Chapter 178 Mythical Realm Monster

Beyond the Immortal Mountain
A voice suddenly came from Zhan Xue's ear.

"My lord, there is a person from the Mythical Realm blocking our killing, and we can't get in at all."

Zhanxue frowned, how could there be a mythical realm below?

Isn't the news they got only from the Legendary Realm?
The news caught him off guard and made him confused.

"Zhantong, Zhanbing, you two go down and kill all the people inside."

Helpless, Zhanxue can only send people down, but it must be hidden, so that the people in front of him cannot find out.

"You two go down quietly, don't be discovered by these people in front of you."

"As ordered."

Zhan Xue used sound transmission, Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing were also in a daze when they received Zhan Xue's order.

I don't understand what war blood means.

But thinking about it, I just want to solve the battle quickly.

The two did not hesitate after thinking it over, they found a hidden place and quietly wanted to enter the Immortal Mountain.

But there is only one entrance to the Immortal Mountain, even if they wanted to go in covertly, they would be discovered quickly.

The 13 people soon discovered that there was a monster trying to sneak in, and they became excited: "Hey! What do you guys want to do!"

"Everyone in the mythical realm has to take action, you are shameless and skinless!"

Zhan Xue sneered: "Show face to us monsters, you are really a bunch of idiots!"

"Zhan Tong, hurry up and go down! Don't be inked here, come up after you finish!"

The balance between the two sides was suddenly broken at this moment!

The thirteen people couldn't take it anymore, all those in the mythical realm have gone down, is there any way for their descendants to survive?

"Kill! Let me use all the treasures in the background! Bomb this group of dogs to death!"

At this moment, the 13 people were completely furious.

The reason why they didn't do anything before was because they didn't want to consume their background, otherwise, even if 13 of them fought against 21 monsters, they would still be sure.

Now that it has reached such a life-and-death situation, how dare they continue to hide it.

After all the people inside are dead, what's the point of them coming over?
For a time, a war broke out between the two sides.

"It's too late for you to fade away now!"

"Fade? That's impossible! Even if we all die here, we must cut off your human inheritance!"

Zhan Xue has made up his mind, and was not affected by what the human race said, so he brought the monster and killed 13 people!
The 13 people gritted their teeth, the monster was like this, they really had nothing to do for a while.

I can only pray that my heirs will be stronger and not die so quickly.

A woman in the Coral Garden had a cold face: "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

After finishing speaking, a mirror with a frame completely composed of white was taken out of the woman's hand.

"Tongtian Realm: Yaoyang!"

The moment Zhan Xue saw the mirror appearing, he yelled that it was not good.

"How can you carry this thing with you!"

This thing is a well-known terrifying killer in their demon world!
For their monsters, it is the most terrifying weapon.

The woman sneered and didn't answer the other party's words. She had expected that something would happen this time. The owner of the garden asked him to carry this mirror when he came out, and used it immediately when something happened.

Before Zhan Xue had time to say this sentence, a beam of light like a scorching sun radiated from the Heaven-reaching Realm!
At this moment, all the monsters screamed!
This is an attack that condenses the essence of the sun.

The power of the Heaven-reaching Realm is the energy that can restrain the sun.

This kind of energy is very difficult to collect, and every time it is used, it consumes the foundation.

One use may take a year's worth of collection.

That's why he didn't want to take it out at first.

The rest were overjoyed when they saw this: "Kill!"

The woman's face was cold: "Don't hide it, but there are two monsters in the mythical realm, kill me quickly! Take out all the cards for me!"

Someone smiled: "Okay, no problem, let's go all out, I know exactly what's on you."

"Cut, if you know it, you know it. Don't we still hide it?"

"That's right, you look down on people too much."

For a moment, no matter whether it was for their successors or their own face, none of them had any reservations, and they all shot with all their strength.

There is no heartache when you use all kinds of heritage-level weapons!

With all the shots, the monsters were quickly wiped out.

Even the mighty Battle Blood had begun to be unable to hold back at this time.

But he knew the importance of this time, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he began to burn his life.

All the human races in the Immortal Mountain must die in it!

This is his bottom line, and it is impossible for him to let these people enter it!

Even if they all died here today, everyone in the Immortal Mountain would die in it too!
"Hold it all for me! Give Zhan Tong, Zhan Bing and the others plenty of time, and everyone in the Immortal Mountain must die in it!"

"As ordered!"

"As ordered!"

All the monsters in the mythical realm above took orders, and opened their full defense posture.

What they have to do now is to delay the time and wait for the battle to end with them.

The task they came here is over.

Then they can return.

As for dying before returning, that would be bad luck for them!

At this moment, all the monsters have the belief that they must kill!
The inheritance of the human race in the Immortal Mountain must die in it!

Even if they all die here today!

With this belief, they all turned on their strongest defense form.

It's a pity that even their strongest defense is not an opponent of human-level weapons.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment, it won't last long.

But even so, they didn't mean to back down at all.

Even if they don't last long, they still have to stay here.

As long as you delay for one more second, maybe Zhan Tong and them will have a little more time.

In their view, it won't take long for Zhan Tong and the two of them to solve the people below.

As long as they delay for a while, it may be the death of the humans below!

The 13 people also knew what the monsters were planning at this time, and they all gritted their teeth, but they didn't have a better answer for a while.

There is no way, they can only kill all these monsters before they can pass.

However, the strength of these monsters is almost the same as theirs. Even if they borrow weapons of the foundation level, they will not be able to deal with these monsters so easily.

Unless someone from the powerful realm comes, maybe only that kind of person can solve this place quickly.

But this time the strongest person who came here was only in the mythical realm, how could he come to the mighty realm?

They had no choice, they could only choose to speed up their strikes and use a little more force.

I just hope that these monsters in front of me will die here quickly.

As the monsters were eliminated one by one, everyone's mood gradually became excited.

"Quick! Kill two more monsters, and when the time comes, two people will go down first to resist the two people sent by the other party."

"Okay! Hurry up!"

The 13 people speeded up their hands.

At this time, the two monsters, Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing, had entered the passage of the Immortal Mountain and were rushing towards the bottom.

Lu Mousheng was killed by monsters at the entrance of the cave. At this time, his physical body and spirit, after being strengthened by so many monsters, have reached the fifth-level strength of the Epic Realm.

If there are still countless monsters coming out of this cave, maybe he will be sanctified today.

As long as there is an endless supply of monsters here, this is not impossible.

It's a pity that Lu Miaosheng is very disappointed now, these monsters don't come out very often.

The number of monsters that came out became less and less, until they disappeared in the end.

Could it be that he was killed by himself?

Lu Mousheng was a little puzzled, and felt that it was impossible. Isn't it said that monsters are inexhaustible?
Why did it end before I had enough fun?
Is this too fast?

Lu Miaosheng shook his head in disappointment.

Just when Lu Miaosheng was about to leave, two monsters came down from above again.

It looks quite strong.

Lu Mousheng became excited, it would be good if there were monsters to kill, is there any more in the future?
No, no, no?
Just two monsters?
Why are you here?

Did you come here to die?

From looking forward to making a living all of a sudden, I will enter a state of disappointment again.

The two monsters, weren't they crushed to death by myself?
Still can't bring him much help.

Zhanxue came to Lu Miaosheng: "Are you the opposite of the guy who blocked our monsters?"

Lu Mousheng rolled his eyes at the other party: "Are you blind? Can't you see me blocking the entrance of the cave?"

Then Lu Mousheng thought of a question, can he ask, what happened to this monster, why it suddenly stopped coming down?
Thinking of this, Lu Mousheng thought it was a good idea, so he asked, "Hey, I have a question for you, why don't your monsters come down, so why don't you two come down?"

Zhan Tong:.
Soldiers: .
Would you mind asking?

Didn't you stop here to kill us, we will come down?

If you hadn't been blocked here to kill him, we wouldn't have sent the little brother down?

Zhan Tong shouted angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, die for me!"

In an instant, Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing shot with all their might, aiming at Lu for their lives.

After the two monsters did their work, Lu Miansheng could see why the two monsters had the guts to come down.

It turns out that these two monsters are from the mythical realm.

The people around also felt the aura of these two monsters, and their hearts beat wildly.

"Not good! These are two monsters from the Mythical Realm. This time it's miserable. This person will definitely die here. Even if he is in the Mythical Realm, can he still fight two against one?"

"What should we do now? After this person dies, it will be our turn."

All the people inside panicked for a while. They were really afraid of this sudden situation.

"What can I do, now I can only pray that this person can hold back these two monsters, I have received the order from the master, and reinforcements from our major forces have arrived, as long as we hold off for enough time, we can survive go down."

"Shall we go up and help?"

"Do you think we can intervene in their battle?"


"Don't worry about that, look at the aftermath of their battle now, can we intervene?"

The man glanced at the direction of Lu Miansheng. At this time, Lu Miansheng had already fought with two monsters in the mythical realm. The entire entrance of the powerful attack began to vibrate violently. Even the aftermath of the power made them feel a burst heart palpitations.

It seemed that even if the aftermath of the battle hit them, they would all die, completely dead here, with no possibility of surviving.

At this moment, everyone was completely dead in their thoughts of going up to help.

"See, even the aftermath of this battle is not something we can resist, but if we dare to go up, we will be killed in an instant. Do you still want to go up and help now?"


Lu Mousheng went all out, Tongtian Saint Physique launched a full-power shot, but unfortunately the two monsters in front of them are not weak, even in the mythical realm, they are considered top-notch.

Therefore, for a while, Lu Miansheng and these two monsters can only draw a tie, and if he wants to make a qualitative breakthrough, he can only rely on time to kill him.

When their physical strength is almost exhausted and they leak their flaws, that's his chance.

This reflects the benefits of his practice of Tongtian Saint Physique.

At this time, because he was cultivating the Tongtian Saint Physique, his physical defense was simply invincible.

Facing the siege of two monsters, it is not weak at all.

Mainly he doesn't need defense.

But these two monsters need defense.

These two monsters didn't dare to take the attack of making a living.

This is the difference between the two sides.

It is also the key to making a living and winning.

If it drags on, sooner or later victory will belong to him.

"The strength of the two of you is not bad, and you can actually be evenly matched with me."

Lu Miaosheng gave the other party a few words of praise.

Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing turned black, what does Lu Miansheng mean?
Isn't this humiliating them?
Two people are about the same strength as you, doesn't that mean that any of them is inferior to you?
The two monsters were so angry that they vomited blood.

But they couldn't refute it.

The key is that Lu Miaosheng slapped them in the face with the facts.

Make it impossible for them to refute.

This made their second devil even more depressed and wanted to vomit blood even more.

The breath was stuck in his throat, he wanted to say but couldn't, and he panicked when he didn't speak.

It is really uncomfortable!
Of course, Lu Miaosheng didn't know what they were thinking, he was just telling the truth.

I really didn't mean to mock them, it was exactly like what he said.

These two monsters can be evenly matched with him, Lu Sheng really thinks that their strength is not bad.

The battle continues.

Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing's attacks became more and more ferocious, but the attacks on Lu Miansheng really had no effect at all.

If there is a little effect, they will not show any emotions.

But until now, they can't even see a little hope.

Because Lu Miaosheng didn't even show any injuries, not even a scrape.

How can this make them bear it?

It simply made them feel what is called deep despair.

Zhan Tong looked at the soldiers beside him: "What should I do now? This person feels like he can't be killed at all"

Zhan Bing's expression became ruthless: "There is no other way, Brother Zhanxue and the others may have fought to the point of life and death, we must kill this person, we must kill the people here!"

"Then burn the source of life?"

"That's right! Burn the source of life! Either this guy dies or we die today! We don't have a third choice!"

"Okay! Then burn! This person must die here today!"

In an instant, the two monsters reached a consensus that Lu Mian must die here!

(End of this chapter)

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