Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 113 Spiritual Liquid Pool 【Subscribe! 】

Chapter 113 Spiritual Liquid Pool 【Subscribe! 】

The murderer looked in horror at the road in front of him to make a living.

"He's alone! Kill him!"


While speaking, about [-] murderers rushed towards Lu Miansheng with their own weapons.

Lu Mousheng smiled slightly, strong means that he can do whatever he wants.

The mental power was activated, and a dagger composed of a large amount of spiritual power appeared beside him, shooting straight at the attacking murderer.

A torrent of spiritual daggers swept out.

The murderers also saw this transparent spiritual dagger transformed from spiritual power.

They took up arms to resist.

An incredible scene was staged in their eyes.

Their weapons were directly pierced by the transparent dagger and hit them.

The feeling of a giant hammer hitting the head appeared in everyone's mind.

The intense pain they had never experienced made them immediately lose all mobility.

All he could do was hold his head, which was completely unwounded, and scream.

"What kind of power is this?"

"My... head feels like it's going to explode. Ahhh!!!"

"It's so painful!"

More than 30 murderers who were originally ferocious all fell to the ground at this time.

The murderers who rushed to the front were hit by multiple spiritual daggers and were already dead. The words extracted could be seen from their bodies.

Lu Mousheng walked over slowly holding Hei Yaojian.

At this time, in the eyes of the murderer, Lu Miaosheng is the god of death!

Come to reap the god of death from their lives!




Every time a sword is swung, a human head falls to the ground, and a large amount of blood sprays from the bowl-sized neck.

The ground was soaked in blood, and a stream of blood continued to extend into the distance.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Just as Lu Miaosheng started the massacre, an elegant man came out of the building complex clapping his hands.

"I didn't expect that you didn't have the slightest mercy when killing people. Why didn't this method join our murderer's main camp?" Bu Xiangming looked at Lu making a living jokingly, and brought three red-covered murderers out of the building. came out of the group.

Lu Mousheng calmly chopped off a head, turned to look at Bu Xiangming: "I kill people who deserve to be killed, and I won't kill innocent people like you."

Bu Xiangming laughed loudly: "Why are we killing innocent people indiscriminately? We are only trying to become stronger, so are you killing innocent people indiscriminately by killing monsters? Are you bad people?"

Lu Mousheng looked at Bu Xiangming as if he was mentally retarded: "Why do I feel that you are mentally retarded? Are you trading your IQ for strength?"

Bu Xiangming:
Bu Xiangming's face darkened, his breathing became heavier, and his breath became thicker.

Lu Mousheng has no intention of continuing to talk nonsense with the other party, and his strength has also improved a lot, but he wants to see if this guy can still run.

The power leg was activated, Lu Miaosheng flew out from the spot, the blue lightning arc on his body flickered, at this moment, Lu Miaosheng accelerated his speed to the extreme.

Bu Xiangming reacted the moment he saw Lu Mousheng rushing towards him.

Black air came out of his body, wisps of it were like tentacles growing out.

【Motion muscle! 】

Physical strength began to be consumed a lot, and it transformed into stronger strength appearing in his arms.

Feel the muscles squirming in your arms.

Lu Miaosheng punched out.

Bu Xiangming dodged Lu Miaosheng's punch, and kicked Lu Miaosheng's waist with a strong wind.

Lu Mousheng dodged with his hind legs, and then punched again. The speed was only normal, but Bu Xiangming dodged him.

The two sides fought dozens of moves in a short period of time, and no one could do anything to the other.

Bu Xiangming and Lu Mou laughed after a blunt blow: "It seems that your strength has not improved in the past two days, and you are still standing still."

He had a head-on confrontation with Lu Mousheng before, but he was seriously injured, and he has always been psychologically shadowed. If he hadn't been greatly improved in the past two days, he would not have come out to fight Lu Mousheng.

Now after fighting dozens of moves, he found that Lu Zhisheng's strength seemed to be standing still, and his vigilance was relaxed a lot.

Lu Miaosheng sneered, "What are you proud of? Is it because you feel so happy to escape my attack?"

Bu Xiangming was annoyed, did I feel good because I escaped your attack?
Obviously because I can fight you evenly!

With graceful steps, Bu Xiangming's attack was faster and more powerful.

There is even an expression on his face that he wants to kill himself to make a living.

What Lu Mousheng wanted was for the other party to relax his vigilance, and then he had to strike with all his strength to see if he could beat this guy to death.

Mentally, he has nothing to do with the opponent, but fortunately, his strength is also a little bit stronger.

[Power Rune! 】

With ten times the strength, the most powerful blow in history is about to appear.

A cold light flashed in Lu Mousheng's eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised, and then he unleashed the Bahuang Killing Fist secretly!
Eight Desolation Killing Fist: Crack the Ground!

Numerous blood-red auras scattered in the field, condensing from the entire battlefield into Lu Mousheng's right fist.

The huge power caused the void to tremble, and power ripples could even be seen spreading from Lu Miansheng's right fist in the air.

Circle and circle, like stones falling on the surface of a lake.

Bu Xiangming's eyes widened, knowing that something was wrong, but at this moment he had already shot with all his strength, and it was obviously impossible to withdraw his strength and retreat.

A sense of death enveloped his whole body, as if he was going to die on the spot in the next second.


He is the descendant of the devil world!
How can you die here!
A strong desire to survive rose from the bottom of his heart, he must not die here!
Bu Xiangming took out a piece of pure white talisman paper with a black dot in the middle.

[Mother-child teleportation: The child talisman is placed anywhere, and the mother talisman can be torn to be teleported to the child talisman. 】

There was no time to hesitate, to give up the previous blow. Although he couldn't control the inertia of leaning forward, he could still control his palm and arm at will.

After tearing up the mother talisman, his figure disappeared in front of everyone.

Bu Xiangming ran away, but Lu Miaosheng's blow had already been delivered.

The power to destroy everything burst out from Lu Miansheng's fist, like a laser beam.

A transparent air wave was shot out in the space, and the powerful force rushed out with the air wave to destroy all objects in front of it.

The three murderer brothers brought by Bu Xiangming didn't even have a chance to react, they were beaten into pieces, and the broken pieces were scattered on the ground, not a single piece was intact.

The buildings in the rear collapsed after being bombarded by Lu Miansheng, and a large number of buildings that looked like dangerous buildings collapsed, splashing countless dust.

Lu Miaosheng shook his head regretfully: "There are many ways to save your life, but what's the use of them, you will always have to run away from me."

All the attributes of the corpses on the ground were extracted, and the strength was strengthened again.

The power rune was not turned off, and there were still more than 20 distorted three-eyed monsters in the battlefield that had not been resolved. It happened that everything was solved by turning on the power rune now.

Lu Miaosheng moved quickly, like a blue lightning flashing across the battlefield.

When you come to the distortion three-eyed monster, you can kill a distortion three-eyed monster with one punch.

The power of terror perfectly interprets the aesthetics of violence.

In less than a minute, all the deformed three-eyed monsters were killed by Lu Mousheng.

Xia Hong came with people, but they didn't feel anything, they had long been used to the strength of Lu Miansheng.

But Hu Rui and those who had fought fiercely with the murderer all looked at Lu Mian in shock.

The admiring look in his eyes showed that he was completely conquered by Lu Miansheng.

Lu Miaosheng led the team to the Catacombs store.

It is a luminous circle, and only one person can stand on it to buy things.

Lu Miaosheng was the first to stand up.

After entering the interface of the Catacombs shop, Lu Miansheng called him a good guy. This was different from the Catacombs shop he had seen before.

【Food-Weapon-Cultivation Technique-Skill-Elixir-Props-Treasures of Heaven and Earth-Practice Site】

These are the classifications of the Catacombs store, and there are a wide variety of things in the classification.

All need essence to buy.

I took a random look at the dazzling array of commodities, and I didn't have the desire to buy them, but I was going to use the hidden function of the cave point.

[Hint: Intermediate page: 1 burrow point, advanced page: 2 burrow points, top-level page: 3 burrow points. 】

It seems that there is no function of consuming two crypt points to select specified items?

Lu Miaosheng was a little unwilling to give up, so he continued to study it.

In the end, it was found that there was really no
Then open the top page directly to see what's inside.

Open the top-level page.

He now has 95 burrow points, and now consumes 3 points directly.

A golden virtual screen appeared in front of Lu Miansheng.

Very dazzling.

There are not many things, only five, each of which can be said to be very powerful.

[Ziji Pantao: Contains extremely strong energy, dantian mana capacity +1000, selling conditions: low-level guardian authority, bronze essence x5000.]

[Distortion Level II Evolution Fluid: Promote the evolution of the source of distortion and gain stronger power. Conditions for sale: low-level guardian authority, bronze essence x10000.]

[Golden Scarecrow: The Golden Scarecrow will be triggered when receiving a fatal attack, and the owner will be teleported away, (restriction: only valid in the crypt), sales conditions: low-level guardian authority, bronze essence x10000]

[Hei Jue Knife: half-spiritual knife, the material has reached the level of the spirit, but the spirit has not yet been born, selling conditions: low-level guardian authority, bronze essence x20000.]

[Spiritual liquid pool: Enter the virtual spiritual liquid pool for twelve hours, the cultivation speed will be increased by ten times, unlimited energy supply, sale conditions: low-level guardian authority, bronze essence x10000. 】

The five items are all very good things, and the bronze essence currently has about [-] in his pocket.

This is because of killing so many murderers, and the murderers are also poor, and basically don't have much bronze essence in their pockets.

Essences that don’t feel lacking are suddenly not enough.

However, the bronze essence is a trivial matter, mainly the authority of low-level guardians.

What is this thing?
How to get it?

This is not explained at all, and Lu Miansheng can only search carefully on the catacomb store page.

After a while, he really found out how to get this permission.

[Low-level guardian authority: 50 cave points. 】

[Intermediate guardian authority: 500 cave points. 】

[High-level guardian authority: 5000 cave points. 】

[Ultimate guardian authority: 50000 cave points. 】

There are four levels of guardian authority, and the last one actually costs [-] crypt points.

It's just a little outrageous.

All the murderers in the murderer's main city opposite them don't add up to [-], right?
And I don't know what to do with this permission.

At present, only the role of the low-level guardian authority is reflected, that is, you can buy some precious things.

Although it didn't explain what the more advanced authority can do, but Lu Miaosheng believes that the more advanced this thing is, the better it is.

If he has the ability, of course he will get these permissions.

Now let's change the permissions of the low-level guardians first.

In this way, the 92 cave points in his hand left 42 points.

The right to earn a living is directly in exchange for the two things I like.

Spiritual Liquid Pool + Purple Extreme Flat Peach.

First pile up your own realm.

In the next second, Lu Miansheng had already changed, and then he planned to see if there were probing skills on the first page.

If you have one, find one and use it first, and open the intermediate page or advanced page to see it.

It is unnecessary for Lu to make a living.

The reason is also very simple, he has no essence in his hand now.

After the bronze essence was replaced with those two things, there was not much left.

Not even a hundred.

There are quite a lot of black iron essence, but the conversion rate of black iron essence to bronze essence is ten to one.

The [-] black iron essences in his hand can also be converted into [-] bronze essences.

Open the primary page of the Catacombs store and click on the skill section.

Lu Miansheng began to look for the skills he wanted.

After browsing for a while, I saw a few probing skills.

[Earth motion sensing: Consume 10-100 points of mana to sense the surrounding 100-1000 meters once, and can sense moving creatures. If the opponent is not moving or standing on the ground, it will not be sensed. 】

This can also be regarded as a sensory skill, but the disadvantage is a bit big.

It doesn't matter whether it's in the wild or in the city. People stand on trees in the wild, and the ability to find a house at random in the city will be invalid.

It is only useful in plain areas.

[Sound Wave Detection: Consume 50 points of mana to make a roar, and the contours of objects sensed through sound transmission can appear in the user's mind. 】

Not only is this useless, but there is a second point.
[Breath Sensing: Consumes 50 mana points, the sense of smell of the nose is amplified, and can sense the distance and direction of opponents that have been in contact within [-] meters through the free smell and heat in the air. 】

Hmm. Are all probing skills so flawed?

[Spiritual Scanning: As a prerequisite for learning, you need to have practiced mental power exercises, and consume mental power to use special means to sense what is there or what is in the location scanned by mental power. 】

After seeing this skill, Lu Miansheng's eyes finally brightened.

"Finally, a good skill has come."

The emergence of this skill also solved a doubt about making a living.

He had also used his mental power before to detect these buildings or the rear positions blocked by the buildings.

But it was useless, the mental power was released roughly like he did, and he couldn't get the result he wanted at all. He couldn't sense anything at all, but he felt rather empty.
This seems to require a special method.

This skill is very suitable, buy it directly, and spend another [-] black iron essence, which is [-] bronze essence.

so expensive
It hurts to buy it.

You must know that the probing skills you saw before are about a thousand bronze essences.

The detection skill of this mental power is directly multiplied by five times.

He can only hope that it will be more effective, if the effect is not good, he feels like he will vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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