Chapter 152 Decisive Battle 1
Lu Miaosheng made up his mind not to make a move behind his back, and just watched behind him and did nothing.

No one goes to plumbing to make a living, and no one will find work for himself when he has nothing to do.

The battle ahead has entered a white-hot state, and Wu Tian has already rushed out.

It's a little surprising that Wu Tian's power gave way to Lu making a living.

Wu Tian who entered the battlefield released the things in the black coffin behind him.

This is a huge monster phantom, more than ten meters high, with a pair of huge arms bombarding the people who were hit on the battlefield, and they were smashed into meatloaf on the spot.

As soon as Wu Tian entered the battlefield, he swept away a large circle of murderers.

The large number of deaths of the murderer also gave way to Xiang Ming, who was a little angry. These were all subordinates he had trained. In the past half a month, he had brought these people into the demon world to use his own resources.

Of course he is not happy to be killed like this now.

"Brave, you go and stop him."

Against such a guy, he doesn't need to take action himself, just send his subordinates.

A giant about three meters tall with muscle bumps all over stood up and said, "I obey."

After receiving the order, Man Gu raised his head to look in Wu Tian's direction, and exerted force with his body movement.

With a loud noise, a big crack was left on the ground.

The figure of Mangu had already flown in the sky towards Wu Tian to kill.

At this time, Wu Tiansha was having a good time, and he didn't notice the Mangu flying over at all.

"Go to hell! All to die!"

All the murderers under him were shot to death by the monster behind him.

Every slap of the huge monster can leave a huge slap print on the ground, and there may be some murderers who have been patted into meatloaf under the slap print.

"What's the point of bullying the weak, just let me meet you!"

The wild bone has been killed, and the whole person is floating in the air, showing his identity of the golden realm.

"Okay, bullying the weak is of course meaningless, so let you practice for me!"

Wu Tian had already killed the leader at this time, and when he saw someone who dared to stop him, he would kill him immediately.

The phantom emerging from the coffin behind him turned around and slapped the wild bone with a pair of giant palms.

Man Gu was unmoved by the giant palm that came: "This kind of trick may be very effective against those little shrimps down there, but if you use it against me, you will simply underestimate me!"

After uttering a word after leaving, the figure of Mangu finally moved.

The tendons all over his body protruded, and the pieces of meat that were originally flat now all protruded high like small stones, and every muscle looked very ferocious.

Facing the arm of the attacking giant beast, Mangu directly punched one of the arms.


The attacks of the two collided together, and the phantom of the monster summoned by Wu Tian was shattered and disappeared behind him.

Wu Tian's face darkened: "The strength is good, but that's it."

A man in black with a Tang saber in his hand came out of Wu Tian's coffin.

Yes, it came out, not attached to the black coffin.

This figure is more solid than the phantom of the monster just now, and it looks almost like a real person.

The man in black wore a hat and a veil on his head, so he couldn't see his true face at all.

This veil will not affect the sight of the man in black at all. At this time, he has already killed the man bone under Wu Tian's order.

The man in black held a Tang knife in his hand and moved strangely and erratically. In the blink of an eye, he came to Man Gu and swung the knife.

Although Mangu was unprepared, his combat experience saved his life. When he saw the man in black's strange way of advancing, he felt something was wrong and retreated directly.

That is, this momentary reaction saved his life, and he was only cut across the chest. If he hadn't retreated, it would have been Bone's head.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being afraid for a while.

The sense of pride that he had just killed the phantom of the giant beast disappeared in an instant.

Man Gu looked at Wu Tian solemnly: "You are very strong."

Wu Tian sneered: "You still need to say that?"

Wu Tian was not at all proud of his opponent's praise, it was like a child saying to an adult, you are so big.

No sense of accomplishment.

From Wu Tian's point of view, although the murderer in front of him has some strength, according to the stage, the opponent is only the first level of the Golden Realm, a guy who has just broken through the Golden Realm.

He is already at the fourth level, and he has already cultivated many methods that can only be mastered at the fourth level of the golden level.

The opponent is only from Yeluzi, how can he compare with him?
He has entered the cultivation of the top forces in the Tianqiong Continent, and there is an unlimited supply of various martial arts and martial arts. If he wants to learn that, he can do that. What can the other party compare with himself?
"Strength is not your arrogant capital, you shouldn't be so arrogant."

Mangu was very upset, although he was a little stronger than himself, but this person was too arrogant.

Do you really think you are invincible?
"Strength is not my capital for arrogance, so what is it? I think you are out of your mind."

Wu Tian opened his mouth to ridicule to his heart's content, without leaving any face for his opponent.

Man Gu took a deep breath, and then let it protrude from his nose, suppressing the tyranny in his heart.

Fighting is not the time to lose your mind, he knows that.

The attack of the man in black had struck again, he didn't have time to talk to Wu Tian, ​​a man in black made him feel a little uncomfortable.

If Wu Tian made another move, he would be dead today.

Mangu suddenly realized that the other party really had the ability to kill him.

Thinking of this, he broke out in a cold sweat.

[Crazy demonization! 】

At this moment, he couldn't hide anymore. It would be best if he could use the sudden burst of power to finish off the man in black in front of him.

The opponent's strange pace and attack brought him too much pressure.

After using Mad Demon Transformation, the muscles of Mangu's whole body began to swell.

The muscles that originally looked like small stones swelled again, more than doubling in size, which made Man Gu look very thick in an instant.

But no one knows how powerful he is now.

And his muscles like steel are the best defense.

Facing the savage knife slashed by the man in black again, he punched without dodging or dodging.

The fist collided with the Tang knife, making a clanging sound.

It was obviously a collision between flesh and blood and steel, but now it sounds like a collision between steel and steel.

"Your attack seems to be ineffective against me, now let you taste my fist!"

Mangu's eyes shone with excitement, and the opponent's attacks were ineffective against him, which meant that he was already invincible.

With one punch, the air exploded.

It's a pity that the man in black disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it! I know the mouse is hiding!"

Mangu was a little impatient, if the opponent kept dealing with him with this speed, then he had no chance of winning at all, he was fine in a head-on fight, but speed was his weakness.

"Hahaha! Aren't you a fool? There are still rules that cannot be evaded in battle. Are there no one among you murderers? Send you a fool." Wu Tian was still in a bad mood and was amused by Mangu.

There are still people who fight and demand that others cannot avoid it. How can such a fool survive until now.

"Also, if you think Wu Ying can't break through your defense, then you are too naive."

After the joke was over, Wu Tian said coldly: "Wu Ying, let him see your full strength."

After Wu Tian gave the order, a puff of black gas suddenly emerged from the Tang Dao in Wu Ying's hand. It looked a bit similar to demonic energy, but you could feel it if you felt it carefully. It was quite different from demonic energy.

This kind of power is called shadow energy, and it is a special power cultivated by their sect's secret books.

It is very different from normal mana.

This power attached to the weapon can greatly enhance the sharpness of the weapon.

As long as there are many shadows, even a blade of grass can become a magical weapon that cuts gold and iron.

Seeing the sudden change of the man in black, Mangu's complexion became serious again, and he could feel that the weapon in the opponent's hand became much sharper after being covered with a layer of black air.

If he punched again, his arm might be chopped off.

You can no longer attack head-on, you must avoid it.

But his speed can't be compared with this guy at all.

What should we do now?
For a while, Mangu panicked.

Wu Tian didn't care what Man Gu was thinking, and told Wu Ying to attack when he was ready.

The strange movement is erratic, after using shadow energy, even the movement is more ethereal than before.

Mangu didn't even see Wuying's position clearly before he was decapitated.

The muscles that could have resisted the Tang Dao in Wu Ying's hand were now vulnerable to a single blow.

Wu Ying slashed at Mangu's head and it fell to the ground.

Without consciousness, the shape of the wild bone also changed back to its original state.

Wu Tian couldn't help laughing when he saw that Wu Ying killed the barbarian bone with a knife, and even fired in the direction of the murderer: "Hey, is this the strongest on your side? If I give you a chance to come and collect the corpse.

Bu Xiangming looked at the arrogant Wu Tian coldly, and a special weapon appeared in his hand.

This is a pipe, which looks like a reed pipe. It is very long and hollow, and it can be seen from one side to the other without any obstruction.

Bu Xiangming picked it up and pointed it at Wu Tian, ​​and then blew on the pipe in one breath.

A transparent vortex of energy comes out from the mouth of the tube and shoots towards Wu Tian rapidly.

At first it was only the size of a mung bean, but in the blink of an eye it has become the size of a basketball, and it is still getting bigger.

Wu Tian also noticed the attack coming towards him.

The range of this attack is huge. It can be said that there are two targets, one is the Heaven and Earth Alliance personnel in front of him, and the other is him.

He can dodge it, but the people from the Heaven and Earth League below will definitely not be able to dodge it.

Wu Tian was about to go mad with anger at this time, is this murderer so inhumane?
There are murderers and people from the Heaven and Earth League intertwined below, and this blow will hurt both sides.

Or did the other party predict that he would block it?

How naive, today he is going to teach the murderers a lesson, they are not the ones who are cold-blooded.

These people, Wu Tian, ​​are already very disdainful now, even if he dies, he won't feel the slightest bit of heartache.

If only the people on their side were killed, maybe he would stop it, but the people on the other side would also die, so there was no need for him to stop it.

Wu Tian withdrew and left without saying a word, without any intention of staying behind to resist.

This attack was quite powerful, if he tried to resist it, he might fall into it himself, that was not what he wanted to see.

"Leader, help!"

Everyone below has also noticed this strong attack.

Originally, they were at the center of the battle, so they didn't have that strong sense of surroundings.

They didn't realize until this terrifying attack came in front of them.

Now this terrifying energy vortex has reached a size of a hundred meters, and it is impossible to imagine what the consequences of this attack will be when it explodes.

At this time, it was too late for them to run, so they could only pray to their leader to save them.

"Stop yelling, your leader has already run away. Simply put, you have been abandoned."

The murderers laughed loudly, revealing expressions of disdain.

"Hmph, even if we are abandoned, aren't you also abandoned? What right do you have to laugh at us!"

The members of the Heaven and Earth League were dissatisfied, although they were very disappointed that the leader did not appear, but when is it the turn of the murderer to laugh at them?

"Oh? Really? How do you know this attack will work on us?"

A strange smile leaked from the corner of the murderer's mouth, it was very proud, very proud.

The people of the Heaven and Earth League felt a little bit in their hearts when they heard the words of the murderer, and they immediately felt that something was wrong.

This time they might really suffer.

There is no time for them to think, this huge energy vortex has already hit.

"Launch all attacks to resist! Whether you can survive depends on whether you can use your full strength!"

In desperation, some people are desperate, some people are trying to survive, a loud roar makes everyone present react, release their skills towards the vortex or use all their life-saving means.

They don't care about the murderers around them, and they don't have a chance to do so.

"Really treat us as air, since you treat us as air, then we will not be polite."


How could the murderers around them watch these people resist the vortex.

At this time, if the people of Tiandimeng do not defend, it is the murderer's best chance to make a move.

At this moment, the murderers all showed bloodthirsty eyes, and killed the person in front of them.

The weapon pierced the body and pierced into the heart of the person in front of him.

Slashed across the head, the head fell to the ground.

Someone cursed angrily: "Are you crazy! We are all going to die when this energy vortex comes down, why are you doing this!"

Some people are afraid to give up resisting the energy vortex and start defending. Even if they can successfully defend the energy vortex, it will be useless if they die.

The murderers all laughed: "We are not crazy, killing you is our biggest task!"

Everyone in the Tiandimeng gritted their teeth, looking very ugly.

What a bunch of lunatics!
Just when everyone was desperate, several figures appeared and attacked the energy vortex.

One person's body swelled and turned into a five-meter giant. Red air waves erupted from his body to prop up the energy vortex and pushed forward.

A powerful momentum erupted from one person, and he hit the energy vortex with all his strength. It can be seen that there is an energy shield on his body. It is this energy shield that acts as an intermediate relief that prevents the energy vortex from exploding.

Several other people hit the energy vortex with energy attacks.

Similarly, their attacks also have a soft barrier as a contact point, so that the energy vortex will not explode.

The energy vortex that was about to explode was pushed back under the joint efforts of several people.

The people of Tiandimeng breathed a sigh of relief: "I've been saved!"

(End of this chapter)

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