Chapter 170 The Tomb
Since the other party stopped chasing him, he didn't bother to care about them.

When they meet again in the future, it will be their death.

Now, it is not so simple for Lu Miansheng to kill them with his own hands.

So Lu Miansheng planned to let them go this time.

The ten people who hid aside no longer provoked Lu to make a living.

Just when both parties are safe and sound.

The whole space began to shake violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Lu Miaosheng was very calm.

The other ten people were not so calm.

They shook their heads and looked around, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

How is this going?

what is happening
The soil on the top of the head began to loosen and fall off, and large pieces fell down.

"Could it be that the person hit the entire space just now?"

"Impossible, he is only in the legendary realm, how could he cause harm to this space."

"That is, if you want to cause damage to the space, you must at least have to be in the mythical realm. Although the legendary realm and the mythical realm are just one realm apart, the two are completely different."

"Yes, it seems that something is coming out of this space."

Everyone is the successor of the major forces, and their knowledge is still very broad, and they found out the problem in a short time.

In fact, as everyone speculated, there is indeed something about to appear.

As the entire space continued to shake, cracks began to appear on the entire ground.

A crack slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This crack in the ground is also getting wider and wider, as if something is pushing it underneath.

It's like getting out.

What is so violent?
The underground that even they couldn't completely destroy was actually broken by this thing?
Everyone was very puzzled, but this doubt did not last long.

After a while, the complete appearance of the whole thing appeared.

It is a semicircular object that encompasses the entire space.

Very huge, basically the entire space has been covered.

"What is this?"

"It looks like a tomb?"

"You look at the material, it is specially made for the tomb, and this material has been refined, it is basically impossible for those of us who are in the legendary realm to break through."

Soon someone among the crowd discovered the secret.

"Since it's a tomb, we can't break it, so there should be an entrance and exit?"

"Yes, everyone, look for it! There must be treasures in this tomb, but I don't know whose tomb belongs to."

"It is said that the four powerhouses who followed the Immortal Emperor were all ninth-level mythological realms. I don't know if this is the grave of one of the mythological realm powerhouses."

"I think it is, and it should be the tomb of the medicine demon Si Qianqiu. After all, he is the only one who practices alchemy and needs the treasures of heaven and earth as medicinal materials."

"It is said that Si Qianqiu is also in charge of this hall."

"Since that's the case, then the grave below is definitely Si Qianqiu's grave. As a master of alchemy, there must be his inheritance and alchemy in it!"

"That's right, hurry up and find the entrance!"

A group of people suddenly became excited and began to spread out to find a place to enter.

Lu Mousheng narrowed his eyes, the tomb appeared abruptly, he was not sure if there was any treasure inside.

But if you go in and take a look, you will know that you came here to find treasures.

Of course he wouldn't choose not to go in now.

And judging from the actions of those people, they also wanted to go in.

And still looking for the entrance.

It's a pity that their position is opposite to their own, and the entrance is just below their side.

Then there is nothing to say, just go in first.

If there is any good treasure inside, then waiting for them to come out is their death date.

As long as their strength can improve again, these people will die here today!

After Lu Miaosheng thought it over, he flew directly downwards.

plunged into the grave.

The action of Lu Miansheng was also noticed by those ten people.

"Look, that guy seems to have gone down, isn't the entrance to the tomb on his side?"


"I think so, what should we do now, should we go there?"

"It must be on his side. We have searched here, and there is no gap, let alone an entrance that allows us to enter."

"Then what should we do now, should we go there?"

"Go over and have a look. It's already like this. I don't want to be reconciled if I don't go in. And maybe the other party has already gone in and doesn't have time to take care of us. Then we have a chance."

"That's right, go in, let's go together, it's not so easy for him to kill ten of us easily."

"Yes, let's go, there might be a cultivation-type elixir of the mythical realm in it, if we go late, we will have nothing to do."

In a short period of time, the ten people decided that they had to go today, and the cultivation resources were right in front of them, but they didn't have the courage to go in and get them?

After Lu Miaosheng plunged into the tomb, he found that the space had been transformed again.

Here is a small room, all made of the materials used to build the tomb.

There is only one way forward, that is to say, there is only one way to make a living.

As for other roads, there are no other roads at all, even if you want to make a living.

He tried it, the wall here is extremely hard, and he can't break it at all when he hits it with all his strength.

This involuntarily made him feel a sense of crisis.

Even the walls here couldn't be broken, which made him feel that his strength was too weak.

But Jindu came in, and Lu Miaosheng didn't have time to think so much.

Since there is only one way, then he just walks along one way.

The room he is in now is completely bare, with nothing in it.

There's no point in staying here either.

After walking forward for a certain distance, a brand new room appeared in Lu Miansheng's eyes.

But the room is no longer empty.

There is a high platform with a box on it.

There must be something in the box, and now he just needs to go and get it.

But it's not that easy to get it.

In front of which box are the four monster stone statues.

Lu Mousheng could feel that the four stone statues were still alive.

As long as he passes by, these four stone statues can be awakened.

Now the four stone statues are just asleep.

Because only by falling into a deep sleep can they live until now.

Otherwise, even if there were any special means, he wouldn't be able to live long in this place.

These four monsters have a pair of wings, and the whole body looks very thin, but the pair of wings looks stronger.

This shape is a bit like a bat, and I don't know what kind of monster it is.

Perceived carefully with mental power.

These four monsters are all monsters in the Legendary Realm, and they won't have too many problems dealing with them with their current strength.

Since this is the case, there is no longer any delay in making a living, and I walked directly to the location of the treasure chest.

Just after Lu Miansheng had this intention, the four monster stone statues began to crack.

Pieces of stone peeled off.

The four monsters officially woke up.

Don't wait for the four monsters to make any moves.

Lu Miansheng had already come in front of a monster.

Since he knew that the monster would wake up and fight against him, of course Lu Miansheng would not choose to wait for the monster to fully wake up.

He just wanted to deal with the monster before it fully woke up.

He even wished that the monsters were still like stones when he passed by, so that he could smash one with one punch without too much trouble.

It seems impossible now.

However, he shot first, and he had already seized the opportunity. At this time, his punch had already been blasted out.

The monster selected as the target of the attack has not fully awakened yet.

Lu Miansheng's fist had already landed on it.


The monster was blown away by Lu Miansheng's punch.

A fist mark was deeply dented at the place where Lu Mousheng punched.

Blood was left from the monster's chest.

However, although the monster's chest was dented by Lu Mousheng's blow, the monster was not dead, and it didn't look like it was seriously injured.

After falling to the ground, he flapped his wings and flew towards Lu Miansheng again.

The whole body of these monsters looks very huge after opening their wings.

The four monsters opened their wings ploppingly, and the whole room felt like it was going to be filled.

The way to make a living is waiting for the monsters to come up and attack.

But Lu Miansheng obviously miscalculated this fundamental attack method.

In the next second, the four monsters launched a sonic attack towards Lu Miansheng.

Their attack method is not at all to come up and fight with Lu Mou.

This made Lu Miansheng feel very bad.

A strange sound wave hit him, and his whole head began to feel swollen.

It's like something got into his head.

His whole head was like a balloon, and he felt that it was getting more and more inflated.


Lu Miaosheng let out a roar, and then attacked the injured monster.

He wants to kill the injured monster first, so that the danger he faces will be greatly reduced.

Now the monster's attack methods are not superficial.

In this way, his superficial defense completely lost its effect.

Fortunately, his visceral defense is also good, but his head is a little uncomfortable.

The defense of the head is a little weak.

Without time to think about it, Lu Miansheng rushed directly in front of the monster.

The Heavenly Holy Physique was launched, and the Holy Fist was thrown out with a bang.

Powerful forces collided wantonly in the entire space, and the milky white giant fist hit this monster fiercely.

This time, facing Lu Miansheng's full-strength punch monster, he was no longer able to resist.

The whole body was smashed to pieces by Lu Miansheng's blow, and it turned into fragments and impacted the entire room.

In an instant, it turned into countless broken corpses!
After killing a monster, without the sonic attack of a monster, Lu Miaosheng felt his head cleared up a lot.

The feeling just now was like millions of mosquitoes screaming in his ears, which made him very upset.

My head feels bigger.

Now that there is one less monster attacking, it feels much better.

Seizing this opportunity, Lu Miaosheng rushed towards the other three monsters.

Picking a monster that was relatively close, Lu Miansheng rushed straight there, finishing the enemy as quickly as possible!

In less than a second, Lu Miaosheng had already arrived in front of the monster.

It was another holy punch.

This monster also turned into broken corpses, spreading throughout the entire space.

There are fewer monsters again, and even less pressure to make a living.

Facing the best two monsters, Lu Miansheng no longer felt threatened.

When he moved his feet, there was a crackling sound in the air, and he looked again, Lu Miaosheng had disappeared in place, so he looked again.

Lu Miansheng has come to the monster.

The milky white Holy Fist hit the monster fiercely.

These monsters don't know what's going on, and they won't hide, even though Lu Miansheng has come to them and launched an attack.

These monsters didn't mean to dodge at all, they still screamed in place and launched sonic attacks.

From Lu Miansheng's point of view, it may be that consciousness has been wiped out.

The entire monster is made into a biological puppet, which will only follow instructions.

Perhaps the order left by their master is to launch sound waves to kill the intruders when they encounter intruders.

In front of the last monster, the last holy fist was punched out.

The last monster also died.

After killing all the monsters, first extract the attributes of the monsters.

As the attribute light spots entered Lu Miaosheng's body, Lu Mengsheng felt that his physical strength was being rapidly improved.

His current physical strength is only at the diamond level, but this monster is at the legendary level, separated by more than ten small levels and one big level.

The improvement these monsters gave him was enormous.

The convenience of his physical body directly brought him from the fifth level of the Diamond Realm to the seventh level.

Four monsters raised his realm by two levels. If it is converted into the same level, it would take a lot to reach such a level.

There has also been some improvement in the spiritual aspect. From the first level of Diamond Realm to the third level of Diamond Realm, it is also an improvement of two levels.

The spiritual attributes of these four monsters also seem to be good.

However, it can also be seen that the physical strength of these four monsters is not strong.

It mainly relies on sound waves, and those sound waves can attack the head, which means that these four monsters have also cultivated their spiritual power.

Now it's finally time to harvest.

I don't know what's in this box.

It's a box that's not too big and not too small.

Lu Mousheng stepped forward and easily opened the box.

Inside are some bottles and jars, all of which are white jade bottles used to hold elixir.

There are ten bottles in total, all of which seem to be of the same type.

Lu Mousheng took two of the bottles and poured them out for a look.

There is only one pill in a bottle, that is to say, there are ten pills in the ten bottles.

The outer layer of the elixir is sealed with wax to prevent the energy of the elixir inside from leaking out.

Use your mental power to sense the energy strength of the pill inside.

In Lu Miansheng's perception, the energy intensity in these pills was exactly the same as those legendary realm elixir he got outside.

In other words, these big monsters may be used for cultivation in the legendary realm.

And the medicinal materials are made of the elixir produced in the medicine field outside.

This speculation is not without reason.

However, these ten elixirs were not enough for him to break through the seventh layer of the Babel Eucharist and reach the eighth layer.

At least a hundred more pills like this are almost the same.

Just ten is still a little less.

However, Lu Mousheng imagined that there must be medicine pills in this tomb, and now he got ten pills just after entering the first small room, as long as he moved faster.

It is not impossible to collect a hundred.

As long as I collect a hundred of them, it will be the death date of those ten people!

(End of this chapter)

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