Chapter 163 Indestructible Mountain

Lu Miaosheng came to Ying Jiuyou with some hesitation: "Master, what do you want?"

Before Lu Mou could finish his life, Ying Jiuyou kicked him into the void passage.

"I have 20 years of skill in this kick, I promise to send you safely!"

"Master! I am your ancestor!!!"

Lu Miaosheng was kicked by Ying Jiuyou just like that.

Lu Miaosheng felt a little uncomfortable looking at the nothingness in the void. This was the first time he entered the void, but it was quite similar to the transmission method in the crypt.

It is not as fast as the Catacombs, and the Catacombs only takes a moment to reach the destination.

This void is still too long.

But after entering the void, Lu Miansheng knew how to go next.

Ying Jiuyou still gave him the map over there, but it was directly instilled in his mind.

This kick was just to respond to Jiuyou's bad taste.

And now that his Heaven-reaching Saint Body has reached the seventh floor, he can also travel directly through the void, and will not die in the void.

Ying Jiuyou looked at her apprentice before leaving and scolded herself, blowing his beard and staring: "It seems that this kid hasn't received the education I love."

It's a pity that he can't leave the scope of Tianmen now, otherwise this time he wants to follow the past to have a look.

The inheritance of the Immortal Emperor is the inheritance of a big boss in the Profound Sky Realm.

He was still quite interested in it.

I don't know how it turned on.

It is said that it seems to have been opened by a person without a trace of power.

But that person was directly sucked in by the place of inheritance, and no one caught him.

According to what the insider said, this person is likely to hold the key to the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, it is impossible to lead to the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

Otherwise, it would not be such a coincidence that this person attracted the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor as soon as he came.

But Ying Jiuyou didn't care too much, the Tongtian Saint Physique in his hands is the invincible law in this world.

I don't know if I will have the chance to see the scene on the twelfth floor in this lifetime.

The twelfth floor of the Tongtian Saint Physique, his highest is the ninth floor, and the higher he goes, the more resources he needs.

Gathering resources is simply not something that one person can do.

If you want to cultivate the twelfth-level Heavenly Saint Physique, you may still have a chance to gather the resources of the entire Bloodline Continent.

Just a little bit.

Ying Jiuyou is really looking forward to how far Lu Miansheng will go in the future.

Ying Jiuyou is actually quite satisfied with this cheap apprentice under him.

The qualifications and temperament are very good.

After Lu Miansheng traveled through layers of space, he finally came to the place marked on the map.

The map here refers to the void map, which only marks relatively large places.

It seems that some small places will not appear on this map at all.

The function of the void map is to identify the direction for people in the void, which is very precious.

At this time, the Immortal Mountain completely appeared in front of Lu Miansheng.

Immortal Mountain is very lively now.

Only after the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor was announced from the Immortal Mountain, a large number of people who originally did not want to come to this battlefield of humans and demons rushed to come.

Just to get the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

Among them are casual cultivators, people with great power, and people with small power.

Tens of thousands of people poured into the Immortal Mountain, and at this time it completely became the dominance of the human race.

The monsters dare not come out at night.

There are too many people coming, and the monsters will die when they come out.

Among the people who came, there was no shortage of legendary realms, and there were as many epic realms as there were countless crucian carp crossing the river.

Completely crush monsters in terms of strength and quantity.

The inheritance of the Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Mountain has been opened for seven days, but it has not yet been fully opened.

People from the outside can't enter yet, and the entire inheritance land is covered by a transparent light film. If you want to enter, you can only wait for the light film to disappear.

How much time it will take has already been calculated.

It will take ten days, that is to say, three more days.

During the seven days of the opening, the monster came out for a while on the first day and the second day, but never came out after that, and I don't know if it was really scared, or it was plotting some kind of conspiracy.

According to the human race's understanding of monsters, it is estimated that the monsters are gathering people.

The location of the Immortal Mountain is more important. As long as this location is opened, the entire upper domain of Sky Continent will be infested by monsters.

However, some people say that the monster is cowardly.

They are going to come out after the inheritance of the Immortal Mountain has passed.

In any case, the human race is not the time to relax.

Some people think that the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor is not good.

Because in the process of fighting for inheritance, there is a high probability that they will die, and fighting is the normal state of the cultivation world.

Even if the foreign enemy is in front, no one will let go easily in the face of interests.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor to open.

After Lu Miaosheng came here, he was wandering around, learning about the information here.

I don’t know, I don’t know, I’m startled when I understand.

Good guy, is Legendary Realm so worthless?
Many of the top masters here are in the legendary realm, it seems that I am not a big deal
Originally, Lu Miaosheng thought he was awesome, but now he felt boring.

But when he thought about it carefully, he didn't think that his Tongtian Saint would lose.

What's more, he also has the Eucharist secret technique.

He wanted to see how strong he was compared to other legendary realms?
His master praised the Tongtian Saint Physique so much, he must be invincible at the same level, right?

Otherwise, I might as well kill monsters to extract attributes.

Kill the abyss first, and play in the mythical realm.

Thinking about making a living is getting more and more exciting, and I wish I could find someone to fight with now.

Here he also inquired about an interesting piece of news, that is, the person who triggered the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

It is said that he is a person with full defense but no power at all.

This moment made him think of Rod Hua.

Then connect the place names here with the inheritance that was opened.

Lu Miansheng can be sure that the guy who started the inheritance is definitely Rod Hua.

He was a little excited, he didn't expect that they would meet again in this way.

But Luo Luohua finally found his inheritance this time, and Lu Miaosheng was also happy for him.

I just don't know if this guy can keep this inheritance.

It seems that there are many people here who want to snatch this inheritance.
At that time, I don't mind turning on the killing ring!
He still knows how strong the Tongtian Saint Physique is.

Wandering on the street, there is no need to worry about making a living, anyway, the longer the time drags on, the better it will be for Rhodes.

After all, didn't Rhodes go in first?

However, he doesn't have much confidence in Rod Hua, this guy has no strength at all, and he doesn't know if he can do it.

Lu Mousheng found a noodle shop on the street and ordered a bowl of noodles.

It feels so good to eat in your mouth.

During the year of retreat, Lu Miansheng really didn't eat food.

They all rely on the energy in the pool to maintain their vitality. He really hasn't experienced the feeling of eating for a long time.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Today is the day when the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor begins.

The entire Immortal Mountain was originally a dark mountain, and no one in the Legendary Realm could break the Immortal Mountain.

Now there is a huge hole in a place at the foot of the mountain.

It is still wrapped in a layer of energy shield. According to their observations, it is estimated that it will be opened in another hour.

Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for the moment when the shield disappears.

It's not that they don't want to go in early, it's that they simply can't.

An hour was almost over.

At this time, a pitch-black vortex appeared on the side.

They know what this means.

It means that monsters are about to appear.

"It's noon now, are the monsters coming out too?"

Some people are very puzzled, but his doubts are also the doubts of everyone.

Everyone stared at the pitch-black vortex, and they found that there seemed to be no movement in it.

Just opened a vortex.

Everyone was a little puzzled, what is this for?
Layout in advance?

No one knows, and no one cares about it. If a crack exists, it exists, and what impact it can have.

Watching when the inheritance will start is the real business.

Demon Realm
At this time, a bunch of monsters in the Legendary Realm were peeking at a crack, and the opposite of the crack was the current scene of the Immortal Mountain.

They can clearly see the opposite situation entirely because of the existence of a mirror.

Only by looking at the mirror in the past can they clearly see the situation on the other side.

"Grandma has a leg, there are a lot of legendary experts, it seems that we have nothing to do."

"It's not urgent, and it's not completely impossible."

"It's not a good thing for them to know that so many powerful people gather together."

"how do I say this?"

"Do you know what they are going to do when they get together now?"

"do not know"

"It is said that it is for an inheritance. According to the information I know, human beings place great value on a powerful inheritance, and they will often fight you to the death for an inheritance."

"Now that so many of them are gathered together, I don't know how many people will die for one inheritance. This is an opportunity for us."

"Wait until night, and if they haven't finished fighting, we can also go in and get a share, but our main purpose is to kill people."

"Take advantage of their internal fighting this time, let's kill a little more, and they may not join forces to fight against us inside."

"If this is the case, then our chance has come!"

No one in the outside world knows about the affairs of the Demon Realm. At this time, the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor has already started.

The real thing is probably inside this mountain.

The moment the shield disappeared, everyone rushed in like crazy.

Lu Miaosheng also rushed in, but Ying Jiuyou said nothing.

There are many treasures in it, and there are also many great medicines, which are very helpful for his cultivation of the Eucharist.

He had to take down the resources inside.

As for inheritance, he didn't think about it at all.

First of all, one's own Tongtian Eucharist is enough.

Secondly, this inheritance can be seen as Rhodes Hua's. Now maybe Rhodes has been successfully refined and is still cultivating.

Do you still want to grab Rhodes' inheritance?

In the end, he felt that the most powerful inheritance was his own attribute extraction function.

As long as the attribute is sufficient, any inheritance is false.

Break all laws with strength, as long as the strength is enough, everything can be broken.

This is the truth that Lu Miansheng firmly believes in.

It is only because of insufficient strength that it cannot be broken, and it is only because of insufficient strength that it cannot beat the opponent.

Don't say anything about how special his power is, that he can't be killed.

Waiting for his power to shatter the universe with one punch, is there any creature that can't be killed?
Of course, this is just a metaphor for making a living, trying to reach the point of smashing the universe.

To tell the truth, it is hopeless to make a living.

How could human power reach that level.

Even if he can continue to extract attributes, even if he has the slightest hope to reach that point, how long will it take?
Instead, he set himself a small goal first, that is to smash a world with one punch.

At that level, he should be considered invincible, right?

"Go away! Don't get in my way!"

Just as Lu Miaosheng was rushing forward, a grumpy voice sounded behind him.

Accompanying the sound was a figure, walking past Lu Miansheng.

Lu Miaosheng suddenly felt a little unhappy.

It seems that it is necessary for people to know themselves, otherwise all kinds of cats and dogs can come and shit on their heads.

"Secret Technique of the Eucharist: The End of the World!"

As Lu Miaosheng activated the Eucharist secret technique, he came in front of that person in the next moment.

He stopped the man with a wave of his hand.

"Did you just tell me to get out?"

This person looked at Lu Miansheng with some apprehension. The way Lu Miaosheng appeared was very special, and judging from the way Lu Miaosheng appeared, he was sure that Lu Miaosheng was better than him.

"Brother, you misunderstood, I'm not telling you to get out, I'm telling the person next to you to get out."

Men, you have to be cowardly when you should. Being brave will only make you die faster.

Lu Miansheng: "."

Why doesn't this kid play his cards according to the routine?

"Since you said that, I want you to get out now, get out of here to where I was just now, understand?"


Without hesitation, the man turned into a ball in the air, and directly returned to the position where Lu Miansheng was just now in a spinning manner.

Seeing this man's behavior, Lu Miaosheng also lost the mind to care about him.

Afraid of death and arrogant, this person is definitely a bullying guy.

After Lu Miansheng's performance, he didn't encounter any trouble on the way in.

People who were close to him hid far away, for fear that Lu Miansheng would make them roll to the same place if he was not willing.

After entering the cave, the first oncoming is the eight passages.

Now they need to choose one of these eight passages.

Lu Miaosheng stared at it for a while, a little uncertain.

Choose one of the eight, which one will be the road with a lot of natural resources and earthly treasures?

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, just choose a path and go straight. After entering the passage, you can obviously feel that the space has been reduced.

The originally uncrowded space suddenly became crowded.

After rushing for a while, the space in Lu Miansheng's line of sight was slowly expanding, and finally a large and empty space appeared in Lu Miansheng's line of sight.

There is a white jade box in the middle of this place, placed on a high platform, and it is the only thing in the entire space.

No one knows what's inside, but there's a constant message that there must be treasure inside the box.

At this time, seven or eight people have already fought for this box.

Lu Mousheng didn't go to the movies for a living, he joined the battle, he just came to collect resources, fight and fight to see how strong he is.

(End of this chapter)

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