Chapter 143
Now that he has broken through to become a strong mental power of the golden level, he can completely wreak havoc on this battlefield.

So... let's go all out!
Lu Mousheng stimulates the spiritual power in his mind.

At this moment, the spring formed by the condensed mental power in his mind began to operate under the mobilization of Lu Miansheng.

As if the leylines were broken, the mental power rushed out of Lu Miansheng's mind endlessly.

"Want to see how strong my mental power is?"

"Then let you see. By the way, experience what despair is!"

This is a power purely condensed from spiritual power, without other special powers, and without any form changes.

It is completely composed of spiritual power.

This is the simplest use of mental power.

Mental shock!

Wu Mo's eyes widened at this moment, looking at the opposite road in disbelief.

His vast sea-like mental power burst out, making him a little stunned for a while.

Didn't this person just break through the gold realm?
Is this terrifying mental power really coming from him?
At this moment, Wu Mo's mind was full of doubts.

But he no longer had the chance to explore, and his body was instantly wiped out in the storm of mental power when the mental power hit him.

If it was a human, there might be a corpse left behind, but if the monster was killed, there would be no corpse left.

A cloud of black liquid floated where Wu Mo died.

It's clear what it's like to make a living.

The spiritual strengthening liquid can also be called the soul strengthening liquid.

However, according to the current strengthening of the soul, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a spiritual strengthening liquid.

After killing the monster in front of him, Lu Miaosheng looked at the remaining two monsters. Without saying a word, a powerful storm of mental power swept over again.


Before the mental storm fell on the two monsters, Lu Miaosheng clearly saw the desperate expressions on the faces of the two monsters.

It's a pity that no matter how desperate the expression is, it's useless.

Damn or have to die!

The two monsters were directly exploded by the impact of mental force, like a balloon filled with too much air.

Those who die in an instant cannot die again.

The Seventh Pavilion Master and the Eighth Pavilion Master looked at each other.

They all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

These are two. No. Three gold-level monsters.

Say no and be gone?
This is too exaggerated, right?
Is this person in front of them really a little guy who just broke through the golden realm?
Or is the mental power really that much stronger than their mana?

For a while, the two of them doubted their lives.

command room

At this time, the place was also eerily quiet, after a second.

The third pavilion master smiled and said: "Li Jing, it seems that you will have a hard time in the future."

The Li Jing mentioned by the third pavilion master is the second pavilion master.

At this time Li Jing also knew the situation on the battlefield, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

At the same time, he was thinking in his mind.

Could it be that the golden realm of mental power is really that powerful?
Hearing the ridicule from the third pavilion master, Li Jing didn't speak.

If anyone dared to laugh at him like this, he would have already started complaining.

But now he is not in the mood.

Because his actions just now brought him a powerful enemy.

A ruthless look flashed across his eyes, and it was fleeting, no one noticed.

Kong Ming rarely leaked an imperceptible smile when he watched the performance of earning a living on the battlefield.

It is also fleeting.

Everyone in the command room had different thoughts.

The outsiders are more unified.

In addition to shock or shock.

Shocked by Lu Miaosheng's strength, shocked by Lu Miaosheng's current strength, and shocked by Lu Miaosheng's killing three gold-level monsters with his gestures.

After killing the three monsters, Lu Mousheng took the spirit strengthening liquid and drank it, and then returned to the command room.

As for matters on the battlefield, he doesn't need to deal with them.

Of course, his current strength does not need to deal with mobs.

Just like the head of a family, it is impossible for the leader to handle everything.

If the leader is to deal with it, then what are the subordinates doing?
Lu Miaosheng returned to the command room and found that one person was missing.

It happened to be his second cabinet master.

It seems that he doesn't want to face to face with himself.

Thinking about it, seeing the strength of the person I just adjusted, even he wouldn't stay.

"Little brother's strength is really enviable. He has such strength just after breaking through, and his future is limitless." The third pavilion master flattered Lu Mousheng after seeing him come in.

Yilu Miaosheng's current strength is enough to be on an equal footing with him, plus Lu Miaosheng is still young, and his future future is limitless. Now that he has left a good impression on people, maybe the benefits he will inadvertently bring in the future will make him rich Full.

"You're right, you're very discerning." Lu Mousheng has no intention of being humble. His strength in the lower domain has reached its peak, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Give him a little more time, and he will have no problem calling himself No. 1 in the lower domain. .

The third pavilion master was a little embarrassed. Lu Miaosheng's lack of modesty made him unable to answer the conversation, so he could only make two haha ​​rounds and passed.

Lu Miaosheng's performance like this also gave the people who were going to flatter them a rest.

It would be embarrassing for them to say that again.

It simply doesn't follow the routine.

Returning to the command room, Lu Zhisheng continued to stand still. After the episode just now, no one came to bother him again.

But what happened next made him have to move on.

Even the entire command room had to be dispatched.

At this time, a large number of monsters flew from the direction where the monsters came.

There are slender ones, beautiful ones, handsome ones, and strong ones.

Their figures are all very standard, they look like they were carved out of the same mold, if not for some differences in their faces.

They all suspect that they are all brothers.

At this time, this is not something they need to consider.

Now what they need to consider is how to deal with these monsters.

There are more than 20 gold-level monsters in total, but they are only the fronts of Xingyu Pavilion, not the four fronts.

In other words, ten of them need to face more than twenty gold-level monsters.

This couldn't help but make everyone's hearts tense, and they were a little hesitant for a while.

In this case, should they fight or not?
Hit. Can't beat at all.

If you don't fight, don't you leave the disciples who fought in front of you?
They didn't move for a while, thinking that the higher-ups above would make a quick move.

It is no longer something they can resist.

But there were only two people who rushed out without thinking at all.

That is Lu Miaosheng and Kong Ming.

Lu Miaosheng rushed out simply because he felt that these monsters would not pose too much threat to him.

As for why Kong Ming came out, I don't know how to make a living, and I don't need to know.

Flying in the air, Lu Miaosheng rushed straight towards the monster, and Kong Ming followed behind without stopping.

Everyone in the command room looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at the two people who rushed out.

The third pavilion master sighed: "Oh~ let's go, we are really old, we are afraid of death, we are actually afraid of monsters."

"I'm afraid it's useless. Where can we escape? Don't forget, the monsters will be wiped out and no one will be left alive. You all know this."

"Since it's already like this, why do you want to think so much?"

The words of the third pavilion master awakened everyone.


Monsters kill people when they meet them. Is it useful for them to escape now?
If you escape for a while, can you escape for a lifetime?

Besides, this is a battlefield, if they don't fight the battlefield at this time.

Without monsters, maybe Xingyu Tiannan will come and take their lives.

They have also lived for a long time, the older they are, the more they are afraid of death, and they didn't figure it out for a while.

Now that they figured it out, they all rushed out one by one, instead of hiding in the command room.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng and Kong Ming had come to the forefront, and the distance from the monster was not too far away.

Kong Ming had already stopped, probably because of preparation skills.

However, Lu Miansheng didn't need to prepare a prelude, and rushed over directly.

"Are the two of you here to die?" Someone in the monster army taunted.

"No, that's because only two of you are enough to deal with you." The fact is not important, but the fighting spirit cannot be lost first.

Besides, Lu Miaosheng was telling the truth, and he didn't feel that he was bragging anymore.

It didn't take him much mental power to deal with the three gold-level monsters, and it wouldn't be a surprise if there were seven or eight times more.

"What an arrogant kid!" The monster was furious when he heard that.

I can't wait to kill Lu Mousheng immediately, but unfortunately they still have a little distance, and when they get close, it's not certain who will kill Hashi.

Many gold-level monsters came towards the road with weapons in their hands.

Mental power has been gushing out long ago, waiting for the monsters to approach and give them a fatal blow.

His spiritual power can only deal with about five gold-level monsters at the same time, too much will lead to too much mental power and insufficient power.

He also just discovered this problem.

So he still needs to pay attention to the monsters in the battlefield, and be careful not to be completely surrounded.

Otherwise, even if he is powerful now, something unexpected may happen.

Seeing the first few monsters rushing over, Lu Miaosheng was overjoyed.

The speed of these seven monsters is obviously different from other monsters, and they directly opened the distance.

This gave Lu a chance to make a living. As long as he killed some of them first, the rest would be much easier.

Don't miss the opportunity when it comes, Lu Miaosheng speeds up and quickly collides with the Qiqige monster.

Powerful spiritual power surged out of his mind in an instant.

Seven flying knives composed entirely of spiritual power were killed, and these seven flying knives looked like the real thing.

The sudden appearance of the flying knife made the seven monsters jump, even though they knew that making a living was the spiritual power of cultivation.

But isn't the speed of this spiritual power weapon too fast?

They showed up with no defense at all?

Fortunately, all seven of them were agility monsters, and only one was unlucky enough to be killed.

They didn't pay much attention to the death of only one teammate, but there were still six of them. Isn't it easy to deal with this kid in front of him?
Even if you add the person behind, there will be no problem.

It's just that they didn't notice at all when they were whimsical, Lu Miaosheng once again condensed six throwing knives and shot towards them.

This is the benefit of breaking through to the golden level, and the combat life is greatly improved.

If he had used his mental power like this before, he would have been squeezed out just the first time, so there would be no chance to use it a second time.

But now as long as he is given three seconds to recover, he can recover immediately. It couldn't be easier.

"Be careful! This kid is out again!"

"How can he have so much spiritual power?"

The sensitive demons were a little surprised. They felt the flying knives formed by the seven spiritual powers just now.

But now it seems that they may have taken it for granted.

"Shoot with all your strength, don't underestimate this kid!"

The sensitive demons also discovered that something was wrong with Lu Miansheng, and all of them erupted with a strong demonic energy for a while.

The space around the magic flame seems to be burning.

The temperature of the space obviously hasn't changed, but it feels hotter.

The six sensitive demons dodged Lu Miaosheng's throwing knives, grinning grinningly, and killed Lu Miaosheng.

"Boy, if you only know how to use these little tricks, today is your death day!"

"After consuming so much mental power, you don't have any extra power now!"

Lu Miaosheng lowered his head and sneered, not letting the monster see it.

This is just his trick to lure these monsters into the bait.

Let them think that their methods are just so small, so that they can despise themselves and prepare for themselves to catch them all.

After all, it will take time to hit them even with extremely fast mental power.

During the first wave of attacks, Lu Miaosheng noticed that these monsters were very fast.

The monster that died in his hands was really unlucky, I don't know why he was distracted and didn't evade in time, so he was killed by Lu Mousheng.

Now if there are six more vigilant, it will be difficult for him to start.

That's why I lured these six to my face.

At this time, the monsters didn't know the idea of ​​making a living, they just saw where Lu made a living and didn't move, thinking they were right, and they lost their mental power.

This made them excited. Without mental power, wouldn't it be a toothless tiger?

"Kid, die!"

Facing the attacking monsters, Lu Miaosheng did not have the slightest fear.

He just raised his head and let out a sneer.

The moment the monsters saw Lu Miansheng's smile, they thought something was wrong!
But after thinking about it, now that Lu Miaosheng is surrounded by himself and others, can he still turn the world upside down?
This expression must be pretending to be calm.

Thinking of this, Min Mo is also laughing at himself.

What's wrong with me?
Stopped by the other party's smile?
But the next scene made him die!
Six spiritual flying knives resurfaced, flying towards them precisely, and shot between their eyebrows at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, three gold-level monsters fell to their lives, and only the three escaped in time with vigilance.

At this moment, watching Lu Miansheng glance at them calmly, an unspeakable pressure subconsciously suppressed them.

It felt as if they had suddenly become prey, being watched by hunters with guns.

Hunters will shoot at any moment to take their lives.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, their reinforcements have also arrived, and eight muscular martial demons have arrived, holding their weapons and watching Lu with vigilance for a living.

"You guys are too bad. Seven people beat one and got killed four?"

"If we don't come, I'm afraid we will all die."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill this guy quickly, this guy's mental power is a bit evil, it's not the same as a normal person at all."

The martial demons who arrived also knew what happened, after all, they all saw it.

The speed at which Lu Miansheng's mental power was consumed and recovered did surprise them a bit.

It's simply not a normal person, they have never met someone with such a recovery speed in this realm.

And according to their information, this person is just breaking through the Golden Realm, and he has the current strength just after breaking through.

Is it okay to let him develop again?

This man must be killed tonight.

Just when many monsters were ready to do it.

A guy covered in explosive breath flew over.

The huge momentum made everyone present look over.

At this time, Kong Ming's jacket had burst, and pieces of steel-like muscles bulged and floated.

His messy long hair was blown floating by his momentum at this moment,

I saw Kong Ming grabbing the head of a martial arts demon with one hand.

Then with a strong force, the Wu Mo's head was crushed like a small watermelon.

No matter how the martial demon caught in his hand resisted just now, it would be useless.

The headless monster fell from the sky, and the monster's body dissipated little by little in midair.

"It's been a long time since I shot with all my strength, let me have a good time tonight!" Kong Ming raised his head, and the light that burst out of his eyes made no one sure.

Lu Mousheng was also dazed, but he also knew that the usual Kong Ming was just pretending or had special intentions.

But he really didn't expect that this is Kong Ming's true face.

He was actually a muscular man.

Lu Mousheng originally thought that Kong Ming should be practicing some special magic technique to make him look like that.

Now it seems that he was wrong.

Kong Ming, who crushed a monster's head, didn't stop there, turned around and grabbed the monster beside him.

At this time, these monsters hadn't reacted yet, and one was caught again.


Another head was caught and exploded.

Lu Shousheng grinned straight at the sight, Kong Ming's way of fighting monsters is really special, it's really violent.

But I like it!
It seems that the state of strength is not so undesirable, and now I am looking forward to the improvement of my strength state.

Up to now, with the death of these gold-level monsters, his physical level is only the seventh level of the silver mirror.

The improvement brought by monsters to the physical body is relatively small, and the main thing is to improve the spiritual power.

This is also the reason why his spiritual realm can improve so quickly.

If it was a normal monster or monster, then his physical realm should have improved faster.

Kong Ming's shot caused the monster to disperse instantly, and he lost his positive thinking.

Didn't you see the same kind that was handed over one by one?
Did they go up to die?

Let's wait until the succubus come over.

The monsters want to leave, but Kong Ming won't give them a chance, and Lu Miansheng won't give them a chance either.

The two rushed out in an instant, each exerting their own strength to the extreme.

This time, Lu Miansheng didn't get too greedy, so he caught two kills.

Seven flying knives with spiritual power were shot out, and the two monsters were shot to death in the blink of an eye.

Kong Ming was very simple and rude. With his strong physical fitness, he grabbed the monster's head before anyone could react.

Then—squeeze to death!

(End of this chapter)

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