Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 127 The Murderer Controls the Monster

Chapter 127 The Murderer Controls the Monster
in the jungle

Lu Miaosheng galloped all the way, with Xia Hong beside him.

After learning of Luo Luohua's accident, Lu Miansheng of course rushed to the rescue at full speed.

At this time, Lu Mousheng was holding Xia Hong in one hand, and was driving at full speed. Lei Ying used it, but did not use the power leg.

If he uses powered legs, he can't control the direction. It doesn't matter if he hits a tree in this complicated jungle environment, but if Xia Hong hits it, he might fall apart.

All the way to make a living can only drive the Thunder Shadow.

As for carrying Xia Hong, it was because he needed a guide.

At this time, they were not too far away from where they were just now, and they were traveling at full speed to make a living, so it took very little time.

Against the strong wind, Xia Hong looked at the road ahead, and shouted after seeing the position just now: "Brother Lu, we are ahead, we are the huge python we met in front just now."

Lu Mousheng knew it well, so he sped up a little again, and soon came to Xia Hongzhi's position.

But at this time, the place is empty, only the thick crawling marks left on the ground.

Xia Hong looked at the huge python traces on the ground but there were no pythons around and couldn't help feeling worried.

"Brother Lu, what do you think we should do if we can't find the python?"

According to the current situation, Rhodes must have been swallowed.

Lu Mousheng thought for a while: "You wait here first, I will follow the traces of this road to search, maybe I can find the location of the python."

At present, this is the only way, and they have no special reconnaissance methods.

The only means of detection is the mental scan that Lu makes a living.

Just arrived at this location to make a living, I used a mental scan to check it, but I didn't find the huge monster Xia Hong mentioned at all.

The only good news now is that there are huge traces left by the python on the ground, and they can use this trace to find the location of the python.

Xia Hong could only agree with Lu Miaosheng's words.

Lu Miaosheng set off directly. Although Luo Luohua's defense is very strong, it is better to pay attention to such a dangerous matter.

If it is really digested, it will be useless.

Lu Miaosheng turned himself into a blue thunderbolt, and followed the traces on the ground to quickly catch up.

It's only been 10 minutes since Xia Hong sent him a message. I hope this python doesn't have ADHD.

As long as he doesn't run too far all at once, Lu Miansheng still doesn't believe he can't find it.

But worrying about making a living is obviously superfluous.

After chasing at full speed for less than 2 minutes, he saw a piece of colorful grass completely integrated into the environment in front of him.

According to Xia Hong, the colorful grass grew on the boa constrictor, and it seemed that the grass was indeed moving.

It has to be said that the python's camouflage ability is really strong, and it can directly and completely blend into the environment. Even Lu Miaosheng can't tell that it is a snake when he looks at it like this.

[Power Rune! 】

Lu Mousheng planned to use all his strength when he came up, not to follow this snake ink.

Taking out the Hei Yao Sword, Lu Miaosheng rushed up and grabbed the python's tail.

He couldn't see the python with the naked eye, but he could clearly perceive the python with mental scanning.

This monster should have some ability to affect vision, otherwise it would be impossible to fully integrate into the environment.

Lu Mousheng grabbed the snake's tail and flicked it vigorously, and a huge python appeared in the air.

At this time, Luo Luo, who was in the slimy darkness, suddenly felt a lift, which woke him up from his stupor.

"What's wrong? A car crash?"

The colorful boa constrictor hadn't exploded yet, Lu Miaosheng rushed out with a powered leg, came to the python's head, and slashed down fiercely with his sword.

The huge snake's head was cut off by Lu Mousheng's sword, and the python had no chance to show its strength at all.

At this time, monsters at the ninth level of the bronze level were no longer in the eyes of Lu Mousheng.

With full strength, he instantly killed the python with a single sword, and then Lu Mousheng grabbed the still moving corpse and threw it on the ground vigorously.

"Move a fart, move a fart!"

Seeing that the snake was still moving to make a living, he smashed it hard, but he seemed to have forgotten something.

Luo Luohua suddenly felt violent bumps up and down in the belly of the snake, hitting him in all directions, and he couldn't find southeast, north, south, and north for a while.

"What is this snake doing? It struck so violently, did you find the female snake?"

Rhodes feels very fucked, what are these things, being swallowed and tortured
Seeing that the python finally stopped moving, Lu Miansheng from the outside world also stopped his movements.

Check the entire body of the boa constrictor, and if you see a raised thing in one position, it should be the position of Rhodes.

A sword pierced the snake's body, and Luo Hua, who was trapped inside, finally saw the light again.

Luo Luode looked at the sky, panting heavily, got up from the ground and was about to hug Lu to make a living.

"Brother Lu, I love you to death"

"Stay away from me, I don't want to stick to your liquid."

Lu Miaosheng avoided it in disgust. This guy was covered in viscous liquid and looked disgusting.

Just after Lu Miaosheng finished the battle for a while, Xia Hong and others rushed over.

Xia Hong also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the intact Rod Hua: "It's fine."

Luo Feifei also let out a smile: "The scourge has been around for thousands of years, how could something happen to this guy."

Luo Luo was not satisfied: "I am not a disaster, I am a hero, your savior."

"Come, Xia Hong, give your savior a hug."

As Luo Luohua said, he was about to step forward, and the viscous liquid spread out on his body, which scared Xia Hong back again and again.

"What are these things on you, stay away from me."

"Woooo. It's so sad. You treat your savior like this. You don't even give a hug."

"You wash it first and then talk."

Xia Hong looked at Luo Luo with disgust on his face. At first he wondered, when did this guy become so fragile?

Want someone to hug?

After seeing it clearly, I realized that the extraordinary person is Luo Dehua, so I didn't have any good intentions, and the tricks are really one set.

Seeing that they were fine, Lu Mousheng also planned to leave: "Okay, since you are all fine, then I will go too, please be careful."

If you leave the Catacombs, you can't leave yet, and the cooling time of the key has not yet expired, but Lu Miaosheng also intends to kill monsters by himself.

Leave after the cooling time is up. Being in the crypt will not bring him much improvement.

He also found out just now that the monsters in this monster area are at the bronze level, and they don't even have silver mirrors.

Like the python just now, it is the boss in the monster area.

Xia Hong and others were not surprised when they heard it, Luo Luode said gratefully

"Thank you Brother Lu for saving me. When I become stronger, I will definitely accept you as my number one younger brother."

"You can pull it down. If you wait for your strength to become stronger, it will basically be impossible."

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!"

Lu Mousheng shook his head and left here, ignoring Luo Luohua, who was in the second grade.

Getting stronger doesn't mean you can become stronger just by shouting.

There is still a little more than a day for the key to cool down, and he can only kill monsters in the monster area to improve himself for more than a day.

Even if the improvement is not big, it is better than doing nothing.

It can be improved a little bit.

Thinking of this, the figure of Lu Miaosheng disappeared into the jungle.

With the mental scan on, you can clearly perceive everything around you.

The size of monsters is still easy to identify, so even in a complex jungle environment, Lu Miansheng can kill monsters quickly.

The complexity of the environment can't stop the speed of killing monsters every day.

Just an hour after Lu made a living and killed monsters, he also ran into a team fighting with a murderer in a jungle.

This team is not the usual ten-member team, the number of this team is as high as nearly a hundred, which also let Lu Miaosheng know a piece of information.

Groups may be about to emerge.

Before, it was just a team of ten people, not a group.

The emergence of a group is also a good thing. If the entire main city can be integrated, then it will not be like before, where there is no way to pull people together to attack the murderer.

At this time, the team of one hundred people was fighting fiercely with seventy or eighty murderers.

"Those who killed me, don't even think about leaving today!"

Qiao Fang, the leader of the hundred-man team, rushed to the front with a murderous spirit.

At this time, the entire hundred-man team was intentionally surrounding all the murderers, each with murderous intent in their eyes.

If they touch their brothers, they will all be damned.

"Shouldn't I just kill one of you? As for this, you have to think about it carefully. If you really fight together, you won't be killed alone."

The leader of the killer team was threatening in his words.

"Hmph! Don't tell me we want to send you off if you kill our people, and you murderers will have to pay the price today!"

Qiao Fang didn't take the threat of the murderer.

There may be more than one person who died desperately. Could it be possible to just let this matter go?

Qu Hui, the captain of the murderer, also saw what the other party meant. Today, it seems that there is no hard fight that can't get away.

At the moment, the killing intent gushed out in his heart: "Brothers, kill! Make it like we are afraid of them, let them see how powerful we are, no need to hide! Summon the monsters!"

Following Qu Hui's order, a murderer screamed excitedly: "Hey! It's time for us to use monsters, let them know what strength is!"

While speaking, monsters covered in black smoke were released by everyone. In just a split second, there were nearly a hundred more monsters in the field.

Qiao Fang's eyes were cold: "Not good! How could they control monsters?"

Qiao Fang didn't expect this. Now that such a change occurs, the balance of the battlefield will be reversed in an instant.

"Get ready to run! Don't fight! There's something wrong with these guys!"

"Hey, want to run now? It's too late! You all have to die!"

Qu Hui sneered, wanting to run after seeing such a big secret?
Is that possible?

At this time, Lu Miaosheng came out from the bushes beside him.

"Indeed, none of you will try to run away."

Qu was shocked in his heart, thinking that someone was coming, but when he saw that he was walking out of nowhere, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Where did you come from, do you think you can change the situation of the battle by yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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