Chapter 151 The Final Battle

"Brother Lu, when the time comes, teach this bird man a lesson. He's really arrogant. I'm afraid he doesn't know his surname anymore."

Xia Hong was a little annoyed. As for the opponent's strength, whether Lu Mousheng could beat him was out of his consideration.

Is there anyone that Brother Lu can't beat?
Since the last incident and the strong personality established in the past, Xia Hong has a kind of blind trust in Lu Miaosheng.

The same goes for the others, wishing they could arrest this person and beat him up now.

Lu Miaosheng didn't take it seriously, he stood still and didn't even make any unnecessary movements.

The opponent's strength was only at the third level of the gold level, although Lu Miaosheng was a little surprised that the opponent could reach the gold level.

But according to what Xia Hong said before, this person appeared suddenly.

That is, there may be some adventures in the outside world, and now I am back.

It is normal to have an adventure to reach the golden level.

After all, there are so many people in the world, it is impossible for him to be special.

Before that, he was still arrogant.

But fortunately, he worked very hard, and now he is at the eighth level of the Golden Realm.

And every stage has reached the invincible state.

He believed that there was no one in this burrow who could be his opponent.

Even people who have normally broken through to the eighth level of the golden level cannot be his opponents.

Unless the opponent also broke through from the invincible realm all the way.

But is it possible?
It is very difficult for normal people to feel invincible.

He had seen this in the books of Xingyu Pavilion.

He was able to break through all the way thanks to his talent and hard work.

Talent allows him to easily feel invincible in every realm.

Efforts can make him break through the invincible state every time.

Both are indispensable.

Ever since he came to the Catacombs, he was either killing monsters or on the way to kill monsters.

As for rest, there is really little rest other than sleep.

According to his words, rest is something that dead people do.

With the special power bonus brought by the invincible state, he can speak in dialect without fear of anyone.

And he has many special skills and spiritual power.

Sufficient background and strong strength can make Lu make a living so confidently.

The strong are never afraid, even when facing someone stronger than themselves.

Weak people worry about this and that.

The countdown to the decisive battle ended soon, and the moment the time cleared, the entire main city, including their safe house, disappeared.

Just when everyone was panicking, Lu Miaosheng had already looked in the direction of the murderer's main city.

Sure enough, the main city of the murderer was gone.

Many bloody murderers appeared, and the sky in their direction was black and red.

It's like the blood condensed layer by layer, the blood gathered from hundreds of thousands of people.

[Reminder: The decisive battle begins, the decisive battle lasts for three hours, and the space will become smaller and smaller as time goes by, until all one party dies. 】

The meaning of Catacombs is very simple. One of the two parties must die, and the entire space will continue to be compressed if they are not dead.

The fighting time is only three hours.

This is really urgent.

I don't know if they can finish this battle in three hours.

Lu Miansheng is still looking forward to it.

Not far away, Zheng Qiankun followed the man carrying the black coffin and had already noticed the way to make a living.

"President, look, I just said that this person can't play forward."

"Shut up, if he doesn't hit me, he will be punished afterwards."

Being scolded suddenly, Zheng Qiankun didn't dare to say much.

But he complained endlessly in his heart, and even cleaned up the other party afterwards. Whether you can survive is still a question. What kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to me here?
Give you some face, do you really think that you are following the onion?
It's okay to curse these words in your heart, but he absolutely dare not let him say them out.

At that time, whether Lu Mou will live or not will not be known, he must be dead.

He has seen the strength and methods of the man in front of him before.

Otherwise, how could he be obedient like a dog?
Wu Tian despised Zheng Qiankun very much in his heart, he had no backbone at all, he was just an obedient dog.

He raised it if he wanted to, and shot him to death if he didn't want to. It's ridiculous to make so many demands on himself.

If it weren't for the fact that it was fun to have subordinates when the outside forces were staying, he would have accepted this group of trash?

The highest one is only the fourth level of the silver mirror, so it is of no use to me, it can only be used as a toy.

The war has begun at this time.

There was obviously something abnormal on the side of the murderer.

All of them had bloodthirsty eyes, and their devilish aura was soaring to the sky, and they had already killed them.

Naturally, they couldn't be unresponsive.

Now Wu Tian, ​​as the boss of Tiandimeng, has the right to order them.

"Get ready to fight! Don't be dumbfounded. If you see that the distance is right, you will lose your skills. Didn't you see that the murderer has come?"

Wu Tiantian yelled, why are these trash like idiots?
Everyone came back to their senses when Wu Tian said it. They were all waiting for the countdown, but they panicked because of the sudden change.

Now that I come back to my senses, I quickly organized my formation and got ready to fight as usual.

The murderer also noticed that everyone was ready to fight.

Bu Xiangming didn't rush to the front, he hid among the many murderers, he felt that the rule of the commander rushing to the front was to let the commander go to death, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't withstand the concentrated fire of tens of thousands of people.

Hiding behind is what a leader should do.

"Release the monster! Let the monster charge first!"

At the end of the crowd, he saw at a glance that his opponent was ready.

At this time, the killers cannot be allowed to charge. Their current number is only less than four thousand after continuous conversion. The number on the opposite side is at least tens of thousands. If they exchange, they will definitely suffer.

But they have monsters in their hands, which is their biggest hole card.

A large number of monsters were released by the killer and rushed forward.

"Use skills!"

With a loud roar, all the people gathered on the Tiandimeng side made a move, and some scattered people did not hesitate to do it directly.

Gust-Thunder-Lightning-Flame-Mudslide-Quicksand Trap-Ice
Various skills cover the sky and the earth, and this small space is full of various elemental skills.

The monsters rushing under the energy bombardment were instantly wiped out and disappeared into the space.

But the monsters appeared from behind many murderers like an endless stream, rushing towards the Heaven and Earth League without fear of death.

Lu Miaosheng could see that these monsters were different from the outside world.

These monsters have no intelligence at all, and are completely indistinguishable from puppets.

Perhaps the only difference is that these monsters appear to be made of flesh and blood.

Compared with the fierce battle ahead, Lu Miansheng was not in a hurry at all.

Just look at it with Erlang's legs crossed from behind, and extract the attributes of the monster by the way.

Wu Tian looked very unhappy in the front, it's fine if he doesn't help, but he is still watching the big show in the back?
He was performing in front of him like a monkey at the moment, the more he thought about Wu Tian, ​​the angrier he became.

Why is this guy so arrogant?
Wu Tian thought for a while with a sullen face, but he still didn't plan to make a living now.

According to what Zheng Qiankun said, this guy may also be at the golden level, even though he thinks he won't lose in a fight.

But it's better to take care of the overall situation in this kind of decisive battle.

What if they fight for both sides and end up being taken advantage of by the murderer?
The current situation is not suitable for internal fighting, and if you are angry, you can only hold it back.

But he only had three hours to enjoy himself.

Wait for him to deal with the murderer before finding this man to settle the score.

He wanted to see why this man was so arrogant?
The first wave of the strongest firepower confrontation with the monsters lasted for 10 minutes, and at least tens of thousands of monsters died in these 10 minutes.

In the face of those monsters who are not afraid of death, the people on the Tiandimeng side showed no mercy, and all the monsters who dared to come over with all their fire were beaten to ashes.

But it only lasted 10 minutes, and the firepower of the Tiandimeng also began to decline.

The remaining monsters rushed over in this gap.

However, the number is not large, and it is very rare.

"Front row fighters go up!"

Wu Tian commanded the people of the Heaven and Earth League to move, and a large number of people with strong melee skills rushed out.

Bu Xiangming also looked at the timing and gave the order: "Rush! It's now, all rush!"

The killers also all moved.

One of the figures rushed quickly, his eyes shone with a strong light, and he scanned the side of the Tiandimeng to find the person he was looking for.

But after looking around, he didn't see the person he wanted to see.

A little disappointed, but soon laughed again.

"How can a person like him be a pawn? After killing all these people, you will be found, and we will share the final victory between you and me!"

The murderer braved countless skill rains to pass through. At this time, the coverage of the skill rain is not as violent as it was at the beginning.

They can cross the skill area as long as they open the shield to block one or two skills, and there are monsters in front of them to resist.

As long as it is not particularly unlucky, it will not be a problem to be covered by dozens of skills in an instant.

Compared with the Heaven and Earth League, there are more people on the Murderer's side who have refined their physical bodies, but there are also people who practice long-range attacks.

After they found a suitable position, they threw skills towards the position of Tiandimeng.

When the skill rich in magic energy hit, everyone avoided it one after another.

Just by looking at the devilish appearance, one can tell that the power of this skill is not small, if it hits them, it will take half their life if they don't die.

They naturally understand this truth, so they run fast.

Of course, they would fight back immediately after running out of the skill coverage of the killer.

For a while, the two sides fought back and forth, and the front line of the Heaven and Earth Alliance was also broken in an instant.

The murderer brought the monster like a sharp knife, and inserted it fiercely into the front line of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, tearing a gap in an instant.

The scuffle started at this time.

At this time, no one used large-scale attack methods, unless it was confirmed that all directions were enemies.

In this regard, the Heaven and Earth Alliance was at a disadvantage. Those who did not participate in the melee in the rear were greeted by the murderer's cannon fire.

And the murderer has long been fighting with many people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and he loses his skills when he finds time.

The two were mixed together, and the Tiandimeng didn't dare to use range skills, and at most they used single-target skills.

Originally, the Heaven and Earth League still had a numerical advantage, but the murderer also had monsters to help, and the fight was in full swing for a while, and the outcome was unpredictable.

Wu Tian looked at the back and said anxiously: "What a bunch of trash!"

He really doesn't like the performance of these people in the Heaven and Earth League, they are too weak.

Was it so simple that someone broke through the line of defense?

But it's useless for him to be angry, the matter has come to this point, he can only take action.

"You all go down and fight, why are you watching here!"

Wu Tian was simmering with anger, seeing the high-level officials of the four major alliances around him leisurely looking at the battlefield in front of him, he immediately thought of that hateful guy with his legs crossed.

For a moment, he directly yelled at these high-level executives without leaving any sympathy.

Turning the complexions of these former high-level training green and white for a while is completely out of anger.

But they didn't dare to resist at all, so they could only nod and say that they went up to support.


Wu Tian expelled a strong breath from his nose, and the anger in his heart was considered to be a little less.

After looking at the battlefield, it is still too chaotic, let's wait for them to fight first.

These people are too good-for-nothing, and they wanted to use them for their own use, but now they seem to be useless guys, let them die first.

Just wait until you are almost dead before you take action to solve this crisis.

After all, this crisis has affected him, and he can't solve it if he doesn't want to, so he can only take action.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to come back if he lived well in the Sky Continent.

There are a lot of cheats for cultivating resources there, which is much more enjoyable than here.

He is also brain twitching, he has to come back early to integrate forces, wouldn't it be good to practice more to improve his strength?

Compared with these wastes, it is obviously a better choice to increase your strength.

The battlefield began to have an advantage as these powerful high-level officials intervened in the Heaven and Earth Alliance, but it took only a while, and the killers also sent a large number of people with the same strength to stop these high-level leaders from attacking some weaker killers. hands on.

The battlefield situation is flat again, and the only way to open up the situation is to look at the top power.

Compared with the Tiandimeng who made all-out efforts, there are still many people who did not make any moves.

They are all new faces, they have all gone to various continents, and they were called back because of this decisive battle.

The battle scene at this time didn't worry them anything, and it didn't seem very tragic to them.

In the outside world, they all had their own adventures, so they didn't choose to come back to the Catacombs.

If the external cultivation was not as good as the burrow, they would have returned long ago.

At this time, the strength of these people is a little stronger than the people in the burrow.

Lu Mousheng has observed these people, about a hundred or so, most of them are in the late stage of the silver mirror, and there are a few guys in the early stage of the golden stage.

There is no threat to him.

It's just that the power possessed by some people makes him more curious.

He could see that some people possessed distortion power, some possessed genetic power, and some power characteristics were not obvious.

The characteristics of people who master these two kinds of power are particularly obvious, especially the distortion power. Anyone can see the mutation of a part of the body.

The genetic power did not cause the body to mutate, but the special lines on the surface of the skin could also indicate their identities.

What he is curious about is what will these two forces look like in the later stage?
Especially the two golden-level guys, what will happen to their strength when they reach the golden level?
Lu Mousheng was very curious, and his eyes would glance over the two of them from time to time, wanting to see how they made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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