Chapter 169 Overturning the Sea
Wu Tong took all the excellent equipment and went straight to find a way to make a living.

Started his speed gear, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, catching up with the road again to make a living.

Lu Miaosheng was speechless looking at the guy in front of him who was armed to the teeth.

"You are such a dog skin plaster."

Lu Mousheng already had killing intent now, if he didn't kill this guy first, he might be in trouble.

After all, the opponent's speed does not know why it can be so fast.

Trying to catch up with him is like playing.

Without killing this guy first, it is basically impossible for Lu Miaosheng to escape safely today.

Lu Mousheng's eyes flickered coldly, don't force yourself to use tricks!

Wu Tong didn't care about Lu Shousheng's ridicule: "You can say whatever you want, anyway, you are going to die today!"

Lu Mousheng sneered twice: "It's not certain who will die. Now if you get out and don't participate, I won't trouble you at this time, otherwise, you will die!"

Wu Tong felt a little cold in his heart, the murderous aura brought by Lu Miaosheng's words was too heavy.

I don't know how many creatures Lu Mousheng has killed to gather such a murderous aura. It is impossible to do it without killing tens of thousands of people with his own hands.

Although my heart is hairy, the more hairy I am, the more I should stay here to make a living.

This will only make Wu Tong more determined to kill the road to make a living!
"You are strong, I can feel it, but now you are surrounded by 11 of us, death is your destination, and your only destination."

"Anyway, you have to die sooner or later. You might as well die at our hands now. Don't make trouble for the 11 of us, okay?"

Lu Miansheng is very unhappy, what kind of logic is this?

I died to fulfill eleven of them?
It sounds like tm makes sense.

"The words are very powerful, but this will not change the fact that all eleven of you will die in my hands. It will be a matter of time."

"But compared to them, which one will you die first?"

Lu Mousheng has decided to use all his murderous aura to activate the Bahuang Killing Fist.

Bahuang Shaquan is the first and most powerful martial art he acquired.

In his opinion, Tongtian Saint Physique may not be as powerful as this martial skill.

At that time, he saw the inheritance image left by this martial skill, it was a punch that exploded a planet.

From Lu Miaosheng's point of view, Tongtian Eucharist should not be able to achieve this level.

Even if it is possible, it still needs eleven or twelve floors, which is still uncertain.

Because no one in Tianmen has cultivated to any level.

But there is the Eight Desolation Fist, and there is also the inheritance of images.

The murderous aura accumulated for a long time now, coupled with the physique of the Tongtian Saint Physique, will definitely be the most powerful punch that Lu Miaosheng has ever punched.

The witch boy dismissed it with disdain: "I will die first?"

He looked at the equipment on his body, and laughed, "Are you blind? Can't you see the equipment on my body?"

Lu Miaosheng didn't explain too much, and let the annoying guy in front of him test the power of this punch.

The next moment, endless murderous aura emerged from Lu Mousheng's body. All the murderous aura collected in the battlefield from killing creatures before emerged at this moment.

Like a river of blood appearing above Lu Miansheng's head, the extremely strong smell of blood spread throughout the space.

The ten people who were chasing from behind involuntarily slowed down.

"This guy is definitely going to come up with a trick.",

"Let's go there later, it won't be good if the past affects us now."

"I think what you say makes sense."

"What about the witch boy?"

"That guy will be fine wearing all the baby we gave him."

"You're right, we don't have treasures on us anymore, let Wu Tong withstand this wave first."

"Yes, I believe this guy won't have the strength to fight us after using this trick."

After a unanimous discussion, the ten people decided to let Wu Tong resist this wave of attacks first.

The main reason is that Wutong has a lot of life-saving equipment on him, but they don't have it.

Absolutely not because he was afraid of leaving the wizard alone.

Wu Tong was also in a dilemma at this time, he retreated to make a living and left, and he felt that he really couldn't take the punch of making a living.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still didn't retreat. With so much equipment on his body, he didn't believe that Lu Miaosheng could really give him a second.

That is impossible.

If he did, he was dead and there was nothing to say.

After thinking about it, Wu Tong stopped worrying too much, and rushed towards the road to make a living.

"Stop bluffing me here! Fuck me!"

Wu Tong held a legendary weapon, and went directly towards Lu Shengsheng. As long as he could attack Lu Zhisheng, then he could kill Lu Zhisheng with this blow.

Because the weapon in his hand is a legendary weapon, it is impossible for the body to resist it!

Unless the opponent's body is a legendary body, but is this possible?

It is much more difficult for the physical defense to reach the legendary level than for the strength.

The difficulty of the two is not at the same level.

In Wu Tong's view, making a living means reaching the legendary realm.

Even if the defense is stronger because of physical training, it is impossible to reach the legendary level.

In this regard, Wutong is still very confident.

When Lu Mousheng saw the witch boy coming to kill him, he also accelerated the Bahuang Killing Fist.

Endless murderous aura gushed out from his body, and this punch was his full strength.

He didn't intend to test, and testing would only waste his chance.

In case the opponent sees that his move is very strong and does not fight him next time, then he will have no chance to kill the opponent.

If the opponent relies on the ability to stick to himself like a dog's skin plaster.

Then he will suffer.

He will never let this happen.

Thinking of this, Lu Miaosheng will not let the other party have a chance to escape, and he will use all his strength to make a move.

But Ba Huang Sha Fist needs a little time to hit with all his strength now, the opponent's speed is too fast.

He is still cohesive, and the opponent is already about to kill him.

Looking at the opponent's weapon at this time, he was a little flustered, not knowing whether to hide or not.

Although according to what his master Ying Jiuyou said, the Tongtian Saint Physique can withstand the attacks of which layers.

This is why it is called invincible at the same level, because no one at the same level can break the defense of the Tongtian Saint Physique.

But I still have doubts about this way of making a living.

If this thing can't defend against the opponent's attack, wouldn't he be dead?
But if he doesn't resist the opponent's attack and disbands the Eight Desolation Fist that he has condensed now, then everything will fall short, which makes him very unhappy.

After thinking for a while, he came up with a compromise.

That is to avoid the vital points. Even if he is hit by the opponent in other positions and causes wounds, then he can recover quickly by relying on the power of the Heavenly Holy Physique.

He didn't know what the defensive power of the Babel Saint Physique was.

But he still knows how to recover.

As long as it is not a fatal injury or a physical disability, the resilience of the Tongtian Holy Physique can allow Lu Yingsheng to recover quickly.

So as long as it is not a fatal injury, Lu Miansheng is not afraid.

Compared to letting the opponent go this time, Lu Miaosheng would rather risk getting injured than kill the most difficult one.

As long as this guy is dealt with, then no one on the other side will be faster than him.

The speed at which the Holy Spirit erupts is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

In other words, the guy in front of him didn't know what method he used to catch up with him so quickly.

After thinking it over clearly, Lu Miaosheng's eyes flashed a hint of cruelty.

Did not move to escape.

From Wu Tong's point of view, he was looking for death. His one blow would definitely split the person in front of him in half, and the one who died couldn't die anymore.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong couldn't help but let out a triumphant smile ahead of time.

Just like that, Wu Tong slashed fiercely on Lu Miaosheng's body.

Originally, the location of the knife attack was Lu Shangsheng's head.

At the last moment, Lu Miaosheng moved his body, which made the location of the knife attack his chest.

Even so, Wu Tong is very confident that Lu Miaosheng will definitely die under his blow.

I don't know how stupid this guy is to use his body to fight against weapons!


A clanging sound of iron implements reached Wutong's ears.

Wutong felt cold inside, didn't he?
How did he cultivate his physical body?
The next second it was like he was using the speed gear to escape.

But it was too late.

Lu Miaosheng let out a sinister smile: "Do you want to run?"

"Sorry, lore!"

"Eight Desolation Killing Fist! The third form: Covering the sea!"

Lu Miaosheng punched out with all his strength, and the blood condensed into black in his hand bombarded Wu Tong's body like a tidal wave.

This blow was like an overturning of the sea, and the tide turned the sky.

At this time, Wu Tong felt like a lonely boat in the sea, and now the sea was angry and launched a tsunami.

He was like a tiny ant in it.

It will be subverted in the next second

The next moment, all the defensive props worn by Wu Tong were shattered and smashed to pieces!

Immediately afterwards, Wutong's whole body was beaten to pieces, and he was so dead that he couldn't die any more.

Lu Miaosheng's punch did not end because of the death of the witch boy, and the endless bloody fists continued to bombard outwards.

It didn't stop until it hit a barrier, and all the energy bombarded the barrier, causing the entire space to shake for a while.

The witch boy who was dead without a whole body suddenly came back to life, and the mighty power that came from nowhere, glued the whole body of the witch boy together, and reappeared in this world.

It was the life-saving talisman that saved him.

The ten people in the distance were all shocked beyond measure, and Wu Tong was beaten to death just like that?
All the defensive equipment on Wutong's body was shattered?

After seeing the witch boy resurrected, everyone's expressions were complicated.

This is a life-saving treasure, who gave it to him?

Everyone looked at the person who gave the Wu Tong the life-saving talisman with pity.

At this time, this person is also heartbroken, something he is reluctant to use, that is, he saw so many people armed Wu Tong to the teeth, so he thought that Wu Tong would not be in danger of life, so he gave it to Wu Tong.

But what's the situation now?
Wu Tong was beaten to death just like that?
At this time, Wu Tong was resurrected, but there was no blood on his face.

It was as if there was no blood in his body.

At this time, the witch boy was panting heavily, and it really didn't feel good to die once.

The next second he wanted to escape.

But he was punched by Lu Miaosheng again.

If he now engages the speed gear, then he can run, but it's not clear whether the person is running alive or the corpse is running.

Anyway, Lu Miansheng's punch can definitely hit him.

Helpless, Wu Tong could only resist first.

Facing the monster Lu Miaosheng, Wu Tong really dare not take it lightly now.

What's more, Lu Miaosheng's physical defense is so strong, so Lu Mengsheng's power will definitely not be weak.

If Lu Miansheng attacked him head-on, he would surely die.

This time his idea was not wrong.

The choice is also very correct.

But power is the root of everything.

Even if his choice is correct, his strength is still too weak.

In the next second, Lu Mousheng blasted him into two pieces.

The corpse fell from the sky, and the whole person was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

There are no more resurrection items for him to consume.

Although the life-saving talisman can give him an extra life.

But there are also side effects, that is, there is no power after resurrection, and the whole person falls into a weak state.

This was the case with Wu Tong just now. If the resurrection was in its heyday, then Wu Tong would definitely be able to run away just now.

It's a pity that if there is nothing if, death is death.

If there is, I will go down and tell Lord Yan.

The ten people in the back looked at me and I looked at you for a while, and they were all at a loss.

"What should we do, should we hunt him down now?"

"This... do you have the means to resist the blow from that person just now?"

"I think he can only use it once, let's not be afraid."

"What do you think? Why don't you try it first to see if the opponent can still use it. If not, we will follow. I believe that as long as the opponent doesn't use that trick, you can still survive it."

"Okay, don't make noise. Do you have any means to resist the attack just now? If not, prepare to go back to the power and retreat to practice."

"That's right, tell us if you have, or if you don't, don't provoke him again. After going out, go back to the power to practice and become stronger before coming out. Otherwise, we will be bumped into by the other party alone, and any of us will die."


The ten people fell silent, and they all stopped talking. They had already decided not to provoke Lu to make a living.

"Forget it, let's not provoke him anymore. Anyway, he killed five heirs of first-class forces, and those forces will go back to trouble him. Maybe he will die in the hands of those big forces later, and we don't need to take action."

"You're right, then let's stop messing with him."

At this moment, all ten people confessed that they were not going to provoke Lu to make a living.

It was the tactic of making a living just now that frightened them. If there were ten of them again, would they still survive?
Lu Miaosheng looked at the body of the man below, and was relieved to see that the man had not been resurrected again.

Go down and collect all the loot on him, then turn around and run.

If the people behind him surrounded him, he might not be able to run away.

It's a pity that the power that overwhelms the sea is not aimed at those ten people, otherwise these ten people will die here.

It was also Lu Miaosheng who was cautious and used his big move to hit one person, otherwise Lu Miaosheng could have waited to kill all the opponents just now.

But what puzzled him was that the ten people behind seemed not to be chasing and killing him.

what's the situation?
Lu Miaosheng was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it, Lu Miaosheng probably knew what the other party meant.

He must have been frightened by the blow he just struck, and dared not chase him down again.

(End of this chapter)

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