Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 117 The Bronze Stage Physical Invincibility Realm 【Please subscribe! 】

Chapter 117 The Bronze Stage Physical Invincibility Realm 【Please subscribe! 】

Lu Miansheng has been in the monster area since he acquired the skill of mental scanning.

Killing monsters vigorously, he also encountered many cave shops along the way.

This killing took a full six days.

During this period of time, he bought three things in the cave shop.

All of them have the right to use the spirit liquid pool.

In other words, he now has three chances to enter the spirit liquid pool to practice.

He never used it.

He has only one goal, to break through to the bronze stage of physical invincibility before entering the treasure blue secret realm.

This goal was finally achieved on the last day.

The physical invincibility of the bronze level has brought him new changes.

The first is the power rune. Ten times the power is still ten times the power, but the opening time has been extended to one hour.

The cooling time has not changed and is still twelve hours, but this hour can be controlled, and it can be turned on directly when it is needed.

Just close it when not in use.

The cooling time is automatically refreshed every twelve hours, no matter how long you use it, it will refresh itself.

This way the power rune way of making a living can be used as a regular power.

There is another kind of physical change. There is an extra layer of defensive runes on his skin, which is constant and does not require him to use it.

In other words, his current defense has been greatly enhanced.

It is not clear what level of attack it can defend against and make a living.

But all the attacks at the bronze level can never break through his defense.

He just doesn't know the upper limit of this defensive rune, but he still knows the lower limit.

And this defensive rune will also grow with the growth of his physical realm.

In other words, his defense will always be enhanced.

In this way, if there is no monster from the silver mirror in the monster area, he can walk sideways.

But that's all after he came back.

After killing the monster for six days, it's time to go to Jiaka City and enter the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to improve his mana realm.

Otherwise, maybe he could reach the ninth level of Bronze Realm by taking advantage of three opportunities to practice in the spiritual liquid pool.

But it doesn't matter if he can't cultivate, anyway, his physical body has reached the invincible state.

After today is the time to open the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm.

Now the time has come to night.

Lu made a living and didn't intend to spend time in the Catacombs.

Tonight, he planned to go to Jiaka City to have a good rest.

The Catacombs were very lively during these six days.

There will be murderers coming to make trouble at night.

But after experiencing the destruction of the killer for the first time, it is impossible for them to let the killer continue to succeed now.

So these six days were very intense.

In order to get a good night's sleep, Lu Miansheng would not stay here.

If he stayed, he might not be able to resist the killing spree, killing all the murderers who came.

You must know that now he is no longer afraid of the attack of the bronze level.

But after thinking about how to make a living, he still didn't do this. He would definitely not be able to kill him in a short time.

The murderer will definitely run away when he sees how strong he is.

If he could only kill a batch, he felt that it would be better to wait for him to come back and go directly through the monster area to find the main city of the murderer.

It would be much better to kill all the murderers at once.

Using the key road to make a living, he left the crypt and returned to the restaurant in Jiaka City.

Feeling the energy in this piece of heaven and earth, which cannot be felt in the Catacombs.

With this energy, even if there is no essence, no natural treasures, no cultivation resources, you can still cultivate slowly.

The only cost is that it is slow.

But this can be used as energy for mana recovery.

As a practice, making a living is definitely not satisfying.

He doesn't even feel good about practicing with the essence, how could he use this kind of thin energy of heaven and earth to cultivate.

He didn't go anywhere tonight, just slept here all night.

The quiet and comfortable environment cannot be felt in the Catacombs.

Even if there is a shield for the main city in the catacombs, even if there is a safe house, it cannot make people feel peaceful.

The tense and depressing atmosphere resounds in people's minds all the time.

I slept very comfortably this night.

The next morning

Lu Miaosheng came to the Monster Arena as promised.

At this time, he faced Lan Tianming, the master of the Monster Arena again.

The strong man of the silver mirror.

Lu Miaosheng did not feel the oppression for the first time.

At that time, when he looked at Lan Tianming, he could still feel the strong oppression.

But now, that feeling is gone.

This shows that the strength of Lu Miansheng is not much different from the master of the monster arena.

But in a real fight, Lu Miaosheng must run away, and now he just feels the breath that Lan Tianming inadvertently leaked.

If Lan Tianming deliberately used his breath to oppress Lu to make a living.

That way of making a living will definitely feel a sense of death threat.

Even if he stepped into the physical invincibility of the bronze stage, he would not be able to easily challenge those who thought the silver mirror was strong.

Lan Tianming looked at Lu Miaosheng with great interest: "Your strength is growing very fast."

Lu Mousheng smiled: "It's impossible for a person to stand still, right?"

Lan Tianming was stunned for a moment, then relieved: "You are right, let's go, follow me to the entrance of Baolan Secret Realm."

Afterwards, Lan Tianming took Lu Miansheng and Li Xiong, and the three left the monster arena.

Lan Tianming didn't bring anyone else with him, and there were only three of them in total.

The three of them went out in a carriage, Lu Mousheng and Lan Tianming sat in it, and Li Xiong was the driver.

The compartment of the carriage is very large, and it won't look crowded when two people are sitting.

Bumpy all the way.

About half an hour ago.

The carriage stopped.

Li Xiong's voice came from outside.

"My lord, we're here."

Lu Mousheng and the other got out of the carriage one after the other.

This is a valley with a large area, and there are three or four hundred people here at this time.

The gravel is messy, and there is a conspicuous black rune circle in the middle of the valley. The rune circle is also very large. It looks like 100 people can easily stand on it.

As soon as Lu Miaosheng got off the carriage, he felt a wave of malice.

As his mental strength improves, he can also slightly feel the emotions that others feel when they see him.

Especially this kind of strong malice can be clearly felt.

Lu Miaosheng followed this malicious look.

There were three people standing there, two of them were middle-aged, and the other looked like a teenager.

The middle-aged man standing in front was the first to look over, and then as if saying something, the boy also raised his head.

Just happened to meet Lu Miaosheng's eyes.

The boy was also taken aback, and then made a gesture of wiping Lu Miaosheng's neck.

The meaning is self-evident.

Lu Mousheng ignored it and followed Lan Tianming forward.

Lan Tianming walked calmly, as if he didn't feel the gaze from over there.

Lu Mousheng didn't believe that the other party didn't feel it, but he also knew that Lan Tianming wanted to use him, so it didn't matter.

Take what you need.

He needs the qualification to enter the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm, so he will naturally pay a certain price.

The person opposite should be Shiguan, regardless of whether Lan Tianming wants to use himself to get rid of him.

It doesn't matter how you make a living, anyone who enters the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm is a competitor, and it's fine to kill anyone who hits you.

He killed quite a few people, as long as it was not good for him, so what?

Lan Tianming led Lu Miansheng directly through the crowd to the front of the black rune circle.

The people in front of this circle are all the top forces in Jiaka City.

There are six in total.

Counting on the road to make a living, I know the Demon Slayer, the Monster Arena, and the Thunder Gate.

There are three others that Lu Miansheng does not know.

This is not important to Lu Miansheng, he is here to harvest resources, not to recognize people.

The people from Lei Jimen standing opposite them taunted them when they saw them coming: "Lan Tianming, is this the person you are looking for? Can you resist the beating? If you don't get punched to death then it will look like you The Monster Arena is too useless."

Lan Tianming snorted coldly: "Don't be too self-righteous, it would be embarrassing if your people were punched to death by my people instead."

Just when the two were full of gunpowder, a group of people in black came in from outside the valley.

Everyone politely stepped aside.

The lord of Jaka City came to the black rune circle: "Those who want to enter the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm stand in the circle. Remember that only people from the Bronze Realm can enter. If you violate the rules, don't blame me for being cruel."

The arrival of the city lord of Jiaka suppressed the anger of the two, but they just looked at each other coldly and said nothing more.

Lan Tianming said to Lu Mousheng: "Go into the circle, the city lord will activate the formation later and send you into the treasure blue secret realm."

Lu Miaosheng nodded, and came together with people from many forces.

A person pushed through the crowd and came to the side of Lu Mousheng. This person was the one who made the gesture of wiping his neck before.

Lu Mousheng guessed that this person should be Shiguan.

Shi Guan came to the side of Lu Miaosheng, showing a fierce expression: "Boy, I was asked to meet you inside, otherwise you won't even be eligible to live to the group arena."

Lu Mousheng became interested, let out the murderous aura accumulated during this period, and pressed towards Shiguan: "Then you have to come to me quickly."

Shi Guan was about to say something, but a murderous intent that he had never felt before hit him, and he felt cold from head to toe in an instant.

I feel so cold.

At this moment, Shi cared about his thoughts.

How is this going?

How could there be such a strong cold?
Could it be that the person in front of him did it?
He couldn't believe it, among his peers, and in such a place where resources were scarce, how could anyone be better than him!
Running mana to suppress the discomfort in my heart, and then said harshly: "Ants who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, don't think that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with me if you can reach the bronze level at this age. You'd better pray that you won't be found by me."

Lu Miaosheng shook his head and ignored the other party.

The use of his murderous aura is too rough, if he uses it well, the murderous aura just now can shock Shiguan into a fool.

However, the Eight Desolation Killing Fist is not a technique for specifically cultivating murderous aura, it is simply able to gather the murderous aura in the body, and it is not bad to be able to do this.

Not far away, the city lord of Jiaka City looked at Lu Mousheng curiously, but then he didn't know what he thought of, shook his head and turned away.

The lord of Jiaka City let out a low growl, and shot out a black rune to echo the black rune on the ground: "The treasure blue secret realm is open!
 I have to go to court tomorrow, so I can only write [-] words today.

(End of this chapter)

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