Chapter 147 Who Did It?
After destroying the Demon Realm channel and killing all the monsters.

Everyone returned to Xingyu City.

As for further expeditions, those who have experienced this great war have been put on hold for the time being.

No one can bear such a terrible loss, and now it has already hurt the muscles of the major forces.

Even if the expedition is still to be launched, it will be after the arrival of the remaining support.

Now they absolutely dare not mention it again.

If the fight continues, the people they came here will probably all die.

If they are dead, then their influence is basically equal to the end.

They won't do this kind of thing.

Fighting was a last resort before, and the monsters had already attacked the house, and they couldn't do without fighting.

This time it was because he had the upper hand, and he would be a fool not to fight.

Now that the two battles they had to fight were over, they naturally didn't want to fight anymore.

What's the point if they die in the end?
With this in mind, all forces are now settled down in Xingyu City.

Waiting for the rest of the support to arrive, and also waiting for the next step.

In fact, the real situation is far from being so peaceful on the surface.

The head of the faction has already sent various spies to investigate in a further direction.

In war, sometimes intelligence is more important than force.

I have a deep understanding of this way of making a living.

But now these things have nothing to do with him.

He is now going to do something more important to himself.

That is to open the abyss challenge.

If you want to open the abyss, you must not be here.

He's going back to the crypt.

If you go back, it will take three days before you can come back. In this situation, it is not certain whether there will be a war within three days.

He could only go and talk to Xingyu Tiannan first, so as not to think that he ran away if he didn't show up when the fight happened.

Then he couldn't accept the title of a deserter.

When he came to Xingyu Tiannan's residence, he told Xingyu Tiannan that he wanted to retreat and stabilize his realm.

This is a very simple and effective reason. Xingyu Tiannan also said that nothing will happen in these few days, and he readily agreed to Lu's three-day leave for making a living, and did not refuse.

After getting the affirmation of making a living, he returned to his room.

Then he opened the passage of the crypt and disappeared here.

As soon as I returned to Catacomb Road to make a living, I received several unread messages from Wei Wei.

It was all sent by Xia Hong, and I don't know what happened.

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu, are you back yet? 】

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu, the alliance has appeared. Now there are four alliances in the entire main city, and there are some scattered people. Do we want to form an alliance? 】

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu, if you come back, please reply to my message. 】


Is it similar to a guild?
Lu Miaosheng was a little confused, so let's ask Xia Hong what's going on now.

It's been a while since he left, it seems like he's been away for eight days.

[Lu Miaosheng: I'm back. 】

[Xia Hong: Brother Lu is back!Then where can I find you? 】

[Lu Miaosheng: Come to the safe house. 】

[Xia Hong: Good! 】

From Xia Hong's news about making a living, it can be seen that Xia Hong is very anxious and doesn't know what's going on.

You'll know when Xia Hong comes over.

After waiting for about half an hour, Xia Hong and others appeared outside the safe house.

We haven't seen each other for nearly ten days, and everyone is very happy to see Lu making a living.

In this world, Lu Miansheng can be regarded as their little friend or even big brother.

After all, they have been receiving help from Lu to make a living since they were not strong, and their friendship along the way has long since ceased to be a casual acquaintance.

"Brother Lu!"

"Brother Lu!"

Several people said hello together and gave way to make a living. Surprisingly, Song Jianbai had a centipede-like scar on his face.

"What's going on?" Lu Mousheng asked in a deep voice.

No matter how you say these people, they can be regarded as their little brothers. It would be fine if this scar was made by a monster, but if it was man-made, then they must find their way back.


Several people looked at each other, and it was difficult to speak.

The originally cheerful atmosphere was instantly dissipated.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Lu Miaosheng frowned, what happened to these guys?

"Let me tell you, it was done by the Martial Artists Alliance. After forming the alliance, they began to charge fees for entering and exiting the city."

"When we returned to the city, we were asked for five bronze essences per person. There were only two of them at the time, and the robbery hit us. We couldn't bear this birdishness, so we taught them a lesson on the spot, and then came back in style. "

"But who knew, the other party had already formed an alliance. During the day, hundreds of people were watching at the gate of the city. It was already night, and their main force was not there. When we left the city the next day, we were surrounded and beaten. "

"If I didn't have a hole card in my hand to deter them, maybe we would all be killed at that time."

Xia Hong told the story without reservation.

After hearing what happened, Lu Miaosheng fell silent.

There are really people who are looking for death who dare to touch themselves.

A little bit of murderous intent spread from Lu Miansheng's body. After staying in the battlefield for eight days, he didn't know how much murderous intent he had absorbed. Even if it leaked a little bit now, it would be enough to shock people.

Xia Hong and the others were a little at a loss looking at the expressionless and silent Lu Miansheng.

They were even more shocked by the icy murderous intent leaked from Lu Miaosheng's body.

What has Brother Lu experienced during this time?
How could there be such a strong murderous aura on him?
"Do you know where the Warrior Alliance is?"

After a moment of silence, Lu Miaosheng asked.

"I know, they all have strongholds."

Lu Miaosheng's voice was very calm, which made Xia Hong feel like he was facing an active volcano that was about to erupt.

"lead the way."

"Brother Lu, there are a lot of them."

"Is it useful to have a lot of people? It's nothing more than a group of chickens and dogs. Let's lead the way."

Before Xia Hong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Miaosheng.

Xia Hong felt a little guilty. There are 3000 people in the Martial Artists Alliance. Is it really okay for them to go like this?
It's not that he doesn't believe in making a living, it's just that there are really too many people on the other side.

Lu Miansheng can beat ten with one, so what if he can beat a hundred?

The other party has 3000 people?

"Why? Don't you believe in my strength?"

Lu Mousheng looked at Xia Hong with a smile, this guy really didn't know his own strength.

But that's right, as far as the speed of his strength is increasing, one second may be in one realm, and the next second it will be another realm.

Without unnecessary movements, Lu Miansheng just floated in mid-air.

Xia Hong and the others saw Lu Mousheng's jaws drop suddenly when he saw Lu Miaosheng floating up suddenly.

"Brother Lu, this is you!?"

Lu Miaosheng said calmly, "Do you know what this means?"

Xia Hong and the others did not speak, they quietly watched Lu Miansheng.

"This is the characteristic of the golden realm, flying!"

"Do you feel you need to fear them now?"

Xia Hong swallowed his saliva and looked at each other. Their highest level was only the sixth level of the bronze level, but Lu Miaosheng had already crossed the silver mirror and reached the gold level?

Did they really enter the Vault at the same time?
Not only are they deeply mired in self-doubt.

A group of people walked out of the safe house and walked towards a large stronghold.

Where is the stronghold of the Warrior Alliance, there are about 1000 people here at this time.

The Alliance of Martial Artists is composed of a large building complex, which their leader exchanged from the Catacomb Shop.

As long as the owner of the safe house agrees, the safe house will be integrated into this large complex and form a part of this large complex.

There are two guards at the door, it's just for face, according to the boss of the Warrior Alliance.

A big power should look like a big power.

Have everything you need.

Although the two of them are gatekeepers, there are a thousand bronze essences as rewards a day.

There are many people who want to do this job.

Who wouldn't love to be rewarded so generously without working so hard?

Maybe some people who hunted desperately outside did not earn as much as their wages.

At this time, the two of them were a little drowsy. After all, this was just an idle job, and they had nothing to do at all. They could sleep until the sky was dark with a stool in the small room.

"Hey wake up! Someone is coming!"

Two guards, one of whom was squinting his eyes, suddenly woke up when he saw a few people approaching.

"Who. Disturbed my spring dream."

The other person had a displeased face as he woke up and looked ahead.

"Who are these guys? They're not from our forces, are they?"

"I remember them, weren't they beaten by us before? Why are you here now?"

"Could it be revenge for us?"

"Quick, tell the people inside to come out, this must be looking for trouble."

The two frantically operated, and then walked out of the guard room.


"Why are you here, do you still want to be beaten?"

The two of them did not hesitate at all in the face of the momentum of the seven people, and their attitudes were still arrogant.

Lu Miaosheng didn't blackmail them with nonsense, and his mental strength rushed over.


Two crisp voices sounded, and the cheeks of the two of them turned rosy instantly, and blood oozed from the corners of their mouths.

The two leaked incredible eyes.

They were beaten?
Or get slapped?

"Good. Very good!"

"Don't even think about leaving today!"

The two were completely angry, who are they?
It is the gatekeeper of the Warrior Alliance, which represents the face of the Warrior Alliance. Now someone dares to slap them in the face?
Isn't that just hitting the face of the Martial Artists Alliance?


There were two more crisp sounds. Before they were beaten on the left cheek, now it is the right cheek.

They touched their cheeks in disbelief, and got hit again?

How dare they?
Looking at the two five-fingerprints evenly on both sides, Xia Hong and the others unconsciously felt pain in their faces.

Those red faces and the corners of the bleeding mouth all looked so painful, but also so refreshing!

I could see that their hands were raised, as if they went up and slapped them twice.

As if he knew Xia Hong's thoughts, Lu Mousheng said, "What? Itchy hands? Go up and slap your hands a few times to vent your anger. They can't move at all when I hold them down."

Dealing with this kind of Bronze-level guy, Lu Miansheng felt like he was bullying a baby, not even a child.

Xia Hong shook his head again and again: "No."

Song Jianbai put his arms around Xia Hong: "Let's go, your waist was going to be broken before, why are you being polite? If it weren't for Murong Xiaoxiao, you could still stand properly?"

Song Jianbai's words also silenced Xia Hong.

This directly brought back bad memories for him.

The two wanted to speak harshly at first, but when they saw the two approaching with sullen expressions, they were instantly discouraged.

He began to struggle all over and wanted to leave, but his whole body seemed to be tightly bound, and he couldn't move at all standing still.

"Don't... woo woo. Don't come here."

This guy's words are a little leaky, and the fear on his face is also a sign that his current mood is very unstable.

Lu Mousheng looked at Luo Luohua, why is this guy with a hippie smile so quiet today?

"Luo Hua, why don't you go up and give him a few slaps?"

Luode Hua shook his head: "What is there to fight with these two little fishes, I want to fight their boss."

What Rod Hua said was gnashing his teeth, and his originally unpredictable temperament was instantly destroyed.

Lu Mousheng couldn't help laughing, good guy, it turned out that he didn't like these two small characters and wanted to beat their boss?

What an idea.

Song Jianbai and Xia Hong had already arrived in front of the gatekeepers.

There is no nonsense, just going up is a crazy slap in the face.

"Clap clap clap!"

One by one, the crisp sound reached everyone's ears, and the two girls in the team looked very relieved.

Luo Feifei suddenly felt that it was not very enjoyable to watch, so she stepped forward directly.

"Step aside!"

Xia Hong and Song Jianbai were pulled apart, and Luo Feifei kicked him when he went up!
This kick is very special, and it is one of the fatal weaknesses of men.


The sound was like the sound of cracking an egg shell.

Xia Hong and Song Jianbai, who were standing by the side, turned pale and couldn't help clamping their legs.

These girls are so cruel!
Lu Mousheng just shook his head when he saw it. You said it is not good to offend anyone. If you insist on offending a woman, isn't that courting death?

The guard who was kicked passed out from the pain directly, and the other guard who saw his companion's miserable experience didn't know whether it was fake or real, so he fell down directly.

Have to say this is a very smart move.

Luo Feifei looked away after seeing this person fainted, otherwise this person might suffer another heavy blow.

"Boss, what should we do now?"



"Just wait until their people come over."

Lu Mousheng closed his eyes and stood here calmly. He already sensed that a large number of people from the Martial Artists Alliance were coming out.

Even if they don't do anything now, someone will soon come to his door to vent his anger.

Although Xia Hong and the others felt a little guilty, they still stayed here firmly because of their trust in Lu Miansheng, and they didn't make any unnecessary moves.

After a while, a large group of people rushed out from the building of the Warrior Alliance.

All of them were aggressive, especially when they saw the two of them lying on the ground, they accelerated instantly and surrounded the crowd.

This can be said to enclose the three layers of people inside and outside the three layers, and there is no gap at all for them to go out.

One person came out of this group of people.

He glanced at the two unconscious people on the ground, then looked up at Lu Miaosheng and the others.

"I need an explanation."

Lu Miaosheng sneered: "Explain? What else needs to be explained? I'm here to mess things up."

The man frowned, why didn't this man play his cards according to the routine?

"Are you really here to seek death?"

He couldn't figure out why this person had the courage to say such things when he was surrounded by thousands of them.

Could it be that the brain is not normal?

(End of this chapter)

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