Chapter 123 Monster Army
Just when Fan Bin finished speaking about preparing to fight, a thick crack appeared in the dark sky.

Countless monsters poured out of the sky like dumplings.

But this is not the succubus who has fought against everyone.

These monsters look extremely ugly, but they are very strong. Each monster is about 1.7 meters tall. They hold black weapons that look like spears in their hands.

It fell into the city from the crack, and then killed in the direction of everyone.

The black bodies of these monsters blend perfectly in the night. If not for all the people who have practiced, they might not be able to see where the monsters are at a distance.

Lu Miansheng calmly used a probing technique.

[Magic Slave: A slave of high-level monsters, a cannon fodder-like existence. 】

Are these things just cannon fodder?
I don't know how strong it is.

The battle was triggered quickly, and the location where the Demon Slave descended seemed to be carefully selected, blocking everyone's escape route, and they had to kill them.

Lu Mousheng rushed to the front, brandishing the Hei Yao Sword, the huge Hei Yao Sword could cut many demon slaves in half.

Facing the attack of the demon slave's black spear, Lu Mousheng did not defend at all. Now that he has defensive runes to defend, the attack of the silver mirror is completely ineffective against him.

The strength of these demon slaves is basically at the black iron level, and only a few of them are at the bronze level.

There is no threat at all to making a living.

There is basically no threat to everyone.

Perhaps the only function of their appearance is to consume everyone's physical strength.

Lu Mousheng tried his best to kill them, and the lack of strength of these demon slaves was just bigger ants to him.

Hacking them just requires a lot of hands.

As for consuming his energy?
That is completely idiotic dream, he can recover part of his physical strength by killing monsters and extracting their attributes.

Even if he didn't kill enough by himself, he is not fighting alone here.

In the entire battlefield, he is the only one who can extract the attributes of monsters, and everyone else helps him kill monsters.

But it is true that everyone's physical strength has been consumed.

To make a living, Lu can only do his best to kill monsters.

Even if they were all ants, they had to be killed to kill them.

And judging from the number and speed of the demon slaves coming out of the crack in front.

It seems that there are no plans to stop.

The number of locusts made everyone present feel uneasy.

You must know that although the strength of these demon slaves is very weak, it is not without strength among the monsters.

When their physical strength is exhausted and those powerful monsters come out, won't they be dead?

Lu Mousheng saw this situation, but he didn't know if other people knew.

If this scene of fierce fighting continues, they may not be able to leave in the end.

We must retreat, this is already the main battlefield of monsters.

No one knows how many monsters have yet to come out, and no one knows how many monsters are still waiting for them.

After continuing to fight fiercely for a while, Lu Miaosheng could be considered to have heard Huang Tian's shout.

Huang Tian who didn't make a move at the back of the battlefield looked very troubled.

Fan Bin also saw the reason beside him, and stepped forward to persuade: "City Lord Huang, the situation cannot be violated, retreat, now the people in Nan'an City are all dead, it will only be more dangerous for us to stay here, even if we want to To avenge the people of Nan'an City, we also need to think long-term."

Seeing that Huang Tian still hadn't moved, Fan Bin was also a little anxious: "City Master Huang, I don't know how many monsters there are, and these are obviously cannon fodder. When we can't beat their main force and come out, all of us may fall here. "

After hearing Fan Bin's anxious voice, Huang Tian finally reacted a bit: "I see, I won't make fun of everyone's lives."

After Huang Tian finished speaking, he pulled out the black knife stuck in the ground, and stepped forward step by step.

The aura on Huang Tian's body also became stronger and stronger with his movements, and everyone on the path he was walking automatically gave way to a passage.

Huang Tian also followed the passage to the frontal battlefield: "Get out! You can't stay here for long, go back to Jiaka City!"

After Huang Tian gave the order, he took the lead and rushed out. A powerful energy erupted from his body, and he rushed forward. All the demon slaves standing in front were smashed by Huang Tian's aura.

A road opened by Huang Tian alone appeared in front of everyone.

Huang Tian also took the lead and rushed out.

Everyone followed Huang Tian closely. At this time, everyone's formation was like a sharp blade, and Huang Tian at the front was a sword.

They are sword bodies!
Fiercely piercing into the tide of demon slaves, all the demon slaves who attacked them could only be crushed by them.

Those who stood on the road and rushed from both sides were all hacked to death by the crowd.

Lu Mousheng didn't stay here either. Although there are a large number of these demon slaves, they don't provide many attributes.

Who knows what dangers may lie ahead.

You must know that this place has already been breached by monsters, and the Sun Moon Sect has taken root in Nan'an City for three years.

Who knows what they have done, some extremely powerful monsters will appear later, they may not be able to leave if they want to.

Don't hesitate to go now if you have the opportunity.

Even if he can return to the burrow with the key, won't he come back?

At that time, who knows if this place will become the base camp of monsters. If it becomes the base camp of monsters, wouldn't he be looking for death when he comes back?
The benefits and risks are obviously not directly proportional.

It's better to escape first, and I can't always think about the existence of the key, it can only be used when there is no other way.

Follow the team all the way to kill in the direction outside the city.

If they want to go out of the city in a straight line, they have to go through the monster crack.

If you don't want to go through the monster crack, you have to take a detour.

In the end, Huang Tian still chose to take everyone to detour.

Who knows what will happen near that crack.

Now the lives of nearly ten thousand people are in his hands, and he can't do any risky things.

The detour is a bit more time consuming.

Soon they will be able to leave Nan'an City directly.

Just after everyone successfully circumvented the crack of the monster, enchanting and handsome figures appeared in front of them, blocking the street where they left.

Standing at the forefront was Mei Tianxian who had fought against them before.

At this time, the monsters here are not only female succubi, but also a large number of male succubi.

The handsome man and the enchanting woman are both in the range of appearance that can make everyone pleasing to the eye.

But what they did has long been an unforgivable behavior in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, no matter how good-looking and handsome these people are, no one will find them pleasing to the eye.

I just feel disgusted, and I just want to tear up all these succubi in front of me.

Mei Tianxian stood at the front and said slowly: "City Master Huang is in a hurry to leave, he's already here, why don't you stay and play with him?"

"You hit him so hard just now, but it hurts a lot."

Mei Tianxian's tone was charming, and there was a bit of tenderness in the charm.

If this is a normal woman, she is truly stunning.

Huang Tian's eyes burst into murderous intent: "You still dare to show up, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"


Huang Tian didn't hesitate, and took the lead to kill them. At this moment, their escape route was blocked, and if they wanted to leave, they had to break through the blockade of these succubus.

Even if Huang Tian doesn't want to fight, he must fight!

Everyone knew this situation, and they all went directly to kill the succubus.

Lu made a living mingling among the crowd without being too exposed.

He ruined a lot of good things for the succubus, and he saw how much the succubus wanted to kill him before.

It's better not to confront them head-on.

This is not a way to make a living, this is just from the heart.

Just when Lu Miaosheng wanted to leave safely, a voice resounded through the audience, revealing his position.

I saw the members of the Silver Sword Gang suddenly broke out in the team, and they all moved towards the people around them with all their strength, and at the same time shouted:
"Elder Meitianxian, Lu Miaosheng is here!"

The Silver Sword Gang's rebellion caught everyone by surprise, except for Lu Miaosheng who had already been prepared in his heart, no one else had expected it.

After the members of the Silver Sword Gang exposed his position, Mei Tianxian looked over. Originally, Huang Tian wanted to stop him, but he was already entangled by others and couldn't get away.

Seeing this, Huang Tian could only shout: "Be careful."

That's all he can do now. After shouting, he doesn't even have time to look at the situation behind him. Now he has to face the siege of two eighth-level succubi in the silver mirror.

They were besieging the succubus before, but now they came to the lair of the monster, and the situation was reversed.

There are many succubi in the silver mirror here, at least [-]% more than everyone else.

This allows them to do a lot of things.

Knowing the current situation on the battlefield, Huang Tian still regretted it very much.

I knew I shouldn't have brought people in, but now I'm surrounded by monsters, and it's not that easy to get out.

On the other hand, Lu Miaosheng's eyes were full of murderous intent at this time, and he also regretted a little at this time, regretting why he didn't kill all the members of the Silver Sword Gang when he was free.

Now they are asked to hack dozens of people around them to death. Originally, they could all be immortal.

Lu Miaosheng ignored Mei Tianxian who was rushing towards him, and went straight to kill the Silver Sword Gang.

At this time, the leader of the Silver Sword Gang couldn't help laughing when he saw the way he was rushing to make a living: "Is this guy going to rush here to seek death? He knew he couldn't live, so he came here quickly to die?"

Another member of the Silver Sword Gang laughed and said, "Maybe they want to die early and reincarnate early."

"It's better for him to come here. Let's take him down first, and then hand it over to Elder Mei Tianxian. Maybe Elder Mei Tianxian will reward us with something."

Some people have some reveries.

Lu Miaosheng had no time to pay attention to the daydreams of these monsters.

When he was about to arrive, he opened fire with full power, and he used mental power, not physical power.

In the face of these monsters, it is irrational to use physical power, it is just a waste of physical strength.

Like now, everyone can cause damage to monsters because of the magic-suppressing talisman.

Although sticking a town magic talisman on yourself can cause damage to monsters.

But the effect is still not very ideal, it is better to use mental power.

The most harmful thing to monsters is the attack brought by spiritual power.

Others, whether it is the power of the silver mirror or the power of the magic-suppressing talisman, will be reduced.

Now Lu Miansheng didn't want to leave any chance for them to survive, so he directly used his mental strength.

Powerful spiritual power came out through his body, and a huge fist appeared in the entire sky, which was completely condensed by Lu Miansheng's spiritual power.

The monsters of the Silver Sword Gang who were still laughing and mocking suddenly became dumb, staring straight at the fist that suddenly appeared in the sky.

The fist that can cover a range of one hundred meters is completely composed of mental power.

At this time, they already knew what the consequences of this blow would be on them.

"What is the origin of this man! How can his mental power be so powerful?"

"Didn't you say that this person's mental strength is only at the first level of the bronze level?"

"This is probably beyond the ninth level of the Bronze Realm!"

"Who is leaking false information to us, are we being sold?"

The members of the Silver Sword Gang became furious when they saw Lu Miansheng's powerful spiritual power.

All kinds of thoughts appeared in their minds for a while, and the most likely thing was that they were fooled.

Lu Miaosheng didn't care what they were thinking, the huge mental power fist had already smashed down at this moment.

This range completely covers everyone in the Silver Sword Gang.

It is impossible for them to run out of this range at their fastest speed. You must know that he has already arrived in front of the Silver Sword Gang at this time.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng looked indifferently at the position of the Silver Sword Gang, and the crazy faces, the expressions of wanting to live were so familiar.

Isn't that the expression on the faces of the corpses he saw in the city just now?

That kind of twisted struggle, that wanting to let the enemy let him go.
The facial expressions are so similar.
"Give me death!"

With Lu Miansheng's furious roar, the fist composed entirely of mental power fell completely, and the entire battlefield suddenly exploded.

The position of the Silver Sword Gang was deeply sunken, and there was an additional fist mark within a range of [-] meters. Below were the corpses of the members of the Silver Sword Gang.

At this time, the corpses were all lying still, and there seemed to be no obvious wounds at all except for being squeezed.

But their fatal wound is not on the surface, but in the mind.

At this time, the monsters stored in these bodies have been completely beaten by Lu Miaosheng.

Mei Tianxian also rushed over at this time, she looked at Lu Miaosheng vigilantly: "I didn't expect to meet a guy with such a strong mental power here, it seems that it was not accidental that you appeared in our Sun Moon Sect to make trouble, you should It was premeditated, but fortunately we acted ahead of time, otherwise you might have something good to do."

Lu Miaosheng's face was indifferent: "You are right, I planned it beforehand, and that's because you shouldn't have appeared in this world, you know?"

Mei Tianxian giggled: "We shouldn't appear in this world, can't this world still have masters?"

Lu Miaosheng nodded affirmatively: "You are right, this world has a master, and our human race is his master."

Mei Tianxian sneered: "You are so arrogant, do you think you are worthy to be the master of this world?"

Lu Mousheng shook his head: "It seems that your ears and brain are not working well. I said that this is our human race's world, not my world alone."

(End of this chapter)

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