Chapter 124
Mei Tianxian's face was ashamed and angry: "Stop talking nonsense here, and die to me!"

As the battle unfolded, Mei Tianxian transformed into her weapon above her head.

A long whip composed entirely of spiritual power was slammed towards Lu Miansheng fiercely, and the sound of breaking the wind could be heard clearly. If it was whipped on a person, it would be no small matter.

Lu Miaosheng's mental power surged, and he transformed into a palm, grabbing the long whip of Mei Tianxian.

"This kind of mental power is not enough."

Facing Lu Miaosheng's ridicule, Mei Tianxian was a little angry, but no matter how hard he struggled to control the long whip, he couldn't get rid of Lu Miaosheng's illusionary palm.

At this moment, she was shocked in her heart. Lu's mental strength for making a living was far beyond his imagination, and it was completely beyond her ability to deal with it.

This can be seen from the fact that she has no ability to resist now.

"Meicheng, come and help me! This man is very powerful!"

Shake people if you can't beat them, but now they are in their territory, just to vent the anger of being besieged before.

A male succubus not far away rushed over immediately after hearing Mei Tianxian's call.

With a happy face, he looked at Mei Tianxian and said: "Xian'er, I helped you, then you have to practice with me."

Mei Tianxian looked calm: "No problem, kill this person first, and let's talk about cultivation when the time comes."

The cultivation between their succubi is double cultivation, which can quickly increase the spiritual power of both of them.

Lu Miaosheng would not just watch them come and join hands to beat him.

Taking advantage of the other party's absence, Lu Miaosheng manipulated his mental power to explode.

A pitch-black long knife appeared on the scene in his illusion.

This long knife is not very big, just the size of a normal weapon.

But the terrifying spiritual power emanating from above is what shocks people.

Especially Mei Tianxian, she can understand how much spiritual power is condensed on this black knife.

At this time, her face no longer had the indifference at first, and the expression on her face also began to change into panic.

Because she knew that if this knife fell on her, he would definitely die.

And now her long whip is still tightly held by Lu Miaosheng, and she can't take it back at all.

"How is it possible! How is it possible for your mental power to be so powerful! You can still retract it so freely!"

Mei Tianxian was really shocked by Lu Miansheng's mental power at this time.

When he saw the huge fist condensed by Lu Miansheng in the distance before, he just thought that Lu Miaosheng had a lot of mental power, but he didn't think that Lu Miaosheng's mental power could be controlled well.

But now it seems that Lu Miansheng is not only big but also good.

You must know that before she came, Lu Miansheng had already used a huge amount of mental power, and she didn't expect that Lu Miansheng could use so much mental power.

Not at all what she expected.

Lu Mousheng looked at Mei Tianxian with killing intent on his face: "Nothing is impossible, if you don't understand anything, just go down and ask Hades."

Speaking of manipulating the black knife to slash towards Mei Tianxian, a powerful spiritual force rushed over, obviously it hadn't hit her, but she could already feel a special shock wave of power.

Mei Tianxian only wants to live at this time, and has completely ignored other things.

Controlling his mental power, he directly cut off the part of the whip that Lu Miaosheng was holding on to.

He himself was able to start, and the first moment he wanted to run.

But could Lu Miaosheng let her go?

The mental power in his mind surged layer by layer, firmly fixing Mei Tianxian in the air from all directions.

At this moment, the black knife ruthlessly chopped Mei Tianxian in half.

After being strengthened by [-] corpses in Nan'an City, his mental power was already extremely strong at this time.

After that, a large number of demon slaves were killed, and the spiritual power was strengthened again.

He didn't know the upper limit of his mental strength for a long time.

Killing Mei Tianxian also used [-]% of his mental power.

10% of his spiritual power can be recovered within [-] minutes, which is normal, but now he is on the battlefield of monsters, just absorb it, and he still has spiritual beads to reserve mental power, so he will not worry about mental power at all Insufficient case.

At this time, the guy called Mei Cheng by Mei Tianxian has also come over, this is a male succubus.

After seeing Lu Mousheng beheading Mei Tianxian, his eyes were very angry, but his reason made him watch Lu Mousheng vigilantly, and did not act easily.

Meicheng looked at Lu Mousheng and said, "You are very strong, but you shouldn't have killed Mei Tianxian."

Lu Mousheng snorted coldly: "There is no monster that shouldn't be killed, as a monster, you all deserve to die!"

Mei Cheng looked disdainful: "You are not strong enough, but you want to kill all of our monsters with your little strength?"

Lu Mousheng didn't refute fiercely, but said plainly: "It's just a matter of time, but you won't see that scene anymore, because you won't live a day, and now you have to die!"

Meicheng's expression was still very disdainful: "You have used so much mental power, I don't believe you can do anything to me."

That's what I said, but Meicheng's body is still very honest, and she backed away quietly when Lu Miaosheng said harsh words.

Lu Mousheng shook his head and said, "You don't need to retreat, you can't escape from my palm."

Speaking of mobilizing mental power, two giant hands appeared, and when Mei Cheng didn't respond, they grabbed him firmly.

When Lu Miaosheng had just talked with this succubus, he quietly extracted all the monster corpses that could be extracted from the battlefield.

His mental strength has long since recovered, and even strengthened a little.

He had no intention of continuing the conversation with this succubus, the conversation just now was just to delay time.

Transformed into a long sword with spiritual power, and killed the monster.

Meicheng still wanted to resist, she condensed her spiritual power and slammed into the black knife that Lu made a living with.

But the results needless to say, although his mental strength is considered good, but in front of Lu Miansheng is a younger brother.

His spiritual weapon is a sword, which was cut off directly after hitting the black knife that made a living on the road.

Then the black knife cut across Meicheng's neck, and Meicheng died on the spot.

There is no life left.

The monster corpse attributes of these silver mirrors are not at all comparable to those at the bronze level and black iron level.

The two silver mirror monsters that were beheaded also gave way to make a living, and their spiritual power improved a lot again.

Although it is not a big enhancement overall, compared to those who have absorbed the enhanced attribute points that have no feeling at all, the enhancement brought by these two silver mirror monsters is still a bit larger.

Lu Miansheng's performance was also seen by the high-end combat power in the battlefield.

Among them, Lan Tianming was the most shocked.

He was the first to come into contact with Lu Miansheng, and it was only because Lu Mengsheng wantonly used his mental power to cheat in his monster arena that he discovered it.

At that time, Lu Miansheng's mental strength was definitely not one-tenth stronger than it is now.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be discovered by his formation.

Although he has a mental power detection array, it can detect the third-level mental power of the bronze level at most.

Now that Lu Mousheng can even use his mental power to kill the monsters of the silver mirror, it means that his mental power is the lowest in the silver mirror.

The others didn't think as much as Lan Tianming thought, they just saw the hope of victory.

The stronger Lu Miaosheng is, the better, so that he can kill more monsters.

At this time, the succubus also discovered what Lu Miao was doing for a living.

"Why are Mei Tianxian and Mei Cheng so useless! They just died in the hands of this brat?"

"I don't think the two of them are useless, if you think you should stop this brat?"

Someone just taunted the two monsters who died at the hands of Lu Shengsheng, and they were turned back.

The succubus who hated people was telling the truth, and the whining and mocking succubus stopped talking, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

"What should we do now?"

"What can we do, this person is too strong for us to deal with, prepare to retreat!"

"Prepare to retreat!"

"The elder said to retreat!"

The moment one of the monsters announced that they were about to retreat, someone in the monster team loudly delivered the message.

All the monsters were ready to retreat at this moment.

Mei Shi looked at Elder Mei Rulong flatteringly and said: "Elder, the order to retreat has been issued, shall we go?"

Charming like a dragon: "."

At this time, Mei Rulong's heart was complicated, and he took a deep look at Mei Shi.

Then he shouted: "Go! Evacuate! Return to the succubus space!"

After Mei Rulong gave the order, all the succubi disappeared in place, and the battlefield calmed down instantly.

Those who kill vigorously see the opponent in front of them disappear suddenly is also enlightened.

Hit and run?
Although it is difficult to accept, this is the fact that all the monsters ran away.

In the absence of interference, as long as the void is stable, the monsters can retreat at any time.

Just now Fan Bin also thought about whether to interfere with the void to prevent these monsters from evacuating, but was stopped by Huang Tian.

Although one of them has a way to make a living and is very strong, there is only one way to make a living.

The strength of other people is not so strong, and it is still a bit difficult to face monsters.

If they really kept fighting, even if they could win, it would be a miserable victory. Huang Tian didn't want to see this result.

He didn't want to see too many people die in front of him. Since the other party withdrew first, he didn't want to stop them.

After the battle, Huang Tian came in front of Lu Shousheng: "Little brother has very strong mental power, which sect does he come from?"

Lu Mousheng smiled and said: "City Master Huang is very impressed, I have no family and no sect, I'm just alone."

Huang Tian's eyes were deep: "Is that so? Then I wonder if the little brother has any plans to join the forces?"

Huang Tian didn't try to guess whether what Lu Miaosheng said was true or not, it didn't matter whether it was true or not, as long as he took it as true.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible for Huang Tian to believe that Lu Shousheng has no sect.

No one would believe in the spiritual power of earning a living without the guidance of a sect and without systematic cultivation.

But Huang Tian also knew that there was a possibility, that is, Lu Miaosheng was an apprentice taught by those kind of masters who hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

In that case, it is normal for him to say that he has no sect.

It makes sense to cultivate mental power to such a strong level.

If this is the case, then it would be great, he can also pull Lu Miansheng into his own power and bind him together.

Not to mention that Lu Miaosheng's strength seems to be stronger than him from now on, and if it is really what he thinks, it means that there is a powerful master behind Lu Miaosheng.

Wouldn't that have earned two powerful helpers at once?
Lu Mousheng directly refused: "City Master Huang, I have no plans to join the faction yet."

Huang Tian also knew that his temple was too small, how could he possibly accommodate the real dragon who made a living on the road, but he still had a chance to reward the thigh of making a living on the road.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, the power I'm telling you is not myself, but the top power in the Eastern Region, Xingyu Pavilion, how about we go back and talk about it in detail?"

When Lu Miaosheng heard what Huang Tian said, he agreed.

At first, he really thought that Huang Tian wanted him to join the City Lord's Mansion. If it was before, he might have thought about it, but now he can kill silver mirror monsters like dogs.

It is many times stronger than Huang Tian's and the others' reluctant appearance before, and now he naturally looks down on any forces in Jaka City.

Now that Huang Tian is said to be the top power in the Eastern Region, he is somewhat interested in making way for a living.

If you want to become stronger, you have to go to a broader platform.

Without a platform, no matter how strong one's potential is, it is not so easy to realize it.

Big forces have many advantages, such as intelligence.

There are all kinds of more benefits, which are only better than making a living by yourself.

Now the monsters have all run away, and they don't plan to stay in Nan'an City. It has been captured by monsters now, so there is no need to stay here.

Staying here will not do any good, and there will be no small danger.

Who knows if the monster will suddenly lead troops to fight back.

When they stay here, the enemy is in the dark and they are in the light, which is very disadvantageous.

The huge team walked out of Nan'an City, not many people died in the battle, and there were nearly 500 people.

Some of the people in the procession were carrying dead bodies.

If he died in the battle, the body still had to be sent back to Jiaka City.

They can't manage Nan'an City for too many reasons, but they should treat their own people well no matter what.

After experiencing intense fighting and witnessing the tragic situation in Nan'an City, the team returning at this time has long since lost the excitement they had when they came.

When they came, they were full of fighting spirit, ready to make a big killing on the battlefield and make a name for themselves.

But when they really saw the tragedy of the battlefield, the pride and ambition in their hearts were directly eliminated by the blow.

They spent most of their day fighting monsters, and they, who had never experienced a large-scale war, couldn't accept such a tragic scene for a while.

You must know that the four regions of Tianzhu Continent are peaceful, and there are no large-scale battlefields. This kind of massacre is basically the first time everyone has seen.

When they went back, everyone was not in a hurry and returned at an even speed.

The time is about half an hour or so in the past.

Jiaka City was still brightly lit at this time, like a soldier waiting to return home.

At the gate of the city, there were women and children looking at the direction of Nan'an City worriedly.

They are waiting for the return of the man who went out to fight.

When the team appeared, the crowd cheered a little, but as the bodies being carried in the team appeared, the cheers fell silent and turned into worry.

Their expressions didn't change until they saw the person they wanted to see.

The end result is naturally some people cry and others laugh.

Person facing own husband, son, father's return laughs.

To die is to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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