Chapter 179 Monster Explosion
Lu Miaosheng was entangled with these two monsters, and suddenly found that these two monsters erupted with a strong momentum.

The whole body erupted with strong demon energy, rising from their bodies, and then wrapping the whole body of these two monsters.

At this moment, these two monsters seem to be covered with a coat of demonic energy!

A powerful aura exploded from the monster's body!
The violent momentum is like a tornado, and it hits the surroundings with overwhelming power!

Lu Mousheng looked at these two monsters and didn't know what the hell they were going to do.
Is this a blast?

It seems that he is going to fight himself hard.
In other words, I didn't do anything harmful, didn't I just kill tens of thousands of monsters?
Have you ever treated yourself this way?

It's not about killing their offspring.
Wait, maybe I really killed their offspring inadvertently.

But in other words, do these monsters have offspring?
Lu Miansheng is skeptical about this.

He felt that it might be impossible for these monsters to have offspring.

After all, how the monsters were born is still unknown, maybe they don't reproduce by sex.

Lu Miaosheng kept his doubts.

But now the main thing is to face these two berserk monsters.

I don't know if they can break through their defenses in this state.

But he probably can't, if he can, then his Tongtian Saint Physique is not very strong.

And now he not only has the blessing of the Holy Body, his current physical body is already an epic realm.

I have experienced so many invincible situations before.

The previous Invincible Realm also gave him a defense boost.

So from Lu Miaosheng's point of view, even if these two monsters exploded, they probably wouldn't be able to break through their own defenses.

Of course, I thought so in my heart.

But Lu Miaosheng was not prepared to resist these two monsters head-on.

You have to run away.

At this time, everyone who was watching the battle was very moved when they saw Lu Miaosheng's appearance at this time.

"This big guy is really great, he didn't flinch even after being beaten up so violently by two monsters."

"Perhaps it was to protect our safety that these two monsters were madly output like this. This senior is really great!"

"I have decided, as long as I can go back alive, I must give this senior a big reward!"

"Me too!"


For a moment, everyone was moved by Lu Miansheng's actions.

In their view, it was for them to make a living just now, so they didn't choose to dodge and resist the attacks of the two monsters at the entrance of the cave.

Now I don't know how this senior's injury is, whether it is serious or not.
If it is serious, can it survive this crisis?

At this moment, everyone's thoughts are drawn by Lu Miansheng.

I hope Lu Mousheng will not have any accidents and live a good life.

How else would they repay their savior?
But they all know.

These two monsters came in to kill them all.

If none of the seniors at the front stood in the way, maybe all of them would have died.

You might say that even if he doesn't block, the monsters will come to kill him.

But the monsters will turn around and kill them first after finding out that this senior is difficult to kill.

Therefore, they were all saved by this senior.

Lu Miaosheng probably didn't know that his behavior was misinterpreted so much by those watching the theater behind him.

To be honest, he just wanted to kill monsters.

There was really no attempt to save them.

Their life and death have nothing to do with him.

After seeing the powerful aura erupted by the two monsters, everyone watching the show was also stunned.

"Senior! Run!"

"This monster is not something you can resist now! Run!"

From everyone's point of view, Lu Miaosheng was passively beaten just now, and at this time, he had already suffered countless injuries.

If you are targeted by these two powerful monsters again, you will be doomed for a living!

They really can't bear to see a person who saved them die in front of them now.

Listening to the noisy voice behind him, Lu Mousheng didn't know what was being said behind him.

But now he is not going to fight these two monsters.

The aura that these two monsters are erupting now seems to have a time limit.

Otherwise, these two monsters would have been used early on.

Why wait until now?

Isn't that a waste of time?

So Lu Miaosheng planned to run directly, delaying the time first, and wait until the power in these monsters was exhausted.

Then it was time for him to fight back.

As for whether the monster will leave him to kill these people.

To be honest, Lu Miansheng didn't care at all.

They can kill if they want to.

Anyway, as long as he is alive and well.

These people are all snobbish, and when fighting for treasures, if they find that Lu's ability to make a living is not enough, they will come up and besiege them.

He's been through it many times now.

Very disappointed with these people.

As long as he can live well.

So Lu Miaosheng ran away without saying a word.

The outbreak of the holy spirit was activated directly, leaving the position of the cave entrance and dodging far away.

This scene made those who were watching the play stunned.

its not right?
Isn't the script like this?

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't such a great person resist desperately, and then reinforcements arrive?

Why is this senior not resisting now?

What if the monsters turn to kill them?
At this moment, everyone panicked.

The faces of those who shouted to make a living and hide quickly were even more livid.

I can't wait to slap myself twice, what should I do now that Lu Miansheng is hiding from them?
None of them can resist the attack of these two monsters.

When these monsters come to kill them, they will surely die!
For a moment, everyone thought of this key information.

Someone even shouted: "Senior! Don't run away! Fight them! What if you don't fight us with them?"

The appearance of this idiot did not embarrass everyone.

On the contrary, they feel very good. They just need this kind of shameless idiot to appear so that they might have hope of living.

They hoped to look in the direction of Lu Miansheng, hoping that Lu Miansheng could come back and fight these two monsters.

But their ideas obviously don't hold water.

Lu Miaosheng didn't even turn his head, and ran towards the innermost part.

He didn't even look behind him, if these monsters really came after them.

Let's talk about it then.

Anyway, the big deal is to use the physical body to fight their hard steel.

Whether he can break through his own defenses is another matter.

He didn't believe that these two monsters could break his defense with a burst of energy.

When these two monsters explode and disappear, it will be their death.

Zhan Tong looked at the way of escape to make a living: "What should we do now, this guy won't fight us at all."

Zhan Bing sneered: "That's not easy, have you seen those guys, since one escaped, then kill them."

"It's better for this person to run away. Otherwise, it's not certain whether we can break through his invincible defense power, but we can definitely kill a bunch of these guys who are at most legendary!"

"That's right! Let's kill these people first!"

Zhan and Zhanbing looked at the surrounding people with bright eyes.

Those who are easy to kill should be killed first, and those who are not easy to kill should be left until the end!

The two reached a consensus and quickly killed everyone.

For a while, everyone panicked.

Are these two monsters really coming to hunt them down?
Someone couldn't help shouting: "Hey! Why did you two guys come to chase us down! We weren't the ones who fought you just now, and you have a right to pay. Shouldn't you go after that guy?"

As soon as this kind of remarks came out, some people felt ashamed, and some people felt a little bit of expectation.

That's right, they just want these two monsters to hunt down and kill them to make a living.

They really don't want to be chased and killed here by these two monsters.

Zhan Tong and Zhan Bing sneered: "You are really smart, why did we let you weak chickens not kill that person? And you are your savior. I find it funny that you look like this."

The man shouted unconvinced: "You will bully the weak, if you have the ability to fight the strong!"

Zhan Bing laughed twice: "You are right, I just bully you weak and weak, I just like to bully the weak!"

Zhan Bing's words made everyone extremely aggrieved, and what they used to stimulate the other party was directly recognized by the other party.

So how do you play this?
There is no need to play at all, right?

The two monsters rushed into the crowd with monstrous flames.

Their posture is like wolves entering a flock of sheep. These weak sheep have no strength to resist at all.

In an instant, a lot of them were killed by two monsters.

At this time, these people all took out the ability to see to escape.

No one dared to hide their strength.

Now what they need is not how fast they can run, what they need is to run faster than the people behind them.

As long as they run faster than the people behind them, they can live for a few more seconds and will not die in the hands of those two brutal monsters.

Now everyone thinks the same.

They only have one idea now, that is to run faster than the people behind them.

At the same time, I also want to run faster than the person in front.

Because the people behind will die.

After the people behind died, wouldn't it be their turn in the end?
So only by running to the front can they survive better.

If they're all dead up front, there's not much to say.

Anyway, everyone here is dead.

How could they complain.

If they die before others, they will still resent their own failure in cultivation and resent why others can run so fast.

The two monsters shot quickly, killing less than half of the people in a short while.

Just when these two monsters continued to attack.

Get down from the position of the hole and two people.



These two people are Tao Le from Chasing Star Mountain and Wang Yu from Bliss Mountain.

The two were furious instantly after seeing the situation at the scene. At this time, tens of thousands of people had died here, and others were being hunted down.

However, the two of them still feel happy in their hearts. Fortunately, the death is not over.

As long as people don't die, the descendants of their power may survive.

When Zhan Tong saw the two people coming down from the cave, he knew something was wrong: "Leave them alone! Go all out! Kill all the people here first!"

Zhan Bing is even more desperate: "Zhan Tong! Let's blow ourselves up! If we don't blow up, we have no chance. These two old guys came down with basic level weapons. We can't be opponents!"

Zhan Tong hesitated for a second, and agreed directly: "Okay! Just blow yourself up! Kill the other party! Everyone here must die today!"

At this moment, the two monsters have no distracting thoughts in their hearts, they just want to kill the people here.

Tao Le and Wang Yu knew something was wrong when they saw the two monsters that suddenly swelled up.

"People in front quickly gather together! Don't run away!"

"These two monsters are going to explode, you can't escape!"

"Hurry up and get together, I will protect you with the Bliss Umbrella!"

Tao Le and Wang Yu shouted quickly.

The people who were fleeing frantically in front also reacted, and hurriedly followed the order to form a group in time.

If they don't form a group, even with the Bliss Umbrella, it's impossible to protect them all at once.

Tao Le and Wang Yu also smiled in relief when they saw the important task of responding in a timely manner.

The mental quality of their heirs is still acceptable.

The two didn't have time to think too much, and quickly came to the crowd.

Wang Yu hastily opened their supreme treasure, the Bliss Umbrella of Bliss Mountain, and a huge white jade umbrella emerged from Wang Yu's body.

Covers everyone present at breakneck speed.

In just three breaths, everyone was enveloped.

Through the transparent Umbrella of Bliss, everyone could see the two monsters inflated like hot air balloons.



Before they could look any further, the two monsters exploded in an instant!

Black energy shock waves exploded from the two monsters.

"Old man Tao! Hurry up and use your treasures to resist it! Otherwise, I'm afraid the Bliss Umbrella won't last!"

Wang Yu yelled, this is not to say that the Umbrella of Bliss is weak, but that it is weak. If it is replaced by Da Neng to use this weapon, it will be easy to attack the area.

Tao Le did not hesitate, and hurriedly agreed: "Okay!"

In an instant, Tao Le took out their treasure of Chasing Star Mountain, Tianxing!

This treasure is like a star in the sky, shimmering mysteriously, even in a static state, the body of this treasure will also shine with white light.

"Sky Star Impact!"

Tao Le poured most of his own energy into the star, and a very strong light beam shot out from the star, hitting towards the attack from the explosion of the two monsters.

The two shock waves collided, and the energy was annihilated all the time. At this time, whoever was in the center of the two shock waves would basically die.

Even Lu Miansheng felt a little weak at this time.

In this kind of scene, even if he is in the center, his life will be in danger, right?

At this moment, Lu Miaosheng restrained his inner swelling again, he was still not strong enough.

It is because they are not strong enough that they feel dangerous.

If he is strong enough, it is impossible for him to feel the danger!
Lu Mousheng's eyes flickered.

When this time is over, he seems to be worried about his next path of ascension.

The power of the Tongtian Saint Physique requires sufficient resources. Maybe I can ask my master about this. He may know some methods. After all, he has already cultivated to the state of great power.

As for physical strength, let's talk about cultivating physical strength to the mythical realm first.

Before you arrive, you can go to the abyss to spawn monsters, just brush yourself to the mythical realm.

The following things also need to be considered after reaching the mythical realm.

(End of this chapter)

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