Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 116 Monster Strikes 【Subscription】

Chapter 116 Monster Strikes 【Subscription】

With the click, the sound of click sounded.

The shield of the main city is finally broken
The murderer team shouted.

"The shield is broken! Retreat! Retreat!"

"Go! Go quickly! Monsters will not stop attacking us!"

After the shield of the main city was shattered, the killers began to flee frantically, leaving the opponent in front of them and running away.

Everyone in the main city was a little at a loss.

Xia Hong looked at the fleeing murderer in confusion: "What's going on? Could it be that they really came to break the shield?"

Lu Mousheng also felt that something was wrong: "I don't know, be careful what changes, it stands to reason that murderers would not do such stupid things, don't they know that the energy shield will recover after an hour?"

Just when everyone was a little confused, a hint made their faces change drastically.

[Reminder: The shield was breached by a murderer, and ten thousand monsters are about to attack. 】

This situation has everyone talking about it.

"What's going on here? Why can the killer break our shield and attract monsters?"

"Don't you understand? Maybe it's the prerogative of a murderer."

"These damned things should have been hunted down just now!"

"Get ready to fight, now that everyone is running away, what are you talking about?"

At this time, all the murderers had disappeared.

They ran away as soon as the shield was breached by them.

Everyone was a little caught off guard, so they didn't have the first time to chase after him.

Now it was too late for them to chase.

Now they have to think about how to resist the monster attack.

"Back to the city, we just need to guard the gate of the city."

"Yes, although the gate of the city is large, it can only accommodate a thousand monsters at a time. We are guarding the gate of the city. Only a thousand of their [-] monsters can display their combat effectiveness at most."

Soon someone found a workaround.

Everyone also quickly returned to the city according to this method.

The front row is still at the front, and the people with long-range attack methods are at the back.

This is definitely much better than fighting monsters outside the city walls.

After everyone retreated, they waited for a while before hearing the sound of countless monsters attacking.

At this time, the people standing in front could already see countless deformed three-eyed monsters coming from the monster area.

A sense of oppression before the war spread to everyone.

However, everyone who has experienced many wars no longer cares about this momentum.

Soon, the monster rushed over.

None of them cared about their own life or death at all.

Seeing that there is no gap in the city gate, he rushed in.

It was as if the flood had met a breach.

Among these distorted big-eyed monsters, there are also distorted three-eyed monsters.

When the monster rushed to the gate of the city, countless people with long-range means in the rear made their moves in the order they had negotiated.

They were not idle during the waiting time.

Using that short time, they also discussed countermeasures.

The first is that their attacks can't be sent out in one go, which will only cause a waste of power.

There are also 1 people who have mastered long-range attack methods.

Then count 1000 people as one round based on the number of monsters that can come in, for a total of ten rounds.

That is to say, the 1000 people will retreat after the fight, and the people in the next round will go up.

In this case, it is definitely impossible to directly destroy all monsters with long-range attacks alone.

But don't forget melee, the remaining monsters will be handed over to melee.

Even if monsters keep pouring in, according to this attack method, casualties can be minimized.

There are more than 1 people and nearly [-] people in close combat. It is definitely impossible for everyone to come into contact with monsters.

So it was also divided into more than ten teams. The people in the front were injured or couldn't bear it, and the people in the back went up to replace them.


The monster rushed over, and everyone acted according to what they had just said.

Because the person who made the plan said that whoever sees someone escaping and not participating in the war can directly attack him, and the people around him will supervise together.

In this life-and-death battlefield, no one can hold back.

Those who lag behind should be damned!

The orderly counterattack contained the monster's attack in an instant.

The group of monsters that rushed to the front were bombarded by various long-range skills, most of them were killed directly, but some rushed out of the coverage of the skills.

The monsters who rushed through the coverage of the skill fire were greeted with sharp melee weapons.

The long-range attack directly hits at a fixed point, and countless skills cover the path that the monsters must pass through.

Because it is divided into ten rounds, there is no gap in the skills, and the bombardment is carried out all the time.

The monster didn't care at all, and rushed forward stepping on his companion's corpse.

Rush through the future without a bright future, only the swords of melee personnel.

Although there are many monsters, they are no longer the waste wood they were yesterday.

Even if the number of monsters increased five times, they still couldn't break through everyone's defense.

The number of monsters is decreasing, and the corpses of monsters are scattered all over the passageway at the gate of the city.

If it weren't for the huge gate, it would have been blocked by monster corpses if it was a little shorter.

This city gate was built with ulterior motives
After more than half an hour of crazy battle, the battle finally came to an end.

The monsters were already dead, and there were also casualties on their side. Even with the most perfect tactics, it was impossible for this kind of large-scale war to be free from death.

Xia Hong and his team only had three front rows, and Luo Luohua didn't care about it at all. There was no problem with Song Jianbai and Hu Rui being stared at by a super nanny.

The two were slightly injured and were carried back by Murong Xiaoxiao with a healing technique.

What's too much is that even a small wound has a healing technique.

This treatment made the people around him envious.

When Hu Rui came back safely, he wanted to sacrifice himself to Murong Xiaoxiao, but he was afraid of being beaten to death.

Everyone in this battle has added a lot of bronze essence to their pockets.

But if you say who feels the best.

There is no doubt that he has made a living, and he has been fighting and extracting all the time. He is afraid that the monster will die too quickly and be crushed by the corpse so that he will not be able to extract attributes.

Therefore, if a monster has died, he will extract the attributes of the monster.

No ink marks at all.

[-] monsters died here, even if a large number of them were third-level Bronze-level distorted big-eyed monsters, they abruptly lifted Lu Miaosheng to the ninth level of Bronze-level Bronze-level Bronze-level Bronze-level Bronze-level Bronze-level Bronze-level Invincible. up.

His spiritual power has doubled, which is much more frightening, and the strong spiritual power is swimming in his whole body.

Because of the particularity of the fusion of thoughts, his spiritual power is not fixed in the mind, but is born in the mind and then wanders around the whole body from the mind before returning to the mind.

so repeatedly.

After the battle, everyone was a little tired, but before the shield was restored, no one dared to be careless. Only with the shield in place would they feel safe.

He didn't have so many worries about making a living. It's a bit unrealistic to go out to kill monsters at night, so it's better to rest.

Ignored everyone who was excitedly discussing how the murderer did it.

Lu Miaosheng returned to his safe house alone.

So much discussion is empty, only one's own strength is the most important.

Killing [-] monsters allowed him to step into the invincible state of the bronze stage, and the difficulty of promotion became higher and higher.

Although it is because the monster is relatively weak.

But it still feels more and more difficult for Lu to make a living.

He can only go deeper tomorrow to have a look.

Maybe there will be stronger monsters deeper in the monster area,

After all, after stepping 5000 meters, he encountered the distortion three-eyed monster, and the strength of the distortion three-eyed monster was around the fifth level of the bronze level.

The next day

At this time, Lu Miansheng had already stepped out of the main city.

Now his plan is to kill monsters with all his strength in the next few days, and see if he can meet a murderer by the way.

His main target is still monsters.

You can get bronze essence by killing monsters, and you can get attributes to strengthen yourself.

And today he also got an important news from Xia Hong.

That is, according to statistics, there are already ten catacomb shops that have been discovered, and the items in each catacomb shop are different.

So Lu Miansheng guessed that the top-level pages in it would be different.

In addition to this good news this morning there is also a bad news.

That is, five of the ten catacomb shops have been destroyed by the murderer, and no one will guard the monster area at night, which is equivalent to the catacomb shop being defenseless against the murderer.

If it is discovered, it will inevitably be destroyed.

The crypt store he met yesterday had already been destroyed.

Although he was a little upset, Lu Miaosheng didn't care about it.

Because judging from the current situation, there will be no shortage of crypt shops in the monster area.

Even if the outer area is destroyed, you can still find it inside. Besides, the monster area will be refreshed in seven days.

The crypt shop inside might be even better.

Maybe the crypt shop inside sells better things, not necessarily.

On the way to make a living, Lu tried out the skills he bought yesterday.

mental scan
This skill can be said to be very powerful, and it is simply tailor-made for those who cultivate spiritual power.

Making a living by road The current recovery speed and intensity of mental power are not enough to keep driving, but there is no problem in sustaining a two-hour battle.

In other words, he can basically keep it on when he wants to use it.

This spiritual scan is not to say that there is no limit.

Even if he turned on it with all his strength, he could only detect everything within a range of 1000 meters at most.

The range is not small but not large either.

Walk safely in the monster area, and when he walks to places with dense buildings, he will use mental scanning to see if there are any monsters.

Even if he tried his best to use mental scanning to check the situation within 1000 meters.

He can recover the consumed mental power in 1 minute.

In places where the buildings are not too dense, there is no need to use mental scanning to investigate the situation.

Eyes are born to see things, not for decoration.

With mental scanning as a means of detection, Lu Miansheng is no longer afraid of being surrounded.

And it wouldn't be too difficult to deal with these monsters with his current strength.

Like the hundreds of deformed big-eyed monsters that surrounded him at the beginning, if it was changed to the present, he would not need to run away, and would directly fight back.

So no matter whether he makes a living from intelligence or strength, he is not afraid of monsters surrounding him.

That's not called siege, that's called coming over to send him resources.

(End of this chapter)

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