Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 118 Castle Peak Loyalty 【Please subscribe! 】

Chapter 118 Castle Peak Loyalty 【Please subscribe! 】

After the lord of Jiaka City yelled, the circle under their feet began to bloom with blue light.

First, it emerges from the middle, and then spreads outward along the black runes.

In the end, the entire circle glows with blue light.

After all the black runes were stained with blue light, the blue light suddenly rose from the ground, covering everyone in it.

In the next second, everyone disappeared in place.

Green mountains and green waters, a world composed of small hills appeared in front of Lu Miansheng.

These mountains are not high, and they look like they have bulged out.

At this time, there was no one around him, and the teleportation of this formation was random, and the people who entered would appear in any corner of this sapphire blue secret realm.

It is not uncommon for bad luck to appear in the mouth of a monster.

Now Lu Miansheng is at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by hills.

At present, it seems that he can only choose one of them to climb.

The mental scan can't let him cheat here, because the mental scan can only let him see the shape of the object, and living things like monsters and monsters can find no problem at all.

But this jungle is full of flowers, plants and trees, how can he tell which ones are natural treasures, he can only see them with his eyes.

Maybe there is another point that can be used.

That is to use mental scanning to search for monsters. According to the information he got, there will always be treasures around monsters.

Thinking of the key point, Lu Miansheng also releases the mental scan from time to time.

After a short distance, he would search for it, which soon made him feel the figure of the first monster.

It was a chubby, bulldog-sized monster with khaki fur that looked like a mouse.

Beside him was a small tree, which was only half a meter high, with a blue fruit hanging from it.

To make a living on something that you don't know what it is, you always throw an exploratory technique in the past.

【earth mouse】

【Green Spirit Fruit】

It is quite exciting to see the emergence of these two things to make a living, which shows that his method is effective.

It is indeed possible to determine the location of Tiancaidibao through this method.

In this way, he must gain more than others.

The power exploded under his feet, and Lu Miaosheng jumped out like a humanoid tyrannosaurus.

The air exploded because of his speed.

Lying on the ground, the ground mouse felt a strong threat, as if a natural enemy had descended.

At this moment, the ground mouse's hairs stood on end, and the sense of death caused him a strong stress response.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned his head and ran away, not even wanting the treasures he was guarding.

It regretted it at this moment, wouldn't it be nice to stay in the cave by itself?
Why run out to bask in the sun?

If I can't run this time, I will be dried into meat.
The ground rats reacted quickly, but the gap between them was too great, which was not a star and a half.

Before the ground mouse could run further, Lu Miansheng had already come in front of it and punched it down.


The fist fell, and the powerful force smashed the ground mouse into the soil, and the blood splashed everywhere, staining Lu's arm that made a living.

This feeling made him startled, but he quickly reacted.

This is not a burrow, blood will be stained on people.

Lu Miaosheng smashed a small hole in the ground, and the body of the ground mouse was lying peacefully in it.

At least Lu Zhisheng seemed to be peaceful. With his speed and strength, the ground mouse should not feel pain before death.

Turn around and go back to pick the green spirit fruit.

The ground mouse's eyeballs protruded from the small pit, and the skin of its body was split open, leaking the flesh inside. It is not known whether it is the peace that Lu Miaosheng feels when he is motionless at this moment.

After picking the green spirit fruit, Lu Miaosheng continued on his way up the mountain. After walking for a while, he made another discovery.

"Are there so many treasures here?"

Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled. If there were so many plants, Lan Tianming would be a conscientious boss as long as he handed over ten plants.

When he came to the location where he sensed a monster, there were still two ground mice guarding the two green spirit fruit trees.

He rushed over with a burst of steps, without the slightest skill at all, and the crushing of strength made way to make a living without any skill.

The ground mouse still barely reacted before being punched to death by Lu Miaosheng.

Harvest two green spirit fruits again.

The color of this fruit is cyan, and Lu Miansheng can feel the energy coming out of it through the body. If you keep it in your hand, you will doubt whether the energy in this thing will be exhausted?
Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled, but fortunately he had a backpack, and putting it in was like entering an environment where time stood still, so he didn't need to think about it at all.

Next, Lu Mousheng looked through several small hills in a row, and the natural treasures and earth treasures he encountered were all these green spirit fruits, and the guards of the spirit fruits were all ground rats.

It seems to have entered a place that is rich in green spirit fruit.

At this time, after two hours of exploration, he already has fifteen green spirit fruits in his hand. According to previous data, he has reached the average level of the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm.

But it's only been two hours, and he still has ten hours to explore.

When he reached the top of the hill, he also looked at the surrounding terrain.

These are all small hills, and there is no other terrain at all.

And along the way, he didn't meet anyone who came in at all.

Could it be that the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm is so big?
There is no possibility of encountering it at all?
Lu Miaosheng felt very puzzled.

He could only turn his doubts into strength, and search for the green spirit fruit vigorously.

Another five hours passed, and Lu Miaosheng already had forty green spirit fruits in his hand.

It's as if there is really only green spirit fruit here, and he still hasn't met anyone else.

Although it was strange, but he was not familiar with the situation in the Sapphire Blue Secret Realm, so he could only take it as the normal state of the secret realm, and just collect the Green Spirit Fruit with peace of mind.

The strength of the ground mouse guarding the green spirit fruit is at the fifth to seventh level of the bronze level, which is a punch for Lu Shousheng.

It is easy to harvest so many treasures of heaven and earth, and this kind of good thing can only be found here.

In the Catacombs, the price required to obtain Tiancaidibao is not small.

Just like the Ziji flat peach he got last time, it was worth [-] bronze essences.

Although Ziji Pantao is definitely higher than this green spirit fruit.

But it can also explain some things.

Seven hours have passed since entering this sapphire blue secret realm.

Lu Miansheng also walked in one direction for seven hours.

He also finally saw a different scenery on the top of the mountain just now.

As long as you walk straight ahead, you can reach a bigger and higher mountain, which is completely unmatched by these hills.

However, Lu Miaosheng wondered if he would have a chance to be in that position in the next five hours.

As the saying goes, Wangshan ran dead horses, and he had just seen that mountain so high that it went straight into the sky, and how far it was from here was unknown to him.

I didn't care too much about whether I could reach the road to make a living.

As long as there are spiritual fruit harvests along the way, it will be fine.

Even if he has been making a living on the Qinglingguo road, he will not feel disgusted.

The more the better, originally he was a little worried that even if he took advantage of the three opportunities to practice in the spiritual liquid pool, he might not be able to cultivate to the ninth level of the Bronze Realm.

Now he only cares about whether the spirit fruit in his hand can break through the silver mirror.

The ideological goals are different.

On the next road, he kept walking forward, and the blurred mountains became clearer and clearer, but his time was getting less and less.

According to his guess, it was impossible to reach that mountain at his speed.

There were only two hours left before he left.

Just when Lu was making a living and was on his way with peace of mind, and harvesting the spiritual fruit with peace of mind, an accident happened.

A red light shot out from the high mountain in the distance, shooting straight in his direction.

Lu Miaosheng happened to be on the top of the mountain at this time, and he didn't know what the red glow was.

But for the sake of safety, he instinctively wanted to deviate from this red light.

Just when Lu Miaosheng was about to change direction and run, a voice appeared in his heart.

"Don't be afraid, little friend, you have what I need on your body, and this red light is to invite you to come over and talk about it."

Lu Mousheng was stunned and felt unbelievable. What kind of strength is this?
The distance between them is at least ten thousand miles, so what the other party said can reach his heart?

For a while, I was a little hesitant to run away.

After thinking about it, Lu Miansheng decided to take a look.

The other party's tone is not bad, not like a villain.

With the strength of such a strong man, there is no need to lie to himself. If he really had malicious intentions towards him, he might have slapped him to death long ago.

At this point, the way to make a living simply stopped.

After a while, the red light came in front of Lu Miansheng, enveloping him completely.

Then he felt himself fly, moving at a speed he had never experienced before.

The mountain peaks in the distance kept approaching in his line of sight, and they arrived in front of him in a short while.

But the environment here is beyond Lu Miansheng's expectation.

It's not a fairyland on earth, the residence of the mighty.

There is no fairy air fluttering in his imagination.

At this time, his position was next to a thatched hut. From his current sight, the whole mountain was composed of cemeteries.

A piece of tombstone stands upright, with names and deeds on it.

[Li Feng: The fifth stage of the diamond realm, in order to protect the safety of the people in the city, he desperately prevented the monster team from destroying the human formation, exhausted his life and dragged the arrival of human reinforcements. 】

[Du Lie: The seventh stage of the golden realm, the battlefield of fighting dead people and demons. 】

[Huang An: The fifth stage of the golden realm, the battlefield of fighting dead people and demons. 】

[Shi Zhongtian: Diamond Realm Ninth Stage, leading the elite Shi family to intercept monsters and die on the battlefield. 】

【Shi Hong:】

【Zhang Tian:】

Each name, level of strength, and deeds are engraved on the stone tablet.

When Lu Miaosheng was shocked, an old man with white hair and beard came out of the thatched hut.

This is somewhat similar to the immortal demeanor in Lu Miaosheng's imagination.

"Little friend's strength is not bad in this lower domain, especially this spiritual power, which is very strange."

Lu Mousheng came back to his senses and said respectfully: "My lord, are the people and deeds on these tombstones true?"

The old man nodded slowly: "Well, these deeds are true, but this happened in the upper domain of Sky Continent"

Lu Mousheng was a little hesitant but continued to ask: "Where is the upper domain? Doesn't it belong to the Sky Continent?"

Lu Mousheng was very puzzled, because according to the tragedy on the tombstone, everyone in the Sky Continent should know about it, but according to the information he knew, there was no such aspect at all.

The old man said slowly: "The Sky Continent is divided into two parts, the upper domain and the lower domain. All you know is the lower domain. This place has not been invaded by monsters on a large scale. Your strength is not enough to get in touch with the upper domain."

Lu Mousheng didn't ask any more questions, and went straight to the point: "Then I don't know what the adults are asking me for?"

The old man stroked his beard: "You have a corpse that is qualified to be buried here. Give it to me. As a price, when your strength reaches the gold level and you want to go to the upper domain, you can use this token to contact me."

Lu Mousheng was taken aback, where is there any corpse on his body?
He habitually took the token handed over by the other party, and was stunned for a while.

【Corpse Mountain Order】

The old man looked at the dazed Lu Mousheng and urged, "What's the matter? You don't feel satisfied with the reward and don't want to hand it over?"

Lu Mousheng shook his head: "No, my lord, it's just that I don't have bones on me?"

How could there be a corpse on him, and he didn't have the habit of collecting corpses.

The old man took a serious look at Lu Miaosheng, and felt that Lu Miaosheng did not seem to be a fake, and reminded him: "You should look for it carefully and see if there is anything that might contain a corpse. My impression is not wrong. I have been a corpse collector for so many years. Never missed it."

Lu had no choice but to look carefully at the contents of his backpack.

He was suddenly taken aback during the movement.

Could it be that the old man in front of him could even feel the contents of his backpack?
You must know that the backpack is something brought by the Catacombs. Does that mean that the other party may also know the existence of the Catacombs?

But he couldn't prove that the Catacombs had restrictions and could not leak information about the Catacombs.

Get rid of the thoughts in your head and look through the contents of your backpack.

It's just that I saw what the other party said when I just started to make a living.

This thing is something he got very early.

[Coffin: There is a powerful zombie sealed inside, it is best not to try to open it if it has not reached the bronze level. 】

Aren't the zombies sealed inside this thing?
Lu Miaosheng was not sure if it was this thing, and then looked through his backpack.

After looking through it thoroughly, Lu Miaosheng confirmed that none of the props on his body were corpses.

Only this coffin, the zombies were originally transformed from corpses.

Take the coffin out of the backpack: "My lord, this is the only thing on my body that contains a corpse. See if it's the corpse inside."

A blue coffin was taken out by Lu Mousheng, and this was the first time he took out this coffin.

I couldn't help but look more curiously.

Made of pure bronze, it is indistinguishable from the black coffin.

The old man took a closer look: "That's right, the corpse inside is what I'm looking for, and this trip is considered complete. I sensed it the first two times, but it disappeared when I was on my way. I didn't know until this time." find you."

Lu Mousheng was a little surprised, he came out three times including this time, it seems that the other party had already sensed him when he just came out.

At the same time, a piece of information was revealed, that is, the other party could not sense the burrow, otherwise his sensing would not be interrupted.

The old man ignored the wild way to make a living, made a grave in the green hills, and put the coffin in it.

Bury the soil and a tombstone appears above the tomb.

[Situ Wushuang: The ninth level of the diamond realm, the peerless genius of the Situ family, born with an exquisite heart, when facing monsters massacring the city, use the exquisite heart as the origin to evolve an exquisite array, covering a city with millions of people, allowing millions of people to live spared. 】

Lu Mousheng looked at the stele, and just from the writing on it, he could feel the danger of the human race in the upper domain.

Are monsters so powerful?

 The matter is resolved, and the update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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