Chapter 139 Cannon Fodder
After more than half of the training time, it entered the middle of the night.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng woke up from his cultivation state.

The reason is because he heard the sound of fighting outside.

The monster is coming!

The sound of the battle twenty miles away was already very small when it reached here, but it could still be heard by the whole city.

The spell blasted the ground, and the sound of the spell baptism spread throughout Xingyu City.

Everyone knows that the monster is coming.

Lu Mousheng was a little impatient. He really wanted to stay on the battlefield all the time. Only by staying on the battlefield could he improve his strength quickly.

If time passed and he couldn't extract the attributes, he would be heartbroken to death.

It's a pity that this time belongs to his rest time. Even if he wants to go, he can't go. At this time, the whole city is under martial law, and checkpoints are set up at the gate of the city.

This is a rule that was set up because of the discovery of monster spies in the city.

This made it very bad for Lu to make a living, and the rules set by the spies he discovered now restricted him.

It's a pity that it's useless for him to be anxious now, he can only practice honestly at home and wait for the time to come.

After a night of artillery fire, when the sky turned white, the bombing sound gradually faded until it disappeared.

God knows what kind of patience Lu Miaosheng went through that night, his heart was like a cat scratching, it was extremely itchy.

It was hard to wait until daytime, but unfortunately they still couldn't go to the battlefield. They had to wait until the afternoon to let them pass before they could pass.

No choice but to wait a little longer.

In the morning, Yu Liu came over to find Lu Miansheng, and asked Lu Miaosheng to have breakfast together.

Lu Miaosheng agreed because he had nothing to do, and now they are outside.

"I heard that a lot of people died in the battle last night. There were several gold-level powerhouses from the monster side, who suppressed our firepower for a while, and then a large number of monsters rushed over to fight melee."

"It can be seen that many people died."

Lu Mousheng ate buns and looked at the disheveled and wounded people of the city lord.

From among these people, the battle situation last night can also be seen.

Even those who came back alive were covered in wounds, so there must be a lot of people who died.

It is not a small number of people who were injured, but a large part of them were injured. Otherwise, only a small number of people were injured, and there were not too many deaths.

"It's our turn to go to the battlefield tonight, Brother Lu, are you afraid?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, just go up and do it, and the monster will die if its head is beheaded."

"Haha, this little brother is right, monsters will die if their heads are beheaded!"

The conversation between the two was overheard by a man who had just come down from the battlefield, and he nodded in satisfaction.

"My name is Xia Mingliang, the general of Feiyang City. I think you are from Xingyu Pavilion. If you don't want to stay in Xingyu Pavilion someday, you can come to me."

Xia Mingliang left directly after speaking boldly.

It is better not to stay long in someone's hometown to poach people.

"Cutting, brother Lu, this is a strong man of the golden level, and you have been spotted just because of your one word."

"How about I give you this chance?"

"Forget it, it's good to take it with you in Xingyu Pavilion."

Lu Miaosheng didn't care about what Xia Mingliang said at all, this kind of verbal promise didn't cost money.

Besides, is he the kind of person who needs to change jobs?

He came to Xingyu Pavilion only for materials and information, and he didn't think much of the resources of these big forces.

It's not as good as killing monsters and improving yourself.

If it's just for information, it's the same in any force.

At least in the Xingyu Pavilion, he didn't feel any uncomfortable things, and he stayed pretty well.

If he jumps over there, who knows what the environment over there will be like.

These two points determine that he will not quit.

"If you don't go, what are you talking about? Hurry up and eat the buns and go back. When you go back to practice, there will be a big battle at night."

"What's the use of sharpening your guns before the battle, it's better to eat more delicious food."

"You call it seeing yourself off, isn't that cursing yourself to die?"

"Isn't that just in case? If you die, you have to be a full ghost."

"You can pull it down, I don't want to be a ghost with you."

This guy Yu Liu had no morale at all, he thought he would die before he hit him.

This made Lu Miaosheng keep shaking his head, this guy was too stretched.

"Just kidding, isn't that full of energy to fight monsters?"

After Lu Mousheng finished eating, he went back with Yu Liu, and cultivation was what they should do.

Although the speed of cultivation is very slow now, things like cultivation are accumulated over time.

If you want to be fast, you need to get more resources. If you don’t have good resources, you can’t get fast.

The setting sun came again, and the blood-red sky hinted at the coming war.

The sky at this time is very abnormal, and the sky is dark red. Doesn't that mean that the sky is stained with blood?
Lu Miansheng didn't have the chance to think too much, so he came to the front line of the battlefield honestly.

Arriving at the same position as the day before yesterday, looking forward at this time, it is full of potholes, large and small, and the ground is no longer flat.

The blood on the ground hadn't dissipated, and the blood all over the ground looked shocking.

Soon, everyone on the battlefield moved and was divided into three battle formations.

Lu Mousheng is in the second formation. When the first formation runs out of ammunition and food, the second formation goes up. When the second formation fails, the third formation comes, and so on.

It seems that last night's battle made the top management suffer, otherwise there would be no temporary adjustments.

But this is also a normal thing. After all, according to the information he has obtained so far, there are very few places where large-scale battles have taken place in the Lower Domain.

Now suddenly there is a large-scale battle, or that kind of protracted battle, and it must be entering the learning stage.

It's perfectly normal to suffer a loss.

The night fell quickly, and a black torrent emerged from the distance of the battle line. It was like a torrent erupting in a stinking ditch, and the mountains and plains were full of black moving objects.

"The monsters are coming, the first formation is ready!"

A martial artist who specializes in sound practice conveyed the above tactics, and the three formations were separated by a range of one mile. At this time, Lu Shousheng could also see the scene ahead.

The tide of monsters rushed over, and when you got closer, you could see that they were all demon slaves who were not strong enough.

This is the cannon fodder in the Demon Realm. They are not capable, but they are the most in the Demon Realm. If there are too many of them, another batch will be born immediately after killing one batch.

This is the main method of monsters, like those monsters that are born with spiritual wisdom are relatively high-level monsters.

Monsters without intelligence are called low-level monsters.

This time, in addition to the normal demon slaves, there are also giant demon slaves. They are extremely tall, with a height of between four and six meters.

There is also a huge black iron rod in his hand, which can definitely smash a person to pieces.

The tide of monsters is getting closer and closer, and the voice of the commander of the battlefield comes from the front.


With an order, a large number of long-range attacks lit up in the sky, countless skills were released, and all kinds of lights forcibly turned the night into day.

The strong brilliance illuminated the entire battlefield clearly.

It was also the first time that the monster's body appeared in front of everyone.

They could see madness in the monster's eyes. It was a creature that only knew how to kill, without any sense at all, and didn't even care about its own life or death.

These are excellent cannon fodder!
Yu Liu was right next to Lu Miansheng, and he was also a little terrified looking at those desperate monsters.

"Brother Lu, look at these monsters, they don't care about their own lives at all. Although they are very weak and will die if they are hit by magic spells, this appearance is really chilling."

"These are just cannon fodder, not real monsters. Real monsters are all intelligent."

"For example, the lady boss?"

"That's right, now it seems that those monsters are planning to use these garbage to consume our strength. It has to be said that it is a good way."

Lu Miaosheng also saw the intention of the monsters, which was to use these cannon fodder to consume their power.

They had to fight, if they didn't fight, wouldn't it be okay to let these monsters kill them?
This point is the Achilles' heel of human beings, a blatant conspiracy, even if they know that the monsters intend to consume their power, they have no choice but to fight back.

The battle of the first formation in front lasted for a full hour. The fierce battle had already made some people feel tired, but now was not the time for them to withdraw.

According to the plan, when the spirit of the first round is the most enriching and fulfilling, they need to stick to each formation for two hours, and then reduce it to one hour.

A total of three rounds, they can last until dawn.

So even if they are exhausted now, they can't evacuate. Unless there is a real rout, they must be topped by the formation behind.

After all, a plan is a plan, this is a battlefield, and every second is a place that changes rapidly.

Fortunately, these monsters are just cannon fodder. Even giant demon slaves can't last a round of fire coverage. As long as they have enough consumables, they can stick to it.

This is also the idea of ​​the monsters, which is to consume. After their consumables are used up, they will finally launch a general attack.

Soon it was their second formation's turn.

"Quick! Quick! The second formation goes up, the first formation has more firepower!"

The replacement is in an instant, and the replacement is completed in just a moment, and they can't delay it. If they delay, they will be overwhelmed by this rat-like monster.

The first time they entered the field, those with long-range attack methods shot directly, attacking the designated firepower coverage point.

Of course, there is more than one fire coverage point.

It is divided into long-range, medium-range, and short-range. They can adjust according to their own attack methods. When the monster passes these three levels, it will usher in close combat.

But after passing these three levels, there are not many monsters left in front of them, and they are not a threat at all to melee personnel.

As soon as he played, Lu Miansheng started a crazy extraction.

Even if the attributes of these monsters are weak, they can't stand much.

In the first two hours, at least [-] monsters died.

It would be enough for Lu Mousheng to release thunderstorms on the battlefield, which is enough to show his level. If he uses minefields, 3000 mana at a time will not be enough for a long time.

It is not that simple to convert the energy of the outside world into mana. Generally speaking, the speed of recovery must not keep up with the speed of output.

Even if he used a hundred points of mana to cast the thunderstorm, he couldn't keep up, and he had to pay for mana out of his own pocket many times.

If he was trying to make a living before he got the skills, he might work harder and kill more monsters, but now that he has got the skills, he is not in a hurry to expose himself.

It's fine for Mo Yu to paddle, the scene is relatively stable now, and he doesn't need to make a full shot.

In this way, a round of two hours passed again, and they withdrew to replace the third formation.

They killed nearly [-] monsters in the past two hours. After extracting so many monsters, Lu Miaosheng just felt that the spiritual power in his mind was more solidified, but he had not yet broken through.

It seems that it is not so easy to break through the golden realm.

As for the physical body, the monster does not provide many physical attributes, but it can almost raise him to a level, as long as he extracts a little more monster attributes.

He was not sure how much worse he was mentally.

The breakthrough of this kind of big realm always gives people a feeling that the breakthrough is about to be successful, but that layer of barriers is firmly trapping you, making it impossible for you to move forward.

There were no accidents in the third formation, and they successfully held on.

During these two hours, Lu Miaosheng also successfully extracted enough attributes to make his physical body break through to the third level of the silver mirror.

It can be regarded as a simple breakthrough.

If the current trend continues tonight, it is impossible for the monster to break through the obstruction of everyone.

But judging from the current situation, it is obviously inconsistent with the ideas of the top leaders of the human race.

In the thinking of the high-level people of the human race, what they want is not a successful defense, but a counterattack, and what they want is to regain the lost sixteen cities.

Lu Miaosheng doesn't know what the top management is thinking, but the current situation will only be temporary.

Whether it is the monsters who take the lead or the high-level humans who take the lead, there will always be one party that will break the current pattern.

The current battle can only be regarded as an appetizer before the war, and the current specifications are not very tragic for both sides.

The masters on the human side basically didn't make any moves. Those who made shots were all Bronze-level personnel, with a small amount of silver mirror mixed in.

The monsters just sent a lot of cannon fodder.

Lu Mousheng didn't have any complaints about the current scene, and he wasn't the one who suffered. There were so many corpses on the battlefield, but he felt like he was practicing on the phone.

There were not too many casualties tonight, but some unlucky ones died on the battlefield, which is also a very small number.

Judging from the blood shed in the battle, there were definitely not as many casualties as last night.

This may also be due to tactical adjustments.

After one night, everyone around was exhausted, but Lu Miaosheng looked radiant, which made Yu Liu amazed.

"Brother Lu, what's your situation? Are you a war madman?"

"That's not true, it's just more energetic."

"Admiration, admiration, after one night, I feel that I am about to be drained. I keep releasing my skills, and my mana has bottomed out several times."

"Then go back and make up for it"

Lu Miansheng didn't explain too much. A night of highly concentrated fighting would indeed exhaust a person. However, Lu Miansheng released while replenishing his strength. Of course, he would not appear to have that kind of serious loss.

(End of this chapter)

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