Chapter 180 Rod Hua Appears

The huge explosion smashed the entire sealed space into pieces.

A large amount of smoke and dust filled the entire space.

At this moment, the entire space was covered by severe punishment all over the sky.

Similar to the smoke and dust, there were a lot of howling sounds that spread throughout the sealed space.

All of them were in great pain.

Even Wang Yu was a little miserable at this time.

The explosive power of the two monsters is too great.

Even though they took various measures, they still couldn't withstand the impact of the monster's explosion.

At this time, Wang Yu's chest was bloody and bloody, and lying on the ground, he went in more and went out less, and he looked like he was about to die.

The powerful explosive power of the monster is simply not something he can resist by controlling the Bliss Umbrella.

Not far away, there was another person who also fell on the ground, and that was Tao Le. He also used a foundation-level weapon.

Because he consumed too much mana, when the aftermath of the explosion hit him, he had no way to resist it.

It was the resistance in front of him that allowed him to survive.

"Cough cough!"

Tao Le spat out two mouthfuls of blood: "These two monsters are not weak. I never thought they would make up their minds to blow themselves up so easily. It's really unpredictable."

Wang Yu's face was full of sadness: "Don't be unpredictable, this time many people died, it can be said that there were too many deaths, the key is that this time the two of us came in and there is no way to keep these people, this time it will be worse to go back. up"

Tao Le sighed: "Oh, we've tried our best, we've all been hurt like this, what else can they say."

Wang Yu smiled wryly, although he said so, but in the end the matter was not to be blamed on them.

In the end, it will be them who are unlucky.

Even if they don't say anything on the surface, the two of them will inevitably be squeezed out when they go out in the future.

This time I really lost my wife and lost my army. In the end, I didn't get anything, and I was covered in hair.

I can't even tell.

They don't care what kind of danger you encounter, they only know that the two of them went in with foundation-level weapons, and in the end they couldn't even protect anyone.

Wang Yu shook his head again and again: "Forget it, let's go and see how these people are killed or injured."

The two took out the elixir from their bodies and threw it into their mouths, and the terrifying injuries began to recover quickly.

In a short while, the fatal wounds on normal people healed in a blink of an eye.

The two looked at the distressed space. At this time, everyone here was seriously injured even if they were alive.

Many were missing arms and legs, and some wounds showed deep bone.

Those who survived in front of them also took the elixir in time, and are now recovering.

More people turned into corpses, lying on the ground without moving.

The more they watched the battlefield, the worse the two felt. So many people died.

These are the mainstays of their human race, and now they are dead.

What will I use to fight monsters in the future?
The minds of both of them are very heavy now.

At this moment, what they were thinking about was not the sophistication of the world, but the future of the human race.

How should the human race fight monsters in the future?

From the current point of view, it seems that they can only join forces with other continents.

But the other continents are too busy to take care of themselves, and the only one that can be spared is the Bloodline Continent.

Hiring someone to help is expensive.

Even if it is to face the common enemy of mankind, the fee should still be charged.

In other words, if they invite people from the Bloodline Continent to help, they will have to pay.

Tao Le was stunned suddenly: "Why is there someone flying in front?"

Wang Yu didn't know why: "What's so strange about flying, have you ever seen people fly?"

Tao Le was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's not true, I just feel that this person's recovery speed is a bit fast, and I recovered so quickly, I haven't fully recovered, and dare not use my own power."

Wang Yu also realized what Tao Le was surprised at: "That's right, neither of us recovered, how could that person recover so quickly?"

"The two of us are stronger than the juniors here, both in terms of realm and resources, but at this time we are being compared by a junior."

"Actually, it's also possible that the other party is the farthest from the center of the explosion, and at the same time, he has something good to save his life, so he can survive until now without any damage."

"That's also possible."

But as Lu Mousheng got closer and closer to them, the two of them also felt the difference.

Tao Le looked a little angry: "Stop!"

Lu Mousheng picked his ears, is someone talking to him?
But I don't know anyone here, so no one should know me.

So from Lu Miaosheng's point of view, the other party may have admitted a mistake.

So Lu Miaosheng didn't even stop, and ran straight towards the exit.

Since everything here has been looted, there is no point for him to stay, just leave.

Tao Le was even more angry: "Go, stop him!"

Wang Yu also saw that something was wrong, and did not refuse: "Okay, let's go over and stop him."

The two came to Lu Miaosheng: "Stop!"

Tao Le angrily pointed at the road to make a living: "You are from the Mythical Realm, why didn't you come over to stop the explosion with us just now? If you came here together, the current situation would definitely not be so miserable!"

Lu Mousheng frowned, somewhat puzzled: "What does their death have to do with me?"

Wang Yu was furious: "What does it have to do with you? Those who died are the mainstay of our human race in the future. When the time comes, the backbone of resisting monsters will die here in vain because you don't come here!"

Lu Mousheng snorted coldly: "Their deaths have nothing to do with me. Whether I help or not is my business. What's more, a group of guys who can kill each other for the sake of profit, how can I help them?"

Tao Le questioned angrily: "They kill each other for resources, do they need it? They are all descendants of our major forces, they have plenty of resources, and they come here just for experience."

Lu Miaosheng walked forward step by step: "No need?"

"Are all I seeing hallucinations?"

"Is it fake that four or five people besieged me for a storage bag?"

"Is it fake that people in the whole space besieged me for the elixir?"

"For the resources in this space, is it false that they killed each other?"

"Could it be that the experience in your mouth is like this?"

"If the experience in your mouth is killing each other, then I really can't say anything."

"Also, anyone who survived here knows what I said, if you don't believe what I said, ask yourself."

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way!"

Every time Lu Mousheng said a word, he took a step towards the two, and the oppressive breath made the two keep retreating.

The two wanted to refute, but they should not refute for a while.

Tao Le faltered for a long time and said: "Even so, you shouldn't watch the show from the sidelines."

Lu Mousheng laughed and left: "I shouldn't be watching the show, this is the funniest joke, go find out why, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

Just when Lu Miaosheng wanted to leave directly, a huge pulling force fell on him.

Lu Miaosheng instinctively wanted to resist, but at this moment, a sentence came from his mind.

"Boss, it's me, Rhodes."

Lu Miaosheng's eyes moved, he stopped resisting, and let this force pull him.

In the next second, Lu Miaosheng disappeared into this space without a trace of him.

Tao Le and the others looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

what happened?

Why did this person just disappear in front of them?
space power?

But the use of space power is not allowed in the Immortal Mountain, otherwise they would have used the void to come in.

This silenced them for a moment.

In another space, the figure of Lu Miaosheng appeared here.

This is a large hall, and Luo Hua is now in the medicine pool in the middle of the hall.

The dark green liquid was very rich, and Luo Hua's whole body was soaked in it.


The moment he saw Lu Miansheng, Luo Luo immediately yelled.

Lu Mousheng smiled: "It seems that you are very excited."

Luo Luode smiled bitterly: "It's been a long time since I saw you, but I can't get excited to see you. I thought I could fight you if I got the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor, but I didn't expect it to be impossible."

Way to make a living:
"I see you are itchy."

"Boss, you are really perverted. How did you cultivate? I have only cultivated to the Legendary Realm after obtaining this level of inheritance. It takes precipitation to reach the Mythical Realm. How can you reach the Mythical Realm so easily now?"

"I said it all, don't compare with me, it will only hurt your self-confidence."

There is nothing to be proud of about making a living. It is better than Luo Luohua, which is nothing more than a normal thing.

"Do you still want to practice in this medicine pool now?"

Luo Luode said: "That's right, I will continue to practice in this medicine pool in the future, but don't worry now, after reaching the Legendary Realm, I can take the entire inheritance cave into my body, take it back and practice slowly, and keep it alive." It’s too ostentatious to be here.”

Lu Miaosheng nodded: "You are right about this point, let's go, go out and continue."

Luo Luo nodded: "Well, Boss, you follow me, I can teleport away from here directly, you can't use space power here, but I can."

Lu Miaosheng nodded: "Okay."

Then Rhodes activated the space power, and the figures of the two disappeared in this space, along with this cave.

This is not the entire Immortal Mountain space, but only a small part of it, a small part of the real inheritance site, and other places are just left by the Immortal Emperor to attract people's attention.

Just so that his descendants will not be disturbed.

The figures of the two reappeared in a restaurant in a big city.

There are all kinds of delicacies on the table, and the two sit opposite each other.

Luo Luode waved his hand: "Boss, eat whatever you want, I'll treat you!"

Lu Mousheng smiled: "So generous? Could it be that he is next to a rich woman?"

Luo Luode smiled: "How is it possible? It's all my own hard work. Am I the kind of person who is close to rich women?"

In any case, he saved Zi Tong himself, so it's not too much to say that he got it through hard work, right?

According to Rhodes's logic, there seems to be nothing wrong.

The two discussed things while eating, especially Lu Miaosheng was curious about what happened outside.

He has been in Tianmen retreat for nearly a year, and during this year, he has no idea what happened to the outside world.

Therefore, to make a living, Lu still needs to get some news from Luo Luo that he does not know.

Lu Mousheng ate, and said, "In other words, the people who came out of the burrow more or less had construction forces or joined forces, and there were basically no lone wolves among them, right?"

Rhodes also replied while eating: "Yes, one of the biggest forces is the Catacombs Organization."

"They don't know what method they used to connect all the people who came out of the burrow, but they are also more like a platform."

"It's the kind of place where you don't care about anything. If you do something on it, they will charge a handling fee. It's a place for people from our burrow to communicate."

Lu Miaosheng was a little puzzled: "Can this be considered the biggest force?"

Luo Luohua ate something and returned: "Don't underestimate this force, who are the people behind them? How many people are there? We don't know these things, and after a year of development, the strength of the people behind them is now How strong is it?"

"We don't know these things, but someone has speculated that based on so many resources collected by the Catacombs, their strength will definitely not be weak, and they may not necessarily be stronger than us."

"Because this catacomb organization has not only developed on the Sky Continent, they can connect the seven worlds, which means that they have collected resources from the seven worlds in total."

Thinking about this, Lu Miaosheng suddenly realized that the Catacomb Organization seemed to be really powerful.

"Then have you ever thought that this Catacomb organization is not organized by people, but the Catacomb itself?"

Luode Hua shook his head: "No, and it won't be, because people from this Catacomb organization will come out to speak and issue missions from time to time, and it seems that they are all purposeful activities. For some forces, I think they are giving members of the organization Collect inheritance."

Lu Miaosheng said: "That is to say, they appeared in the public eye, right?"

Rhodes nodded: "That's right, these people have appeared in the public eye, but very rarely, they only appeared three times in a year, but the strange thing is, every time they appear, all of us who joined the burrow Everyone can know."

Lu Miaosheng nodded, and he couldn't think of anything special for a while.

"Since you said that there is a way for us to contact this crypt, then you can also pull me in."

The way to enter the Catacombs organization is very simple, familiar people pull each other, and there are many other ways, but this is the simplest and fastest way.

Rhodes nodded: "Okay, I'll pull you in right now."

Next, Lu Miansheng also successfully entered this organization.

This is an extra virtual interface in his mind, which is somewhat similar to the way of water forums.

Among them, the friend column also exists. With Luo Luohua adding friends, Lu Miaosheng also began to look at this interface.

It is found that tasks can be posted here, asking for help
Many things can be posted on it, and there is no limit to the content on it.

It is everyone's right to post whatever they want, but there is a price for posting tasks and posts.

At the same time, these posts are also divided into regions, and you need to pay a price for the level you want to post in the region of which level you want to post.

For example, for the gold-level plate, you have to pay a gold-level essence, or something equal to the gold-level essence.

In this way, you can post tasks or posts on the board of the Golden Realm.

Similarly, speaking requires the same price.

Therefore, there will be no water stickers. This is all money, and water is throwing money.

No one would do it if it wasn't necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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