Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 120 The Fall of Nan'an City

Chapter 120 The Fall of Nan'an City

Shiguan and Lu Miaosheng did not meet each other after that, and their opponents were all other people on the field.

In the last few rounds of competition, anyone who met Lu Miaosheng and Shiguan would immediately admit defeat.

He didn't say he wanted to be beaten before he would surrender.

After all, apart from Lu Miaosheng and Shi Guan, everyone else was wounded. The condition of the injuries varies, but their strength will inevitably be compromised.

It can be seen from the injury that it must have been a close battle.

The faster the game ends, everyone is injured, and no one wants to die in a ring battle.

If you fight against each other, you can see who is stronger. If you can't beat it, just admit defeat.

In this way, we quickly advanced to the final decisive battle.

Everyone is still looking forward to the battle between Shiguan and Lu Miaosheng. After all, from now on, it is very easy for the two to deal with their opponents.

No energy was wasted, nor was there any injury.

Lu Mousheng walked up the stage slowly, and Shi Guan also walked up at the same time.

Shi Guan grinned: "I didn't expect to meet you at the end. I'm very upset that you lived so long."

Lu Mousheng was puzzled: "Do you feel bad for living a few more hours? Do you want to die that much?"

Lu Miaosheng really didn't understand why the other party was so confident?

Could it be the confidence brought to him by these weak chickens?
Shi Guan sneered: "The one who will die will only be you. I don't know if you have heard of a power that is invincible in the early stage, let alone in this remote place."

Lu Mousheng felt a little interesting, did the other party have something in the bottom of the box?
Without waiting for Lu Miaosheng to reply, Shi Guan continued: "You must have never seen it even if you have heard of it. Spiritual power is not accessible to everyone."

Lu Miaosheng couldn't help but sneered: "You tell me about your spiritual power? Is this the source of your self-confidence?"

Shi Guan was a little annoyed: "You ignorant guy, you can still laugh when you are about to die, you have no idea how powerful your mental power is!"

Lu Mousheng held back his desire to laugh: "Then let me see how powerful he is."

Poor Shiguan, in the eyes of Lu Miansheng, is simply a clown, a self-righteous clown.

At the beginning of the battle, Shiguan did not move, and Lu Miaosheng could feel that the opponent was gathering spiritual strength.

Seems to be preparing to mentally beat the road for a living.

Lu Miaosheng had no intention of showing it to the other party. Even if there was only a [-]% chance of overturning, he would not take the risk.

Two big hands were condensed from the spiritual force, and they pressed Shiguan and pulled Shiguan to the front.

Seeing Shi Guan's frightened and astonished expression, Lu Miaosheng felt very refreshed.

Shi Guan looked at Lu Miaosheng in horror, and murmured: "This is impossible. How can your mental power be so strong?"

Lu Miansheng's mental strength far exceeded his cognition.

He is not from the Thunder Gate of Jiaka City, he is the son of the elder Shimen of the Eastern Region, and he is only here for sightseeing.

But in Shimen, he has only seen such a strong degree of spiritual control in the head of the gate.

Although the strength of mental power displayed by Lu Miaosheng is not very strong, in his cognition, the degree of control is the most difficult to cultivate, and the strength of mental power will only be stronger than the degree of control.

Now that Lu Miaosheng is not strong, it can only show that the other party has not used all his strength.

Lu Mousheng looked at him with a smile: "Nothing is impossible, do you know what a frog at the bottom of a well is?"

The panic on Shi Guan's face could no longer be concealed, and he opened his mouth to admit defeat.

But how could Lu Miansheng give the other party a chance.

People who want to kill themselves have always had a dead end, and if they think about it, they must die.

It's impossible to let the other party go because the other party didn't succeed, right?
Isn't that the idea of ​​a fool?
If the opponent succeeds, don't you just hang up?

Cover Shi Guan's mouth with mental power, and then the huge mental power rushed straight into the opponent's mind, completely destroying Shi Guan's consciousness.

After all the mental power was released, Shi Guan collapsed limply after losing the support of mental power.

His eyes were white, and he was completely dead.

After extracting the opponent's attributes, Lu Miaosheng stepped down leisurely.

At this moment, the head of Lei Jimen rushed up: "Little bastard, what have you done! Do you know what stupid things you have done!"

Facing the furious Lei Jimen sect master Lei Huolu was very calm: "Old bastard, do you know what stupid things you have done?"

Lei Huo had murderous intentions towards him, and because Lu Mousheng practiced the Bahuang Killing Fist, he could clearly feel that the other party had murderous intentions.

For those who want to kill themselves, Lu Mousheng has always been quick to follow. Lei Huo's mana level is the fifth level of the silver mirror. If the opponent fights him at such a close distance.

Lu Mousheng is confident that he can kill the opponent. A high level does not mean that the physical defense is strong. At such a short distance, Lu Mousheng will attack with all his strength, and the opponent may not even have time to react, and he will be beaten to death by Lu Mousheng.

This is not Lu Miaosheng's joke.

An indifferent murderous aura emerged from Lu Miaosheng's eyes, and the scene became a bit more murderous in an instant.

Huang Tian, ​​the lord of Jaka City, appeared on the ring: "The battle in the ring is life and death, so don't interfere."

Huang Tian looked sharply at Lei Huo who charged up.

Doesn't it look down on him to do it at the place where he supervises?
Don't give him face?
When did the people in my city become so presumptuous?

Lei Huo stopped in his tracks, gritted his teeth and looked at Huang Tian: "My lord, do you know where Shiguan came from?"

Huang Tian frowned, a little upset: "I don't care where he came from, since he was sent by your Lei Ji Sect, he is a member of your Lei Ji Sect. If anything happens, it is also your Lei Ji Sect's business, the rules of the arena Don't you understand? Get out now!"

Huang Tian also had a faint feeling that something was wrong, but he acted according to the rules, no matter how powerful the other party was, he would not be involved in the end.

"Very well, then wait for Shimen to resolve this matter."

Lei Huo gritted his teeth and left the arena, not staying any longer.

Lu Mousheng left peacefully. As long as any force dared to have thoughts about him, he would destroy the forces that had thoughts about him.

If the strength is not enough to be destroyed, hide and practice.

Hiding in the burrow to kill monsters and cultivating enough strength to come out to kill them is so fearless.

This is also because there is a way out for making a living, as long as it doesn't provoke the pursuit of the whole continent.

Isn't it normal to be a little hater?
The world of cultivation is all about fighting for words.

Cultivation resources all need to be contested, and it is impossible for one person to make a living and peacefully compete for them.

In the process of fighting, even if the opponent is not strong enough to grab the road to make a living, he will bear the grudge afterwards and go to the road to make a living.

This point is very clear about making a living.

Therefore, as long as anyone who has the intention of killing him is killed, it will be fine, so that there will be no revenge after the event.

Returning to Lan Tianming, Lu Mousheng said, "I have already met your ranking requirements in the ring, and now you owe me a favor, right?"

Lan Tianming nodded: "That's right, I owe you a favor now, as long as it's not too much, I can help you."

After Lu Miaosheng confirmed, he planned to leave. There was nothing for him here.

Lan Tianming stopped Lu Mousheng: "Don't you want to know more about the Shimen the other party mentioned just now?"

Lu Mousheng was full of murderous intent and said without looking back: "No need, if you dare to trouble me, you need to be prepared to be killed by me. If you come, I will kill one, if you come, I will kill a group. If they come from all sects, I will kill you." Kill him all over the house!"

Lu Mousheng's murderous words blew across the cheeks of everyone present like a winter wind.

Lan Tianming couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing at himself when he came back to his senses in an instant.

"My imposing silver mirror powerhouse was actually frightened."

Lu Miaosheng's performance also made Lan Tianming confirm that Lu Miaosheng's background is not small, otherwise not anyone can say such words with full confidence.

It was night now, and after Lu Miaosheng left here, he returned directly to his own restaurant in Jaka City.

He now wants to go back to the burrow and break through the realm of mana, otherwise why did he work so hard to harvest so many things?

That's not for display.

After returning to his own restaurant and continuing to pay another month's rent, Lu Miaosheng was just about to return to the crypt when suddenly a huge bell rang throughout Jaka City.

Lu Miaosheng stopped in doubt and looked towards the place where the bell was ringing: "What's wrong?"

This kind of abnormal situation must have happened abnormally. For a while, he also stopped thinking about going back to the burrow, and planned to stay to see what happened.

In the dark night, several blood-stained figures appeared at the gate of Jaka City Demon Slayer.

The three blood-stained people looked at the signboard of Zhan Mosi and let out a burst of anger in their hearts. The three strong figures also fell to the ground and made noises.

The sudden noise woke up the two dozing guards.

"Help. Nan'an City needs rescue!"

At this time, the two guards also saw the three people lying on the ground, and the smell of blood spread into their noses like a delay, and the three blood-red men jumped the two guards again.

If it weren't for seeing the familiar clothes, the two of them couldn't help but want to shout.

"How to do?"

"Save people first, it seems that something happened in Nan'an City."

Guardian of the Demon Slayer

Gaka City Demon Slayer
Fan Bin looked at the three blood-stained figures below, with a serious face: "Do you know the consequences of lying to me?"

One of them bowed his head and bowed: "How dare we make fun of this kind of thing, it is a city of [-] people, please ask Chief Fan to lead people to support."

The last trace of luck in Fan Bin's heart was shattered. Originally, he thought it was extremely absurd when he heard what these three people said, but how could he lie about this kind of thing as a magician? With the last trace of luck, he asked Come out, but the result made him feel like a bolt from the blue.

The Sun Moon Sect was transformed by monsters and raided the entire Nan'an City tonight. At this time, Nan'an City had already fallen, and Hua You, the leader of the Demon Slayer Division in Nan'an City, did not know whether he was alive or dead.

This is the information brought to Tiantian by the three people in front of him, like a thunderbolt hitting Fan Bin's heart fiercely.

"The three of you go down to rest first. I'm going to find City Lord Huang for such a big matter."

"Come on! Send the news to the major forces, and at the same time sound the first-level alarm to gather manpower. I will go to the city lord to discuss this matter in person."

After Fan Bin arranged the task, he rushed towards the city lord's mansion in a restless state.

The news this time is too shocking. One branch of the Sun Moon Sect is all monsters, so is the entire Sun Moon Sect full of monsters?

That is a power that spreads over most of the Eastern Region, and thinking about it makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Fan Bin also quickened his pace to the city lord's mansion in front of him. There are [-] people in the whole Nan'an city, and they must go to rescue, but when to go is a problem.

now or tomorrow?

Will the 10 people in Nan'an City have a chance of survival tomorrow?
So it must be rescued tonight.

Fan Bin rushed towards the City Lord's Mansion with a lot of worries.

The major forces in Jiaka City were also so shocked that they could not sleep because of the information sent by the Demon Slayer, and quickly mobilized their subordinates.

This kind of major event that has never happened before is simply caught off guard.

On weekdays, the monsters appeared sporadically, causing a little bit of innocuous damage in the major villages and towns.

The existence of Demon Slayer can also quickly eliminate the monsters.

But this time, a city fell, and a whole 10 people were dead or alive, and they were right next to them.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. When all the people in Nan'an City are dead, isn't it their turn to be the next target of the Sun Moon Sect?
Tonight must be a sleepless night, and many forces in Jiaka City must gather and set out to rescue Nan'an City.

This is an inevitable result. It is better for them to go to the rescue now than tomorrow.

Regardless of whether it is because of the safety of 10 people or their own safety, they must go tonight.

You must know that even if everyone in the Sun Moon Sect is a monster, it is impossible to massacre all 10 people in Nan'an City so quickly.

They used to at least have resistance forces in Nan'an City.

If we go tomorrow, after the monsters have killed everyone in Nan'an City and stabilized the interior, it will not be so easy for them to break in.

Now is the best opportunity, the inside is chaotic, and they used to be able to cooperate inside and outside, killing each other by surprise!
"Dang! Dang! Dang"

Ten minutes later, bells rang throughout the entire Jiaka City.

It goes on and on and doesn't mean to stop at all.

Many people in Jiaka City who fell asleep or wanted to sleep were awakened by the continuous ringing of the bell.

They knew exactly what that meant.

The crisis of life and death!
It is a crisis that must be faced with the concerted efforts of the whole city!

All the capable ones began to organize their clothes, waiting for the next instruction.

After the bell rang, Jiaka City was eerily quiet for 10 minutes.

Lu Mousheng had already gone downstairs, and the whole Jiaka City became lively after the bell rang.

Lights were lit one by one, completely illuminating the dark night.

He came down at this time to inquire about information, because other residents in the restaurant also came out, all of them looked ready to go.

When they came to the first floor, Lu Miaosheng casually pulled over a mistress.

"What happened?"

Xiao Er calmed down and sorted out his words: "Guest officer, this is a first-level alert state. When the bell rings continuously, it means that a major event has occurred that is related to the life and death of the city. Everyone in the city must be ready. , ready for the next order at any time."

Xiao Er left in a hurry after speaking, not knowing what to do.

Lu Mousheng was lost in thought on the spot, what was going to happen in Jiaka City?
There are 10 people in this city, what could threaten 10 people?
Could it be the beast tide?
After all, Jiaka City is close to the Niulan Mountains, and this is the most likely crisis that Lu Miansheng thinks of.

(End of this chapter)

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