Chapter 155 Victory
Lu Miaosheng looked at Bu Xiangming, who had exploded with all his strength, and whispered, "Are you ready to go all out?"

Bu Xiangming yelled coldly: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Suffer!"

Lu Mousheng calmly dodged Bu Xiangming's punch: "That's right, I'm going to die anyway, so I should do my best."

Bu Xiangming, who has unleashed his full potential, is still very strong.

He didn't want to take an attack with magic flames for a living, as it wouldn't do much harm to him, but a little bit of evil in that magic flame could bring him great pain.

It's unrealistic for him to kill Bu Xiangming in an instant. Bu Xiangming's current strength is infinitely close to the limit of the golden realm.

The power gained by burning itself is not in vain.

But even if he couldn't instantly kill Bu Xiangming, with Lu Miansheng's current strength and mental support, it would be no problem to suppress Bu Xiangming.

"It seems that even if you burn everything, there is no way to do me any harm."

Lu Mousheng already has the chance to win, and he doesn't plan to confront Bu Xiangming head-on, and Bu Xiangming can kill himself if he drags it to the end.

The power he now possessed did not come out of thin air.

His soul, his spirit, his potential, his blood was burning at every moment.

Every minute Bu Xiangming was delayed, he was one step closer to death.

Now less than a minute has passed, and black appears on the bright side of the step.

Bu Xiangming responded with a sneer: "Then why are you hiding? Are you going to fight me then? Aren't you very strong?"

Lu Mousheng was not affected by Bu Xiangming's provocative words, and his tone was still calm: "I see that your life is not long, why should I fight a dying person? It's not good to wait for this kind of person to play himself to death ?"

Bu Xiangming's already dark complexion became even darker when he heard this sentence. Could he not tell that Lu Miansheng was talking about him?

But he was also speechless, the power he was using now was indeed obtained in exchange for his life.

"Kill you, and I will live."

This was Bu Xiangming's last sentence, and then without saying a word, he caught Lu Miansheng and attacked wildly.

No matter how provocative Lu Miansheng was, he stopped saying a word and did not respond.

He knew that Lu Shangsheng's words to provoke him were just delaying his time, and the longer the time, the worse it would be for him.

Every minute and every second, he was wasting his potential, spirit, soul, flesh and blood.

Lu Miaosheng didn't lose any of this, and he and Lu Miaosheng were committing suicide by arguing there.

Lu Miaosheng curled his lips tediously: "So what if you don't talk? Do you really think I'm talking to you to delay time?"

"To tell you the truth, I just get more talkative because I haven't chatted with anyone for too long. After all, you can't feel the loneliness of being alone in the monster world. That feeling is really uncomfortable, although killing monsters can bring me pleasure all the time. "

"But that kind of pleasure is not new if you experience it too much, and you don't have any concepts and feelings."

Bu Xiangming ignored Lu Miaosheng who was talking to himself, he just thought that Lu Miaosheng was sick?

What is the pleasure of killing monsters?
Do you think that killing monsters in the game can be upgraded?
He could feel that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, but his attack couldn't even touch the hem of Lu Zangsheng's clothes.

There are times when he obviously feels like he can make a living with one punch.

But every time he was close, there was always a strange force pushing him away.

The force was irresistible, or rather he could not.

He knew that this power was spiritual power.

Lu Miaosheng has such a strong mental power that he can basically be sure that he is finished.

He lost, the loss was complete, and he couldn't see any chance to resist.

He has already tried his best, but Lu Miansheng is like a hunter with a certain chance of winning, looking at a wounded prey.

Like an angler walking a hooked fish.

The feeling of being in control made Bu Xiangming feel that he was the turtle in the urn.

The aura on his body began to fade slowly, and he did not attack Lu Miansheng again.

His black hair has turned into white hair, and his tight skin has become loose and wrinkled.

Consuming too much energy turned him from a young man in his prime into a bad old man in an instant.

The current him can't even compare to the one before he didn't work hard.

Lu Miaosheng came to him with the attitude of a winner.

Bu Xiangming didn't say anything, a defeat is a defeat.

He tidied up his clothes and his appearance.

This is the aristocratic blood engraved in his blood, he remembered his mother told him when he was very young.

People don't have to be perfect to live in this world, but image is very important.

Whether you are at home or away from home, you must maintain your own image. People live for themselves, not for others.

The image is for outsiders to see, but also for yourself.

He doesn't know if what his mother said is right, but he has paid great attention to his image since he was a child, whether it is at home or outside.

He didn't know if his mother's words were correct, but his exquisite image and the elegance revealed in every detail really made him very popular in the circle.

Bu Xiangming looked old at this time, without giving people a sense of twilight, but his translucent eyes had a sense of seeing through everything and returning to nature.

"You won, but I can't figure out why you are so strong. I have the resources of the entire demon world."

"I won. There is no surprise. Don't think about things you can't figure out. Also, is there intelligent life in the demon world you mentioned?"

Lu Miaosheng stood calmly in front of Bu Xiangming. At this moment, the man in front of him didn't threaten him in any way, even if it made him feel pain, he couldn't do it.

Bu Xiangming fell into deep thought: "No, the demon world I live in is just a desolate piece of black land, and there are only puppet-like monsters in that world."

Bu Xiangming looked at Lu Miansheng curiously, he wanted to know some information from Lu Miaosheng's mouth.

Lu Mousheng revealed a true expression: "The monsters in the cave are monsters, and the monsters in the demon world you are in are also monsters, but the demon world you are talking about is not the real demon world."

"I suspect that your Demon Realm was just fabricated by the Catacombs, and the low-level and ignorant monsters in it were probably captured by the Catacombs."

Bu Xiangming is still a little bit unwilling to give up, and the inheritance he has obtained is so unbearable: "How do you know?"

Lu Miaosheng shook his head in disappointment: "I can tell you haven't been to the outside world."

Bu Xiangming was silent: "I don't even have the key to the outside world. It turns out that you have the key to the outside world. No wonder you can improve so quickly."

At this moment, Bu Xiangming seemed to know the reason why Lu Miaosheng became stronger so quickly.

But there was a vague feeling that something was wrong, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

It's like sometimes you can't remember what you were thinking about in the last second.

Lu Miaosheng was noncommittal: "You think it is, now you should go on the road."

Bu Xiangming revealed a relieved smile: "Come on, I've been prepared for a long time, maybe death is a relief, maybe it's a dream or not, are you right?"

Lu Mousheng was startled, and then smiled: "Maybe, maybe you can have a new start, like coming to the burrow suddenly, but I believe you will be in hell in the next world."

After finishing speaking, Lu Mousheng stabbed Bu Xiangming to death with a knife. Originally, he wanted to use the knife to leave Bu Xiangming's whole body.

It's a pity that he forgot that Hei Yaojian was a giant knife, and almost split Bu Xiangming in half.

The entire body was cut open to create a vacuum.

But fortunately, this should also be regarded as a whole corpse.

"The murderer leader is dead!"

As Lu Mousheng's low growl spread across the battlefield, the non-killers were in high spirits, while the murderers were ashamed, and all of them already had the will to die.

With their strongest leaders slaughtered, what hope do they have?
Everyone reacts differently to death.

Some murderers stand in place waiting to die
Some go crazy and generally want to pull one into the water.
some keep begging for mercy
some wept bitterly
Life is full of vicissitudes at this moment.

As for the passage to the demon world that Bu Xiangming opened, it was closed when he lost his power.

Lu Miaosheng stood aside, waiting for the final result.

There are still some powerful people among the killers who are desperately resisting, and they are unwilling to die like this.

The power that erupted before dying also caused many people to be injured and died.

Lu Miaosheng just watched here, and had no intention of helping.

He didn't know why he lost the kindness he had when he first came in, and he didn't know why he suddenly became indifferent.

Maybe it was because that time when he wanted to kill the killer but was rejected by everyone.

His heart probably cooled down at that moment.

He has kindness, are these people worth it?
To use what they said to him at that time, it was: no matter how many people die, what does it matter to me?

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who does the sky bypass.
Lu Miaosheng laughed after thinking about it.

Many people see a way to make a living by standing alone, and many people have complaints in their hearts.

But now they dare not speak out, dare not blame Lu for making a living.

Even if they are upset, they only dare to BB in private.

This is the benefit of becoming stronger.



Hold on to me honestly!

In 10 minutes, all the remaining murderers were killed.

None survived.

The rules are very clear, only one side can survive between them and the killer.

Now that the killer has been killed cleanly, they are all looking forward to the next stage.

What will be the next stage?
Some people are concerned about whether the strength will be improved in the next stage.

Some people are concerned about whether the next phase of the crypt will give them freedom.

Some people care about the difficult scenes and characters in the next stage.

Some people care whether the next stage will be more cruel than the present
There are all kinds of life, and people's hearts are full of thoughts.

Lu Miansheng is also very concerned about what happens next.

[Hint: Congratulations on your successful survival. 】

[Hint: Then start the third stage of the Seven Realms Contest! 】

[Hint: Sky Continent - Demon Realm - Undead Realm - Distortion Continent - Gene Continent - Bloodline Continent - Abyss Realm]

[Hint: Now you can activate the uncollected inheritance clues in your hands, and then decide which world to enter according to the location of the inheritance clues. 】

[Hint: Of course, this is just a suggestion. It doesn’t matter if you insist on choosing a world you want to go to. 】

[Reminder: After the start of the Seven Realms Contest, the seven worlds will slowly merge, and what needs to be contested is the heart of the last world. 】

A paragraph of virtual text appeared in front of everyone, and everyone's heart began to shake like a river and a sea.

Luo Luohua came to Lu Miansheng excitedly: "Boss, did you see that he said that he can activate a clue of the inheritance in his hand, and the follow-up inheritance of the Immortal Emperor in my hand has a play!"

Luo Luode was trembling with excitement, his whole body was so excited, he had been here for two months, and he was watching others getting stronger and stronger, he could only be beaten, others envied his invincible defense, but his heart was full of bitterness. who knows?

Now it is finally the end of all hardships, and the opportunity for him to rise is coming!

Lu Mousheng looked at the weeping Luo Hua with disdain: "Okay, don't get excited, you haven't got everything yet, you're so excited."

Luo Luo didn't care about it: "Boss, you don't understand, you don't even understand my pain."

Xia Hong and the others also came over at this time, feeling ashamed seeing Luo Luohua's appearance at this time.

"Luo Hua, it's almost done, there are so many people around."

"Ah! Digging! I'm ashamed this time!"

Luo Luohua originally wanted to say that you don't understand my feelings, but suddenly heard what Xia Hong said?
There are many people here?
This reminds him that here is there
Xia Hong and the others were even more speechless, this talent.

But the disgust is just a flash, and the excitement is the next theme.

Luo Feifei can find the complete inheritance of Jiuli witchcraft, Xia Hong can find the complete inheritance of cloud and rain magic, Song Jianbai can go after the power of distortion, Hu Rui can go after the power of genes, and Murong Xiaoxiao can go after the power of healing Department of power.

The path of the entire crypt seems to have been arranged with the help of the crypt.

Lu Miaosheng was a little puzzled, but soon relieved.

Where do you need to think so much, let's see what inheritances you have that are relatively dick but haven't collected them all.

In fact, he already had an idea at the first time.

Inheritance of the Muscle Overlord Sect!
Now he has dynamic muscles and dynamic legs, and these two are not as helpful to him as before.

As the power level rises, the increase brought by these two martial arts gradually decreases.

Just in time, let's take this opportunity to see if the Muscle Overlord Sect has more advanced exercises.

Just let him see the Muscle Dominant School in that world!
Activate the follow-up inheritance clues of dynamic muscles!

[Hint: Bloodline Continent-Red Moon City-Scarlet City-Ten Thousand Beast City-Tianjue City. 】

He was only given one continent and four cities. Are the clues so simple?
I asked Xia Hong and the others, and found that the clues they got were similar to my own. It seemed that this was all the clues.

To be honest, Lu Miansheng is still quite disappointed, and he has to find it by himself after such a few clues.

Isn't this a waste of my time?

There are still four places to go.

Forget it, when you are upset about killing monsters in the abyss, go to these four locations and look for them, if you can find them, look for them, and if you can’t find them, pull them down.

Anyway, he didn't force it.

Isn't it good to waste time looking for things and killing monsters in the abyss?
[Reminder: Teleport after five seconds, please choose to teleport to the world as soon as possible! 】

Lu Mousheng: "I choose: Bloodline Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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