Chapter 156 I'm Really a Good Man

time shift
One month has passed since the final battle in the Catacombs.

He had come to Bloodline Continent as early as a month ago.

The first time he came to this world, he did nothing.

He went straight into the abyss and started killing monsters. After killing monsters for a full month, now he felt like vomiting when he saw the monsters in the abyss.

He killed too many, he is not a machine, and if he continues to kill, he feels that sooner or later something will go wrong in his heart.

It simply came out.

His current location is a wilderness, nothing but grass is grass.

It's easy to get lost in a place like this.

He now needs to find a city first, and then find out where the four locations he needs to go to are.

Then look for information related to the inheritance of the Muscle Overlord Sect.

By the way, let's see what's going on in this continent.

After a month of killing monsters, he is now a strong man in the diamond realm, and he has stepped into the invincible realm of the gold realm.

The change brought to him is that the cell power has been developed more, and his normal power is already abnormal now.

If coupled with the explosion of power in the cells, he is not sure how powerful it can be.

The symbol of the golden realm is flying, and the symbol of the diamond realm is that the attack power can cause ripples in the space.

There is no special effect, it's just that the power is too strong to cause ripples in the space.

It is simply a method of identifying diamonds.

To fly into the sky, he needs to find a place where there are people.

Lu's way of making a living is also very simple. He just flies straight in one direction. He believes that he will definitely meet people in this straight line.

Just sooner or later.

Of course, it would be dangerous for him to fly like this.

It will be miserable if you encounter any powerful monster.

So when he encounters some dangerous terrain or something that doesn't look right, he will get out of the way.

It is said to be a straight line, but you must also know how to adapt. Is it really a one-way road to death?
On a plain, eight people are besieging a very huge monster.

This monster is about three meters tall, and its body length plus tail is at least ten meters.

Standing on all fours, with a long tail, a pointed head, and a huge figure, he faced the siege of eight people.

The monster's simple tail sweeping, dashing, and stomping made it very difficult for the eight people to deal with it.

Under the sweep of the monster's tail, no one dared to take it head-on, and whoever did it might be shot to death.

The same is true for stampedes, no one wants to be hit.

The strength of these people is not too weak, all have silver mirrors, and all of them are physical strength.

They besieged the monster, the weapons in their hands were spears, and they directly inserted into the monster's body while the monster was not paying attention.

The handle of this spear is a white bone, and the tip of the spear is a green pointed object, which is very sharp and can reflect light when it shines in the sun.

The spear can be easily pushed into the monster's body, and then pulled out easily.

The resulting wound can easily bleed profusely.

It can be seen that the eight are experienced hunters.

The monster in front of him slowly began to fail under their siege.

The countless wounds on his body tortured the monster's spirit and drained his physical strength all the time.

The eight people were not in a hurry, even though the monster was clearly showing signs of fatigue, they were not in a hurry.

Just slowly adjusting the position, looking for opportunities to continuously create wounds on the monster.

This monster is very powerful, as can be seen from the sweeping tail and the trampling limbs.

If the eight of them dared to attack by force, as long as they were touched by this monster, they would at least be seriously injured.

Fortunately, they were cautious from the beginning, and monsters could not attack them at all.

Their positioning and awareness can be said to be top-notch.

In other words, they figured out the monster's attack method, when the monster just had the intention to attack.

They knew how the monster was going to attack, whether it was a sweeping tail, a stampede, or a charge.

They know it all.

Among the eight people, a person who obviously had the aura of leadership said: "Pay attention, this sharp-tailed dragon is about to die, be careful of his dying struggle."

Following this person's reminder, everyone became more cautious.

Even though the sharp-tailed dragon was already lying on the ground and struggling constantly, they were unmoved, they just didn't get close to it.

These monsters in the wilderness are very cunning, and they may be dangerous before they die completely.

The sharp-tailed dragon looked at the eight people around him, and the sense of oppression brought by the pressing step by step made him despair.

The injuries on his body made his consciousness even more blurred.


Desperate and unwilling.

After this stern roar, the sharp-tailed dragon's head drooped completely.

"Make up the knife! Draw blood!"

With Shi Man's roar, the eight hunters rushed over with spears.

He waved the spear in his hand and stabbed the sharp-tailed dragon's head fiercely.

Eight spears pierced in, and the sharp-tailed dragon let out a piercing scream, which was the last scream of death.

At the moment when the spear pierced in, the sharp-tailed dragon flicked its tail and slapped its limbs wildly.

If someone is around the sharp-tailed dragon, they will definitely die somewhere.

At the last moment, the sharp-tailed dragon's side was an indiscriminate attack.

But that was a dying struggle, and after there was no movement, it meant that the sharp-tailed dragon was completely dead.

Shi Man's eyes were bright, he put his hands on his hips and let out a breath of air, a smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

The eight people slowly gathered together. These people were all tall and strong, and they were all dressed in simple animal skin clothes, with their bulging muscles exposed.

Shi Man smiled and said: "Come, come, everyone, move quickly, the blood of the eighth-level silver mirror is a great tonic, don't waste it, collect what should be collected, and stop the bleeding if it should be stopped."

"it is good!"

All eight of them came to the side of the sharp-tailed dragon with smiles on their faces. They directly stepped forward to touch the blood that flowed out, and then they sucked the blood into their bodies like a pump.

Not long after being inhaled into the body, their whole body turned red, and a large amount of white steam escaped.

One by one, they looked like steamed lobsters. After a while, they absorbed the blood that flowed out.

The one that makes cockroaches cry when they see it.

One of them took out a white jade bottle and began to collect blood from the wound.

These wounds were all pierced by them with spears. They were not too big or small. Putting the mouth of the bottle to the wound was just enough to catch the blood that flowed out.

The person who received the blood slapped the wound a few times, and I don't know how they did it. The wound that had no blood flowed out again and a lot of blood gushed out again.

This white jade bottle is not an ordinary thing either, it is obviously only the size of a forearm, but it contains the blood that flows out continuously.

It took a full 10 minutes to bring a big bucket and it was absolutely full.

After the wound stopped bleeding, the man who contained the blood also put away the white jade bottle.

Seeing no movement from him, the white jade bottle disappeared.

Seeing Shi Mu stop, Shi Man said, "Shi Long, are you done?"

Shi Long nodded with a smile: "Well, after pretending to be the captain, you can get your blood."

Shi Man hummed: "Okay."

Shi Man came to the heart of the sharp-tailed dragon, and a white jade knife appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Align the position, stab forward and stroke, and a big opening will be made very easily.

The strange thing is that such a large wound did not flow out at all.

It's like a mummy in front of you.

Shi Man seemed to be accustomed to such scenes, and then swiped inside until a red organ appeared.

It was very big, fully half the size of a stone man.

Then Shi Man took out a white jade tube, which was hollow at both ends, exactly the same as a drinking straw.

Insert this tube into the giant red heart.

Bright red thick blood came out of it, and Shi Man quickly took out a delicate white jade bottle to drink it.

After a while, no blood flowed from the entire big heart.

The amount of blood that flowed out could be counted, only ten drops.

Only ten drops of blood flowed from the whole big heart.

Shi Man put away the white jade bottle and clapped his hands: "Okay, today's hunting mission ends here, let's go back first."

Just when everyone was about to leave, the ground began to shake, and a large number of desolate beasts began to appear in one direction.

These huge creatures are called desolate beasts on this planet.

The eight of them looked in that direction, and a total of seven or eight desolate beasts came to kill them.

All are sharp-tailed dragons!
Shiman's pupils shrank sharply: "No, the scream of the sharp-tailed dragon before it died attracted its kind!"

"I didn't expect there to be a sharp-tailed dragon here. I have observed it before. It seems that the battle has been too long and it came from elsewhere."

Shi Long was a little uneasy: "Captain, what should we do, run away?"

Shi Man took a deep breath: "Run and wait? There seems to be a person somewhere?"

Shi Long and others also looked over: "That's right, there is a person, but he is blocking the direction of the sharp-tailed dragon, and he is about to be trampled to death."

Shi Man was right when he thought about it, he was about to run away with someone, when he suddenly saw an unbelievable thing.

"Look, he seems to have knocked the sharp-tailed dragon away with one punch. Help me see if I'm dazzled."

Shi Long swallowed: "Captain, you are not mistaken, the opponent indeed killed a pointed-tailed dragon with one punch, and more than one died."

Shi Man thought for a while: "Let's go, just go, we don't need to worry about the opponent being so strong, but if the opponent is against us, it's over, let's go back to the tribe."

Shi Man didn't want to have any interaction with the person in front, if the other person had any wrong thoughts, they didn't even have a chance to resist.

He would not put his own people in danger, that would be irresponsible for everyone's safety.

If someone dies because of his wrong decision, he will blame himself for the rest of his life.

The team members also knew the stakes, so they immediately packed up their things and followed Shi Man away.

Lu Mousheng took down a monster with one punch. These monsters were all very big, and they gradually reached the strength of the silver mirror. All of them were more than ten meters long.

He could feel that these monsters were all pure physical strength, without any vigor and mana in their bodies.

After beating the seven monsters to death, they extracted their attributes, and after entering his body, he made a living for a while.

Because the attributes of this monster have greatly improved his physical body, which is abnormally large. Compared with the monsters in the cave, it is at least twice as much as the monster of the same level.

There was no time to think so much, everyone he saw had already run away.

Originally, he was flying in the sky, but after seeing eight people, he decided to come down to ask them for directions.

Before he could ask for directions, a group of monsters appeared, and the target was those eight people.

In order to be able to ask the way properly, Lu Miaosheng had to kill the seven monsters first.

But now these eight people actually ran away.

Without hesitation at all, and without any thought of thanking him as a benefactor, he ran away directly.

How can that be done? He doesn't talk about morality at all, and he still has to ask for directions.

He flew into the air and chased the eight people in the direction where they were fleeing, and after a while, they saw their figures.

Good guy, all of them are humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex, and a big hole will be blasted in the ground if they step on the road.

No wonder the world is full of potholes. It turns out that it's not just because of monsters. Human beings also make holes when they are on their way.

Lu Mousheng went down to intercept them.

"Hey, did you just run away without saying hello to your savior?"

The eight Stone Mans stopped in their tracks.

"My lord misunderstood, it's just that the sky is getting dark, we are in a hurry to go back to the tribe."

Lu Mousheng's eyes lit up: "Oh? Go back to the tribe, then let's go back together."

Lu Mousheng planned to go back directly with these people first, and now ask them where they are, in case these people deceived him, he would not be able to find them.

But it will be different when they return to their tribe. If they dare to lie to themselves, then they must be prepared to come back and make trouble for them.

Shi Man was sweating coldly: "My lord, this is not good."

Lu Mousheng interrupted the other party: "Stop talking nonsense, take me there, don't worry, I am a good person, don't you agree to such a small request from the savior?"

As he said that, Lu Mousheng unleashed his majestic murderous aura to cover the opponent, and this murderous aura became more and more solid as he killed more and more people and creatures.

He had just returned from killing monsters in the abyss for a month, and the murderous aura condensed on his body was not something these little guys at the silver level could resist.

The moment the murderous aura enveloped them, they could not bear the overwhelming aura of Mount Tai, and they almost knelt down.

Lu Mousheng hastily withdrew his murderous aura. These people were too useless, so they couldn't bear it all at once.

In fact, this is really because Lu Miansheng has no b number for his own momentum.

The few people who were able to resist were all because they cultivated the flesh body.

But anyone who puts a person who cultivates mana can't bear it, so he has to kneel in front of him on the spot.

Shi Man's forehead was sweating coldly, just now he thought he was in the Nine Nether Hell.

The cold breath went straight to the bone marrow, and his whole body was instantly paralyzed.

Shi Man shivered and said: "My lord, I don't know what you are going to our tribe for?"

Obviously, he couldn't take it anymore, but Shiman's only remaining rationality told him that he couldn't easily bring people into the tribe, even death!
If he brings back a big devil and kills all of them, then he will really become a sinner through the ages.

Lu Miaosheng was a little upset, but he dared to ask himself a question?
Domineering and tyrannical churned in his heart, and it took him a while to suppress it.

Killing too many creatures, his mind was still affected.

Wanting to kill at the slightest disagreement is too serious.

Shi Man was trembling all over, just now there was a more real and more terrifying murderous aura from the man in front of him than before, the appearance of that murderous aura was as if the man in front of him was really going to kill himself.

But fortunately, the murderous aura disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It exists only for a short moment.

Lu Mousheng took a deep breath and said, "To be honest, I'm really a good person. I went to your tribe just to ask for directions."

Shi Man's face was full of sincerity: "Sir, I know you are a good person, but I will show you the way here. If you are worried, here is a map, and I will give it to you as well."

Lu Miaosheng took a serious look at Shi Man, and the air was a little quiet.

Shi Man was also a little scared, would this person in front of him become angry and kill him?

(End of this chapter)

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