Catacombs game: I can kill monsters to extract attributes

Chapter 153 This person should be very strong, right?

Chapter 153 This person should be very strong, right?
The energy vortex was pushed back into the air.

It exploded completely in mid-air, and a powerful energy wave rushed towards the surroundings.

Everyone has been affected.

Even the murderer was blown up and down and lost his formation.

Only the powerful Jinjing still stood in place without being affected by this energy shock.

The entire battlefield was flat, and there were no buildings for them to bump into, so many people fell into a pile.

Some unlucky guys crashed directly into other people's weapons and were killed on the spot.

In the process of blowing away, the heads of these people turned dizzy.

When they got up, they were still a little groggy. Some people and the murderer stood up at the same time and looked at each other for a while before starting to fight.

After experiencing this blow, the entire battlefield became even more chaotic.

There is no formation at all, and it is right to see the enemy in front of you.

Whether it is a murderer or not can be easily distinguished because of Hongmang's problem, and there is no embarrassment of killing the wrong person.

Bu Xiangming was a little disappointed, this blow was his big killer, if the terrifying energy erupted in the crowd, it wouldn't have any effect on the killers, but those who weren't killers would suffer.

Now that it erupts on the periphery, the energy impact is irrelevant, so there is no way to do it.

There are still 15 people standing beside him, and these are all golden-level murderers.

Among them, Tang Wangjun was also there. As for Cui An and Liu Zhen, they were not among the 15 people. It is not known whether they were in other murderous teams or they were already dead.

Don Juan's face was cold, he just stared at the person behind the battle.

Lu Mousheng was sitting in the back on his reclining chair, his legs crossed, so uncomfortable, as if the tragedy ahead had nothing to do with him.

He didn't turn his eyes to the battlefield until he felt a gaze that was staring at him all the time.

Who is staring at me?
It's too unreasonable for him to be watched even if he doesn't do anything.

Heaven has eyes, but he really didn't do anything.

Lu Miaosheng looked towards the place where he felt, and a familiar figure appeared in his eyes.

This person is a bit familiar, but why can't I remember it for a while?

Does he still have acquaintances in the main camp of the murderer?

He was a little confused, but the other party's eyes full of fighting spirit were very familiar.

Just like a person, he also looked at himself with this kind of eyes at that time.

It seems that this person is don Juan Jun?
That's right, this guy is really in the killer team.

Don Wangjun walked in the direction of making a living.

Bu Xiangming sensed the action of Don Juan's army and asked in puzzlement, "What are you going to do? It's not time for us to take action yet."

Tang Wangjun said coldly: "I'm going to deal with an opponent, compared to you won't stop me, right?"

Don Wangjun's tone of voice was very calm, so calm that it made people chill.

Bu Xiangming frowned, but he didn't stop Don Wangjun. He just said, "You can do whatever you want, but you owe me a favor. You can kill a few hundred people in front of you and we'll be cleared."

Don Juan nodded, "Okay."

It is true that he has the current strength because of Bu Xiangming's help, and he has no reason to refuse the other party's request.

It's not that hard to kill a few hundred people.

In the next second, don Juan changed. The skin all over his body turned black, but it wasn't dry and looked plump.

The five fingers grew black sharp claws, and the frontal cold was visible.

The reflected arc light is definitely not inferior to Baobing.

Zombie form!
This is the ability don Juan obtained from the very beginning. He developed it all the way and now he has reached the third form, not afraid of the light!

At the same time, this realm is roughly equivalent to the strength of the golden realm, which is about the middle stage of the golden realm.

But there is one characteristic, his physical body is golden, because he is a zombie, his strength and defense are extremely strong.

Immunity to most magic attacks.

To put it simply, facing an attack is just reckless, and you don't have to think about defense at all.

Defense is something that Crispy should consider.

Don Juan's army rushed into the crowd, and as long as it wasn't a murderer, they all punched and exploded.

Regarding their attack, don Juan's army did not dodge or dodge, and they resisted physically.

What thunder, lightning, flames and ice.
Break them all with one punch!
His walking route was a straight line, and he walked straight in the direction of Lu Miansheng. His eyes rarely moved away from Lu Miansheng, except for punching the enemies around him.

Lu Mousheng also discovered don Juan Jun, and at the same time knew that Don Juan Jun's current target was him.

Really stubborn guy, still want to compare with me?

There was another person on the way Tang Wangjun went to Lu to make a living, that is Zheng Qiankun, he did not die in the tragic battle, this had something to do with him.

Not entering the frontal battlefield at all, just wandering around the edge of the battlefield.

Life is meaningful, death is meaningless.

At this moment, seeing don Juan Jun walking straight towards him, he thought he was here to trouble him.

Zheng Qiankun was a little displeased in his heart. He hid himself to the edge and came to make trouble for himself?

Do you really think he is easy to bully?
If he doesn't show off his power, does he really think that he is a soft persimmon?

Zheng Qiankun didn't see the scene where Tang Wangjun knocked out one person with one punch.

If you see him, you will run away without saying a word.

It's a pity that nothing happens.

Zheng Qiankun's eyes gradually became cold: "Since you are looking for death, then you can't blame me."

A weapon composed entirely of copper coins appeared in his hand, and the magic power of the remote transfer was blessed on the sword.

After rubbing against the copper sword, a blue flame burst out, which was aroused by mana.

Tang Wangjun looked at the bronze sword in Zheng Qiankun's hand with disgust, but he didn't expect to see a weapon to restrain him here.

It seems that this person wants to do something to him, and he doesn't know the strength of the other party. It shouldn't be the silver mirror, right?

Thinking of this, don Juan's army became more cautious. A person in the golden state plus a weapon to restrain him is very dangerous.

You must know that his defense will become weak in front of the copper sword. Although his strength will not be affected, if his defense is not strong, he will be in danger.

For example, those crispy skins, as long as he gets close, he can kill a bunch of them with one punch.

Precisely because he had killed more crispy skins, don Juan was more experienced and knew the importance of defense.

Zheng Qiankun rushed towards Tang Wang's army with anger.

Treat yourself as a goal?

Then die!

Tang Wangjun looked at Zheng Qiankun, who was attacking, with some doubts in his eyes. Why is the strength of this person so weak?
It is definitely not the golden state, at most it can only be regarded as the late stage of the silver mirror.

Could it be that he thought that if he broke out in front of him, it would be a disguise now?

It must be so!

Tang Wangjun leaked his eyes that see through everything. After so much experience, he has already experienced countless traps.

No matter how much you act like you can't deceive me!

Tang Wangjun thought he already knew the other party's secret, and put his whole body on guard. When Zheng Qiankun's attack was about to fall on him, Tang Wangjun seized the opportunity to punch Zheng Qiankun.



Zheng Qiankun felt that he was hit by a bus, and a mouthful of hot blood unconsciously spewed out of his mouth.

It turned into blood mist and drifted in the air, and the whole person finally fell to the ground and was dejected.

Judging by the twitching appearance, it is definitely not lightly injured.

That's it?

That's it?

Tang Wangjun was very puzzled, the opponent shouldn't be very strong, right?
With this strength, you are going to fight yourself hard?
Do you want to die?

It turned out that a guy who wanted to die caused me to waste half a day here in reverie.

Tang Wangjun himself felt a little speechless, as expected, people just don't think too much.

After thinking too much, the little cat thought it was a tiger.

Then they killed all the way, and those who cared could see that the goal of this murderer was to make a living.

No one came to stop Lu Miansheng, they wanted to see how Lu Mengsheng solved it.

What kind of confidence is there to sit here so calmly.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Lu Miaosheng was the first to speak, without any temptation, just simple household chores.

"It's been a long time. I'm here to defeat you this time. This is also my last chance."

Tang Wangjun spoke calmly. The old acquaintance in front of him didn't move or reveal any momentum, but it made him unconsciously raise his vigilance.

It was like facing an immobile wild beast.

As long as it moves, it will be earth-shattering!
"You are not my opponent, go kill others, don't come to me to seek death."

Lu Mousheng spoke very bluntly. Indeed, no matter what, when the other party stepped into the main camp of the murderer, he must have been stained with human blood.

Regardless of whether he killed a good person or a bad person, they are different now. One of the two must die, but it will definitely not be a way to make a living.

Even if the people here are dead, it cannot be him.

This way of making a living is very confident, and the source of his confidence is his strength.

I believe that as long as anyone here can have his strength, he will have such confidence.

As for the opponents at the golden level, Lu Mousheng bluntly said that he killed ten times more gold-level opponents than here.

He has long been used to killing, what could be the trouble?
Tang Wangjun was a little angry when he heard the words: "Even if you are very strong, you still underestimate me too much. Today, you and I must be separated!"

Lu Mousheng smiled, stood up and put away the chair under him: "There is only one between you and me, you die and I live."

The last two words, Lu Miansheng, spit out indifferently.

Don Juan couldn't bear it anymore, and punched out a powerful punch.

Lu Mousheng didn't dodge or evade, and grabbed Tang Wangjun's fist with one hand: "You have good strength, but it's a pity that comparing with me is your biggest mistake."

Not to mention the invincible state he had come all the way, just say that his current strength state is the eighth level of the golden state, which is regarded as the later stage, and the strength of Tang Wangjun's blow is at most the third level of the golden state.

What to fight him with?

Tang Wangjun held back the surprise in his heart, this was just his temptation, and he hadn't made a full-scale attack yet.

Now it seems that it is impossible to win this battle without going all out.

At the moment, don Juan no longer hid himself, his strength burst out with all his strength, and a scarlet aura gushed out from him.

At the beginning, it went straight to the sky, and finally returned to be accommodated in his body, and finally attached to the surface of his body.

Now he looks like he has a blood-red coat on his body.

This layer of blood-red coat can also ooze a strong bloody smell, just like real blood.

In fact, it really is made of blood.

Don Juan's army's strength was originally the blood of zombies, and he strengthened himself by sucking blood, and what he needed to consume to become the strongest form was the blood he usually sucked.

If he doesn't have enough blood, he can only fight the enemy in normal form, unable to use his full strength.

After the explosion, don Wangjun punched out again with all his strength, and slammed Lu Shisheng's forehead fiercely.

Lu Miaosheng still didn't dodge or avoid Tang Wangjun's punch with one hand.

A powerful force billowed the smoke and dust behind him, but Lu Miaosheng stood there motionless.

"It's a big improvement, but it's still a little short. If this is your best then it's my turn."

Tang Wangjun snorted coldly: "Stop pretending to be aggressive to me, come and beat me to death if you have the ability!"

It is already a game of life and death, and there is no need to care about the friendship in the past. If you lose, you will die, so there is nothing else to care about.

Lu Miaosheng shook his head speechlessly: "Your request is really cheap, but if you say that, I must satisfy you."

Don Juan disdainful, how can his defense be easily broken?

"Don't wait for me to make you embarrassed if you can't break through my defense with a dozen punches."

Lu Mousheng came to Tang Wangjun in a flash, so fast that Tang Wangjun saw Lu Mousheng coming in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Facing don Juan's army, Lu Miaosheng said calmly, "It seems that you are very confident in your defense."

Don Wangjun wanted to say more, but Lu Miaosheng had already punched him.

This is his full-strength punch, dynamic muscles, cellular strength, and mana blessing.
He used all the power he could.

Terrifying power condensed in his fist, and before he punched out, don Juan felt the breath of death.

At the last moment, he smiled wryly, he didn't expect that he would not be able to chase the figure in front of him at all costs, even stepping into the magic path.

What kind of adventure does he have?
At this last moment, don Juan was very jealous, jealous of Lu's luck in earning a living, why didn't he choose him for his adventures?
At the same time, he entered the Catacombs and said that Lu Miansheng did not have any adventures to get to this point, and he would not believe it even if he was killed.

It's a pity that no matter how much he thinks, it's useless.

Lu Miaosheng's punch had already landed on him.

The defense that don Juan's army was so proud of was instantly shattered in front of Lu Miansheng's punch, without even a moment's delay.

His body was blown apart, not even a whole body remained.

Lu Mousheng was a little embarrassed. After getting acquainted for a while, he didn't even leave his body in the end. It was too much.

The main reason is that don Juan Jun said how strong his defense was, but it turned out to be so messy in the end. I really can't blame him.

After dealing with don Juan Jun, Lu Miaosheng changed his position and took out his recliner chair to sit down.

Just now, the place was full of flesh and blood, which seemed a bit shocking, and it would be much better to change the place.

As for whether killing an acquaintance would make him feel bad.

To be honest, there really wasn't one, maybe because he killed too many creatures, or maybe because don Juan didn't know much about it.

After all, there was an intersection when they first entered here, and there was no intersection at other times.

The people around all looked surprised when they saw that Lu Mian's living strength was so strong.

They didn't expect that the man who seemed to be hiding behind was so powerful.

They felt the strength of don Juan's army, they were very strong, at least a golden level.

Wouldn't they be surprised that a strong man at the golden level was beaten to death with one punch without any resistance?
Moreover, Don Juan's army didn't seem to have just entered the golden realm, which meant that the people here might be able to kill with a single punch to make a living.

(End of this chapter)

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