, but he believed in the magic of time, and he believed that the separation this time was for them to get together better.He will never let her go easily, since the god of fate sent her into his life, he must hold her firmly.He cannot live without her!
"Tomorrow, I'll take you to the airport."

"No, Zhou Lin and the others will send me off." Lan Xin resolutely refused.

This decisiveness borders on cruelty.However, there was so much unbearable in her heart, she slowly added: "Don't go, I don't want you to see my back when I leave."


Early the next morning, Lan Xin went to the airport.

At the airport, she received a text message from Chen Zheyu: If you can't forget it, then let us commemorate it together!Waiting for you, waiting for you to go through life hand in hand.

Lan Xin burst into tears instantly, she stared at this text message for a long time, her eyes blurred the words.Life is long or short, but everyone's life is limited. What we can do is to live our days well, without regrets and with few regrets.In the journey of our life, there are always some people and things that we must remember or forget, and these remembering and forgetting will surely make our life more fulfilling and wonderful.Everything in the past has gone with the wind, everything in the present will let it fly with the wind, and everything in the future will also come with the wind.We must become more calm and confident, and let everything go with the wind!

Lan Xin bravely walked through the airport security check, facing the wind, she will fly to a distant country alone, and she will start a new life.No matter what, she must live a good life and live happily.Because she promised him in her heart.

Lan Xin looked at the distant sky, she seemed to see her elder brother Lin Feng smiling peacefully at her from the clouds.She prayed silently: Brother Lin Feng, please protect me with your spirit in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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