Chapter 176

It is very annoying to make a living, why do you always have this kind of idiot to harass yourself?

"Well, I really want to know, where do you get the confidence to think that with more people, you can win with fewer people?"

Chang Xin sneered: "Where does the confidence come from? The strongest people who come into this place are the Legendary Realm. People from the Mythical Realm are not allowed to enter. Everyone is in the Legendary Realm. Could it be that the four of us can't beat you alone?"

This trip to make a living suddenly realized: "So that's the case, but don't you know that reality and rules are different?"

Chang Xin's complexion changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Lu Mousheng smiled: "What do I mean? It doesn't mean anything, you just need to know that you are going to hell soon."

Zhou Bai sneered: "Don't be scared by him, can he really be in the mythical realm? You must know that people in the mythical realm are blocked and are not allowed to come. I checked the entire Immortal Mountain with a boundary detector."

When Zhou Bai said this, Chang Xin also reacted, and it was really because Lu Miaosheng was too calm, he didn't panic at all, it was as real as it was, and it really scared him.

"You can really pretend, and you almost pretended to be it. It's abominable."

After Chang Xin realized it, his anger rose, and he immediately shot towards Lu for his life.

Lu Mousheng shook his head, sure enough, the dying person couldn't be stopped.

Urging the power of the heavenly holy body, use the holy fist.

He has more powerful secret skills, but due to time constraints, he can't practice them, can't master them, and can only use holy fists to fight against the enemy.

Given enough time to practice the secret technique of the Holy Body, opponents of this level can be wiped out with one move.

Driven by the Holy Body of Tongtian, a strong white light emanated from Lu Mousheng's body.

Imposing, turbulent, irresistible force like the sea emanated from Lu Miansheng.

The stronger Lu Mousheng's aura was, the worse Chang Xin and the others felt.

This is not right, this force has already begun to leave the legendary realm, okay?
In addition to the words that Lu made a living before, the four of them immediately realized.

What the guy in front of him said may be true, and he really may not be in the Legendary Realm.

The opponent is a mythical realm!

All four of them panicked: "What should I do? How did the other party get in?"

Zhou Bai said calmly: "This guy may have broken through to the mythical realm after he came in. Don't panic. His current realm is definitely not stable. This is our chance. Don't hold back your all-out shot!"

Chang Xin also reacted: "Yes! Go all out! Don't keep it! We can't escape!"

The four of them reached an agreement in an instant and began to attack with all their strength.

Although the cooperation of four people is good, but that's it, damn it or die!

In the face of absolute power, all cooperation is useless!
It just so happens that Lu Miansheng possesses such power!
The Holy Fist was blasted out from Lu Miansheng's hands, and the blow containing terrifying power hit the four of them fiercely.

The attacks of the four were crushed in an instant, and then they flew upside down and hit the wall of this room.

It's best to fall to the ground, the four of them are like dead fish, lying on the ground, vomiting blood continuously, struggling to stand up, but the bones on their bodies seem to be completely broken, and they can't get up at all.

This was because the extreme attacks of the four of them offset part of the power of the Holy Fist that Lu Mengsheng used.

Otherwise, these four people would have been beaten into a blood mist and died here long ago.

Lu Mousheng came in front of the four of them: "Tell me, are you courting death?"

Chang Xin wanted to say something, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't speak.

Lu Miaosheng looked at Chang Xin, and he could see the will to live in his eyes.

It's a pity that I offended myself and must die here today.

One punch, one punch, all of them are killed here.

After solving the battle, Lu Miaosheng continued to move forward.

I don't know what's in the next room.

This is like opening a treasure chest, and it is still very exciting.

Soon came to the next room.

At this time, there were dozens of people in this room, but none of them moved easily. It was because there were too many stone monsters in front of them.

If every stone statue is equal to a monster, then where there are thousands of stone statues, there are thousands of monsters.

According to the fact that each monster is equal to a legendary realm, there are thousands of legendary realms, how do they fight?
So no one approached the past, and they all waited quietly here, wanting to see if there would be any changes after all the people arrived.

The three people who came before looked curiously behind Lu Moushen, and they remembered that there were still four people in that room.

Why isn't anyone here now?

Could it be that they were all killed by Lu Mousheng?

For a moment, this idea rose in their minds.

As time passed, no one appeared from the door, which made them more sure of their thoughts.

Those four people definitely provoked this fierce man, and they were beaten to death.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for all four of them to come here.

Thinking of this, the three of them became more cautious, and they all made up their minds not to provoke Lu to make a living.

After Lu Miaosheng arrived, he observed the situation and found that these people were not moving.

Obviously afraid of these thousands of monsters.

To be honest, as a physical trainer, as long as these monsters can't break through his defense, then he has nothing to be afraid of.

Looking at it now, as long as the strength of these monsters is at the legendary level, it is absolutely impossible to break through the defense of making a living.

In other words, it is only a matter of time before Lu Miansheng kills these monsters.

I will not be threatened in any way.

That being the case, there is nothing to hesitate about making a living.

Go straight forward, ready to take the storage bag away.

As for how these people will react.

So what does it matter to him?

These people have no ability to take things in front of them.

Shouldn't he be allowed to take it?
There is no such reason in the world.

Lu Miansheng didn't bother to think about these people's thoughts.

If these people dare to attack him, then Lu Miansheng doesn't mind educating them.

It's just that the tuition fee is a little bit miserable.

They need to pay with their lives.

Lu Mousheng moved forward and walked forward.

The people standing in the hall saw a figure rushing forward continuously, and suddenly panicked.

"Stop! What are you doing!"

"Damn! Didn't you see the thousands of monsters here!"

"Don't go up!"

Everyone panicked at this moment.

Thousands of monsters are not something they can deal with.

If they are all awakened, none of them can get the things here.

Even if they ran slower, they might be chased and killed by these monsters.

Thinking of this, they hated this figure flying forward quickly.

"Mom! This man is about to fly over! These monsters will be awakened soon!"


For a moment, everyone hesitated. If they ran directly, the exquisite storage bag above would have no connection with them.

In other words, whether or not this thing falls into the hands of the person in front has nothing to do with them.

But if you don't run, the monsters here are so powerful, they don't dare to go forward easily.

If he stepped forward, he might be killed.

Many people were very hesitant, and only a few firmly planned to stay here, or ran away directly.

Those who stay here are not saying that they must go, they want to see what this person has.

In their view, no one who can cultivate to this level is a fool, and the other party must be sure that he can rush over so directly.

What's more, they also want to see how strong this monster is.

After all, the levels of these monsters are only their guesses based on the levels of those monsters that were resurrected before.

It is not certain whether these monsters are legendary or not.

Maybe the level of these monsters is epic or lower.

Of course, this is just their fluke idea.

In any case, the most important thing they wanted to see was how this person got the middle storage bag.

It was a place firmly surrounded by thousands of monsters.

They didn't believe that this man could be that strong.

Lu Miaosheng flew forward quickly, regardless of the words behind him.

He only needs the front storage bag now.

As for these monsters, so what if they were resurrected.

As long as it doesn't block his way forward, he won't bother to care about it tomorrow.

If there is a delay of one more second, there may be more accidents.

He didn't want to see anything unexpected happen.

Soon, as Lu Miansheng approached the storage bag, the thousands of sealed monsters all came to life.

The stones sealed on them began to fall off layer by layer.

The original forms of monsters appeared.

The appearance of these monsters is extremely ugly.

The whole body is black and has long hair.

With such sharp palms and teeth, a body shape is almost the same as that of a human being.

From these resurrected monsters, Lu Miaosheng felt that their strength was legendary.

In other words, these more than 1000 monsters are all from the Legendary Realm.

Lu Miaosheng didn't care, and quickly flew towards the storage bag.

When flying over the monster.

The monster below leaped high and came towards the road to kill.

Their five fingers grew sharp claws, and they grabbed Lu Miansheng with one claw.

Facing the attacking monster, Lu Miaosheng unleashed his Holy Fist.

A powerful white holy light gushes out.

A fist composed entirely of the power of the holy body was struck by Lu Miansheng and hit the flying monster.

The monster in the front was directly punched to death by Lu Miansheng!
Facing Lu Miansheng's ferocious attack, these monsters rushed towards Lu Miansheng without fear of death.

He didn't care about Lu Miansheng punching several of their companions to death.

These are monsters without intelligence. In their consciousness, only the programmed programs are left.

Anyone who is close to the high platform will be attacked by them.

The meaning of their existence is to stop these people who want to approach the high platform.

Face these monsters rushing over.

Lu Mousheng punched out quickly, the speed of punching was like a violent wind and rain, constantly bombarding at an extremely fast speed.

These monsters would be smashed to pieces whenever they got close to him.

Such ferocious combat power made everyone who stayed behind to observe unconsciously swallow their saliva for a moment.

It was too cruel.

Simply not human.

This kind of attack method of punching a child, these monsters on the opposite side are really legendary monsters?

They were very skeptical, but after feeling the breath of monsters, they were able to confirm that these monsters were from the Legendary Realm.

Soon they realized that it wasn't that the monster was weak, but that the man was too strong.

It's ridiculously strong, can the mythical realm achieve this level?
Soon they knew the reason. It turns out that making a living is a physical cultivation, not a legal cultivation.

After figuring this out, they didn't think about it anymore.

They didn't dare to snatch something that Lu Miansheng was interested in.

That is the existence of the mythical realm of the physical realm.

If they can't even break through the opponent's defense, isn't that going to die?
After figuring out the situation, although these people did not dare to rob the road to make a living.

But it's still possible to watch a play here.

People in the mythical realm make moves, no matter what, it is also a practical teaching material.

They can also study the power of the mythical realm.

Usually, it is not easy to see the mythical realm make a move.

A bunch of people didn't leave, they watched the way to make a living and fought against a thousand monsters.

After they learned that Lu Miansheng was a mythical physical cultivation, they already knew a lot about this battle.

These monsters are definitely not Lu Shengsheng's opponents, and they will die tragically in the hands of Lu Shengsheng in the end.

The only thing that needs to be consumed is the matter of time.

It is recognized as the most unrealistic thing to want to use up all the energy in physical training.

Lu Miaosheng crazily punched the attacking monsters, and these monsters were not afraid of death at all.

Even if he knew that he would be beaten to death by Lu Miaosheng, he didn't show any fear at all.

It is simply a terrible war machine.

If this thing is put into the battlefield.

That is a big killer.

It's a pity that staying here can only deal with their own people.

Although they are a bit unnatural, they seem to come to dig someone's grave.

That's not right, to be reasonable, they came to accept the inheritance.

How can you say it's here to dig a grave?
Soon, in less than half an hour, thousands of monsters were all hammered to death by Lu Miaosheng alone, without taking a breath in between.

Extract the attributes of thousands of monsters.

Powerful attribute power poured into Lu Miansheng's body.

Physical invincibility broken!

Come to the epic realm of flesh!
The invincible state of the diamond state brought him a physical change, as long as he wanted, his body surface could be covered with a layer of scales to enhance his defense.

At this point, his physical body has also reached the epic level.

Apart from his physical body, his spiritual power has also directly soared from the eighth level of the diamond level to the level of the epic level.

He has become more proficient at controlling mental power.

There is even a source of spiritual power in his mind, which will no longer strengthen his spiritual power all the time.

At the same time, his spiritual recovery speed will also become extremely fast.

At this moment, both his body and spirit broke through to the epic realm.

A powerful feeling spread throughout the body.

Although overall there is not as much power as the Tongtian Eucharist.

But I always feel that this kind of spiritual power and physical power is my own.

The power of the Tongtian Holy Body is like cultivating a body.

When you need to fight and then activate this body, it is usually left when it is not in use, and it is in an idle state.

He can send and receive real physical power and spiritual power at any time, but the power of the Tongtian Eucharist, although it seems that there is no difference.

But in fact, every time you use it, you have to wait for one second.

This second belongs to the time of awakening the Eucharist.

(End of this chapter)

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