Chapter 154 Shoot!

After Wu Tian withdrew from the crowd, he hid behind for a while, and now he came back to the front again.

As soon as he came back, he was a little upset.

The reason is that I saw Lu Miansheng sitting on a reclining chair swaggeringly and leisurely.

I just stepped forward to make a move, and this person is still watching the show here?
It's really not interesting at all!
Wu Tian decided to give Lu Miaosheng a lesson to vent his anger now, otherwise he would be really angry.

He was fighting life and death in front of him, and this person was watching the big show here.

Is he really a monkey?

Because of his real sight, he didn't see Lu Miaosheng's attack just now, so he didn't know how powerful Lu Miaosheng was.

Otherwise, he would never have those thoughts in his mind now.

Wu Tian walked straight towards Lu Miansheng with a gloomy face, and those who avoided Lu Miansheng looked at Wu Tian in surprise.

What is this guy doing?

Do you want to go up and seek death like that murderer just now?

Shouldn't it be?

The onlookers were a little puzzled, Wu Tian's current behavior seemed to them to be courting death.

The main reason is that it is too similar to the person just now, and he walked towards the big guy in a daze.

Then he was punched to death.

Seeing these melon-eating people looking at him with strange eyes, Wu Tian was a little puzzled.

What's the matter with these people?

Is it because he is so handsome?

If you can't figure it out, don't bother. It's better to send that guy to the battlefield first, otherwise he will work hard and enjoy the fruits of victory later. He will never let this happen.

He was almost injured just now.

Those subordinates of the Tiandimeng were too weak to help him at all, and there had to be powerful people to fight with him.

Although this person named Lu Miansheng was much weaker than himself, it was better than nothing.

"Hey! Get up, Lao Tzu, we are working hard in front of you, why are you watching a big show here?"

Lu Miaosheng felt a little upset, why did another guy bother him?

Are so many people overwhelmed now?
"I like it, I am willing."

Lu Miaosheng didn't even get up, he just said a few words, his body was still swaying on the rocking chair.

Wu Tian got angry: "Okay, very good! Then I insist on you going to the front today!"

After speaking, Wu Tian stretched out his hand to grab Lu Miansheng, and he was about to lift Lu Miansheng up.

How could Lu Miaosheng be caught by him, he just grabbed the arm of the opponent's attack lightly.

"Do you know the consequences of shooting me?"

"The consequences are you Mahler Gobi!"

"Wu Ying! Beast Shadow! War Shadow! Now!"

Wu Tian was so angry that he dared to disobey his order, not to mention, but also dare to resist himself?

In his opinion, everyone in the crypt should listen to him, he is the strongest!

This person in front of him is simply audacious!
Three figures emerged from the black coffin on his back.

This figure is a real figure, a black shadow.

Among them was Wu Ying who shot before.

One of the other two shadows looked like a wild beast, except that its figure was no different from normal people except that it was more majestic than normal people.

But this shadow has a pair of long tusks and a nose like a wild boar.

There is also a black figure wearing armor and holding a spear. Even a black figure can't stop his sharp aura.

These are the three helpers summoned by Wu Tian, ​​and they attacked Lu Miansheng the moment they appeared.

Lu Mou didn't move at all, the spiritual force in his mind burst out, engulfing Wu Tian and throwing the three black shadows he summoned to the front of the battlefield.

"Because you haven't done anything outrageous, I won't kill you. I'll kill you first if you dare to back down if you stay ahead."

The moment he threw it out, he said a word in Wu Tian's ear by the way.

Wu Tian felt the force majeure from his body in the air, and his heart was overwhelmed.

Lu Miansheng's strength really surprised him.

So strong!

He didn't even have the strength to resist!
After feeling the strength of Lu Miaosheng, he couldn't help feeling afraid for a while. Fortunately, he didn't offend Lu Miaosheng, otherwise he would be dead.

I am really too arrogant, I really think that I am invincible after practicing in the outside world for a period of time and getting an adventure.

Little do they know that the world is so big that they are nothing but a frog at the bottom of a well.

If he can go out, can others not?
If he can have adventures, can others not have adventures?
In an instant, his haughty heart was shattered, and the elation brought about by the soaring strength also subsided.

The rest of the onlookers who were eating melons all showed such expressions when they saw Wu Tian being thrown out.

It's like Wu Tian got such a consequence that they had already guessed it.

Lu Miaosheng stood up. This time he didn't go any further. After putting away the chair, he said to those who were still behind:

"Let's go, it's time to make a move. You are not allowed to watch the battle here. I will also go to the front."

After being told by Lu Miaosheng, these people who were quietly watching the battle and prepared to do nothing cursed their mothers in their hearts.

You can just watch the battle by yourself, but now if you don’t want to watch the battle, you have to pull us into the water together, it’s a double-standard dog!

"What? Didn't you hear? Or do you want me to invite you over?"

The last sentence Lu Miaosheng uttered in a harsh tone.

Accompanied by his stern shout, everyone moved whether willingly or unwillingly.

Lu Mousheng added as if nothing had happened: "There is more, I will supervise you, whoever fishes, don't blame me for being rude, settle the battle early and rest early, don't waste time here."

Those people who originally wanted to catch fish had itchy teeth, if they couldn't beat Lu Miansheng, they would have wished to arrest Lu Miansheng and beat him up.

They can only think about this kind of thought in their hearts, and they dare not do it.

Lu Mousheng, who was strolling in the courtyard behind, drove a group of people to the battlefield in front.

Did he go too far?

It's not too much at all, well, fighting is everyone's business, how can we watch a show.

As these powerful people from the rear also joined the battlefield, the battle also ushered in the final highlight.

Bu Xiangming also led people to join the battlefield after seeing Lu Miansheng leading people into the battlefield.

The battle broke out completely, this is a battle that is either you die or I live.

Of the two main battalions, only one can survive.

In the battlefield, there are bloodline warriors who activate the bloodline power, part of the body turns into a beast, and their strength is greatly enhanced.

The enemy on the opposite side was directly shredded by surprise.

There are deformed warriors whose bodies are deformed, and the whole person becomes a monster, with corrosion in attacks, and even in blood.

No one is willing to fight against a distortion warrior, only those who are also distortion warriors will fight against it.

It looks like two monsters fighting.

There is a genetic warrior who unlocks the genetic lock, and his body strength is greatly improved, but there is no abnormality in his body.

Every punch and every move they make can make a powerful sound of piercing the air.

Spell practitioners are throwing away their skills and flying wantonly on the battlefield.

After everyone shot, the pressure on the killers instantly increased to the extreme.

Killers continued to die, hundreds of them died in just 5 minutes.

If things go on like this, sooner or later victory will be on the right side.

Of course, victory is theirs if the battlefield remains unchanged.

Bu Xiangming is the biggest unstable factor on the battlefield.

After seeing that his side fell into a complete disadvantage, Bu Xiangming had to show his hole card.

"I didn't want to be exposed so early, but it's a pity. Manpower is really the shortcoming of the murderer."

There are at least [-] normal people, and they only have [-], which means that a murderer of them needs to face at least three attacks.

If it weren't for the help of monsters on the battlefield, their murderous team would have been defeated long ago.

Fortunately, he still has a backup.

His subordinates can control monsters. As a descendant of the demon world, he can only control more.

"Come out! My army of monsters!"

Bu Xiangming raised his head to the sky and roared, the power in his body was agitated, and a black portal appeared from behind him.

With the formation of this portal, countless monsters were killed from the portal.

From Lu Miaosheng's point of view, these were not so much monsters as puppets without intelligence.

It is quite similar to those monster cannon fodder that Lu made a living in the outside world.

Lu Miansheng had discovered this a long time ago. The monsters in the crypt are puppets without intelligence.

Unlike the real monsters in the outside world, they are conscious.

But even if they are puppets, the strength of these monsters is indeed good, all of them are at the bronze level, and the stronger one is the silver mirror.

Compared with those outside the black iron realm, it is much stronger.

A large number of monsters poured in, chilling the hearts of those who were fighting, so that their numerical advantage was gone.

Seeing that there are not a few monsters coming out of the black portal continuously, hundreds of monsters have come out in just a short while.

It's only a few minutes, how many monsters should there be in an hour?

And if the portal is always there, will there be a steady stream of monsters coming out?
All kinds of speculation made everyone's heart aroused.

Fortunately, the appearance of a figure reassured everyone unconsciously.

Lu Mousheng flew in front of the army of monsters: "Your subordinates fight, and the boss should not join in the fight, right?"

Although Lu Miaosheng is not their boss, but as the strongest, he will naturally be what he says.

Does anyone dare to object to what he said?

If anyone objected to be killed on the spot, there would be no voice of opposition.

Bu Xiangming snorted coldly: "It's not up to you to participate or not. Can you stop my army of monsters?"

From Bu Xiangming's point of view, there are so many monsters he sent out, how can he resist Lu Miaosheng alone?
Lu Mousheng said indifferently: "Oh? Do you think I can't do it?"

"Then I'll be merciful and let you see my strength."

Spiritual power gushed out from his mind, and after it came out, it turned into throwing knives.

As he used more and more mental power, more and more throwing knives were condensed by mental power.

In a short time, thousands of throwing knives gathered.

Then under the control of Lu Miansheng, a storm of mental power flying knives rose on the path that the monster must pass through.

All the monsters that passed by were chopped into pieces, and none of them could get out alive.

This is just using [-]% ​​of his mental power, which is enough to deal with these monsters, which are stronger than the silver mirror.

"Now, do you think it's okay?"

Bu Xiangming gritted his teeth angrily. Since he met this guy, all important things can always be destroyed by him. Is this the legendary enemy?
"You really deserve to be damned. If you didn't exist, these people would have been slaughtered by me long ago. They are all damned you."

Bu Xiangming couldn't suppress the anger in his heart anymore, and started to spray.

"Don't just talk, don't you just talk? Come and let me let you make the first move."

Seeing Bu Xiangming's panic-stricken look, Lu Miaosheng suddenly felt very refreshed.

I just like the way you can't beat me and get angry.

The veins on Bu Xiangming's forehead popped up, and he couldn't bear it anymore, Lu Miao's livelihood is really too cheap!

Demon energy erupted from him, a powerful force overflowed from his body, and his body began to change.

The muscles of the whole body began to bulge, like rocks with sharp edges.

Controlling this powerful and invincible force, Bu Xiangming became confident again: "Do you know what this force is called?"

Lu Mousheng was speechless. He didn't know how many monsters that controlled this kind of power from the outside world. It seems that this kind of monsters are still a group. What is it called?
It seems to be called Wu Mo?
Before Lu Mousheng could speak, Bu Xiangming went on to say triumphantly: "This is the inheritance of the top monster, called the inheritance of martial arts. He can bring me an extremely powerful body and extremely powerful strength. Now I am invincible !"

The last sentence was yelled by Bu Xiangming, and after the yelling, Bu Xiangming headed towards the road to seek life and death.

The ejection started directly, and the whole person rushed over like a monkey jumping into the sky.

With the message of invincibility and the aura of invincibility, he felt that he could kill Lu Miaosheng with a single punch!
This is the side effect brought to him by the power of skyrocketing.

I thought I was invincible.

In Lu Miansheng's perception, Bu Xiangming's current strength is the same as his own at the eighth level of the golden level.

But can his invincibility compare with himself!
Lu Mou was vividly rushed, and he rushed over, facing the mad -like step to make a living to Ming Lu.

The two punched each other in the air, but with just one punch, Bu Xiangming vomited blood and flew backwards.

All the invincible belief in his heart collapsed at this moment.

"It's impossible. How could you be so strong! How could you be stronger than me!"

Bu Xiangming still had some strength, and he stabilized his body within less than ten meters after being sent flying by Lu Mousheng, but he just spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, Bu Xiangming's face was full of disbelief: "Obviously you are also at the eighth level of the Golden Realm, why are you so much stronger than me?"

Faced with Bu Xiangming's doubts, Lu Mousheng walked over step by step, and said one step at a time:
"Do you know what invincibility is?"

"Have you ever felt the threshold of invincibility?"

"Do you know how many times I have stepped into invincibility?"

"In order to step into the invincible state, I suppress my own improvement speed every time."

"I did these things to strengthen my background and become invincible among the same level. Now it proves that my choice is not wrong."

Bu Xiangming frowned, invincible?
What realm is that?
He doesn't know, but he knows he can't lose this time!
The price of losing is death!

"I don't care about your invincibility, you will be the one who will die today!"

Bu Xiangming ran away completely, stronger demonic energy began to emerge from his body, he began to burn his blood, and burn his energy!

He will leave hidden dangers after doing this, but if he doesn't do it, he will die!

If you don't work hard, you can only die!
Only by winning can we survive and think about the future!
(End of this chapter)

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