Chapter 175
After showing his strength easily, the space also became quiet.

No one bothers to find a way to make a living anymore.

Lu Mousheng came to this gate, there was nothing special here, so he asked in confusion, "Why don't you go in?"

After Lu Mousheng asked, a person next to the door gave an answer with dignity: "There are prohibitions on this door, if you attack this thing, it will explode inside.

Then you won't get anything. "

Lu Mousheng Mingwu: "Oh? Is that so? How do you know?"

Lu Mousheng was a little curious, but he probably had an idea in his heart. He saw the scorched explosion at the first door, and he thought it was the result of these people fighting.

Now it seems that it is very likely not, they should have forced it open, and the inside exploded.

He Yuan explained: "We have already tried it in the first portal."

Lu Mousheng thought, and it was true: "Then how do we break this portal? If we can't get in, we won't be able to get what's inside."

He Yuan went on to explain: "The prohibition of this portal has a time limit. After people approach, it will be opened within half an hour. Maybe the latter ones may be slower, but it won't be too slow anyway."

Lu Miaosheng immediately understood.

It seems that wanting to get what's inside requires constant waiting time.

Maybe without this waiting time, there would be more people here.

To make a living this time, I have to consider whether I should wait here any longer.

I just don't know if the things in it are worth it. If it's worth it, Lu Miansheng doesn't mind waiting here for a while.

But if it's not worth it, wouldn't he be wasting precious time by waiting here?

There are quite a lot of treasures in this land of inheritance, and if we wait for it, other things may have nothing to do with making a living.

However, after scanning around, Lu Miaosheng had the answer.

Since there are so many people waiting here, it means that the things inside are definitely worth it.

Otherwise, why would these people wait here?

Isn't that a waste of time?

Lu Miaosheng didn't believe that these people were wasting time here, which was impossible in Lu Miaosheng's view.

Thinking of this, Lu Miaosheng immediately felt relieved and waited with peace of mind.

Even if the things in it are really worthless, Lu Miansheng will not feel too much heartache.

You must know that he has successfully used the resources here to break through to the eighth floor of the Babel Eucharist.

He didn't believe that there would be more resources here for him to break through to the ninth floor.

So whether you can get it or not is just an act of icing on the cake.

Moreover, if the things here are really not good, he can also leave and go to the first floor to see what's going on inside.

Feel free to wait here.

Finally, after 10 minutes, the door of the room that isolated them opened.

Immediately, everyone rushed in, and Lu Miaosheng didn't delay, and rushed in directly.

After entering, Lu Miaosheng scanned the entire room.

It was found that this is a large room composed of countless small rooms.

It is not possible to observe the entire room at once.

If you want to get something, you have to enter the small room.

This seems to require a little bit of luck.

If he is not lucky enough, it is impossible for him to get good things.

The others had already rushed into those small rooms, and Lu Miansheng couldn't waste his time here.

He found a small room at random, opened the door, and rushed in.

In the first room, it is very similar to his situation in the alchemy hall, except that there are no monsters, there is also a high platform here, and there are things on the high platform.

Looks like a storage bag.

After Lu Mousheng went up to take it out, he found that it was indeed a storage bag, and Lu Mousheng took a look at the contents inside.

Some weapons, but not very good weapons.

For Lu Miansheng, it can only be regarded as better than nothing.

After putting away this thing, Lu Miaosheng then rushed to the next room.

If the layout of these rooms is like this, as long as the things in the storage bag are a little better, it will be a big profit.

Sure enough, these people were unwilling to leave knowing that waiting would be a waste of time, and it was because the things here were better than those outside.

In the next room, a person also rushed out from the next room, and the moment he saw Lu Miansheng, he broke out with full speed and grabbed the storage bag on the high platform.

Of course, Lu Miaosheng would not look at it, and at the same time, he broke out with full speed and grabbed it.

His state is now in the mythical state, and the speed is not comparable to these people.

"This thing is mine!"

Lu Mousheng shook the storage bag in his hand triumphantly, but he didn't expect the opponent to slash with his sword, obviously intending to grab it by force.

Lu Miaosheng's eyes turned cold: "Do it? You are really smart!"

Unexpectedly, after showing his strength, someone would dare to attack him. It seems that his strength is not exposed enough.

If you really don't want to kill people, you can't do it. These people always put their heads on his side. Isn't that just letting him kill?
Grab the opponent's arm and fold it hard.


There was a sound of fracture, and the opponent's entire arm broke directly.

At this time, the man's face was terrified, and at the same time he was in pain. Before Lu Miaosheng could make another move, he knelt down and begged for mercy: "I was wrong! Please let me go!"

Clutching his bleeding arm, the man admitted his mistake on the spot.

It's a pity that Lu Miaosheng is not a benevolent person, but anyone who attacks him cannot survive.


With one punch, the opponent's head is directly blasted. The ultimate strength is simply not something the opponent can resist.

"If admitting mistakes is useful, then what do you need to practice?"

it's ridiculous
After killing this person, the attributes of the other party were extracted, without much increase, but a little enhancement of the background.

Open the other party's storage bag and check it out, there are quite a few good things.

Among them, there are quite a lot of training resources.

I didn't expect to kill a person so fat.

If you kill all the people in it, can you solve your own cultivation resources?

Lu Mousheng was very curious, but he didn't intend to take the initiative to attack him. If these people took the initiative to attack him, it would be different.

Then you can't blame him.
Then rush to the next room and open the door of the next room.

There is no one inside, so take the storage bag and leave.

Now he didn't even bother to waste time looking at what was in the storage bag, and it wouldn't be too late to look at everything after the matter was over.

Now he still grabs more storage bags first.

Opening a door again, the other party rushed out at the same time.

In an instant, he wanted to rush over to grab the storage bag, but Lu Mousheng got ahead of him.

This time, this person did not choose to confront Lu Miansheng, but chose to enter the next room.

Lu Miaosheng also hurriedly followed.

It's a pity that it was still a step late, and the other party had already taken the storage bag from the next room.

The other party didn't make a move on him, he was thinking about whether he should make a move to snatch him away.

After thinking about it, let it go, the other party didn't offend me, so doing this would be against my own heart.

The door from this room to the next room is no longer one-way, but there are four rooms in total.

Except for the direction they came in, there were three other directions, and Lu Miaosheng randomly chose one to go in directly.

The other person did not choose to follow Lu Miansheng.

Picked another room and walked in.

He is still a little afraid of Lu's ability to make a living.

Taking action against Lu Miaosheng is simply courting death.

Passing through the next room, it is no longer a small room, but a large room.

The whole room is very huge, almost the size of ten small rooms.

This large room is guarded by more than a dozen giant wolves with lightning on their bodies.

If you want to get the storage bag on the high platform, you need to kill the giant wolf guarding below first.

At this time, three people were already fighting the giant wolf.

They were fighting the giant wolf while heading towards the high platform, wanting to take the opportunity to get the storage bag.

Everyone here knows that where there is a place protected by creatures, the things contained in it must be more precious.

Lu Miaosheng also quickly killed in the direction of the storage bag.

Lu Miansheng rushed forward quickly, and the two thunder wolves gambled on the direction of Lu Miansheng's progress.

Lu Mousheng punched out two consecutive punches, and the two thunder wolves instantly turned into blood mist and were blown away.

Lu Mousheng didn't even stop, and continued to kill towards the high platform.

The three people who were fighting were stunned. Thunder Wolf, who had been fighting with them for a long time, was punched to death like this?

One punch at a time, is Thunder Wolf so weak?
Why can't they kill one of them for a long time?
At this moment, they were a little suspicious of their personalities.

It didn't take long for them to learn that it wasn't their problem at all.

It's all because Lu Miansheng is too strong.

In order to achieve such a point.

Because they saw that Lu Miaosheng was besieged by five thunder wolves after he got the storage bag.

As a result, the five thunder wolves were instantly blown up by Lu Miaosheng, the one whose whole body turned into a blood mist, so dead that they couldn't die any more.

At this moment, they all knew in their hearts that this was a big boss, and they couldn't provoke him at all.

They made a decision in an instant, left the Thunder Wolf in front of them, and went straight to the next room.

They no longer want the things in this room.

They have already been taken by Lu Miansheng. If they want it, they must go to Lu Miansheng.

After seeing Lu Mou's strength for a living, even if they were given ten guts, they would not dare to fight Lu Mou.

In the past, they fought with Lu Mousheng in the past, maybe they were no different from Thunder Wolf, they were all punched to death.

Add a punch at most.

The gap was too obvious, and they didn't even have the intention to resist.

Seeing these people rushing towards the next room, Lu Miaosheng didn't waste time.

As soon as the storage bag is taken, it goes to the next room.

There are many doors around the room, but there is only one door leading to the depths, which is very obvious.

However, it is not too anxious to make a living, if the situation here is followed.

There might be monsters in the next room too.

If there are monsters, it is not that simple for them to easily get the contents inside.

Because the strength of the monster is the same as theirs, it is simply impossible for them to easily solve the monster.

But he is different, for Lie, it is very easy to deal with monsters.

Their realm is already different.

In the next room, there are also many people fighting in this room.

Counting the three just now, there are seven people here in total, which means that there were four people in this room before.

At this time, the monsters blocking them in front of them were ten three-headed dogs.

Black flames were all over their bodies, and none of the seven dared to touch the flames on the three-headed dog easily.

For a while, their fight seemed like they were being beaten.

The three people who came from the direction of Lu Miansheng saw that Lu Miansheng was also coming, so they made a quick decision, gave up this room and rushed to the next room.

Lu Mousheng was so perverted that they didn't want to be an enemy at all.

Compared with resources, they hope to survive more.

If you die here, even if you get more resources, so what?
Why don't you make wedding dresses for others?
The three of them knew the situation, but the four of Qiyu didn't know the situation, and they were still entangled with the three-headed dog here.

I didn't think it was strange seeing the three of them leave, but I just thought that the three of them went to the next room because they didn't want to fight the three-headed dog here.

Lu Mousheng wanted to laugh when he saw the three of them running away.

Sure enough, only by showing your muscles can others be afraid of you.

Otherwise, who knows if there is a layer of ribs under your clothes.

But he didn't plan to chase them directly, there was no need, the storage bag here hadn't been handed yet.

It's not too late to catch up after you get it.

Just like the reason just now, even if you give them a chance, let them go first.

But as long as there are monsters in the next room, it is not that simple for them to easily solve the battle and get things.

Lu Miaosheng quickly rushed to the high platform.

After Lu Mousheng approached, the three-headed dog guarding the high platform attacked Lu Mousheng.

Lu Miaosheng just punches with all his strength, his physical strength is nothing in front of physical training!

There was no unexpected result, the three-headed dog was punched and exploded by Lu Miaosheng.

The only thing that makes way for a living is that the black flame on the three-headed dog is still burning on his arm.

It seems that the power of this flame is not small.

It's a pity that his defense is also invincible, even if these flames cover his whole body, nothing will happen to him.

Ignoring the burning flames, without a source of power, Lu Miansheng didn't believe that this thing could really keep burning.

Even if it can really keep burning, he doesn't feel it at all, at most it has an extra attribute.

Strangers are not allowed to enter, anyone who approaches may be burned by the flames on his body.

So this property is obtained.

Then he punched the approaching two-headed and three-headed dogs with two punches, and finally no monsters interfered with him.

Go up to the high platform and take the storage bag on the high platform.

At this time, Lu Miaosheng was surrounded by four people again.

"Stop, hand over the storage bag and you can go."

Chang Xin didn't panic in the face of Lu Miansheng, and he didn't believe that he couldn't do Lu Miansheng together with the other three.

So what if Lu Miansheng is stronger?

Could it be possible to solve the four of them?

Although Lu Mousheng's punching a three-headed dog looks very powerful, but if the four of them fight together, they can quickly deal with the three-headed dog.

(End of this chapter)

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