Chapter 177
Call it a day, do it all, and there's nothing left to do with this place.

It seems that this is the last room.

He came just in time.

This is the last room.

If he came later, there would be nothing for him here.

Flying straight towards the outside world, he now wants to see if there is anything else in this space.

It's all here, Daoran will do it to the point where even a mouse will cry when he sees it.

Quickly leave this room and walk outside.

Soon, Lu Miaosheng rushed outside.

But as soon as he came out, Lu Miansheng felt something was wrong.

The entire space was filled with demonic energy, completely dimmed, and covered by black gas.

There are even fierce shouts of killing from the outside world, and all monsters are fighting fiercely with people.

How could there be monsters in this space?

At this moment, I am very confused about making a living, shouldn’t I?
Could it be that it came out of the passage in the demon world when I first came in?

Just to wait for those monsters to come out after we come in?
This is not impossible.

Presumably, the monsters waited for them all to enter this world in order to catch them all.

Faced with these monsters, Lu Miansheng didn't like it very much, but now he didn't want to take care of it. He wanted to collect resources, and he finished collecting resources.

He doesn't mind disposing of these monsters either.

Of course, if the monster came to provoke him during the process of collecting resources, then of course he would take action to deal with the monster that attacked him.

He also felt the realm of these monsters, probably all in the epic realm.

There are very few monsters in the legendary realm, and there are also a large number of monsters in the diamond realm.

These he can kill at will now.

There is no threat to him at all.

Continuing to fly in this space, he wants to see if there are any valuable things in this space.

Or is there anything else that can help in cultivation.

He is so poor now!
If you can get more resources, you can directly break through to the Great Energy Realm.

It's a pity that if you want to break through to the Great Energy Realm, you need too many resources.

It is really difficult for him to collect them all now.

What's more, most of the resources in this space seem to have been collected by him.

Treasure Pavilion and Alchemy Hall, these two are the places with the most good things.

There must be other places, but certainly not as many as these two places.

Therefore, Lu Miaosheng now has no hope that there will be enough cultivation resources in this space for him to break through.

At most, it can deepen his background a lot, maybe let him break through one or two small stages,
For him, something is better than nothing.

After all, after leaving here, he really didn't know where to find resources for a while.

It's impossible to grab it. It's not impossible.

However, if you want to grab it, you need to be strong to grab it.

Just robbing some low-level forces can bring him not much.

With his current strength, it is still a little weak to grab those high-level forces.

In case a powerful person escapes from the high-level forces, wouldn't he fall down?

He doesn't panic in the mythical realm, mainly because the power is still a problem for him.

But if he reaches the power level, he doesn't seem to need the resources of a power.

After all, it is estimated that the resources of a force cannot bring him much improvement.

Unless the power of the entire continent can be robbed.

Then maybe they can break through the ninth level of the Great Energy Realm and come to the Sky Profound Realm.

It's just that if they want to rob so many people, they might offend the bosses in the Profound Sky Realm.

After thinking about it, he'd better be a little more aggressive, don't be too arrogant.

Anyway, with his situation, as long as he is steady, it is only a matter of time before he becomes the strongest.

In the worst case, he would come to Tianqiong Continent to kill monsters, and if he didn't have to kill here, he would enter the Demon Realm to kill.

There are always monsters somewhere, right?

Of course, this is also dangerous. If you want to avoid danger, you must prepare a perfect plan.

Now he should collect all the resources in this space first.

Flying in this space, from time to time monsters come to harass Lu to make a living.

Being backhanded by Lu Miaosheng is a punch to death.

Lu Miaosheng has always been unceremonious about this kind of death-seeking thing.

It's a pity that after flying around in this space, there is no way to make a satisfactory living.

And basically they have already been explored, so there is no need to go in now.

Like the Sutra Pavilion, the Shenbing Pavilion, the Baoyi Pavilion and so on.

Lu has no interest in making a living, and the only one who is interested in making a living is that there is a hall in the middle.

But this hall has not been opened yet.

In the situation of being blocked by the energy shield.

This hall is the most central position in the entire space.

There may be something good in it, or there may be nothing in it.

Because Lu Miansheng felt that there was Rod Hua in this hall.

After all, I have already explored here, and I have not met Rod Hua.

Then it shows which hall Rhodes must be in.

Otherwise, where could Rhodes go?
In addition, Luo Luohua came in to accept the inheritance, and it was normal to be in the middle hall.

I just don't know what kind of realm this guy can reach after he comes out.

Now that there is nothing to search here, Lu Miansheng didn't bother to search anymore.

Start killing monsters directly, especially looking for places with a lot of monsters.

Getting in is a punch.

The strength of these monsters is not strong, and they cannot resist the power of making a living.

The most important feature of monsters is that there are enough of them.

As much as you kill, he can bring you as much as you want.

Strength is not the main characteristic of monsters.

The scattered monsters in this space have begun to be unsatisfactory to make a living.

These monsters are really too scattered.

It was too troublesome for him to run around to kill these monsters.

So Lu Miansheng decided to block them at the intersection where the monsters came in.

Just block the intersection where they come in!

If you want to come in, you have to pass his level first!
After rushing all the way, Lu Miansheng soon came to the intersection.

A large number of monsters were still rushing out from this entrance, and Lu Miansheng's face was filled with joy.

Today I will ascend in situ to show you!
For a while, Lu Miansheng was very excited, and he was very happy to see the endless stream of monsters inside.

If you are happy, let's warm up with a set of combined punches first.

Going up to block the entrance, he began to unleash his storm-like punches.

Countless monsters approaching were all beaten to death by Lu Mousheng!
Lu Mousheng punched extremely fast!

All the monsters that came over were smashed to pieces!
Lu Miaosheng's fist turned into a huge milky white fist mark, covering the entire passage, and no monster could escape at all.

In this way, Lu Miaosheng completely blocked the entrance of the monsters by himself.

He is like a machine that is not tired, punching and bombarding the monster crazily.

The monsters and people in this space began to feel abnormal.

The monsters feel very strange, why are their reinforcements getting less and less?
It seems that there is no more, not less and less.

Strangely, they looked for the reason and looked in the direction they came in.

Just seeing them stunned? ? ? ?

what's the situation?
Why does it seem that someone blocked the entrance they came in?

Now it seems that even a monster can't get in?

Lu's move to make a living was also discovered by others.

"Wow! There's a boss there!"

"Hey, it's so powerful to block the entire entrance."

"I feel that the Legendary Realm shouldn't be able to do it?"

"This boss is not from the mythical realm, is he?"

"I don't know, but it feels possible."

Outside, Immortal Mountain.

At this time, all the big forces knew about the monster coming out to make trouble, and the big forces near here had already rushed over.

Among them are the first-level powers such as Baigushan, Iron Bull Fort, and Coral Garden.

These forces have at least one mythical existence.

At this time, a total of thirteen people from the mythical realm gathered together and headed towards the Immortal Mountain to kill.

"This time, the monster took advantage of the loophole. I don't know how many people inside will die. This inheritance is really a disaster."

"I don't know which force led it out. It's really not the right time to come out. Wouldn't it be better to wait until the battle with the monster is over?"

"That's right, a lot of outstanding young people will definitely fall down this time."

"Hmph, I think you're just thinking too much. Young people naturally have their own way. If you can't bear even a little difficulty, what will it be of great use in the future?"

"That's right, I think this time is an opportunity to temper them, otherwise they will only consume resources among the forces, and what's the use if they don't come out for actual combat."

"Practical combat also needs to be cyclical and gradual."

"Stay steady"

The 13 people are all top figures of various strengths, of course they should know each other, so they discussed this matter a little along the way.

Soon, these 13 people came to the passage of the Demon Realm of the Immortal Mountain.

At this time, there are already a bunch of monsters from the mythical realm waiting for them.

"Humans, you are not allowed to enter here now."

A monster stood at the front, and there were nearly twenty monsters standing behind him, all of them were from the mythical realm.

This made the 13 people feel that they were in big trouble.

This monster obviously came prepared, even those who intercepted it.

The people of Baigu Mountain were furious: "You are looking for death!"

"A mere monster, don't stay in your demon world well, come here to die!"

The monster sneered twice: "I don't think you have figured out the situation. You are the ones who are looking for death now. Why do you 13 still want to attack us?"

The monster's words made everyone dumbfounded, which really poked their pain.

Now there are indeed few people on their side, and they can't beat each other at all.

"Hmph, if you can't kill you now, it doesn't mean you can't kill you later."

Now they are indeed at a disadvantage, but as time goes by, there will be more and more reinforcements on their side, and by then these monsters will inevitably die.

The leader of the monster laughed loudly: "I said that you are very naive, don't we wait for your people to come and we won't run away?"

The monster smiled slyly: "My target is just you people in the Immortal Mountain."

This time, the 13 people really became anxious. There are some excellent successors in the Immortal Mountain.

Even the few people who said they wanted to practice them at the beginning are now anxious.

"Let me tell you, don't play with fire! If something happens to our successor, don't blame our Sky Continent for entering your Demon Realm again!"

The monster leader still dismissed it: "Break into our demon world? Do you still have this strength in Sky Continent?"

The last battle between humans and demons destroyed a lot of the background of Sky Continent.

But their demon world is different. As long as the background of their demon world is still there, their monsters will continue to be born.

Even though the monsters suffered the most losses in the last battle between humans and monsters, they still have the confidence to do things.

One of the 13 people said: "Even if you can't, it's enough to kill you Zhan Mozu."

Zhan Xue laughed loudly: "I'm waiting for you to come."

Monsters are inherently lawless, and these threats to them are really ridiculous to Zhan Xue.

Thirteen people are angry, and they really have nothing to do with monsters.

Just like what the monster said, their current background is not enough to launch a war between humans and demons, and they also know the reason why the monsters were not completely wiped out last time.

It is impossible to kill monsters cleanly.

If they could kill all the monsters, they would have killed all the monsters last time, so it's their turn to be arrogant now.

It is also because the monsters cannot be killed cleanly, even if the monsters are doing things in their Sky Continent now, they just form a manpower to suppress a few holes that cannot be sealed.

No measures have been taken to eradicate them completely.

"What should we do now? Our people are still inside, and these monsters have made it clear that they want to kill the people inside."

"It's useless to be anxious, urge people from other forces to come over quickly, otherwise, the successors of the major forces may all die."

Everyone was a little helpless. Regarding this situation, they really didn't expect it, and they were completely at a loss for a while.

I can only urge people from other forces to come over quickly.

Immortal Mountain
Lu Miaosheng blocked the entrance alone, and the powerful force raged, and the monsters in other positions in the space were almost killed by everyone.

At this time, the entire space was almost searched, so no one moved.

All watching this miraculous event.

Block all the monsters at the entrance and kill them alone!

At this time, the monsters in the passage are probably like this.

Near the entrance: Rewind!rewind!

In the middle of the aisle: what?What?
The first entry: kill!kill!

Even if those near the entrance wanted to retreat, they were pushed forward.

For the first time, they felt that the magic sea tactics were not good enough.
They are simply rushing to die!

The people watching around couldn't help murmuring.

"Here is the monster from there"

"It's simply terrifying!"

"His age should be about the same as ours, and he should have practiced for less than ten years."

"It's really terrifying, at least this is the ultimate legend realm, right?"

"How could this be the ultimate in the legendary realm? It is definitely a character in the mythical realm."

"I agree, I can't beat him in my legendary realm."

"I saw this boss hammer to death a thousand legendary monsters with my own eyes."

Everyone was talking around, and they were very interested in Lu Miansheng's identity and strength.

They are very interested in where this fierce man came from.

(End of this chapter)

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