Chapter 138 I Read Sage Books
"But are you sure that lady boss is a monster?"

Yu Liu was a little worried. If this kind of thing was a misunderstanding, it would be a big misunderstanding.

"It is absolutely true, as long as there is a way to prove it, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Lu Mousheng's attitude was positive, but as for how he was sure, it wasn't because of the proprietress.

It was the husband of the proprietress who came out from behind, who made Lu Zhisheng aware of the abnormality.

At the beginning, the man who claimed to be the young city owner came out to tease his wife, but any man would be angry, but the man of the proprietress didn't react at all.

The eyes are very calm, there is no fear, not even in the eyes of the proprietress.

Originally, Lu Mousheng wanted to see the next development, but he didn't expect to be ruined by a person from Xingyu Pavilion, which made him a little unhappy.

However, on a whim, he used a mental scan to scan the opponent, and found that there were two groups of demon energy entrenched on the opponent's head.

This must be a monster, even if it is not a monster, it must be related to a monster.

Yu Liu's expression turned serious after getting Lu Miansheng's affirmative answer.

Taking Lu Miansheng with him, he rushed towards Xingyu Pavilion. Since Lu Miaosheng was already so sure, he must have seen a problem.

When this kind of war is imminent, any detail may lead to the outcome of a war.

Back in the Xingyu Pavilion, the two went directly to their pavilion master's small room.

"Master, it's a big deal."

So, Kong Ming, who was drunk and stupefied, was pulled out, and Yu Liu talked about it for a while, and explained the matter clearly.

After listening to Yu Liu's statement, Kong Ming's confused eyes also became serious.

"Let's go and find the Chief Pavilion Master."

"Hey! Pavilion Master, aren't you afraid that this is a fake?"

"You kid still dare to lie to me? Even if it's your suspicion, you'd rather kill the wrong thing than let it go. Besides, it won't cause any problems just to check. If the other party is really an ordinary person, even if we star What if Yuge bullied them?"

Kong Ming's words were really domineering, but he was telling the truth. As the overlord of Xingyu City, so what if he was domineering?

Extraordinary times, extraordinary disposal.

Yu Liu looked at Lu Miaosheng tremblingly, his eyes seemed to be able to speak: If you miss it, this time I will be miserable
Lu Mousheng returned a reassuring look, signaling to the other party not to think too much, and to relax.

Under Kong Ming's leadership, the three of them soon arrived at the chief pavilion master's room.

After talking for a while, the Chief Pavilion Master Xingyu Tiannan understood what was going on.

"Since you are so sure, there must be a reason. I don't know how you figured it out?"

Xingyu Tiannan looked at Lu Miaosheng, hoping that Lu Miaosheng would answer his question well.

"It was sensed through a mental power scan."

Lu Mousheng didn't intend to hide his clumsiness anymore, and told the truth directly.

"Psychic power? It can indeed distinguish monsters. It should be almost indistinguishable, but to be on the safe side, let's call the person who killed the magician. Among them came a little guy whose mental power reached the silver mirror. , and his scans will be more accurate."

Xingyu Tiannan heard that Lu Miansheng was scanned by mental power, but he believed a lot. To be on the safe side, he decided to go to the people from the Magic Slayer to verify it together.

If there is no basis for Lu to make a living, Xingyu Tiannan might not care about this matter. This is a matter of their face, and we will go to war if you say anything casually.

If it was an oolong in the end, where should they put Xingyu Pavilion's face?

Just throw it all away.

I don't have any objection to Xingyu Tiannan's statement that he needs to be verified by the person from the Demon Slayer Division.

Didn't this kind of thing happen because of other people's soft words? If his identity is the same as Xingyu Tiannan, what he said needs to be verified?
Even if he went directly to kill the monster, Xingyu Tiannan wouldn't say anything.

Afterwards, a group of people were also the ones who found the Demon Slayer, and after explaining the situation, two people followed.

An old man is called Wei Lao, who should be the head of the Demon Slayer Division, and a young man named Wei Shang, who is the little guy with the silver mirror of spiritual power.

Of course, Xingyu Tiannan can be called a little guy, but in fact he is about the same age as Lu Miaosheng, around 20 years old.

Wei Shang actually praised Lu Miaosheng after hearing that it was Lu Miaosheng who scanned and sensed the monster with mental power.

"That's right, it seems that your mental strength is not bad, you should have reached the bronze level."

"Well, that's right, it has reached the bronze level."

"That's okay, but it's still far behind me. Don't compare with me. You are already very good."

Lu Mousheng was a little speechless, why does this person have such a strong sense of superiority, look at the raised neck, like a proud little swan.

If he shows his strength, can't he destroy this person's self-confidence?
Who told Lu Miaosheng to be a good person, if he didn't do such things that hurt people's self-confidence, he wouldn't expose his true strength.

A group of people quickly led people out, and behind the six of them were a large number of members of the Demon Killing Division.

The people who were still eating at this time were also taken aback when they saw a large number of Demon Slayers suddenly appearing in the distance, especially when they saw the person leading the team in front, the owner of the Xingyu Pavilion, the senior of the Demon Slayer Wei Lao.

The appearance of these two heavyweights at the same time made them unable to bear the daydream.

What is this for?
Such a big fight?
Is it also to see the proprietress here cooking?

Just when everyone was still dreaming, a large number of Demon Slayers had gathered around.

Apart from anything else, the entire restaurant was surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside, and it was densely packed with people from the Demon Slayer.

The team was led by two big bosses, and these people didn't dare to say anything, they just didn't know what was going on.

"Everyone stay still, the adults have ordered you to block this place!"

The person from the Demon Slayer Division spoke first, conveying the order from above.

But as soon as the Demon Slayer Division spoke, everyone became agitated and expressed their dissatisfaction, but they hadn't waited for them to continue talking.

Xingyu Tiannan unleashed his aura, and the terrifying aura of the ninth level of gold crushed the audience, making everyone unable to lift their heads.

"Shut up for me!"

This time everyone is honest.

"Okay, Wei Shang will check them one by one, focusing on the owner of this store."

Wei Shang stepped out from behind, covered it with mental power, and started testing with his own method.

No problem was called out by Wei Shang, and the number of people here began to decrease, and the shop assistants were quickly sent out.

The guy in this store is indeed not a monster, the only monsters are the proprietress and the boss.

There is nothing to say about this way of making a living.

It's just that Xingyu Tiannan looked a little unhappy seeing more and more people being sent out.

Soon there were only the boss and the boss's wife left.

Although the two of them didn't show panic from the beginning, Lu Miaosheng had been staring at them all the time. Wei Shang should have the means to distinguish, and Lu Miaosheng was not in a hurry.

Wei Shang checked the past one by one, and now it was the last two people. In fact, he already felt in his heart that Lu made a living mistake.

It must be because the road is not strong enough to make a living and the inspection is wrong, otherwise there are no people in this group, and the remaining two have problems?
He is still a little upset about earning a living and wasting his time. Wouldn't it be nice for him to have this time to practice more?
The mental power was covered and enveloped the last two people.

A wave of demonic energy quietly appeared, covering with Wei Shang's spiritual power.

Wei Shang appeared in the spiritual illusion in the next second.

At this time, the proprietress was close to Wei Shang, twisting her perfect figure, and the looming key position made Wei Shang stare.

The kind where the eyeballs protrude a little.

The proprietress blew warm air into Wei Shang's ear, her voice was charming and weak: "My lord, don't expose my concubine's identity?"

"I am willing to do anything for this."

As she said that, the landlady's hand was still moving downward, as if she wanted to grab the root of the tree.

The feeling of spiritual space is very real, and the close-fitting touch is not much different from the outside world.

Wei Shang closed his eyes and let out a hot breath: "At first, I wanted to be scorched by you evildoer, but now it seems that I can't do it."

"I read the books of sages!"

Wei Shang opened his eyes again, and there was no desire in his eyes.

The proprietress was furious: "Kill him!"

"You guys still want to kill me?"

"Spiritual Storm!"

Wei Shang mobilized his mental power to sweep and fill this spiritual illusion. In the next second, this spiritual illusion was broken, and his consciousness returned to reality.

"Both of them are monsters!"

Returning to reality, Wei Shang yelled immediately, revealing the identities of the two monsters, and retreated by himself. The strength of these two monsters is still very strong.

"Damn it! Such a young man's mental strength has reached the silver mirror!"

The proprietress hated it secretly, it seems that they are going to explain here today, and they can't do it even if they want to change it.

Hearing this, Elder Wei set off immediately, and came to the two monsters with a swipe. He took out a special rope in his hand, instantly subdued the two, and then tied them up.

"Damn it! Old man, what kind of method did you use? How did you make my whole body soft and weak, and I couldn't even use my mental power."

The proprietress was tied up, but this posture was really seductive, making what was already obvious even more obvious.

"This is prepared for you monsters, you guys, just stay here."

After finishing all this, Mr. Wei looked indifferent, as if he had solved a small problem, very calm.

"Come on, bring it back for interrogation!"

Things came to an end, and Xingyu Tiannan praised him for making a living on the way back.

Xingyu Tiannan looked at Lu Zhisheng: "This is a good job, if you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded. What reward do you want?"

Lu Mousheng beats a snake to a stick, since the boss has said that he will reward himself, why not hurry up and say what to wait for?
"Well, Pavilion Master, I want the follow-up technique of Xingyu Secret Codex."

Xingyu Tiannan glanced at Lu Miaosheng: "Are you sure you want this?"

For Xingyu Tiannan, this is basically a matter of giving an order, and it is a precious opportunity to reward him in person, and it seems a little strange to him that he needs a skill.


"Well, Kong Ming, you go back and give this little guy the follow-up exercises."

"Good Lord."

Back in the fifth pavilion, Kong Ming took out a token and told Lu Shengsheng to go and receive the exercises by himself, or just find that girl.

Then he returned to his drunken appearance and returned to his room.

Lu Mousheng didn't think too much about it, getting the exercises was the real thing.

When he came to the counter, Lu Miaosheng handed over the token he got to the girl.

The girl looked at Lu Miansheng in surprise.

"Your speed is quite fast. You only got some exercises two days ago, and now you can get all of them."

"No way, that's how powerful it is."

The girl gave Lu Miansheng a blank look, and gave him the follow-up exercises.

"Remember not to spread it outside, the one who spreads it dies."

"I know."

Lu Miaosheng still knows about the strict control of exercises.

After obtaining the complete exercise, it means that he has no elbow restraint until he temporarily reaches the ninth level of the golden state.

But there is no other way in the diamond realm.

Judging from the current situation, it is not that simple to break through the diamond realm.

Basically, the strongest in the entire lower region of Tianqiong Continent is the Gold Realm, and there should be Diamond Realm, but I don't know how to make a living.

Anyway, currently the strongest in the lower region of Sky Continent is the Golden Realm.

If he wants to continue to practice exercises, he may have to go to the upper domain.

And judging from the situation with the corpse collector last time, the battle in the upper domain was very fierce.

No matter where he is, he might be able to get along like a fish in water, and the tragic battle is the nourishment for his promotion.

These are all things in the future, and now he still wants to kill the monsters quickly, so that he can experience the feeling of the golden state of spiritual power.

This is one foot into the top combat power of the lower domain. Even if the mental power of the gold level cannot compete with the ninth level of the gold level, but the fourth or fifth level people still have nothing to do with themselves?

It's a pity that the monster has not moved yet, and we have to wait.

The waiting time is quite torturous for Lu to make a living.

He is not used to getting used to the rapid increase in strength and suddenly slowing down. Rapid increase in strength is what he wants.

Now, he can only study the exercises first. This kind of exercises that are not produced in the burrow cannot be learned directly.

But there is no difficulty, just memorize the practice route.

This is still very simple for him now.

The ability of photographic memory can be achieved long ago with his current mental strength, so it is not a big problem.

It only took a little time to make a living and I remembered the practice route in my mind.

Then I went back to my room and practiced for a while, and went to sleep after the practice.

Now he needs very little sleep, only three or four hours is enough.

It was already night when he woke up, but today he didn't need to be on duty. He changed every day, regardless of whether there was a battle or not.

The current time is of course used for cultivation, and the cultivation of mana is accumulated over time, and the resources needed for a short-term surge are not simple resources.

After entering the state of cultivation, the room will also give him a little bonus to his cultivation speed, and his cultivation speed is not bad.

However, it is said that Xingyu Pavilion has a spring of spiritual energy, and it is called fast to practice in that location.

[-] merits can be practiced for one day. This requirement is a bit difficult, and I don’t know if there is a chance to practice once.

(End of this chapter)

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