Chapter 149 Abyss Key
The gate of the abyss descends.

Fiery light emanated from the pitch-black vortex, and the two merged together, looking terrifying.

The gate of the abyss is very huge, coercing the entire monster area, people in the monster area and even the main city can see it clearly.

Suspended high in the sky, the portal formed by the vortex keeps turning, and something wants to come out of it.

A crimson claw first protruded from the inside, grabbing one side of the vortex portal, and then another hand stretched out, grabbing the other side of the portal.

The two arms are covered by black rocks, with cracks covering the entire arm, and the cracks are spreading red magma.

With the help of the portal as a support point, an abyssal demon walked out from it.

The whole body is covered with black rocks and magma-colored cracks, and there is a pair of flapping wings behind it.

This pair of wings is very huge, fully twice the size of this demon.

Lu Zhisheng lost an exploratory spell as usual.

【Lava Demon】

It's easy to get the name of this monster, but it's just the name, and there is no other redundant information.

"Just this one monster?"

Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled. He thought there would be many, but now it seems that it is not what he thought.

At the same time, people in the monster area also discovered the demon that appeared, and rushed towards this side.

"What it is?"

"I think it's the boss!"

"You don't need to think about it, everyone can see it."

"Go and kill the boss, I wonder if the boss will drop any artifact!"

Everyone was very excited. They didn't consider the difference in strength between themselves and the monster at all. They were all thinking about what the boss would drop.

Everyone was so excited, but they didn't know that this was completely sending them to death.

Just when Lu Mousheng thought there was only one monster inside, another pair of monster arms appeared, and after a while another monster came out.

Or a lava demon.

At the same time, he could feel that the strength of these monsters was the seventh level of the silver mirror.

It seems that the value of the key and map he asked for is not great.

Thinking about it, these two things can only be said to be auxiliary tools, and they are not magic weapons or natural treasures, and they cannot enhance people's strength.

If he directly asked for some high-level natural materials and earthly treasures, the monsters that came out might be very powerful.

Now that the strength of these monsters is only the seventh level of the silver mirror, it can basically be declared that he has obtained the key and the map.

Lava demons continue to emerge from the gate of the abyss, and more and more lava demons appear in the sky.

Lu Miaosheng didn't wait any longer, and rushed up directly, using the spiritual power of the golden realm.

A pair of huge machetes were condensed, and they slashed directly at the lava demon.

A huge machete of mental power covered the sky and appeared behind Lu Miansheng, in stark contrast to the lava demon on the opposite side.

Facing the huge machete with mental power, the lava demon didn't dodge it, and just punched it out.

At the moment of blasting, the fist of the lava demon can be seen turning into shiny magma.

It's a pity that this is not an opponent of Lu Miansheng's mental strength after all.

Originally, mental strength was invincible at the same level, let alone crushing a realm now?
The battle was decided from the very beginning.

"Look, there is someone fighting these monsters over there!"

"Damn! How did he fly in the air?"

"And he is so powerful, he can summon a huge weapon, and he can kill a huge monster with a single blow!"

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Yes, how can such a powerful person be unknown?"

"Did it come back from the outside world?"


So far, people here have long known that a group of people hold the key to the outside world.

All of those people were the strongest in the previous version, and they got the key to get out only after beheading the boss in the area.

Now it seems to them that the person flying in the air and fighting the monsters came back from the outside world.

They were right in guessing that Lu Miansheng came back from the outside world.

Among these people, there may be only one who knows the way for a living.

That is the leader of the Martial Arts Union, Zheng Qiankun!

Zheng Qiankun's face was very ugly at this time, originally he still had the idea of ​​wanting to break out and make a living.

Relying on the 3000 people under him to quickly improve his strength, and then catch Lu Miansheng and fight again.

In his opinion, a person's cultivation speed must be very slow, and he needs to find resources and practice.

He is different, he has huge resources brought to him by his subordinates, and he can use this huge resources to exchange for more advanced resources.

In this way, he will also cultivate faster.

But now that he saw the powerful power of Lu Miansheng, his desire for revenge has completely stopped.

Unlike the others, he knew what it meant to be in mid-air.

That means that this person has broken through the golden realm!

You can only fly when you reach the Golden Realm!

This also proves that the realm of making a living is the golden realm!

And what about him?
He has just broken through the silver mirror, not to mention catching up, even if he wants to break through the golden level, he doesn't know how long it will take.

When he reaches the golden state, what state will the opponent's strength be?

It can be said that he is basically hopeless for revenge.

In the face of absolute strength, people who face this strength will only despair, and will not have any thoughts of resistance.

Others in the monster area also gave up their past ideas.

First of all, as long as the battlefield of monsters is in the sky, they basically have nothing to do with monsters.

Secondly, the strength of these monsters made them feel invincible. Before, they thought it was the boss who wanted to attack.

But now these monsters are constantly coming out of that portal, and they are not the boss they imagined at all.

In doing so, they also lost interest.

Last but not least, the person flying in the air came out to kill one monster at a time, and it didn't matter to them at all.

In mid-air, Lu Miansheng was completely addicted to killing, and the help these lava demons brought him was really great.

Especially on the physical body, the improvement they brought is not comparable to those monsters killed before.

The background of the silver mirror's last realm, the Invincible Realm, the more these lava demons he killed, the more abundant the background.

This can't help but make him a little proud of his choice.

Fortunately, he chose the key to the abyss and a map.

In this way, aren't all the monsters in the abyss his?
At that time, you can kill monsters indefinitely and improve your strength indefinitely. If you are not strong enough, you can go in and kill them. If you are tired of killing, you can come out and take a rest.

When Invincible comes out again, then there will be nothing that can threaten him.

Thinking of this, Lu Miaosheng became more and more excited as he thought about it, and he became more and more ruthless and faster in the face of the lava demons that were still emerging!
After the lava demon came out, it couldn't survive in the air for a second before being beaten to death by Lu Mousheng.

The behavior of blocking the door lasted for half an hour, and he didn't know how many monsters he had killed. Anyway, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the invincible state.

Maybe it's the next monster thing.

But there are no more monsters at the gate of the abyss, and it seems that he has already killed them.

That means the challenge is successful!
Sure enough, after a while, the gate of the abyss began to slowly heal, and finally closed completely, leaving behind two things.

A complete map of the abyss, a key to the abyss.

Map Lu Miansheng took a cursory glance, the eighteenth floor of the abyss!
The entrances and exits of each floor above are clearly marked, where are the monsters, what kind of monsters are there, and the level of the strongest monsters are also clearly marked.

Another note: The distribution of these monsters is only temporary, and their positions may change over time, but the marks on the map will not change, so don't trust the map blindly.

In other words, this map is completely copied based on where the monsters are in the abyss now.

Although the map is small, you can directly zoom in on the area you want to see, and it also has a positioning function.

Where you are now can be marked on the map, or you can zoom out the map to his location to see the divisions of monsters around the situation.

These are the functions of this map.

The eighteenth floor of the abyss, the first floor is the weakest, and the eighteenth floor is the strongest. According to the map, the strongest monster on the No.18 floor has reached the realm of mythical creatures.

That is the strongest state known so far, a mythical creature!

If he kills a head, what realm can he advance to?

Lu Miaosheng couldn't help being very excited when he thought about it, but he hasn't thought about really provoking mythical creatures.

A monster of that level might be able to kill him with just one breath, right?
Lu Mousheng thought very clearly, and he was very aware of his own strength.

Then look at the key to the abyss.

[Abyss Key: A prop leading to the abyss, with it you can go back and forth between the two worlds at any time, without time limit. 】

There is no time limit, which means that he can shuttle back and forth at any time.

This is good, unlike his key to the Sky Continent, which has a three-day cooling time, sometimes it is uncomfortable to wait.

To make a living by holding the keyway is to enter into the abyss.

Now in the Catacombs can no longer help him in terms of strength, the abyss is his next battlefield.

And his physical invincibility is imminent, as long as he kills a few more monsters, maybe he will step into the physical silver mirror invincibility, and finally break through to the golden state, so that both of his powers have reached the golden state.

It's just short of the realm of mana, but he doesn't particularly care about making a living with that thing, if it doesn't work, just pull it down, the body and spirit are enough for him to use.

Mana just depends on fate, just break through after you get some powerful natural and earthly treasures.

As long as one of the realms can break through and take the lead, it can drive other realms to follow suit.

Using the key to summon the gate of the abyss, Lu Miaosheng stepped into it without the slightest hesitation.

Lu Miaosheng's departure was seen by many people who were still watching him, including people from the Martial Arts Union.

"Leader, do you think we should go and slaughter those brats?"

"That's right, the people who guarded them are gone now, should we take revenge?"

Zheng Qiankun slapped the two of them in the face with a backhand.


"Are you two pigs? Then what will you do when they come back? Besides, don't you know that you can send messages to your friends?"

"I think you want me to die?"

Zheng Qiankun was furious, are these two subordinates pig brains?

Do you not understand such a simple truth?
If you want to take revenge on someone now, what should you do when the other party comes back?
Do things without considering the consequences.

At this time, Lu Mousheng had left the Catacombs and came to a black world.

The soil here is black, the mountains, trees, and colors are all black, and the sky is also dark.

The whole world seems to have only one color.

When Lu Miaosheng first came in, he felt very uncomfortable. Anyone who comes to such an environment will feel this way.

The entire abyss is bare, with only a few black trees.

Those trees looked as if they had been scorched black by lightning, and had no other color at all. There were leaves, but they were also black.

Taking out the map, Lu Miansheng first found out where he was, and then checked the distribution of monsters around him.

He is now on the first floor of the abyss, and the strongest monster here is the Black Iron Realm, which is completely useless to him.

Find the entrance to the next floor, which is a hundred kilometers away from his position.

It would take him an hour to go all out at his current speed.

Just fly over there.

The little monsters in the black iron realm encountered on the road didn't even bother to make a living. Killing them was a waste of my time.

It was his job to get to the next floor early.

But according to his strength, at least he needs to send down the monsters in the third floor to satisfy him.

The highest level of monsters on the third floor is the ninth level of the silver mirror, and the lowest is also the silver mirror.

Therefore, it is most suitable for Lu Miansheng to go to the third floor to kill.

In this way, according to the route on the map, he would need at least three hours to reach the third floor.

If you encounter monsters along the way, just ignore them, and just rush towards the passage leading to the next floor.

Three hours passed quickly, and he reached the third floor with one blow.

As expected, the lowest monster strength is the silver mirror.

According to the monster divisions on the map, Lu Miaosheng directly found a place where there were many monsters, and he directly killed them.

When I came to this place where monsters gathered, the dark area was full of monsters.

The appearance of these monsters is very thin, and the hungry skin is close to the bone.

Humanoid, sharp teeth, two meters tall.

I don't know if they are so thin or hungry.

He glanced at the sky, and couldn't estimate how many monsters there were here.

Release the mental power, condense a large knife with a length of more than [-] meters, and start harvesting directly.

The sword swept across, and a large number of monsters were cut in half without any reaction time.

Lu Miansheng also started to absorb a lot of monster attributes through this.

Countless yellow and green light spots flew in the air and merged into his body.

His background is constantly increasing, and the invincible realm is getting closer and closer to him.

These monsters had no chance of resisting his mental sword.

They could only watch as Lu Miansheng swung the butcher's knife at them.

The level of power is not on one channel at all, and it is impossible to resist.

Listening to the desperate roars of countless monsters below, what a sound it is every second.

The death of countless monsters has become the key to making a living and stepping into the invincible realm.

As more and more monsters die, this key becomes more and more solid. I believe that as long as a few more monsters are killed, this key will take shape.

(End of this chapter)

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