Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 112 Catacomb Shop [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Chapter 112 Catacomb Shop [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

With one move, the Distorted Three-Eyed Monster was completely wiped out.

Hu Rui was still a little bit chest hurt from being hit, but now he saw Lu Miaosheng's move to deal with the deformed three-eyed monster, and he was stunned in place, and the hand rubbing his chest didn't move.

I was completely shocked by the scene in front of me.

Hu Rui looked at Luo Luohua who was still on the side and asked, "Is this your captain?"

Luo Luohe smiled: "How is it, isn't it very strong?"

Hu Rui immediately realized that this was an opportunity. His team had been completely wiped out by the distortion three-eyed monster, which meant that he would be alone in the future.

He felt that he could live in this monster area alone for a long time. Now that he had a ready-made thigh hug, he would be a fool not to hug him.

"Can I join your team?"

Luo Luohua was not surprised, but he habitually pretended to say: "Not everyone in our team can enter, what ability do you have?"

Hu Rui hurriedly said: "I ran fast, even the deformed three-eyed monster just couldn't catch up with me."

Luo Dehua sneered: "What's the use of running fast? Is it convenient to leave the team and escape?"

Luo Luohua's words are a bit hurtful. Doesn't this imply that Hu Rui left the team and ran away?
Fortunately, Xia Hong was just about to come over to find Luo Hua when he saw this scene and rushed to save the scene: "Brother, don't listen to this guy's nonsense, he has no malicious intentions, but his mouth is a bit poisonous. Since you want to join our team, then I will Ask them for their opinion, if there is no problem, that’s fine too.”

When Xia Hong said this, Luo Luo knew that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly apologized: "Brother, I didn't mean that, I know that you are too weak to leave the team and run away."

It's over, did I say something that I shouldn't have said?

Xia Hong's head was full of black lines: "Luo Hua, you can shut up."

Hu Rui was also annoyed. Knowing that this guy is a weirdo, he was not so angry.

Xia Hong came back with the two of them: "Come and introduce to everyone. This is Hu Rui. He wants to join our team. You have seen his ability just now. He is very fast. You can decide whether you want him to join us or not." Our team."

Luo Feifei spoke bluntly without hesitation: "Can you explain your role? I believe you have discovered the role of your ability after being in the burrow for so long."

What Luo Feifei said was quite normal, and this question was also very acute. If there was no special effect, they would just run away. They really didn't want this person.

Hu Rui also understood what Luo Feifei meant: "I can lure monsters and detect information. The speed of ordinary monsters is not as fast as mine. For example, the speed of the distorted three-eyed monster just now is not as fast as mine, and it's not that I have no combat power at all. There's not that much of an advantage in terms of speed."

Hu Rui introduced his abilities concisely and clearly, from which everyone could hear the key.

Fast speed can lure monsters to investigate information, not afraid of being hunted down.

In terms of offense, the opponent's clothes can't be touched, and he can run if he can't beat him.

Seeing that no one opened their mouths to look at him, Lu Mousheng knew he was asking for his opinion.

The reason for this is also because of the long-term protection of making a living, which gave them such a strong sense of dependence.

Hu Rui also knew that the main body of the team was Lu Miansheng. He looked at Lu Miansheng expectantly and waited for Lu Miansheng to speak.

Lu Mousheng knew that it was time for him to speak, and Hu Rui's abilities were good. Although he was a little different from the intelligence worker he wanted, he was still good.

"No problem, welcome to join, but you will be responsible for the intelligence work in the future."

Hu Rui was pleasantly surprised that being able to join this powerful team would also make his safety more secure.

"No problem, leave things like pathfinding to me in the future."

Luo Luohua is the happiest about this matter. He usually does all the road-finding tasks because of his thick skin. It would be great to have someone to replace him now.

Hu Rui then said: "Captain, I found a crypt store when I was in the previous team. Now everyone in the previous team is cold, so I don't need to keep it a secret."

Lu Mousheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the recipient could bring out the crypt shop: "Where is it? Take us there."

Hu Rui worried: "However, there are a bunch of powerful deformed three-eyed monsters, not one, but a bunch, which is very dangerous."

Lu Miaosheng also calmed down. It is still very dangerous if there are too many monsters like this, but it doesn't have to be straight.

It's also time to let these monsters know what kite tactics are.

"It's okay, take us over there to have a look, if there are too many, we will draw them out one by one to fight."

"it is good."

Next, under the leadership of Hu Rui, everyone hurried in the monster area.

The importance of the Catacomb Store has been here for a day, and everyone has guessed.

Monsters don't drop things, and there is no way to improve their strength.

The only possibility is to rely on the Vault Shop.

Because at present, they have not found any way to continue to enhance their strength.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Hu Rui pointed to the front and spoke.

"It's just ahead, and you can see it after walking a few hundred meters, but there are a lot of distortion three-eyed monsters, so be careful when you pass by later."

Lu Mousheng frowned when he heard Hu Rui's words: "There seems to be a lot of fighting in front."

Xia Hong guessed: "Could it be that someone has already discovered this crypt shop?"

Lu Miaosheng shook his head: "I don't know, just go and have a look."

When everyone heard what Lu made a living, they all raised their spirits and became alert.

I thought they would be able to eat crabs once, but now it seems a bit impossible.

Go all the way, bypassing a building.

At this time, it has become a battlefield.

People, monsters, murderers, three-way battlefield.

The distortion three-eyed monster attacks indiscriminately, regardless of whether you are a good person or a murderer.

The people on the battlefield were not in a hurry to clean up the deformed three-eyed monster, but instead attacked the murderer first.

They knew that the murderer could destroy the crypt store, anyway, they had to have a fight with the murderer in the end.

It's better to kill them first while there are monsters in the Catacombs Store and the guardian killers can't destroy them.

So the battlefield is like this.

Killers are attacked by monsters and attacked by non-killers.

The non-killer avoids the attack of monsters and hunts down the killer.

The number of killers is about 50.

The number of non-slayers is about 40.

The number of monsters is about thirty.

Lu Miaosheng looked coldly at the murderer who kept besieging monsters and trying to destroy the store in the Catacombs.

"Come on, kill all the murderers first."

"Well, I've been waiting for the boss's words for a long time."

After Lu Miaosheng gave the order, everyone rushed towards the battlefield, and joined in the action of besieging and killing the murderer after a while.

The murderer team also found the way to make a living and others.

"Qiantang, there are more and more people on the opposite side. I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with this cave shop alone."

"No way, who said this is their door."

"Okay, let Boss Bu come over to support us, I believe he will be happy to see so many people."

"Well, that's the only way it can be."

With Lu Miaosheng and others joining the battlefield, the situation changed instantly.

Xia Hong and the others have already stepped into the Bronze Realm. Not to mention the top level of strength, they can be regarded as the top group among the second rate. It is relatively easy to deal with these murderers with uneven strength.

The weaker ones will be instantly killed, while the stronger ones will fight together.

But Lu Miansheng was different, he just unreasonably mobilized his spiritual power to sweep out.

Like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, the murderers who were blown by the spiritual power all fell to the ground and suffered unspeakably.

Completely let the other side have no experience of resistance.

Speaking of speed, let's not say that they can't run to make a living at all, and the speed of mental power is not something they can escape.

The killer looked at the teammates who suddenly fell to the ground in front of him, and instantly knew something was wrong.

"No, here comes a very strong guy."

"Retreat first, wait for Boss Bu to come over, we are no match for this man."

After seeing Lu's ability to make a living, the murderer wisely prepared to retreat.

Beating their teammates is the same as beating a baby, and the difference in their strength is not very big, so can they still resist Lu to make a living?
Running is the most correct choice.

The first time they chose to retreat, they left behind the howling companions in front of them. This is the essence of murderers.

They don't care about the life and death of their teammates, the most important thing is their own life.

If it weren't for the inability of the killers to attack each other, they might all fight among themselves.

Anyway, killing people can increase their strength, and murderers are also human in essence.

Looking at the fleeing murderer, Lu Mousheng narrowed his eyes: "Want to run? How is that possible."

The Vault Shop is right in front of you, and the more Vault Points you get, the more stuff you can buy, though maybe not that much.

He may not need it, but he cannot live without it.

Moreover, in this version, the murderer and them can only survive. They are absolute opposites, and there will definitely be a decisive battle within a month.

There is no such thing as being merciful, just kill a little more now, and then kill a little less in the decisive battle.

[Thunder Shadow! 】

I haven't used this skill yet, so I just try it out now.

Although the power legs also increase the speed, they can only advance in a straight line, just like a rocket lifts off into the sky.

Raikage is different, it really enhances his speed.

The moment he used this skill, mana flowed from his dantian, and a blue electric glow lit up from his body.

His whole body now exudes a blue light.

The appearance of this force instantly made him feel lighter, and the muscle strength of his legs was greatly enhanced.


Lu Mousheng rushed out, about [-]% faster than his normal full strength.

After launching, the distance between him and the murderer began to shorten rapidly.

He had to do it as soon as possible, the building complex was 50 meters ahead, if he didn't kill these murderers before that, they might run away.

How could Lu Miansheng let this happen.

Simply use the power leg to fly out.


A sonic boom came from the space, and a blue lightning flashed across the countless murderers and arrived at the entrance of the building complex.

"Do you... want to run?"

Lu Miaosheng let out an evil smile, more like a murderer than a murderer.

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(End of this chapter)

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