Chapter 144 All-out war!
The fleeing monster watched his companions being crushed to death one by one, and immediately knew that running away was not an option.


Just when they were hesitating, an order came from before them.

See the mental power weapon flying over.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Succubus' support finally came, if they didn't come, they would all be dead.

Now that the support has arrived, it is natural that they can no longer be chased and beaten.

Many monsters turned around and killed the two of them back.

Lu Mousheng frowned. There were too many monsters. It would be dangerous to attack them together.

But now there is no time to think about so many things.

The mental power was fully used, and ten flying knives with mental power appeared.

These are all weapons that condense a lot of spiritual power, unlike the mental storm created by Lu Miansheng before.

Although there are a lot of spiritual power weapons transformed there, they are not too powerful, and it is not a problem to deal with those black iron level mobs.

But it's a bit funny if you want to use it to deal with monsters that are also in the gold level.

That can't be effective against gold-level monsters.

I also know this way of making a living, the more gorgeous the attack is, the more dreamy it is.

The ten mental power throwing knives are all capable of injuring these gold-level monsters.

Seriously, you can kill one directly.

This is also the limit of Lu Miansheng's one-time use.

Different from the previous strategy of casting a wide net, these ten mental power flying knives were only aimed at one monster.

In the current situation of being surrounded, the best way is to kill them one by one first, if the strength is dispersed.

His attack will have no effect, it will be invalidated directly.

I still understand this truth in making a living.

The monsters were not in a hurry to see who would come with the ten flying knives.

I saw a lot of weird weapons behind them. Anyway, looking at them reminded people of some sexual props.

These are the spiritual weapons of the succubi, and at this time these weapons collided with Lu Miansheng's throwing knives.

After a violent explosion, Lu Miansheng's throwing knife also exploded on the spot.

No damage was done to the monster.

Seeing this, the monsters who were crushed and beaten before smiled.

"Quack quack, that's it? That's it? This time it's our turn!"

Listening to the strange laughter of monsters to make a living is very uncomfortable, and my own strength is still not enough.

If they reach the ninth level of the gold realm, they will sweep the audience directly, so there is no need to listen to the strange laughter of these monsters.

It just made his ears suffer.

Kong Ming was not as aggrieved as Lu Miaosheng.

Immediately, the momentum exploded, and the whole person rushed out, punching the monster in front of him.

But at this time the monster has already prepared.

Kong Ming took advantage of the loophole before he didn't react for a while.

In their view, Kong Ming is just a little stronger than them, and it is impossible to kill them like killing chickens.

If Kong Ming is that strong, they can retreat.

Wu Mo grinned and said, "So what if you're stronger than us? You're only one of us, so you don't need to say who died in the end."

Kong Ming completely ignored the monster's words, and punched out, bringing out a powerful wave of air.

In the middle of the sky, you can see the invisible air wave become tangible, and then blast towards the monster's face.

The monster felt the powerful force roaring towards him, and panicked instantly.

This force is not something he can resist alone, he can only find someone to resist it with himself.

The other monsters also knew that the situation was not good. If this monster resisted alone, he might be beaten to death again.

So everyone is very clear about the situation, and hurried up to resist with the monster in the front.

A total of six monsters fought with Kong Ming.

For a moment, black light and shadows shuttled across the sky, and a man bursting with strength was mixed in the middle.

The sky continued to explode under their battle, and the aftermath of terrifying power impacted towards the periphery.

The gravel and branches on the ground were all washed away by the aftermath of the force.

The big battle broke out on Kong Ming's side, and then it was Lu's turn to make a living.

At this time, he was also surrounded by many succubi, both male and female.

Needless to say, women, the tights show a perfect body, and the curvature of the clothes can make people feel that the things wrapped in it can jump out with one movement.

It was wrapped too tightly, and even two small beans could be vaguely seen.

What does Lu Miaosheng say about this?
See no evil, kill them all.

This is nothingness, why come to this world to confuse all living beings.

Close your eyes and put your palms together: "Amitabha."

What a crime, if this tm is a real person, he will definitely be tied back.

Can't think about it anymore, kill them all first!

He opened his eyes again and suppressed the desire in his heart. He really couldn't restrain this thing, he could only suppress it.

This is the difference between humans and animals.

It’s not that people don’t have desires, but they can suppress desires.

It's like seeing a beautiful woman and can't help but think about it, but it's just thinking about it.

Turning your head around will still suppress some thoughts that shouldn't be there.

A few enchanting women stood out from among the succubus, dancing their proud bodies to their heart's content, and said to Lu Miaosheng, "My lord, life is short, why not have fun in time?"

Lu Mousheng replied: "You are right, you should indeed enjoy yourself in time, so how can you make me happy?"

"Then I don't know, son, how do you want to have fun?" The female succubus stepped towards Lu Miansheng step by step, the clothes on her body slowly faded, and the most charming part was faintly visible.

"Then let me beat you to death!"

Lu Mousheng suddenly erupted, and the powerful mental power rushed out instantly, covering the female succubus who was walking towards him.

The female succubus turned pale with fright, and it was too late to get angry, she was instantly overwhelmed by Lu's spiritual power, leaving no scum of death left.
No, there is still a drop of black liquid left, that is the spiritual strengthening liquid.

Put away the spiritual strengthening liquid, and then extract the attributes of the monster.

Looking up, he saw the furious succubus killing him.

"Cunning humans!"

"It's not that I'm cunning, isn't it that she herself said that she would give me a good laugh?"

"I just like to blow you up, so she has fulfilled her promise, and I just satisfied her."

"Since you think killing her is to satisfy her, then let me satisfy you!"

"Then I don't like being satisfied by you, let me help you!"

Facing the spiritual power weapons controlled by many succubus, Lu Mousheng didn't panic at all, his mental power transformed into a huge palm, and killed towards the weapons of the succubus.

Blocking the attack of the succubus in mid-air, the huge palm is horizontal in the air, and no attack of the succubus can enter.

When the battlefield fell into a stalemate, other pavilion masters in the Xingyu Pavilion rushed over to support them.

In an instant, the disadvantages of the two became advantages.

There are few people in Mingxing Yuge, but they suppress the monsters.

The main reason is that Lu Miaosheng and Kong Ming are too fierce, and a team of five monsters with one person can handle it with ease.

The other seven people only need to deal with five monsters.

This is also because Lu Miaosheng and Kong Ming killed five or six monsters as soon as they arrived, otherwise the advantage would not have been established so quickly.

The monsters also know that if they continue to fight like this, the result will still be unfavorable to them.

At this point they were already at a disadvantage.

If the fight continues, they might all die here.

With the participation of everyone in Xingyu Pavilion.

The power erupting in the sky became even more violent.

Giant Fireball - Wooden Spear that pops up - Water Ball - Sand
One by one, the power of nature is displayed from their hands.

There is also a lot of sword energy, and the mana slash is shot from everyone.

Compared with the simplicity of the two, their moves are much more gorgeous.

For a while, the battlefield here became extremely fierce, and the high-intensity battle made everyone cheer up.

This kind of full-strength attack, if anyone is accidentally hit, the consequences may be serious, and his life may not be saved.

No one would be sloppy at this time, but it would cost him his life.


The leading succubus gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Miansheng. He really didn't expect that this little guy who broke through yesterday would cause them such a big trouble today.

If there is no way to make a living, they might be able to break through this front this time.

Even with that muscular guy, it's useless.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but at this moment he had no choice but to retreat.

Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

Under the command of the succubus, the monsters retreated quickly, and none of the monsters wanted to fight.

They are all the ones who have been suppressed and beaten, so they are not qualified to fight.

"Don't chase after the poor!"

Just when everyone in Xingyu Pavilion wanted to chase and kill them, Lu Miaosheng quickly reminded them.

These people didn't offend themselves, so there's no need to ignore it, it's just a matter of one sentence.

Whether they listen or not is up to them.

"Oh? Why?"

Some people are wondering.

The third pavilion master scolded: "Pig brains? You are chasing in the direction of the monsters. Who knows if there are gold-level monsters waiting for you? When the time comes, we will be surrounded and we will die."

After being uttered by the third pavilion master, this person also figured out the key point.

"Feng San, you were right when you said that, but please be more polite to me."

"What's the matter with you, I can't say you yet, can I?"

"You just can't say, who lost drinking last time?"

"Hey, don't press me with that matter, don't say it if you don't say it."

Now that the monsters have retreated, there is no need for them to stay here, of course they return to the command room.

But the sky is already getting bright, that is, an hour's time.

Next, there should be no monsters coming out to continue fighting.

But to be on the safe side, everyone stayed here for the last hour.

Wait until dawn before retreating back.

This day, Star Rain City is very lively.

The settlement of 11 people instantly revived the city that was still in the midst of war.

The presence of a large number of people brought vitality to this otherwise dead city.

At noon, everyone was asked to go to the meeting.

Of course, this refers to people in the golden state, and those below the golden state are not eligible to go.

The purpose of a meeting is simple.

The first is to welcome the leaders of these 11 people.

The second is to discuss the next tactics.

The support has arrived, and the next thing they have to consider is counterattack.

Push forward to recover sixteen cities contributed by monsters.

After the meal, the personnel and teams were arranged very quickly.

Lu Mousheng was in the striker team, leading 3 strikers, 100 gold-level strongmen, team leader Xingyu Tiannan, and five city masters.

That is to say, there are 6 strong men at the ninth level of the gold level, and behind them are 10 reinforcements led by the Demon Killing Division. They walk behind so as not to be surrounded all at once.

A total of 13 people were mobilized, and this was all the plastic surgery for this troop dispatch, and 2 people stayed behind in Xingyu City.

Even if they move forward, their own lair still needs to be watched.

In case a monster came out of nowhere and took away his lair, Xingyu Tiannan didn't know who to cry to.

And this pass is very important, they can't ignore it, they have to watch it.

The team's operation will start tomorrow night, and we still need to watch all night tonight.

The 11 people who came from the reinforcements traveled long distances and still needed to rest, so they couldn't rush on their way immediately.

Making a living in the middle of the meeting also knew the means of monsters coming.

According to the results of Xingyu Tiannan's investigation, the monsters came because they could use the altar to appear.

This kind of altar is placed secretly by the monsters, as long as it is placed within a radius of thousands of miles, the passage can be set to descend freely.

It's just that this channel can only be set up once, and monsters can't just come by chance, they must go through the channel.

Their purpose does not need to know the passage of the monster.

They just need to find the location of the altar and destroy it.

Then the monsters can no longer descend.

The location of the altar has been investigated by the scouting force.

The one in Jaka City is right in the center of Jaka City, and it is completely undisguised.

As for the latter, they don't know. Only after destroying the altar in Jaka City can they search for the next location.

One of the things that makes people feel very strange is that the energy fluctuations released by the altar are very huge.

However, none of the fifteen cities that were occupied before saw the appearance of altars, and none of them had such strong fluctuations.

If there is, it is impossible to hide it from everyone.

Just like the altar in Jiaka City, the monster has no intention of hiding it.

From Wei Lao's point of view, it may be because it takes a huge price to hide this kind of fluctuation, and now they have started an all-out attack.

There is no need to hide.

This explanation is convincing to everyone.

No matter what it is now, their first goal is to destroy the altar in Jiaka City.

Then continue to advance in the direction of Nan'an City.

All the way to the west to recover the lost sixteen cities.

In fact, the most important thing is to drive out the monsters. There is no one alive in the sixteen cities, so it is not very useful for them to drive away the monsters.

The main reason is to drive the monsters out of the lower domain, otherwise they will be the target of the next monster attack.

After agreeing on something good, the meeting was also dissolved.

Lu Miaosheng also returned to his room to practice.

His current strength is not very strong.

After last night's battle, he already knew it in his heart.

It is already the limit to be able to fight five with one, and they are all early-stage gold-level monsters.

If it was a stronger one, he probably wouldn't be able to resist it.

After last night's battle, his physical body has reached the eighth level of the silver mirror, which is still far from the golden level that Lu Miansheng expected.

You must know that the price of practicing mind fusion is that every realm of the physical body must reach the invincible state.

If it can't be achieved, then the effect of mind fusion will disappear.

In other words, no matter what, he must first reach the invincible state in every realm of the physical body before he can break through.

Even if you are stuck all the time, you can't break through to the gold level.

Compared with spiritual strength, physical strength is still a bit inferior.

night falls again
A large number of monsters still covered the mountains like a tide.

The people guarding this scene have long been used to it, and feel that it is no surprise.

Only some newcomers said that they need to learn more, and they were shocked when they saw this scene after they came up.

This is a bit of a surprise to make a living, but it is normal to think about it carefully.

The people here have never experienced a large-scale battle, and it is normal to be surprised to see monsters all over the mountains and plains at this time.

As long as the legs are not weak, it is fine. If the legs are weak, then there is no need to fight this battle.

Tonight, everyone would have stayed in the past safely as usual.

But the thousands of gold-level monsters flying over from the sky made everyone nervous in an instant.

"Not good! The monsters seem to be coming for reinforcements too! Thousands of gold-level monsters are not easy to deal with." Wei Lao looked at the large number of gold-level monsters appearing in the sky, and his face darkened instantly.

"Inform them that all of them will go to battle. It seems that the expedition is temporarily impossible." Xingyu Tiannan also knew that the current situation was wrong.

So quickly let the people below take action.

Several orders were issued in the entire battlefield, and the alarm that resounded throughout the world spread throughout the audience.

This alarm is the highest level alarm, as long as it sounds, everyone in the entire front must take action.

Without exception, even decision makers at the ninth level of the golden level have to come to the forefront to stare.

The battle didn't start directly, the monsters stopped in front of the battle line, and a large number of monsters looked at the human defense line.

At this time, the human race has all mobilized.

Even those who just came to support today have all come here.

According to statistics, the gold-level powerhouses on both sides are about the same.

They are all around a thousand, but they don't know if there are any monsters there.

I only know that all of them have come out here.

This put them under an invisible pressure, and no one knew how many golden-level monsters there were.

If another thousand comes, they will be crushed.

A monster standing in the front looked at the human line of defense, and saw him wave his hand, and all the monsters in the mountains and plains moved.

Crazy sprint towards the human defense line.

The battlefield is full of murderous intentions, and after one side moves, it also moves.

The human race didn't know how to watch, and ordered the attack to start.

As the order was issued, the killing intent on the entire battlefield was detonated.

This is an unprecedented strong killing intent, and no one here has ever felt it.

Because this is the battlefield, this is the monk's battlefield, they have never felt a large-scale battle.

Lu Mousheng's eyes lit up. All these murderous auras are his nourishment, and Bahuang Shaquan needs to absorb murderous auras.

He has absorbed a lot before, and it can also bring him a lot today.

There is no upper limit to the storage of killing intent here, and it can be stored all the time. If it is used at that time, it will greatly enhance the Eight Desolation Killing Fist.

The key now is that I don't know how powerful the Eight Desolation Killing Fist is with so many murderous auras.

Lu Miansheng doesn't know much about this point. In fact, no matter how powerful he is, it is impossible to surpass his own realm by too much.

If you want to play more powerful moves, you first need strong physical fitness.

If you want the power of the Eight Desolation Killing Fist to be great, you have to keep up with the physical realm, otherwise just having a murderous aura is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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