Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 121 Desire Illusion 【Please subscribe! 】

Chapter 121 Desire Illusion 【Please subscribe! 】

Just after the waiting time of the crowd reached 15 minutes, a voice resounded throughout the city.

"All those whose strength has reached the Bronze Realm must gather at the gate leading to Nan'an City."

"All forces must not be absent!"

"All those who have reached the Bronze Realm must gather at the gate leading to Nan'an City!"

"This is an order!"

An extremely serious voice resounded throughout the city. As the residents of Jiaka City, they could tell that it was the city lord speaking through the loudspeaker bell.

After the city lord finished these two sentences, the people in the city also began to discuss.

"What happened?"

"Could it be that Nan'an City is calling?"

"What are you thinking? How could Nan'an City attack us? Besides, Nan'an City's strength is about the same as ours. On the bright side, our Jiaka City is stronger."

What the city lord said made everyone fall into doubts.

The people in the Bronze Realm packed up their things and gathered towards the gate of the city.

The whole city was mobilized for a while, and the fire flickered.

Lu Miaosheng thought about it and decided to take a look.

With such a big commotion, if it was a big battle, wouldn't it be the best training ground for him?

With the flow of people, Lu Miansheng has also stepped forward.

Soon, there were more and more people at the gate of the city, and many forces came here with assembled manpower.

Lu Miaosheng mixed in the crowd, waiting quietly.

As time passed, more and more people came out of the city.

Demon Killing Division. Monster Arena. Thunder Gate. Silver Sword Gang.

And the City Lord's Mansion!
Among the many forces, he can only recognize the above five.

Among them, the Silver Sword Gang was the gang that the suspected Sun Moon Sect member belonged to. It was also because of the other party's exposure that Lu made a living to inquire about the other party's power.

Nothing happened now, but we must keep an eye on it.

After all the assembly was completed and no one came out from inside, the city lord Huang Tian spoke at the front.

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the people below, Huang Tian said slowly: "This is an unfortunate thing. Nan'an City beside us was attacked by monsters, and now the whole city has fallen."

"We must go to the rescue as soon as possible, otherwise the [-] people in Nan'an City will surely die at the hands of monsters."

"This is also protecting ourselves. You must know that Nan'an City is right next to us. No matter what, we can't escape. If the monsters finish Nan'an City, we will be the next victims."

"The current monsters in Nan'an City are all transformed by the Sun Moon Sect, and all the Sun Moon Sect are monsters. After a while, the Demon Slayer will issue the Suppressing Magic Talisman. After the distribution is complete, we will set off without delay!"

After Huang Tian finished speaking, everyone below was shocked.

Is the Sun Moon Sect a monster?

Has Nan'an City fallen at this time?
These two shocking news shocked everyone.

In the past, monsters have always been small troubles, have they started to act on a large scale now?

Lu Mousheng was not shocked, because he knew about the Sun Moon Sect for a long time, and he also knew that they would make trouble sooner or later.

It's just that he didn't expect it to arrive so soon. The moment he heard the news, Lu Miaosheng stared at the position of the Silver Sword Gang, and saw that the other party was also looking at him with a smile.

Lu Mousheng was a bit annoyed. The Silver Sword Gang had existed in Jiaka City for many years. If Lu Mousheng told everyone that the Silver Sword Gang was transformed by monsters, it would definitely be regarded as nonsense.

There is a way to prove that the members of the Silver Sword Gang are monsters.

That is to kill one of them and see if it will reveal its original shape.

But let's not talk about whether it can show its original shape, there is a strong silver mirror in the Silver Sword Gang, and it is not a problem to stop him.

This made Lu Miaosheng very passive, and now he could only stare at the other party.

If there is any change, just do it yourself.

The people from the Demon Killing Division came down and distributed three magic-suppressing talismans to everyone.

Sticking this thing on the body when fighting monsters can cause higher damage to monsters.

The duration of one talisman is one hour, and three is three hours, which is still very long-lasting.

"set off!"

The mighty elite army set off. Everyone here is at least at the bronze level. The cultivation world doesn't say that one more person means more power. Even if there is one, it's only at the same level.

People with low strength go to fight monsters, that is to die.

In the dark night, countless figures began to rush towards Nan'an City.

According to incomplete statistics by Lu Miansheng, the number of reinforcements is about 1 to [-].

There is nothing shocking about such a scene of earning a living.

He was present and participated in several battles in the Catacombs, and there were more people than here.

When a battle occurs in the past, he can extract a large number of attributes. How strong it is is uncertain, but he is only one opportunity short of breaking through the silver mirror of the flesh.

This battle is the best opportunity.

The whole army hurried on their way quietly, the City Lord's Mansion led the way, and everyone behind followed the City Lord's Mansion's buttocks and kept advancing at an even speed.

Lu Miaosheng has been following behind the Silver Sword Gang, staring at them.

According to their current speed, it only takes half an hour to reach Nan'an City.

This is also the information that Lu Miaosheng asked from the people around him.

After all, if he estimates it himself, it is completely impossible. He is not familiar with this place, and he doesn't know how far the journey is.

When it was only 10 minutes away from Nan'an City, the team stopped.

Huang Tian looked at the large number of people in black who suddenly appeared in front of him and remained silent. The identities of these people could be judged from the black energy emanating from them.

All are monsters.

Walking out of the group of monsters, a tall, peerless beauty with only a few strands of obstruction.

The fair skin is completely exposed to the air, only the key parts are covered, but even so, every step can make the two little rabbits bounce.

Her eyes were blurred, and she looked at Huang Tian arrogantly: "I shouldn't be the one who came here, but one of you did something that shouldn't be done."

Hearing the voice of swallowing saliva beside him, Huang Tian secretly scolded his subordinates for not being up to date, but now is not the time to pursue the matter. The charming woman opposite him gave him a great sense of danger, and he might really have to explain it here today.

"Did something you shouldn't do? It should be you, right? If you don't stay in the Demon Realm well, are you looking for death if you run out!"

Mei Tianxian laughed like a silver bell: "City Master Huangtian, don't be angry~ Why don't you and I spend the Spring Festival together tonight?"

While talking, Mei Tianxian twisted and walked towards Huang Tian, ​​and the white rabbit also started to move as she walked.

At this moment, the breath became wrong, ambiguous desires rose, and everyone's breath became heavy, like a bull who had drunk medicine.

Huang Tian noticed something was wrong but it was too late, a strange force restrained him, he couldn't move at all, he quickly used his mana to resist the control of the succubus.

Immortal Meitian exerted her full power of charm to firmly cover Huang Tian's body. Seeing that Huang Tian was still struggling to resist, she immediately released a fierce message.

"It seems that City Master Huang Tian is not very satisfied with him~"

"Then why don't my subordinates also serve as the leader of Huangcheng?"

After speaking, a gust of evil wind suddenly appeared in the field, and all the monsters covered by black clothes leaked their original forms at this time.

A piece of white skin was exposed, which dazzled everyone.

The uniform and revealing dress, the tender whiteness that cannot be concealed by the night, and the watery appearance make people want to touch it.

The rows of monsters in front of them were all exposed peerless beauties. The moment they uncovered the black robes, they began to perform their skills, and all kinds of charming postures that matched the skills were used.

At this moment, some people have already felt the heat flow in the nasal cavity, and they have completely forgotten that what is in front of them is a monster, an enemy.
I'm just afraid that the scene in front of me is an illusion.
The succubi stepped forward, making all kinds of bewitching gestures. Some people in the team couldn't control their bodies and began to cater to them.

Mei Tianxian looked at the many uncontrolled soldiers and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: "giggle"

"Yes, that's it. Come here, it's better to take off your armor."

Under the blessing of Meitianxian's charm, words, and the desire formation formed by his subordinates, many soldiers began to act according to Meitianxian's orders.

Lu Miaosheng couldn't see the scene in front of him from the back, but the strangeness of the people around him and the special atmosphere made him feel something was wrong.

There was still a conversation when the front stopped just now, but now there is no movement in the front.

The people around him now seem to be in a certain environment of desire, and a simple adjective can also be used, that is, these people seem to be having sex dreams.

All of them have blurred eyes and strange smiles at the corners of their mouths.

A piece of white flowers made Lu Miansheng's nasal cavity instantly generate heat, and a seductive force took the opportunity to control Lu Miansheng.

But his spiritual power is so strong, how can he be so easily charmed?
At the same time, he finally knew why the whole team was suddenly so weird.

Running his mental power and shooting with all his strength, a large amount of mental power poured out of his mind, sweeping the audience like a tide.

Lu Miaosheng shouted loudly: "Wake up!"

Under the impact of this violent mental force of making a living, the scene seemed to be paused, and everyone stopped for a second.

It was a moment of stupefaction when everyone was pulled out of the illusion by Lu Miaosheng.

Many people were dissatisfied, as if something good was interrupted at a critical moment, their faces were angry, and they didn't understand the current situation at all.

With the help of the interference of Lu Miansheng's mental power, Huang Tian and other heads of major forces also woke up from the illusion suppression.

Everyone felt terrified, so they met and had a few conversations, and then they just waited for someone to find out?

Fortunately, they didn't take each other seriously at first.

Mei Tianxian looked at Lu Miaosheng with murderous intent in his eyes as he watched the formation of desires broken, "Damn guy, he killed a hundred of our compatriots a few days ago and forced us to act ahead of time, and now he's ruining my good deeds, it's simply Damn it!"

At this moment, Mei Tianxian lost the calmness she had just now, and her face was full of rage.

Originally, if he could control these people and blend with them to absorb energy, his subordinates and himself would be able to improve their strength very quickly.

Seeing that it was about to succeed, it suffered damage as a result. Now these people are on guard, especially the leaders of all the forces.

It is completely impossible to think about success.

The more Mei Tianxian thought about it, the more angry he became, a phantom of a leather whip condensed on the top of his head, this is a weapon evolved from spiritual power.

Under her control, she ruthlessly pulled towards the position where Lu made a living.

But at this time everyone has already reacted, how could Mei Tianxian be allowed to act recklessly.

With an angry look on his face, Huang Tian first scolded the undressed army to wake them up from their daze.

As soon as he finished this move, he saw that Mei Tianxian wanted to move towards the person who rescued them.

How does that work?
"Demon girl, die!"

Huang Tian condensed his own mana to float out of his body, then attached to his black knife, and collided with Mei Tianxian's spiritual whip.

After reaching the silver mirror, the magic power in the body can already compete with the spiritual power, but it is still not as strong as the spiritual power in essence.

Seeing that the attack was blocked by Huang Tian, ​​Mei Tianxian became even more angry.

"Do it! Kill them all!"


Following the issuance of two orders, the battle broke out instantly.

The confused people also came to their senses under Huang Tian's scolding, and after seeing Huang Tian and Mei Tianxian fighting, they understood what was going on now.

Many female succubi with enchanting bodies also launched an attack under the order of Mei Tianxian, and each of them condensed their own spiritual weapons.

But their weapons are all in a fixed style, floating above their heads, and attacking everyone under their control.

Fan Bin understood what was going on when he first woke up, and his old face turned red with embarrassment.

But now that the battle has begun, there is no room for him to think too much.

"Bitch, with just your silver mirror, let's see how long you can resist!"

Mei Tianxian got angry and taunted: "Haha, what can you stinky men do? Don't you know what virtues you have just now? Do you want to play with my old lady?"

This kind of shameless action made everyone uneasy, and many young people with insufficient skills could no longer hold on.

Originally, they were a little reluctant to deal with these charming enemies, wishing they could knock them all out and tie them up.

How could the blood of the young man withstand such a test.

Fortunately, City Lord Huang Tianhuang is not a chick, so he shouted: "Kill them all! Don't think about anything else!"

It was difficult for everyone to get out of this temptation, and they had never experienced such a battle.

Not to mention these feudal-minded people, even Lu Miaosheng couldn't resist it, and didn't dare to look more.

Everyone reluctantly raised their weapons to kill many female succubi, but each of them was as weak as if they had entered the sage mode.

Huang Tian didn't feel angry when he saw it.

Fortunately, the heads of many forces persisted, and at this time they had already killed the female succubi.

The leader is the leader, and the state of mind is stronger than these younger brothers.

However, this may also be due to the fact that the leader has experienced more, so that he can leave such a beautiful picture behind.

The battle broke out completely, and everyone in Jiaka City had an advantage in top-level combat power, and the middle and lower levels were suppressed and beaten by the succubi, and there was no way to fight back.

Mei Tianxian is not a simple guy either, his tactics are just wandering and pulling, and he has no intention of fighting hard with many silver mirror powerhouses.

Huang Tian felt that something was wrong, Mei Tianxian's fighting style seemed to be delaying time.

Why is she procrastinating?
Nan'an City!
not good!

Thinking of this, Huang Tian also knew something was wrong, and instantly realized Mei Tianxian's purpose.

It's no wonder that when the strength of the two sides is not equal, the other side still fights instead of retreating.

At first, Huang Tian thought that there were experts hiding among the other party, but the battle had already unfolded in full swing, and no silver mirror monsters came out, so Huang Tian realized something was wrong.

"Shoot with all your strength, don't hide it! The other party wants to delay the time, and there must be forces in Nan'an City to resist now!"

(End of this chapter)

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