Chapter 164 Spirit Pill Palace

The strength of these seven people is not considered weak, and the Epic Realm can be regarded as upper-middle-class here.

It's a pity that Lu Miansheng is the top combat power here.

This time, the person who snatched the inheritance was at the highest legendary level.

It is not only for the purpose of not expanding the scale of the battle to protect the roots of the human race, but also because people in the mythical realm have already embarked on their own path, and it is useless to come here to snatch the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.

At most, it is for future generations.

No matter what, the hidden rule this time is that no one beyond the legendary realm is allowed to come and participate in the competition.

Otherwise, cut it together!
This news was circulated in the ears of all the advanced combat powers, but all the forces acquiesced to this rule in one night.

After Lu Miaosheng participated in the competition for this treasure box, there was no suspense at all.

As soon as the momentum was released, these people ran away without even making a move.

The strength of the legendary realm is in front of them, why do people from the epic realm keep them if they don't run away?

Do you deliver food to others?
So everyone ran away immediately.

Lu Mousheng was a little speechless, he still wanted to try his own strength: "It runs pretty fast."

Go forward and open a white jade box, inside is a ginseng-like elixir.

He could feel the strong energy contained in it.

If there are thousands of plants, maybe he can break through to the eighth floor.

It's really good, I have gained so much just after I came in.

Then there are seven or eight channels.

If you want to move forward, you have to choose one of them.

Lu Miaosheng picked one at random and walked in.

The situation inside cannot be known, and it will not be the same whichever one you choose.

If you know what's going on inside, you can think about it based on the information.

There are various secret rooms along the way, and various items are placed in the small rooms.

Some are natural treasures, some are weapons, some are exercises, and some are panacea.

There are all kinds, many, and scattered, and there is only one at a time.

But as he got deeper and deeper, and the longer he stayed inside, Lu Miaosheng also discovered a problem.

This place is not like inside the Immortal Mountain, but more like another space.

If you think about it carefully, it may have changed when you first passed through the eight passages.

There is a high probability that this world is no longer the original world.

Or in a space mezzanine.

Lu Mousheng didn't know much about this information, but he just felt something was wrong.

But even so, it doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't affect his search for natural treasures.

Then go through the passages one by one, and occasionally meet some people in these spaces.

But after seeing Lu Miansheng's powerful strength, everyone faded away consciously, and did not intend to provoke Lu Miansheng.

This is one of the advantages of being strong. The weak dare not come to make trouble when they see it, and just leave.

If Lu's ability to make a living was weaker, they wouldn't fade away.

For most of the day, Lu Miaosheng didn't meet anyone with his own strength.

The strength is much weaker than myself, and the strongest is the epic realm.

I have never met anyone in the Legendary Realm.

You must know that there are tens of thousands of people you can see while waiting at the door.

There are so many people coming in, but so few people meet now, this is enough to prove that there is a huge space inside.

It is not at all the size of an Immortal Mountain as seen by the outside world.

If it was only the size of an Immortal Mountain, the people here would already be full, and if you just enter a small cave, you can meet at least dozens of people.

However, Lu Miaosheng also had another guess as he walked. This place may not be another space, but underground.

This is not impossible, the underground world is huge, and it fits the current situation very well.

Finally, after walking into the next passage, Lu Miaosheng ushered in the first change. This place is no longer a passage.

The new environment is more like an underground world, the sky is covered by soil layers, and flowers and trees grow on the ground.

Now this environment is inexplicably familiar to Lu Miansheng.

Isn't this the burrow environment?
It wasn't the sun that was shining in the sky, it was the wall, and the wall was shining, illuminating the whole world.

Will it be dark here at night?

According to the cave world, the wall will lose its luminous effect at night, and the whole world will dim.

Looking at this inexplicably familiar world and making a living felt weird, what's going on?

Did the Catacombs appear outside?

Lu Mousheng didn't understand, maybe it was the arm of the Immortal Emperor, but it was simply similar to the Catacombs, so he probably thought too much.

Lu Miaosheng flies, and the environment can be more complete when flying higher.

If he doesn't fly, he can only see the environment in front of him.

After all, being blocked by trees, he could only see the scene in front of him.

After flying high in the sky, Lu Miaosheng had a better understanding of the environment here.

Full of trees, this is a jungle environment.

But there are things in the jungle that don't belong in the jungle.

A glance at the road for a living found them.

The quaint buildings are scattered in this underground world in a chaotic and orderly manner, which seems to be completely irregular, one in the east and one in the west.

But if you look closely, you will feel that there is order in chaos.

It seems that these buildings are placed according to a certain special position, and they are not built indiscriminately.

Without exception, these buildings are huge and occupy a very wide area.

Similarly, this underground world is also very wide, at least Lu Miansheng can't see the end at a glance.

Except for the top of the head and the position where he just came out, there is no end in sight from other places.

He found a building, and now he plans to go to the facade of the building first.

The façade may have the treasures he needs. Anyway, he came here to collect the treasures and prepare for the next breakthrough.

After collecting, he plans to go to the abyss to kill monsters first.

His master Ying Jiuyou didn't know that he could kill monsters to extract attributes, but he couldn't forget.

There are too many resources needed to practice the holy body, and it is not so easy to find them all.

It's better to go to the abyss to kill monsters first, and raise your strength to the mythical realm.

Abyss No. 16 has been full of monsters from the mythical realm. He can brush it in front first to test the power of the Eucharist and improve himself by the way.

After approaching the building he had chosen, a plaque on it caught Lu's attention.

"Shenbing Pavilion."

"It's useless if I want this thing? It seems that there is no need to go inside."

There is a decision to make a living on the road now, he doesn't need the things in it, and there is no need to go into it.

If every hall had a name, he would just look for one related to cultivation resources.

Moreover, Master Ying Jiuyou said that there are many natural talents and earthly treasures here, so it is impossible for Master to lie to himself, right?

Therefore, Lu Mousheng believes that there are definitely enough natural treasures and panacea in it.

Those are the things he needs. The Shenbing Pavilion should be filled with weapons.

The best weapon for him is his body.

Whether it's the flesh body strengthened by the extracted attributes or the heavenly holy body, these two things strengthen his body.

At this time, his body is the most powerful weapon.

Leave this hall and fly towards other halls.

When Lu Mousheng took off, some people fell down, and when they saw the Shenbing Pavilion, they rushed in directly.

After he flew in the sky, he found that more and more people had arrived here.

As far as the eye can see, there are people, flying wantonly in the sky, rushing towards each main hall.

Lu Zhisheng didn't delay any longer to start looking for a hall that would be beneficial to him.

The next hall.

【Hall of Buddhist scriptures】

No use, it sounds like a book, next one.

【Lingdan Hall】

This is good!
Finally, after wandering around for a while, Lu Miaosheng found a hall that was beneficial to him.

There were a lot of people following in, and Lu made a living and didn't waste time, so hurry in.

After entering, the rooms inside are all sealed by formations.

If you want to open the room, you can only break it by violence or someone who knows the formation.

Lu Miaosheng saw someone break the formation with a wave of his hand.

Those formations that sealed off the room were like bubbles in front of this person, and they burst with a wave of his hand.

Lu Miaosheng is quite envious, but it's a pity that he doesn't know how to form a formation, so he can only break it violently!

Lu Mousheng's eyes flickered coldly, and he randomly searched for an unbroken room.

With a punch, the banning formation in front of the room and the gate were crushed by Lu Miansheng's punch!
Lu Miaosheng smiled, not bad, he is still very satisfied with his current strength.

Just as Lu Miaosheng was about to enter the room, three people surrounded him with malicious intentions.

"Hey, brother, this is the room we're looking at. We've been fighting for a long time and consumed most of the power of this formation. Why don't you come here to pick up the bargain now?"

Li Feng came with two men and wanted to snatch the room where Lu made a living.

I have worked so hard to attack the formation, how can it be quicker to rob others.

"Oh? You mean you want to die?"

Lu Zhisheng is full of doubts, is there anyone still rushing forward to die?
The three of Li Feng raised their momentum in an instant: "I think you don't want to toast and refuse to eat fine wine, just follow up with your face."

Lu Mousheng shook his head helplessly, what a realm, why do some people think that a large number of people is a sure win?

"Holy hand!"

This is one of his secret techniques of the Heaven-reaching Saint Physique. It is very simple and practical, requires little consumption, and is extremely easy to practice.

It can be regarded as one of the few secret skills that Lu Miansheng has mastered.

Just after Lu Mousheng used this skill, a milky white palm appeared in the void.

Hold the three of Li Feng in your hands.

Li Feng begged for mercy, but before he could open his mouth, Lu Miaosheng mobilized his strength and crushed the three of them into blood in an instant.

A dry object made of corpses fell to the ground.

The people around saw this scene without changing their colors.

Instantly blow up three guys who have completed the epic realm?

People who are new to the legendary realm will definitely not be able to do it.

And the power of the milky white palm just now is still lingering in their hearts.

Unknowingly, people around are a little bit away from making a living.

Even if he didn't want to mess with Lu Miaosheng, he didn't want to be robbed by Lu Miaosheng.

"Who is this person? Do you have information?"

A person in the distance asked other people around, they were curious about Lu's identity for a living.

"do not know."

"do not know."

The people around shook their heads again and again, knowing nothing about the identity of Lu Shousheng.

Most of them know people with high strength, or they can also find out through the characteristics of their bodies.

But they didn't have the slightest impression of Lu Miaosheng, as if he just popped up out of nowhere.

Just when everyone was about to give up asking about Lu Mian's identity, one person spoke up.

"I do have some understanding of the ability he just used."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"This should not be a person from our world. I think the moves this person uses are like people from the Bloodline Continent Tianmen."

"Bloodline Continent Tianmen?"

"I'm not familiar with it at all, but why did people from the Bloodline Continent come to our side?"

"I don't know, I'm just guessing, maybe not."

The man talked about guessing, but the sure look in his eyes showed that he recognized Lu Shousheng's identity.

No matter how everyone discussed, Lu Miansheng had already entered the room at this time.

The arrangement in the room is like an ancient pharmacy, with small drawers in each compartment.

Pull them apart one by one, and inside are some medicinal pills for cultivation.

From low-level realm to high-level realm, the highest level is useful for epic realm, not too good.

It's not as effective as the elixir he got at the beginning.

Put it away at will.

Then even broke a few rooms, all of the same quality.

But there is a small detail, that is, the further you go in, the higher the quality of the elixir.

Only after he casually crushed three guys who wanted to steal his things to death, people around him were more afraid of him and stayed away from him.

I am happy to make a living on the road.

After learning that the quality of the medicinal pills went inward, he rushed to the innermost part.

No wonder there are weak chickens on the periphery, the highest level is the epic realm.

It's also because he has less experience and does less of this kind of thing.

These things on the outside are small sesame seeds, but the inside is watermelon.

But it's not too late now, if there are really good things in it, it will definitely be full by now.

Not to mention before the arrival of Lu Miaosheng, but after the arrival of Lu Miaosheng, at least three guys in the legendary realm entered in just one minute.

No wonder these people ran directly into it, it turned out that what was inside was the good stuff.

After figuring it out, Lu Miaosheng quickened his pace and came to the innermost place within a few breaths.

At this time, the fight here was not as tight as Lu Miaosheng expected.

Nine people have already gathered here, all standing outside a huge portal calmly, without any smell of gunpowder, very calm.

There are many cumbersome formations on this huge portal.

Obviously, there is a large formation here, which has blocked the most important portal, and all of them in the legendary realm can't break through this large formation, otherwise, they would have all entered it long ago, and they would not wait for Lu to make a living.

Now if you add the road to make a living here, there are ten people in total.

After seeing Lu Mousheng coming, a big man standing outside said in a muffled voice: "Boy, you can only come here if you have reached the legendary level. If you don't, don't come here."

The others didn't speak, waiting for Lu's answer.

Reaching their current state, it is difficult to distinguish the opponent's strength if the opponent does not release their momentum.

Unless the mental power is extremely strong, it can directly sense the other party's realm through mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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