Chapter 126 Mana Silver Mirror

The only pity of going out this time is that he didn't kill all the Sun Moon Sect in Nan'an City, otherwise his mission would have been completed.

Now his skills can only be cultivated to the silver mirror, and the follow-up skills are incomplete.

If you want to, you can only get the follow-up exercises by slaughtering a branch of the Sun Moon Sect.

Thinking about these trifles, Lu Miaosheng also felt a little pity, but now he has nothing to do.

He can only use the spiritual liquid pool and enter the cultivation state. Now that he has time, he can just raise his realm to the level of the silver mirror.

After arriving at the silver mirror, he can also learn the skills in the Tianlei Codex.

I don't know what the following skills will be. If it is strong enough, I may be able to kill the main city of the murderer alone when the time comes.

That's not impossible.

Entering the space of the spiritual liquid pool, Lu Mousheng stepped into the white spiritual liquid pool, soaking his whole body in it, and the liquid from the spiritual liquid pool soaked his whole body.

Lu Mousheng performed the exercises he had learned, running the number of cycles with all his strength, and quickly absorbed the energy in the spiritual liquid pool.

Convert the energy into his mana, and then use it for cultivation.

Time flies by like this.

He has unlimited energy in the spiritual liquid pool, and his cultivation speed has also been greatly enhanced, which is simply not comparable to the outside world.

After using all three opportunities to use the spiritual liquid pool, 36 hours have passed.

That is a day and a half.

After three days of training, the result was similar to what he had expected. The ninth level of Bronze Realm was still far from the silver mirror.

But he had thought of this situation a long time ago. Fortunately, he still has a lot of green spirit fruit.

This time, Lu Miaosheng didn't waste any time. He still had 28 days to practice in the Time-Space Room. Now holding the green spirit fruit in his hand, Lu Miaosheng stepped directly into the Time-Space Room.

You must know that when you practice in the space-time room, the time of the outside world will not move.

No matter how long he practiced in the space-time room, the outside world only had one second pass.

in the monster area
Xia Hong led his team members to walk in this brand new monster area.

The current monster area is no longer the high-rise buildings made of steel and concrete.

Now it has turned into a primitive jungle.

Huge trees towering into the sky one by one.

A variety of grasses and bushes of different colors.

None of the baubles are entirely green, there are some colorful ones, and some white ones.

They are all species that no one has ever seen before.

The monster area changed a day ago. At this time, even after a day of exploration, everyone did not dare to touch these weird plants easily.

Except for one person. That is Rhodes
This guy is simply not afraid of death.

After having sufficient resources, his daily practice is to exercise his physical body, and at this time his physical body has reached an unknown state.

Anyway, Rhodes leaned wherever it was dangerous, without worrying about his own safety.

In his words, what else could hurt him?
Come out and let him see?

Arrogance has the capital of this arrogance.

But not everyone has the same arrogant capital as him, no matter how unscrupulous Rhodes is, even if Rhodes has explored and confirmed that it is harmless to "him".

Everyone dare not touch it easily, who knows if it is really no problem.

Basically, when everyone rushed to see the strange and weird things, they would destroy them directly.

It is absolutely not necessary to take risks.

Now everyone is exploring the monsters in this monster area. After yesterday's exploration, they also have some understanding of what monsters are in this new monster area.

Or to understand the situation inside.

Because the monsters inside are not fixed, they are no longer the same kind of monsters, and it is basically a complete ecosystem.

All kinds of monsters will have a little bit, and there are both high and low strengths.

The high ones can reach the ninth level of the bronze level, and the low ones can also reach the black iron level.

Everyone will have a lot of pressure in the face of such a monster.

Unfixedness is the scariest thing. The big-eyed monsters before were not bad. They were basically third-level Bronze-level monsters. Although they were very unfriendly at the time, it was okay after getting used to them.

At least some distortion big-eyed monsters with special strength or ability can also make a simple analysis through their shape.

But in this jungle, there are no fixed monsters, what abilities the monsters have, and how strong they are, which is very dangerous.

Every step in the jungle must be very careful.

Although it is very dangerous, they have to enter the jungle in order to improve their strength.

"Xia Hong, it's safe here, there's nothing wrong with it, hurry up."

"You can pull it down, your no problem doesn't mean we have no problem."

Luo Luohua was exploring the road in front, and the speed of the people walking behind was relatively slow. Luo Luohua walked in the front and was more anxious. I don't know if he really thinks that everyone is walking slowly, or he just wants to show off his ability. Anyway, if there is nothing to do, I like to urge Xia Hong and the others.

Xia Hongyou is helpless, does this guy really think everyone is like him?

The last time I believed it was true, I thought there was nothing wrong with it, so everyone walked over carelessly, and they were all poisoned in the end.

Fortunately, they had detoxification pills on them, and the toxicity was not strong, so nothing happened to the crowd, but because of the lesson of that time, what Rhodes said now is not very useful.

Everyone will still move forward cautiously, checking all possible dangers around them.

Now the role of Luo Hua at the forefront is to detect whether there are monsters that are more powerful or prefer to hide and prey.

Rod Hua trampled on the grass casually at the front.

"How can there be any danger here? Looking at the colorful grass, how beautiful it is, it is simply a tourist attraction."

While stepping on the colorful grass, he muttered.

Not worried about his own safety at all, suddenly Rhodes saw that the ground seemed to move.

Luo Luohua rubbed his eyes a little in disbelief, and then looked at the ground again: "I just said, why does the ground move... move."

"Help! Xia Hong, help! This special ground will move!"

Xia Hong and the others were at a loss as they walked behind.

"Luo Hua, what the hell are you doing, why does the ground move, are you dazzled?"

Luo Luohua ran towards Xia Hong and the others while shouting: "The ground really moves, it's not me!"

Rhodes, who ran over, seemed to have seen something incredible.

But it was true that he had seen something incredible.

The ground kept moving in Tian Tian's eyes, and the grass was obviously growing on the ground, but it was moving for no reason.

Although it was very slow, Rhodes could still tell that the ground was moving.

The colorful grass is moving slowly.

Xia Hong and the others saw the distraught Luo Luohua and felt that what the other party said was not false, but they also said with some sarcasm: "Even if the ground moves, you don't need to be so exaggerated, can he still eat you? of."

Luo Luode touched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I'm used to this kind of exaggerated performance."

Luo Luode also knew that his defense was so strong, of course he didn't have to be afraid of this weird scene, it was just a subconscious reaction.

Now that he came back to his senses, Rhodes didn't think there was anything scary.

Follow the team to the place where he just felt wrong.

Luo Luode came to this colorful place first, pointed to the ground and said, "Brother Fei, look, is the ground moving?"

Xia Hong and the others also felt very strange, because the ground was indeed moving slowly, and they couldn't tell that the ground was moving unless they looked carefully.

Murong Xiaoxiao looked at the ground with curious eyes.

"What is this? Is it a special plant?"

"I think maybe the ground is moving."

"Sport you ghost, don't you think the ground is a little smooth?"

"It seems so? The ground is so smooth, how did these colorful grasses grow on it?"

"Well, Luo Luohua, you pull up some grass and take a look?"

Facing Xia Hong's orders, Luo Hua habitually resisted.

"Why don't you go, just pull it out."

"Stop talking nonsense, what if the grass is poisonous, of course you have to come."

Xia Hong said confidently.

What he said was also correct, and only Luo Luohua's special physique would ignore everything that could hurt him.

Rhodes, the bird talent, has the most inner security among the crowd, because no one or monster can make him bleed a single drop of blood.

After completing the bickering process, Luo Luo also obeyed the order, looked at the weeds on the ground, grabbed a handful, and then pulled it up vigorously.

"Oh, why is this thing so strong? It can't be pulled at all."

Luo Luohua was about to use all his strength to suck the milk, but he still couldn't pull it out.
"Hey, hey, I'm so tired, I can't pull this up at all"

"Luo Hua, you are too stretched, you can't even pull the grass."

Luo Luohua's powerlessness was greeted by Xia Hong's ruthless ridicule, and this was the only aspect that everyone could mock Luo Luohua.

That is, Rhodes can't do it, of course it's only in terms of strength.

Who told Luo Luohua to always be complacent in defense, showing off in front of everyone from time to time, anyway, whenever there is a chance, everyone will ridicule Luo Luohua in terms of strength.

Of course, everyone was joking, and everyone had a happy atmosphere.

"You can do it, don't wait until you can't do it yourself, it will be ugly"

Luo Luohua was a little upset, so he stepped aside and let Xia Hong come by himself.

"I'll come and I'll show you what a real man is."

Xia Hong was ready to pull the weeds after teasing him. He still didn't believe that the grass was so evil that there were still people who couldn't pull it up.

Bending down to grab a handful of colorful weeds that were still moving, Xia Hong pulled them up vigorously after grabbing them firmly.

After working hard, I found that it was really firmly rooted in the ground. For a while, it was like pulling up a century-old tree.

"Hey! This grass is really weird, why is it so strong?"

"I'll just say you can't do it! Hahaha!"

How could Luo Luohua let go of such an opportunity, laughed loudly, and mocked Xia Hong vigorously.

Xia Hong's stubborn temper came up for a while: "If you can't do it yourself, don't involve me!"

The veins on his forehead popped up, and he pulled it up with all his strength!

The colorful grass was finally pulled out under Xia Hong's strength. Xia Hong couldn't hold back his strength for a while, and fell backwards.

Xia Hong waved the weeds as if showing off, and held them in front of Luo Luo: "How about it, I'll just say you can't do it, right?"

Luo Luode swallowed his saliva: "I think you'd better leave this alone, look at what's flowing from this grass root?"

"What?" Xia Hong looked curiously at what Luo Hua said: "This is blood???"

The conversation between the two was also heard by everyone, and they all looked at the grass roots for a moment.

"How can there be blood on this grass root? Isn't this too strange?"

"Wait. Something's wrong, let me see what's going on on the ground."

Xia Hong realized something was wrong for a while, and looked at the position where he had just torn off, and he saw the bleeding tender meat, as if the skin had been cut.

Luo Luohua suddenly pointed forward tremblingly: "Look, aren't those eyeballs big and round?"

Luo Feifei was standing in the direction pointed by Luo Feifei at this time, she turned her head in fear: "Ah!"

"What the hell is this thing!"

"Run quickly! What a big python!"

"I saw that my mouth could swallow us in one gulp!"

Prompted by Luo Luohua, everyone looked at the direction Luo Luo pointed at. It was clearly an extremely huge python. It was unknown how big it was, but it could swallow everyone in one gulp anyway.

Definitely not someone to provoke, if you think you have lived enough, you can try to provoke him.

But they seem to have forgotten what they and others did just now. They pulled out the 'grass' growing on this huge colorful boa constrictor.

You must know that judging from the situation just now, this 'grass' is obviously not a simple grass, and it may not necessarily be a pinch of hair.

Xia Hong had already regretted it to death at this time, and now he could even feel a strong sound of breaking through the air from behind, as if some huge monster was chasing after him.

Everyone knew without thinking that this was the huge python catching up.

"No, no one can run like this. The speed of this python is beyond our comparability!"

Luo Luohua stopped in his footsteps, and his heart sank: "You guys go first, remember to lead Brother Lu to save me!"

Xia Hong heard what Luo Hua said and knew what Luo Hua wanted to do.

"Don't! You're going to die!"

"I won't die, my physical body has reached the invincibility below the third level of the silver mirror, hurry up and find someone to save me"

Xia Hong's brain turned rapidly, and he also knew that what Luo Hua said was indeed the truth, and Luo Luo should not make fun of his own life, and what he said should also be true.

Although Rhodes often quarreled with them on weekdays, the relationship had lasted for so long, and it was all real, so he couldn't bear to leave him like this.

But Xia Hong knew that this was the best way. If Luo Luohua didn't stay to stop the giant python, none of them would be able to escape.

Their strength is only around the third level of the Bronze Realm, and the aura of this giant python has completely reached the level of the Ninth Bronze Realm. It is infinitely close to the peak, and it feels like it can enter the Silver Mirror at any time.


In the end, Xia Hong gritted his teeth and gave the order. Several people knew that this was the best way now, they couldn't act emotionally, it would only delay things.

Luo Feifei couldn't bear it, and shouted while running fast: "Luo Hua, don't die!"

Luo Feifei looked at Luo Feifei who was running fast, but he still said very heroically: "Don't worry, I won't die!"

Looking at the people going away, at this time a huge python also came in front of Luo Luohua.

Luo Luode didn't hesitate to point at the towering python and shouted: "What are you doing looking at your grandpa, don't you want to do something indescribable to your grandpa and me?"

The colorful snake shook its head, and looked at the fool in front of him in doubt: What is this little snack for?

Is it a movement before death?
With its IQ, it didn't understand what Luo Hua was doing at all, but Luo Luo followed up with an internationally accepted gesture to make it understand.

This little snack is insulting itself!
Luo Luohua raised his middle finger in an extremely arrogant posture, and twisted his buttocks, attracting the python's attention.

Luo Luohua still didn't know what stupid thing he was doing at this time, so he didn't restrain himself at all, how could he be so arrogant, for fear that the python wouldn't eat him.

In fact, Luo Hua did this to delay the python a little longer, preventing it from attacking Xia Hong and the others.

Seeing that, Luo Luohua suddenly let out a scream, and screamed at the python that was biting him.

"Ah~ ah, you can eat as soon as you eat, I call you"

Before Luo Luo finished speaking, his entire body had been swallowed into the snake's belly.

Fortunately, his indestructible body doesn't even need to breathe, otherwise he really wouldn't have the guts to stay and face this huge boa constrictor.

After the colorful boa constrictor ate Rod Hua, it glanced in the direction where everyone was running away, but did not chase after it, and slowly returned to the previous direction.

I don't know if it feels like everyone is running away, or if they are simply too lazy to chase.
Xia Hong and the others had already run a long distance, and felt that there was no movement behind them, so they also stopped.

"Let's go. Let's find Brother Lu."

Xia Hong was panting heavily, and he still couldn't speak very fluently. He was so anxious now that he had to quickly find Brother Lu to save him.

Although Luo Feifei was also panting heavily, she obviously had better brains: "Are you confused? Use the friend chat function to see where Brother Lu is, or we can go there to find it?"

"Well, you're right."

In the main city, Lu Mousheng came out of the retreat. At this time, his mana realm had reached the third level of the silver mirror.

The change after the mana reaches the third level of the silver mirror is that the stored mana is more, and this is the most critical point.

After the skill is used, the more powerful it is, the more mana it consumes. Without sufficient mana, some skills can't even be used.

Because of the one thousand added by Ziji Pantao, his mana had reached 4600 points at this time.

As far as his current skills can't keep up with his footsteps, although the consumption is less, the power is weak.

It consumes so little that it's useless, and it can't even break the enemy's defense.

It took him a full three days to practice in the space-time room before he reached his current state, which means that there are still 25 days to practice in the space-time room.

It looks very long, but the later the realm, the longer it takes to practice, and the more resources are needed, which are not easy to obtain.

Let's open the Codex of Heavenly Thunder first to see what are the two skills that Silver Mirror can cultivate.

[Lightning Chain: Consume [-] points of mana to shoot a bolt of lightning, which can be ejected in the enemy group until the energy is exhausted. 】

[Thunderfield: Consume [-] points of mana to summon a thundercloud covering a kilometer, and those who are locked as enemies in the thundercloud will be bombarded by endless thunder. 】

Both skills made Lu Shengsheng's eyes shine, and the power seemed to be very good. In this way, the moves above his mana can be regarded as a little tricky.

The consumption of the mine field was a bit shocking to him, the three thousand points of mana were exactly what the first-level silver mirror could have, and the first-level silver mirror had exactly three thousand mana.

No wonder this skill needs a silver mirror to cultivate, this hard condition is here.

He learned both skills without hesitation, and the appearance of the mine field also gave him a wide range of attack methods. The lightning chain can also be said to be easy to use in a small battlefield.

The scene of dealing with more than ten people couldn't be more suitable.

Sometimes you can solve it with a wave of your hand, but it's more handsome than rushing up to your face.

Master is a man's romance.

Just after Lu Mousheng learned these two skills, a friend message appeared in front of Lu Mousheng.

Open information.

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu, where are you? 】

Why is this guy looking for me?However, Lu Miaosheng also quickly sent his location. Xia Hong and the others would not come to him if they had nothing to do.

【Lu Miansheng: I'm in the safe house. 】

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu, come to the gate of the city, we will be right back, the situation is urgent, we will talk later while walking. 】

Lu Miaosheng was a little confused, but he still walked towards the gate of the city.

Lu Miaosheng guessed that something must have happened.

Luo Feifei and the others looked at Xia Hong at this time, and seeing Xia Hong's expression change, they knew that they should be in contact.

Without waiting for Luo Feifei and the others to ask questions, Xia Hong said, "Let's go! Brother Lu is waiting for us at the gate of the city!"

As for why Xia Hong didn't let Lu Mousheng come to find them, the reason was because the monster's area had changed. If it was still valuable steel and concrete, maybe Xia Hong could give Lu Mousheng a location.

But now in this primeval forest, he doesn't even know how to describe the location, so he can't provide a location for Lu to make a living at all.

The best way is to be in a place that both parties are familiar with.

It was Hu Rui who stood up: "Brother Fei, I'm fast, why don't I run back to find Brother Lu first?"

Seeing Hu Rui standing up, Xia Hong also slapped his head: "I'm also confused, Hu Rui, hurry up, you are the fastest here, go and bring Brother Lu to our side."

Hu Rui got the affirmation and accelerated his speed in the next instant. Under the burst of his full strength, the figure soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

Xia Hong and the others stopped. With their speed, there was no need to go to the gate of the city. They just waited for Lu to make a living here.

The faces of the people who stopped were worried, and Luo Hua stayed so that they could escape safely, and everyone was praying in their hearts.

"Luo Hua, don't die!"

 The average order will basically be integrated.

(End of this chapter)

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