Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 146 Destroying the Monster Passage

Chapter 146 Destroying the Monster Passage
Half an hour later
On the way to Jaka City, the army successfully joined Wei Lao.

More than five hundred gold-level powerhouses flew in the direction of Jiaka City.

The densely packed black dots in the sky are all gold-level powerhouses.

Soon, they came to the top of Jiaka City.

Looking at the devastated Jaka City below, everyone showed disgust.

This is an aversion to monsters.

At this time, every building in Jiaka City, which was originally full of people, was more or less incomplete.

I don't know why these monsters are okay to destroy the building.

Obviously, the people in the entire Jaka City had already evacuated before the arrival of the monster. Could it be that they did this to vent their anger?

It doesn't matter why the monster does this.

The decisive battle is imminent, and any small thoughts must be discussed after the battle.

"and many more."

Elder Wei looked at the quiet Jaka City and felt that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, Old Wei?"

Xingyu Tiannan was a little puzzled, hadn't they all arrived in Jaka City now?

The monster is right below, just do it directly, why stop?

"Maybe you don't know, as long as this monster does not shine directly on the sun in a shadowed place, its combat effectiveness will not be reduced."

As the leader of the Demon Slayer Division who has been fighting against monsters all year round, Old Wei naturally knows more about monsters than everyone else.

Now that Old Wei said so, they have no reason not to believe it.

"What now?"

"Attack these buildings directly and destroy them, and the monsters inside will naturally have nowhere to hide."

Elder Wei directly pointed out the most effective way at present.

Xingyu Tiannan pondered for a while, and felt that what Wei Lao said was indeed the most effective method, and he did not refuse.

"Have you heard it? Go directly to these buildings and force the monsters inside!"

"it is good!"

Of course, they have no reason to object to reducing their risk.

As for Jaka City, it has long been riddled with holes by monsters, and now they have no psychological burden to razed Jaka City to the ground.

After the order was confirmed, the battle unfolded rapidly.

Various spells of thousands of meters were cast to destroy large areas of buildings in Jiaka City.

After a while, a large number of monsters were forced out.

The current strength of the monster is completely restricted, and it is basically powerless to resist in the face of the menacing crowd.

Some desperately resisting are useless, and they break their defenses in an instant and die on the spot.

It's cool to kill this time.

Yesterday they were pressed and beaten for most of the night, and now they finally stand up and sing.

The monsters are like mice below, they can only dodge XZ in the face of everyone's attack.

Those who resisted directly were beaten to death, and no one dared to resist directly.

Lu Mousheng was mixed in, and when he saw a monster, he gathered his spirit and threw a knife at it.

He is not too strict about the consumption of mental power now.

After breaking through to the golden level, his mental power recovery speed has long been sustained.

in the building complex.

Many monsters gathered together, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

"What should we do now?"

"What to do, just fight these people! If you die, you will pull a back!"

The muscular Wu Mo felt very aggrieved, and now they were beaten like mice and hid XZ while being aloof.

Simply unbearable!
"So Wu Mo, you have muscles in your brain. Are we going to die when we rush out in broad daylight?"

The succubus spoke mockingly, disdainful of Wu Mo's proposal.

"Stop talking nonsense, then what can you do? If you can only wait here to die, then don't talk about it!" Wu Mo was annoyed, staring at the succubus with wide eyes.

Minmo also looked at the succubus to see what good ideas the succubus would come up with.

"Of course I won't wait here to die. I can create a dark cloud for a short time, but I need a little blood from you."

Wu Mo and Min Mo frowned: "If we take out our essence and blood, our strength will also drop. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if we fight like that?"

The succubus sighed: "This is the only way now. It's better to temporarily lose [-]% of your power if you lose your blood essence, than to lose [-]% of your power due to the sun's rays, right?"

The succubus' words were also very reasonable, and no one could refute them for a while.

The spell bombardment of humans outside is still going on, and the bombardment of various spells can be heard in my ears.

The Martial Demon snorted coldly: "Okay, let's use blood essence to create dark clouds, and we'll fight this hateful human later!"

With the first one taking the lead, the rest will have no objection. They really can't come up with a better method now, and they can only follow the method of the succubus.

The top bosses such as Wei Lao and Xingyu Tiannan did not make a move now, but just watched the battle from high altitude.

"Old Wei, what the hell are these monsters doing? Why haven't they come out for a long time?"

"Maybe they don't want to fight us head-on, or they may be preparing some tricks. No matter what, there will be a fight in the end. You don't have to worry too much, we will watch."

Compared to the worries of Xingyu Tiannan and the others, the gold-level powerhouses below can kill comfortably.

They never felt that it was so cool to destroy houses with wanton destruction.

It seems that the monsters are also using these buildings for fun, otherwise they would not have destroyed a large number of buildings for no reason before.

Lu made a living and didn't waste his strength to wreak havoc with them.

He was still staring at the monster obediently, what made him strange was that he hadn't seen the monster rushing out for a while.

I don't know if they were afraid of being beaten and hid.

Shaking his head, he didn't think much about it.

"Look, what's going on? Why is there so much black smoke?"

One person noticed something was wrong, black smoke was continuously rising from the other end of Jaca City and covered the sky.

If this is done, will the sky in Nagarka City be darkened?
Isn't the strength of the monster unlimited?
These two questions instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

"not good!"

"Everyone, go over and destroy that place! We can't let him continue releasing black smoke!"

Everyone knew the seriousness of the matter and rushed over as quickly as possible.

If you don't rush, then if the monsters are really given a chance to stand up, they will be the ones who will fight hard.

"Wait, do you think this is a passage from the Demon Realm?"

Just as everyone was rushing towards the direction of the black smoke, one person discovered something was wrong in the middle of Jaka City.

A black gate stood upright. They didn't know why they didn't notice it before, but now that they got closer, they naturally discovered the problem.

"It seems to be, why didn't we notice it before?"

"It's impossible for us not to notice such a big black door. This must be a means of monsters. It seems that this thing is very important to them."

"Then destroy this thing first, it won't be good if we come out of this passageway in the devil world under the name of reinforcements."

"It makes sense, first destroy the passage to the Demon Realm, and as for the black smoke over there, what if they let them raise the black smoke?"

"At most, it is almost the same as our strength."

"Okay! Destroy this channel first!"

Everyone's opinions were quickly unified. After all, the facts were in front of them, and the monster was indeed hiding the existence of this passage.


"These humans still discovered the passage to the Demon Realm, what should we do now, the dark clouds haven't completely lifted yet?"

"What can we do, we can only shoot, otherwise the passage will be destroyed, Lord Gorefiend will not let us go."

"I hope the dark clouds gather quickly, otherwise we will die!"

A group of monsters looked at the people who were about to destroy the passage to the demon world, and their teeth itched with hatred.

It's too much. Wouldn't it be better to have a good fight after the dark clouds rise?

This is simply taking advantage of the devil's danger!
Those who discovered the passage to the Demon Realm didn't know that they had accidentally caught the Achilles heel of a monster.

In the next second, a large number of monsters swarmed out of the building, killing everyone.

"What's going on with these monsters? Why did they pop up all of a sudden?"

"Needless to say, this passage to the Demon Realm must be very important, otherwise how could their reaction be like this!"

Everyone became excited, and after thinking about it, it might really be like this.

The war is about to break out, and the human race has the upper hand.

The overall strength of the monster has dropped by 30.00%, so what is it to fight against the human race?
Originally, the strengths of the two sides were about the same, but now that the overall attributes of the monsters have been weakened, they are basically destined to die.

Various skills exploded in the sky, and the roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

The dark clouds from Far Emitter continue to rise into the sky, and they have begun to grow on a small scale.

The monster wanted to lure the human race under the dark clouds.

But they are not fools, just staring at the passage of the devil world.

You want to go, don't you?
Let you go, if you go, I will directly destroy the passage to the Demon Realm.

It depends on what you do.

It has to be said that the human race really has the upper hand by accidentally grabbing the Achilles heel of the monster.

10 minutes of fighting passed.

There were originally more than 500 monsters, but now there are only more than 300 left, and nearly [-] have died.

Even if such a big loss is covered by dark clouds, they have no chance of winning.

The monsters didn't think about counterattack either, they just thought about defending.

When Wu Yun came over, they would at least have the strength to defend. They wouldn't be like now, not even qualified to defend.

"How long will it take for the dark clouds to cover this side?"

"It's still 5 minutes!"

"Ma Dan, can you hurry up, the demon is almost dead!"

"You think you can do it if you want, but you won't let more blood!"

The monsters quarreled for a few words, and the ensuing battle left them no time to quarrel.

Five minutes passed, dark clouds covered the area, and the remaining monsters were smiling.

Finally coming through, they finally felt the full power.

Even though it was only 15 minutes and I didn't feel the full power, why did it feel like it took so long?
"Damn humans! Now you have no chance!"

"The tone is serious, I don't know why you are."

"Only relying on the three hundred monsters you are lingering on?"

"Haha, even if we can't beat you, but with the same strength, can't we defend well?"

"You guys are really interesting, you still think you're awesome after being beaten."

This sentence was simply murderous, and the monster suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"Who said that, stand up!"

Many monsters glanced angrily. If they want to see who said this sentence, they must let him know why the flowers are so red!

When the speaker saw the monster's behavior, he hid for a while and stopped talking. If the three hundred monsters targeted him alone, it would be bad.

"Hmph! You dare not admit it, you dare to say it!"

"You can stop talking nonsense, so what if your strength recovers! Sandbags need to have the awareness of sandbags, how dare you be so arrogant?"

During this quarrel, an explosion sounded, and everyone looked at the source of the explosion.

Elder Wei was holding a thick black pipe in his hand, looking down calmly.

And what did he seem to do with the tube in his hand just now?

A scream came from the monster.

No more than one sound.

Just when everyone was still in doubt, a bright light appeared in the sky, and the dark clouds that shrouded everyone's heads dissipated.

"How is this going?"

"It seems that what did Old Wei do?"

Lu Mousheng knew what was going on, he squinted his eyes and looked at the black pipe in Old Wei's hand.

This thing is a bit like a cannon, right?

He just saw Wei Lao use this to blast out a cannonball composed entirely of spiritual power.

Booming into the dark cloud produced a very strong explosion, followed by a powerful energy wave.

It is energy waves that disperse the dark clouds.

The energy wave was blasted out from the mental cannonball.

"Hahaha, are you still arrogant now?"

"Tell you to clamor, now you will surely die!"

The next battle basically has no suspense, no dark clouds, the monsters can't show their original strength.

The creation of dark clouds and the loss of essence and blood, under this double loss, they have no ability to resist at all.

In a short time, they were all killed by everyone.

The black gate was also smashed into ashes by everyone, leaving no residue.


"It's just a short end. The monsters captured sixteen cities, and we only took back one city."

"Will you die if you make me happy?"

Compared with everyone's chatting and teasing, Lu Miansheng is also quite happy.

Now his mental strength has reached the third level of the golden level.

The physical body has also touched the invincibility of the silver mirror, and it only needs enough energy to break through.

Now he is a little anxious.

I don't know where to get monsters.

He can't kill monsters as much as he wants. The monsters in the Catacomb World are too weak to have a good effect on him.

I looked through my backpack, maybe my next hope is on this token.

【Abyss Challenge Order】

What is the abyss like?

What kind of monsters are there?

This abyss challenge order is based on the difficulty of monsters appearing from the items you choose.

He never knew what he wanted.

Now he has an idea.

He wants the key to the abyss.

He wants to kill monsters in the abyss!
If he could succeed, he would no longer have to worry about where to go to kill monsters.

You only need to live in the abyss to kill monsters through the key.

In that way, his strength can also be steadily improved.

Without everyone knowing, raise your own strength to a terrifying height, whether it is a monster or something in the cave.

He has enough strength to solve it, instead of just mixing in and contributing as he is doing now.

Big things can't be solved, and small things don't need him.

Abyss, it's time to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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