Chapter 102 Learning is the real thing (102)

Cheng Gui looked up at her and got out of the car.

Uncle Li raised his eyebrows with joy: "Come on, young master, then I'll pick you up later, don't worry, eat slowly."


Uncle Li drove away in a hurry.

"Sister Mo."

A voice appeared behind the two of them.

Shu Liang turned her head and saw Li Sihong looking at her with red eyes.

It's not the kind of red eye sockets after crying, but the kind of bloodshot eyes. His hair looks messy, as if it hasn't been combed for several days, his face is blue, his lips are almost bloodless, and the whole person looks like It's all bad, even a little creepy.

Shu Liang didn't expect that after only a few days of seeing each other, he made himself like this, and couldn't help frowning.

Li Si didn't seem to see her eyes, and said with a voice like a handful of rough stones, "I want to talk to you."

"it is good."

As soon as the words finished, Shu Liang felt the young man beside her grab her hand suddenly.

"You go to my house first, I will come later."

After finishing speaking, her complexion did not change, she brushed his hand away lightly, and walked towards Li Si.

Cheng Gui didn't move, just stood there quietly, looking at the backs of the two with unpredictable expressions.


After saying goodbye to Li Si, Shu Liang turned around and saw Cheng Gui who was stuck in place, but he was not surprised. He looked at his expressionless handsome face, rolled his eyes, and asked with a smile, "Are you angry?"

Cheng Gui turned his head away with a cold expression.

Shu Liang raised her eyebrows, "Ignore me?"

Cheng Gui still ignored her, turned around, but suddenly realized something, his expression froze, and he lowered his head.

He couldn't move his legs.

Seeing his calm appearance, Shu Liang felt a little cute, and walked slowly in front of him, gently stroking the boy's fair face with her fingertips, like a bully molesting good women and men.

"You should know that I am a very protective person. I will never take the initiative to send my things to a person who frequently rejects me, unless..."

With a drawn-out tone, Shu Liang smiled meaningfully.

Cheng Gui took a tight breath, "Unless what?"

Shu Liang smiled and threw the question back: "What do you think?"

Cheng Gui's eyelids drooped slightly, "I don't know."

"Oh, that's fine."

Shu Liang sighed helplessly, "I'll tell you something."

"what's up?"

"My mother won't let me fall in love in college."


Cheng Gui's heart suddenly sank.

Did he think wrong?

She saw through his mind, so she said that on purpose, as a reminder?Or refuse?

Shu Liang looked at the young man's increasingly pale face in puzzlement.

She said it so clearly, didn't he catch it?


Then why didn't he answer her question?

Shu Liang frowned and waved his hands: "Forget it, let me just say it. Anyway——"

Cheng Gui closed his eyes, as if waiting for a trial, with an unprecedentedly heavy heart.

He could feel the hot air exhaled by the girl when she stood on tiptoe to speak in his ears, itching, which made his heart tremble uncontrollably.

What echoed in my mind was the girl's smiling voice.

"At the same table, would you like to have a secret relationship with me?"

...Steal, secretly fall in love?

Did he hear it right?
Cheng Gui blinked very slowly, and began to suspect that all this was his dream.

There is an unreal feeling of stepping on a cloud.

Speaking of which, after living for tens of thousands of years, it was the first time that Shu Liang, the devil king, invited others to be a partner. On the surface, he seemed calm and well-planned, but in fact he was a little bit nervous.

After waiting for a while, there was no reply, the young man in front of her just looked at her silently, his eyes were straight and dark.

Shu Liang was a little irritable, frowned impatiently, turned around and left.

"It's fine if you don't want to."

Her tone was a little heavy. In order to make her back look particularly imposing, she straightened her back, held her head high, and moved her hands slightly with the rhythm of her steps.

The wrist was pulled from behind.

"I am willing."

Shu Liang felt that according to her temper, she should try her best to shake off Cheng Gui's hand at this time, then without turning her head, said "it's late" coldly, and finally walked away, leaving him dumbfounded.

However, at the moment when the skin touched, an inexplicable soothing feeling flowed through her limbs, making her hesitate.

Just as Shu Liang was about to turn around, his wrists suddenly tightened, and he was hugged from behind, and Cheng Gui held him in his arms.

Smelling the soothing sandalwood fragrance on his body, Shu Liang decided to forgive him for his silence just now.


"What are you angry about today?"

On the road, the two walked side by side, slowly.

A journey of less than 5 minutes was more than doubled.

Hearing this, Cheng Gui's eyelashes trembled slightly, he held the girl's hand slightly tighter, and softly denied, "I'm not angry."

That's what he said in his mouth, but his small expressions and small movements clearly revealed the meaning of duplicity.

Shu Liang suppressed a smile, and teased, "Oh, if you're not angry, then you're jealous?"

Not giving him a chance to deny it, she immediately asked, "Whose jealous?"

Speaking of which, Shu Liang was a little puzzled.

She felt that she didn't do anything today except eat snacks and take a 5-minute break between classes to take advantage of the time when the teacher went out to smoke.

Could it be the vinegar from snacks?
Then she can't help it.

Life is precious, love is higher.

For gourmet reasons, both can be thrown away.

Shu Liang had already imagined a balance in his mind, one end was Cheng Gui, and the other end was originally empty, but suddenly a mountain of snacks fell from the sky and landed on the other end of the scale with a bang, then Cheng Gui was tilted up and turned into a Take off in place as a meteor.

The picture is a bit funny, Shu Liang raised the corner of his mouth very unkindly.

At this moment, the youth's clear voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"Tong Zizhen."

She froze for a moment, turned to look at him, and asked, "Who is Tong Zizhen?"


Uncompromising, Cheng Gui felt a lot better when he heard her non-thinking rhetorical question.

He patiently explained: "The person who came to see you today."

As soon as the words fell, the scene of the two talking happily in the corridor, shoulder to shoulder, appeared in front of my eyes.

Cheng Gui's eyes dimmed.

After a pause, he pursed his lips and added, "He put his hand on your shoulder, but you didn't push it away."

"Tsk," Shu Liang suddenly realized, chuckled lightly, scratched the young man's palm, and explained: "He saw that Gu Wu and I had a good time, and came to me to ask about her news. What's there to be jealous about?"

A moment of silence.


He didn't look very happy.

Shu Liang didn't hear anything strange from his calm tone, "Next time if you want to know anything, you can just ask me directly, don't hold back your wild thoughts."

(End of this chapter)

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