Chapter 174
Mo Fan looked at Lu Miaosheng calmly: "Stop bragging here, die for me!"

Mo Fan took the lead in launching the attack, and the others didn't hold back when they saw this, and headed towards the road together.

Now they are completely grasshoppers on the same rope, one prospers, one prospers, one loses.

Now that they have already decided to do it, they don't think too much about it, and they all use their full strength.

They have no way out!

Seeing this, Lu Mousheng didn't wait any longer, everyone had already come before him, and now was the best time to make a move.

Those who missed them might turn around and run away.

Lu Miaosheng tried his best to mobilize the power of the Eucharist.

Endless milky white light rose from his body.

The entire small space was completely shrouded in milky white light.

The six of them immediately felt bad, not to mention the power, just the aura alone was more than a notch stronger than before.

And this momentum is still rising, completely beyond the legendary channel!
"Mythical Realm!!!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked. At this moment, they could finally confirm that Lu Miansheng was not just bluffing, but to attract them!
At this moment, they hated Mo Fan to death.

If Lu Miansheng was not right in front of them, they would have wished to turn the forces attacking Lu Miansheng back on Mo Fan.

It's a pity that they have no chance to trouble Mo Fan again.

Not necessarily, maybe they can find trouble with Mo Fan below.

Lu Miaosheng punched out with all his strength, and the whole space was shaken constantly by this force, as if it was about to collapse in the next second.

A huge white fist appeared in the air, and the six people were enveloped in it.

The sense of death hit their faces, and they couldn't resist this blow!
The moment the milky white fist descended, all defenses on them were shattered!
It didn't even do anything to stop it.

In just a few seconds, several people were all blown away!
The sky began to rain blood, which was the blood of these six people.

He fished out six storage bags from it and took a look, there were more or less some pills inside.

There are fifty coins in total, which is not a bad harvest.

After killing all these people, Lu Miaosheng had no more distracting thoughts in his mind, and the first battle came to a successful conclusion.

These guys are also looking for death, and dare to attack themselves.

The next step is his treasure hunting process alone.

It seemed to him that there would be no one else here.

Lu Miaosheng walked towards the inside with strides.

There is only one straight passage in this place, and I don't know what kind of existence will be in the innermost part.

Will there be more advanced pills in the innermost place?

If so, how many?

Can you directly raise the realm of his Tongtian Saint Body?
These are all unknowns, and this is where Lu makes a living relationship.

If it is possible, that would be great, in that case, his strength will be greatly improved and improved again.

But Lu Mousheng knew that even if there were more pills in it, it should not be possible for him to break through to the ninth floor with his Heaven-reaching Saint Physique.

One can feel the energy needed to break through to the ninth floor to make a living, and the energy needed may be thousands of times more than the energy needed to break through to the eighth floor from the seventh floor!
That's a lot to take.

Lu Mou was a little desperate for a living, and he didn't know how his master broke through to the ninth floor at that time.

Wouldn't it take the entire Bloodline Continent aside?

Lu Mousheng doubted whether Ying Jiuyou had really robbed the Bloodline Continent.

But now he is even more troubled by his breakthrough, where can he find so many items with energy next?
Even if he doesn't rely on the Heavenly Saint Physique to cultivate, he wants to kill creatures to extract attributes to improve his strength.

But where would he go to find monsters in large numbers?

The monsters in the abyss can reach the mythical realm at most, so the most he can kill the abyss is to reach the mythical realm, which is the same as his current power of the heavenly holy body.

After killing the abyss, he has nowhere to find any more monsters.

It is also one of his tasks to find more places where monsters haunt.

But maybe the monsters in the upper domain of Sky Continent are one of his ways out.

In the battle between Tianqiong Continent and Demon Realm, the casualties caused by both sides are not a small number.

If you really can’t do it, you can find a top battlefield to live by yourself, watch them fight every day when you have nothing to do, and extract attributes by yourself.

That's not impossible.

It's just that the speed will definitely be very slow, which is not what Lu Miansheng wants.

But I still have time, and I am not very anxious about these things now.

You can wait until your physical strength reaches the mythical realm and then worry about these things.

After thinking about it, Lu Miansheng began to advance rapidly towards deeper depths.

It quickly crossed several rooms that had been opened up by those six people.

In addition to the monster corpses on the ground, there is nothing else for Lu to earn a living.

Extracting the attributes of these corpses actually allowed his mental power to break through to the eighth diamond level.

As for the physical body, it is still in an invincible state, accumulating energy.

Wanting to make a breakthrough is not enough.

Finally, after crossing five rooms, Lu Mengsheng successfully came to a brand new room, which was a room that had not been triggered.

A hexagonal stone statue was successfully triggered after Lu Mousheng entered in this room, and he woke up. The fate of meeting this monster was to be punched to death!
Most of the monsters here are in the legendary realm, and there is no mythical realm.

After beating the monster to death, the pill on the high platform was naturally taken away by Lu Miaosheng.

There are still ten pills, no more and no less.

Next, Lu Mousheng broke through seven rooms one after another, killed more than ten monsters, and harvested seventy pills.

After opening the last room, a vortex appeared in front of Lu Miansheng.

Through this vortex, Lu Miansheng will be able to leave here.

The entire tomb was opened up by him just like that, there was no more advanced treasure that Lu Miansheng expected, and no more dangerous place.

This made Lu Miaosheng a little disappointed.

He thought there would be some surprise waiting for him at the end.

I didn't expect it to come out like this.

Walking into the vortex, Lu Miaosheng directly returned to the environment before entering the alchemy hall.

At this moment, the entire forest was in chaos.

A large number of people are fighting and fighting, some are chasing and killing others, and some are being hunted and killed.

The scene was once a little tragic.

At this moment, making a living is the way to see how important resources are.

In fact, in normal times, it is impossible for these people to fight to such an extent.

It's really because the things inside are too precious. After seeing the precious treasures obtained by people who are not as powerful as themselves, everyone wants to snatch them.

That's why this scene happened now, and they all fought.

Lu Mousheng didn't want to get involved, and he didn't want to take care of it when he saw the chaos here. He wanted to see if there were any cultivation resources stored there.

But he wants to go, but some people don't want him to go,


"Hand over the storage bag on your body!"

"If you don't hand it over today, you don't want to leave!"

The four surrounded Lu Miansheng, obviously treating Lu Miansheng like a fat sheep.

Lu Mousheng smiled: "Okay, you guys come and get it."

Lu Mousheng felt a little angry, did he look so weak?

Is someone like coming over to rob himself?
One of the bosses among the four laughed loudly: "Forget you are smart, otherwise I will let you know why flowers are so popular today!"

He came to Lu Miaosheng with a smile: "Hand it over."

The man stretched out his hand in front of Lu Miaosheng, motioning for Lu Miaosheng to take out the storage bag.


A headless corpse fell from the sky.

Lu Miaosheng killed the man with one punch.

The other three people didn't react for a while, and they were stunned.

What did they see?
My boss seems to have been punched to death?

They rubbed their eyes, wondering if they had seen it wrong.

But obviously, they read it right, and there was no chance to escape.

In the next instant, they were all sent to heaven by Lu Miansheng.

Several corpses fell from the sky, staining the grass below red.

After taking care of these short-sighted ones, Lu Miaosheng continued to look for what he needed.

All he wanted to do now was to find enough resources, and his Heaven-reaching Saint Physique needed too many resources to cultivate to the ninth level.

Of course he would not let go of the opportunity now.

After searching for a while, I really made a living to find a place where there might be good things.

【Treasure Hall】

Lu Miaosheng came to a large hall.

Treasure Hall, isn't that the place where treasures are kept?
Then I must join in.

Even if he didn't need the treasure he got in it, he could go out and sell it in exchange for the cultivation resources he needed.

After figuring this out, Lu Miaosheng hurried in.

If it's too late, maybe all the things inside have been taken away, of course he won't waste his time.

One extra second wasted, and a treasure might be lost.

Soon Lu Miansheng rushed into this hall.

The original place has been explored by many people.

He needs to go deeper.

Although the location of the door has been explored, there are still many people fighting.

It is obvious that they want to snatch the treasure in other people's hands.

Lu Miaosheng directly passed these people and rushed straight inside.

"Who is that person?"

"I haven't seen it before."

"Doesn't this guy know that the depths are the battlefield of the Legendary Realm? Rushing in so recklessly is just courting death!"

"Never mind him, he deserves to die!"

Some people resent the fact that they have to make a living from the road that passes quickly over their heads.

Don't you have any strength in your heart?
They are all grabbing the small ones here, and you, a guy that no one knows, are rushing in instead?

Do you think you are strong?

Faced with the comments of these people below, Lu Mousheng didn't even bother to listen.

Strength is not on the same level at all, so what is there to care about making a living?
Just like an elephant cannot hear an ant, if an ant dares to bite an elephant, it will be crushed to death by the elephant.

Soon, Lu Miaosheng came to the center of the hall.

Along the way, he saw several destroyed gates, which seemed to be blocked layer by layer.

Those who come in must continue to destroy before they can enter deeper places.

Now he is not sure whether the place he came to is the deepest place, but the fierce men who entered this hall have obviously been stopped here.

There are a lot of people here, with a total of thirty, which is double the number of people in the alchemy hall.

Seeing Lu Mousheng approaching, one person stepped forward to stop him: "There is no legendary realm here that cannot be entered."

The man who blocked the way to make a living looked arrogant, as if he was very proud of being a legend, and he didn't take Lu's way of making a living very seriously.

Lu Mousheng snorted coldly: "Get out!"

He just can't figure it out, does he look weak?
Why do people always come to stop me, or want my own life?

The face of the person who blocked the way to make a living turned red instantly: "What are you talking about!"

Lu Mousheng taunted mercilessly: "Why, you can't speak well and your ears are not good? I'll let you go!"

The people who gathered and waited here instantly became excited.

This is a good show to watch!
"Who is this person? He is so arrogant."

"Then see if this guy has the capital to be arrogant."

"Do you think the two of them will fight?"

"I think so, it's all bullying to the face, Liu Tian can't bear it."

"That's right, Liu Tian's temper is very arrogant. Now that he is being tricked like this, he will definitely fight."

"Who do you say will win?"

"I think Liu Tian, ​​although this guy is rather arrogant, but his strength is still very strong. I have never seen this guy before, and I have never heard of him. I don't know where he came from."

“I think so too”

Everyone here is still discussing, and the atmosphere between the two sides over there is even more tense.

Liu Tian's face was rosy, it was because he was angry, and he was quite pale before: "Damn guy, let me see why you are so arrogant!"

Lu Mousheng is too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, since he doesn't want to leave by himself, let him help the other party!
In a flash, he came to Liu Tian.

Liu Tian's complexion changed drastically, why did this person come to him in an instant?
Before Liu Tian could react, Lu Miaosheng had already punched, but he didn't use his full strength.

I just want to teach this guy a lesson, and at the same time stand up here.

Otherwise, anyone will come to find trouble for him, so should he go to find resources?
Just wait here for others to make trouble, okay?

Originally, Lu made a living because he intended to gain prestige, otherwise his temper would not be so irritable.

It can only be said that Liu Tian was unlucky and hit the muzzle of the gun.

Lu Mousheng's punch passed, and Liu Tian was sent flying, hit the ground, and slid a certain distance.

However, Liu Tian stood up quickly, without injury, and did not have the trouble of finding a way to make a living again.

He could see that Lu Miaosheng was merciful, otherwise he would have died here with this blow.

He is arrogant, but it doesn't mean he is stupid.

If you encounter someone you can't beat, you should admit it.

After dealing with Liu Tian, ​​Lu Miaosheng safely came to the front.

The group of people who were discussing were stunned. They didn't say a few words before it was over?

Didn't you just order popcorn and Coke, and when you entered the movie theater and watched it for less than five seconds, you told me it was over?
This result caught everyone by surprise.

After thinking about it, they are even more afraid of the strength to make a living.

Liu Tian was solved so easily.

At least half of them here can't do it.

Probably only a handful of two perverts can do it.

In an instant, Lu Miansheng's identity and strength were placed at the level of a pervert.

(End of this chapter)

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