Chapter 150 Half Moon Time
He had already reached the invincible state within just half a day of coming in to spawn monsters.

The invincible realm in the silver stage gave him a different feeling. The power brought by the first two invincible realms were all fused into the third power.

The power rune is gone.

Defensive runes are also gone.

All of them have been integrated into his cells, and he has witnessed this process with his own eyes, so there will be no mistakes.

Now his cells have been transformed.

Using the power in the cells can burst out extremely strong power at any time, and he has no concept of this value yet.

Because there is no data, there will be no concept, but it is definitely stronger than before.

This is a change in strength, and his defense has also become stronger.

There are no defensive runes on the surface, but the cells on his skin are also stronger than the previous defensive runes.

The changes this time only increased strength and defense, and no other new changes were produced.

But enhancing these two is enough.

After experiencing the changes of breaking through the invincible realm, Lu Miaosheng came down.

He wants to continue to kill, break through the golden realm here, and feel the power of the invincible realm of the silver mirror by the way!

Come down, full power.

What he wants to test is the degree of strength and durability.

This is all related to the battle in the future, so don't be careless.

After activating the power in the cells, a powerful aura erupted from his whole body in an instant.

The violent shock wave swept towards the surroundings, and the surrounding monsters were directly blown backwards.

Lu Miaosheng found a random direction and rushed over.

One punch!
The monster in front of him was dismembered by the bombardment, and his whole body was blasted into two halves.

Even the monster behind this monster was beaten to pieces and died on the spot.

A powerful force is still raging forward.

Countless monsters were sent flying on the spot.

The power of just one blow left a path in front of him.

Lu Miaosheng's eyes lit up, and this power felt pretty good.

However, it is still a bit weaker than mental strength, but this one looks more violent, and it is more enjoyable to fight.

The surrounding monsters who had been knocked back by Lu Mou's momentum suddenly surrounded him.

They had been beaten in the air by Lu Mousheng before, and they had no choice but to use Lu Mousheng to survive.

At this moment, they all rushed over screaming.

Lu did not wait for a living, and directly activated the second form of Thousand-Handed Buddha.

With ten times the attack speed added to the body, there is no panic in the face of the siege of many monsters.

Phantoms appear when the hands are beaten.

Every punch can clear a straight line in front of him.

A large number of monsters were smashed into pieces, and countless black blood dripped down like rain.

Lu Mousheng was obviously surrounded by monsters, but it looked like the monsters were constantly dying.

Countless monsters came in front of Lu Miansheng and were punched and killed on the spot by Lu Miansheng before they could even take a single blow.

It took an hour to experiment, and with the help of a large number of monster attributes, at this time he was already in the golden state of the body.

First of all, the defense is the most intuitive. These silver mirror monsters can't break through his defense at all, and he can't break through his defense even if he stands directly behind and let the monsters fight monsters.

In terms of strength, it can also be seen that these silver mirror monsters can't really test his strength, and everything that comes over is crushed by his punch.

In terms of durability, I didn't feel tired after playing for at least an hour. With this new power, it was at least more durable than the previous hour.

Now using the power in the cells is more like being linked to physical strength, unless he is exhausted, he will not be unable to use this power.

And he can constantly extract attributes from monster corpses to restore his physical strength, which makes him like a perpetual motion machine.

Unless it was a one-on-one protracted battle, the sea of ​​people at the same level had no effect on him.

After breaking through to the golden level physically, he even felt a new change.

That is the energy in the muscle cells.

He can use this energy to make his physical attack farther and stronger.

Compared with the skills used by mana, this kind of energy will be more destructive on a single target.

In the case of mana skills, the group is more destructive and has a wider range.

Although there will be differences in the various forces in the early stage, they all lead to the same goal in the end.

The methods are different, but the purpose is the same.

It is nothing more than causing more powerful damage and causing greater damage.

At this stage, the attack range and distance of Dharma Xiu will be relatively long. Although the physical body also has certain long-range attack methods, the distance is still limited to a hundred meters.

The Dharma repairs of the golden level can already attack positions thousands of meters away, and there is still a big gap between the two in terms of attack distance.

However, Lu Shousheng didn't care about it. Whether his mental power was far or near, it was an extremely dangerous force for the enemy.

Now that there is a better place to spawn monsters, Lu Zhisheng no longer plans to return to Xingyu Pavilion.

It is restricted everywhere, and the monsters are not stable when spawned.

As for other people to help him brush monsters, this is actually not very useful.

Now his strength is at the top level in Xingyu Pavilion.

In other words, it can be considered top in the lower domain of Sky Continent.

They are both top players, how many monsters can they kill for themselves?
Moreover, the strength of the monsters on the other side is not certain. If a big boss comes down from the upper domain and wipes them all out in an instant, Lu Mousheng doesn't know how to cry for a living.

In the abyss, he can kill whatever he wants, and run away if he can't beat him.

He can also respond better with a map in hand.

And he can return to the burrow at any time.

These conveniences are completely beyond what Sky Continent can provide.

The most important thing is that there are far more monsters here than in Sky Continent.

How many gold realms can there be among monsters?

The last time it should have been all out, it was only a thousand.

What about here?
There are more than a thousand monster strongholds in any gold realm.

Among them, the pros and cons of making a living are naturally clear.

For the rest of the time, Lu made a living killing monsters here, and didn't go anywhere.

In the blink of an eye, 14 days have passed.

This day also came to the final decisive battle between the killers and humans.

Lu Miansheng had no idea what happened in the Catacombs during this time.

He just immersed himself in the abyss to kill monsters wholeheartedly.

At this time, he has reached the sixth floor of the abyss.

Here are all monsters from the seventh to ninth ranks of the Gold Realm, just suitable for him.

After half a month of hard work killing monsters, he has reached the eighth level of the Golden Realm.

This is just a pure physical body, and the spiritual aspect is relatively low because of the abyss monsters, only the fifth level of the golden level.

The monster attribute of the abyss is more focused on the physical body, so his physical body will overtake the spirit.

If you want to improve your spirit quickly, you can only kill monsters.

The monsters as a whole are composed of negative spirits, which of course bring more spiritual attributes.

Ban Yue's frantic killings made him almost mentally troubled. If it weren't for his strong spirit, the monster who had been killed for so long might have gone crazy long ago.

It seems that it is not so easy to keep killing monsters with you.

At least you still need to rest and recover your mental state.

Otherwise, the spirit will always be too tense and easy to collapse.

The nearly half month of killing has improved not only his strength, but also his fighting skills.

Combat skills are the things that improve the fastest in combat.

As long as you think about it when you are fighting, think about how to attack with the least effort, how to attack with the greatest effect, and how to avoid the attack of monsters.

Think about these more when fighting, it will be difficult for your fighting skills to improve.

Originally, Lu Mousheng planned to go back two days ago, but considering that the decisive battle will be two days away, he simply killed the monster here for another two days and never left.

[The decisive battle between righteous and evil is about to begin, and all crypt personnel must return to the crypt after an hour, otherwise they will be wiped out! 】

The scarlet hint is never present.

Seeing this bloody reminder, Lu Miaosheng knew that a big battle would follow.

A life-and-death battle.

Only one of them and the killer can survive.

But Lu Miansheng is not in a hurry.

With his current strength, if there is anyone who can be stronger than him, then he can commit suicide.

With such a perfect talent, he can make others stronger than himself, so why is he still alive?

Could it be that the other party can directly inherit the strength of an Almighty?

Way to make a living:
Forget it, don't think about it too much, if there is a guy who inherits the power, wouldn't he be finished?

【return! 】

Stepping on the corpses all over the ground, Lu Miaosheng disappeared in this land.

The abyss is the ultimate destination for making a living.

The level here is dense, one layer is one layer, and it is simply a leveling venue tailored for Lu to make a living.

The price he paid was a boring and lonely trip to kill monsters.

But who doesn't like the invincible power that can be obtained in this way?

main city
At this time, most of the people had returned to the main city, and it could be seen that the monster area between the main city of normal people and the main city of the murderer had disappeared, leaving only a distance of 3000 meters.

There is no shelter at all in the middle, it is completely plain.

Xia Hong and the others were next to their safe house at this time, and they were quite pleasantly surprised to see Lu Miaosheng come back.

"Brother Lu, you're back."

"Well, did something important happen?"

Lu Mousheng remembered that he was not in the main city when he went to the abyss. It seems that all the people who came back this time were taken back to the main city.

Xia Hong only thought for two seconds before speaking: "During the time you left, something really happened. A fierce man who appeared from nowhere integrated all the four alliances, which is now called the Heaven and Earth Alliance. "

Alliance of Heaven and Earth?
"Okay, I see, is there anything else?"

"That's gone."

Xia Hong shook his head, saying no.

It feels very strange to get off the road for a living.

"Could it be that there has been no movement from the murderer?"

Xia Hong shook his head: "No, there has been no movement from the murderer's side. During this period, someone went to the main city of the murderer to check the situation, but"


"It seems that there is not a single murderer in the main city of the murderer, as if all of them have evaporated."

"That is to say, they may not be in the burrow during this time?"


This was unexpected for Lu Miansheng, but there was nothing to make a fuss about. No matter what the murderers did, they would all end up being beaten to death by him in the end.

Standing quietly at the door of the safe house, waiting for the countdown to end.

That's when the decisive battle begins.

No matter what, even if he had the strength to kill everything directly, Lu Miaosheng didn't intend to make the first move.

He wants to watch these people make the first move.

When he wanted to be selfless, these people told him what selfishness is, but now it is impossible to want him to be selfless.

Besides, in fact, maybe these people can solve the battle directly without him taking action.

If it is really possible, he has the right to come to rest.

He has killed enough monsters.

If you ask Tian Tian for an exact number, he doesn't know either.

He seems to live to kill monsters, to keep getting stronger.

Among his beliefs is to reach the strongest peak overlooking the world.

But where is the strongest peak?
When will he be able to achieve it?
He has no idea of ​​these things, and it has only been two months since he stepped into the burrow to make up his mind.

It is not long to say that it is long, and it is not three to five days to say that it is short.

After killing monsters for half a month, the sudden stop caused Lu Miaosheng to fall into a whirlpool of thoughts for a while.

After a long time, Lu Miaosheng just smiled, and that smile was a little more free and easy.

At this moment, making a living is a bit frustrating.

Why do you think so much.

To become stronger is naturally for the sake of chic and freedom, and I want this time to be free of the shackles that restrain myself.

Limit either the Vault or the ensuing troubles.

There are many things that he can't solve.

Such as monsters, such as the continuous advancement of the catacombs?

Now the crypt is like a programmed program, and they are just participants in it.

The first thing to do to become stronger is to get out of the crypt, get out of the crypt, and see who is behind the crypt.

What is the purpose of creating the burrow.

Now he didn't have the resentment he had when he first entered the burrow. At that time, he still resented being pulled into the burrow.

You must know that his job was very easy before, he had nothing to drink, and he could even find a girlfriend for the night.

Now he doesn't have that resentment anymore.

Just curiosity about the truth.

Time passed quietly while Lu Miansheng was thinking, and suddenly a discordant voice came.

"President, this person bullied me before."

Zheng Qiankun followed behind a person. This person was dressed in black and carried a black coffin on his back. His eyes were very indifferent. They were just passing by.

But after hearing Zheng Qiankun's words, this person suddenly stood up.

"You, play the striker in the decisive battle later, or I will never forgive you afterwards."

After saying this, the man raised his footsteps again, as if no one dared to disobey his order, and disobedience would pay a painful price.

Zheng Qiankun followed the man away with a sinister smile on his face, and did not stay where he was.

"Good guy, they are so arrogant, I don't think they know how to write dead characters." Luo Luo said viciously
Others are also a little speechless, it's like being scolded and you run away, and don't fight you at all.

Lu Miaosheng frowned.

Such an arrogant guy.

The most important thing is not to give him a chance to speak, and leave after ordering.

It feels like I have suffered a bad loss, I can't vent it, and I feel a little panicked.

But everyone has already left, since the other party doesn't want to cause trouble before the decisive battle, Lu Miaosheng doesn't intend to make trouble for the other party now.

If this guy really doesn't have long eyes and troubles him after the decisive battle, then he won't be polite at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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