Chapter 119 You Are Familiar
After placing the coffin that Lu Miaosheng took out, the old man turned his head to Lu Miaosheng and said, "Little friend, I should leave. I will send you back to the place just now. You can continue to explore."

Lu Miaosheng nodded to show his understanding.

In the next second, a beam of light descended on his body, and his body began to float under the infection of the beam.

Flying back to the original place following the same trajectory.

Lu Mousheng stood on the top of the mountain and looked towards the high mountain again, but at this time the shadow of the high mountain was no longer visible.

It completely disappeared here, and this place once again became a paradise for Lu to make a living alone.

Perhaps the only monster that stayed with Lu Miaosheng was the ground mouse.

I don't know if it's because of the appearance of the old man, anyway, he didn't meet a single person during the twelve hours in the secret realm.

For a full twelve hours, Lu Miansheng was completely exploring alone.

By the end of the last time, Lu Mousheng had harvested a total of 98 green spirit fruits.

These are all his gains, as for Lan Tianming.

He believed that it would be no problem to get the first place in the group arena with his strength, so there was no need to give the opponent ten green spirit fruits at all.

When a beam of light fell on him, he knew that it was time to leave here.

The vision disappeared briefly, and when the vision returned again, he had returned to the previous circle, surrounded by people, no different from the position before he entered.

The only difference is the number of people. Some empty seats are empty, which means that someone died inside.

The death toll was about 20 people, which was the result of Lu Miansheng's scan.

Shi Guan beside him stood intact.

Shi Guan glanced at Lu Zhisheng who came back intact and said, "I didn't expect that nothing happened to you. You are also lucky. I didn't let me find you inside, otherwise I would be able to deal with you inside."

Lu Mousheng smiled: "I think you may be the lucky one."

Shi Guan snorted coldly: "The dead duck has a stubborn mouth, and it will be your death in the ring later!"

Lu Miaosheng looked at Shiguan with a smile: "I'm waiting for you, it's best to meet you soon."

The two taunted each other a few words before they stopped talking, and then they were about to start cursing.

It's better not to do such a detrimental thing.

Afterwards, everyone was taken by the lord of Jaka City to the ring position specially built for the ring battle in the canyon.

Although it is already night now, the bright candlelight illuminates the entire canyon.

It still allows everyone to see the terrain clearly.

Under the candlelight, the whole canyon is like daytime.

The lord of Jaka City stood in front of ten rings.

"All the people who enter come in to draw lots, and those who draw the same number start the battle. Those who don't have the same number will have a bye until the last person standing in the ring is determined."

Under the signal of the city lord of Jiaka City, the soldiers lifted up a box from below. There was a circular hole in the box, and a person's arm could just be stretched in.

A team of seven or 80 people took turns to go up to draw lots, and leave when they got it.

Lu Miaosheng soon got his own number.

【No. 28! 】

In other words, there are 27 pairs in front of him.

The lottery was over soon, and the ones with the highest numbers entered first, ten rings, ten pairs at a time.

If one of the ten people is kicked out of the ring or surrenders, the next pair will follow up, and the duel is extremely fast.

These people fight with extreme desperation, they are all fighting for real, and they will never admit defeat until the last moment.

In this way, the evenly matched pair will soon be able to decide the winner because they fight too hard.

In less than half an hour, it was Lu's turn to make a living.

His opponent was a thin, lean man with a dagger in his hand.

The man came up solemnly and made a salute: "Xiao Zheng, please advise."

Lu Mousheng also returned a salute, we also pay attention to people, how could we lose the courtesy: "Lu Mousheng."

As for asking for advice, he didn't say anything, so could the other party still teach him?

Even if it is etiquette and superficial kung fu to make a living, he is unwilling to go against his will.

Xiao Zheng was a little angry in his heart, the other party simply gave his name, and he also knew what Lu made a living, but he felt that he was completely unqualified to teach him.

Xiao Zheng yelled and rushed out: "There is a price to be paid for arrogance!"

He came to Lu Miansheng and stabbed him with a knife.

Xiaozheng looked at the completely motionless Lu Miaosheng and was puzzled?

Are you scared?

Most of his strength lies in his agility. Now that Lu Shousheng doesn't allow him to attack, what is the use of his agility?

Could it be that he was moving left and right?

Isn't that like a monkey?

It feels like a disadvantage to rush straight over, just like the uncomfortable feeling that you can't use it after holding back a big move.

Forget it, if you can simply stab him to death, then I don't waste time, just go straight to it.

He stabbed Lu Miansheng head-on with a knife.

That is, when Xiao Zheng stabbed him with a knife, Lu Mou came alive.

He raised his right arm and grabbed Xiao Zheng's knife: "I don't need to pay for my arrogance, but if others are arrogant in front of me, they will definitely have to pay for it."

Xiao Zheng's pupils constricted: "How is this possible! How could your body catch my dagger?"

Xiao Zheng turned pale with shock and could not accept it at all.

Lu Mousheng smiled: "There is nothing impossible, you think it is impossible just because you are too weak."

After taunting, Lu Miaosheng grabbed the opponent's arm with his backhand, then lifted him up, and threw him out of the ring.

After the city lord of Jaka confirmed that he had won, Lu Miaosheng also stepped down.

When Lu Mou survived, Shi Guan walked towards his ring.

After Shiguan came to Lu Miaosheng's side, he whispered: "I didn't expect that there was only one number difference between us, and I didn't expect that your strength looks good. This is better and makes me more excited. I hope you can persist until the end. I But I can't wait to kill you, and I won't give you a chance to surrender."

Lu Mousheng was speechless: "Idiot, I've never seen you wanting to die so much."

After speaking, the two of them staggered their positions, and there was no conversation, but from Shi Guan's reaction, it could be seen that his heart was not at peace, and he wondered if Lu Mou was angry.

The battle at Shiguan was very fast, and I don't know if it was because of Lu Mou's anger, but he struck very hard. Facing the opponent who came up, it would be a heavy knife to rush up directly after starting the battle.

The back of the knife was still used, not the sharp side, and the opponent vomited blood and flew upside down.

If there was no subsequent abuse, people would think that Shiguan was trying to let his opponent go.

But then Shiguan abused the opponent directly on the field.

The opponent's chest was hit one after another with a knife, making him even want to shout surrender. He was hit hard when he was about to speak, and he had no chance to speak at all.

The back of the knife is used for each knife, so that the opponent can only feel the pain, but cannot die.

For a moment, the man's miserable howl spread throughout the audience, making everyone watching the battle below feel chills.

No one wants to encounter Shiguan anymore, if they do, they already know what to do, they just surrender.

Shiguan's abuse also aroused the dissatisfaction of the opponent's forces: "Enough! We admit defeat!"

But Shi Guan acted as if he didn't hear the man's words, and continued to beat, hitting the man's whole body fiercely with the back of the knife.

Some places have been deformed, and some places can even see twisted bones.

The opponent force said to the city lord of Jaka City: "Master City Lord, we admit defeat, please stop the other party's abusive behavior."

The city lord of Jaka City also disliked Shiguan's style, so he yelled: "Stop!"

Shi Guancancan stopped and looked innocently at the city lord of Jaka City: "Your lord, you can't blame me. It's because this person doesn't surrender. I have no choice but to attack."

A hand slowly raised from the ground: "I am your grandma!"

Shi Guan's face darkened when he heard the words, and he was about to explode, but unfortunately the opposing forces didn't give him a chance.

They have already come up and brought people down.

Seeing this, Shi Guan had no choice but to give up and walked on.

Before leaving, he gave Lu Jisheng a provocative look, as if to say: You see, this is what happens when you fight against me.

Lu Miaosheng completely ignored the other party, just watching other arenas fighting.

The first round of the ring battle was over soon, some people had a bye and some were ruthlessly kicked off the ring.

There are also violent fight scenes, but those are over.

The remaining 50 people in the second round of lottery went on stage and were drawn one by one.

Some people came up with injuries on their bodies.

The rule is that there is no rest time at all, and the next game will go straight to the end.

If you can persevere, you are the winner. If you can't persevere, you are not strong enough.

Sometimes luck is also part of strength.

This time Lu Miansheng's number is 10.

Is the tenth play.

There are ten rings, which means that he will go up in the first round.

After the lottery was drawn, Lu Miaosheng went directly to the ring No. [-].

His opponent was a guy with a long knife in his hand.

He came up and did not speak, his eyes were fixed on Lu Miaosheng, it was a little strange that his eyes gave way to Lu Miaosheng.

The referee gave an order, but neither of them made a move.

Lu Mousheng looked at the other party and asked curiously, "What do you mean by looking at me like that? Are you going to stare at me to death?"

The man smiled: "I haven't cultivated my eyes, how could I stare at you to death, I just think you look familiar."

Lu Mousheng was taken aback for a moment, familiar?

How could I meet acquaintances here?
He didn't get in touch with many people, and even if he had acquaintances, he should only be known by people from the Monster Arena.

Lu Miaosheng shook his head, maybe he saw it on the street.

But just when Lu Miaosheng was about to say something, he saw the other party smile strangely, admit defeat and walked over.

He came in front of Lu Mousheng and whispered in Lu Mousheng's ear: "I know, some time ago, you killed a hundred of us, this time it's time for you to pay back."

Lu Miaosheng's eyes were fixed: "Sun Moon Sect?"

The man didn't know why, and stepped off the stage with a smile.

Lu Mousheng was a little uncertain. Wasn't the number one hundred people he mentioned the one hundred succubi that he had killed before?
In Sky Continent, he only did this one thing.

Now that there are so many people here, it is not easy for him to have a fit, so he can only endure it and walk on.

At this time, Nan'an City should have been a quiet night, but it was not.

The flames soared into the sky, corpses littered the field, and a large number of corpses filled the city.

The sound of shouting and killing. The sound of begging for mercy. The sound of panic objects collapsing.
The entire city of Nan'an was already in chaos, and the air of death filled the sky of this big city.

The crows 'quacked' strangely on the branches outside the city.

Nan'an City Demon Killing Division
A man with a black knife in his hand and a black jacket was standing at the door of the Demon Division with his men.

He is the leader of the Demon Slayer Division in Nan'an City, Hua You.

Hua You didn't have a sharp aura at this time, but looked a little weak and weak. He looked at the Sun Moon Sect crowd in front of him and surrounded the Demon Slayer, and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. When I became a member of the Demon Killing Division, I had the intention of dying in the hands of monsters one day, but I really didn't expect that it was actually the monsters who took over the lair."

"I'm such a waste, I can make you develop so quickly under your eyelids."

"10 people in Nan'an City died indirectly at my hands, I really deserve to die."

One of the leaders of the Sun Moon Sect laughed loudly: "Master Huayou, how is the taste of cartilage powder? You have already killed many of us, and you deserved to die. Why put the lives of these 10 people on your own head?" up?"

Hua You slowly raised the long knife in his hand, his aura gradually increased from the original decadence and weakness, endless black energy drifted from the void to his black knife.

At this moment, Hua You's eyes glistened: "A deserved death! Hahaha! Then let me, a damned person, die a worthy death one last time!"

Everyone in the Sun Moon Sect yelled that something was wrong, and fled away one after another.

"Ma De, how can he still be so powerful after being hit by cartilage powder? This guy is too perverted."

Huayou was on the spot but didn't make any next move, but the aura gathered in his hands made people feel stronger and stronger.

He said to the people behind him: "Run away! Go to Jiaka City for help! I can't swing this blow. It's my limit to force my momentum to gather momentum. When my momentum is broken, the opponent will be able to react. "

Everyone in the Demon Slayer was stunned: "Boss, what about you?"

Huayou smiled sadly: "Leave me alone, I can't leave, they will stare at me, you run away separately, only then will there be a glimmer of life, hurry up!"

Accompanied by Huayou's low growl, everyone suppressed their grief and tried their best to flee in all directions.

Sapphire Blue Valley
At this time, the battle has come to the third round, and Shi Guan is still like a monkey, constantly provoking roads to make a living.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng's mind was no longer closed.

What the man said to him just now made him fall into deep thought, and he always felt a little bad.

The other party is obviously hiding his identity, why did he reveal it to him?

Is it because it is concluded that he has no way to expose the nature of the Sun Moon Sect?

This point of making a living is admitted, he really has no way to expose the nature of the Sun Moon Sect.

Because others speak lightly, no one will believe that a big force is all transformed by monsters just because of his words.

For things that are unclear, Lu Miansheng's solution has always been to ignore them.

Otherwise, if he keeps struggling, the doubts he has encountered so far will be enough for him to scratch his head.

Now there are only 16 left, and the draw continues.

From the battle until now, everyone already knows the strength of the people present.

Among the 16 people, only Lu Miaosheng and Shi Guan were completely uninjured.

The other 14 people were all wounded, and the first and second must have happened between Lu Miansheng and Shiguan.

They only have the strength to compete for third to tenth.

 Sorry for today's chapter.
(End of this chapter)

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